DB2 Everyplace Database Edition Release Notes for Version 9.1

Welcome to the DB2® Everyplace® Version 9.1 Release Notes.

This document contains the enhancements that are addressed by DB2 Everyplace version 9 release 1 (hereafter referred to as DB2 Everyplace V9.1).

New features for the DB2 Everyplace database

  • Support for JDBC 3.0 Savepoint

    An application can set, release, or roll back a transaction to designated savepoints.

  • Support for Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework 2.0
  • Support for 128-byte identifiers

    The maximum length of table names, column names and index names has been extended from 18 bytes to 128 bytes.

  • Support for unique index
  • Support for the following new data types: CHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA

    You can store fixed-length byte strings by using CHAR FOR BIT DATA type. VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA type allows you to store variable-length binary strings.


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