DB2 Everyplace SDK Installation Notes for Version 8.1.4

Welcome to the DB2 Everyplace SDK Version 8.1.4 installation notes. These installation notes contain information about:


This section explains the hardware, software, and operating system requirements for DB2 Everyplace SDK Version 8.1.4.

Hardware requirements

To use the DB2 Everyplace SDK, your system must meet the following hardware requirements:

Operating system requirements

The DB2 Everyplace SDK runs on the following operating systems:

Installing the DB2 Everyplace SDK

To install the DB2 Everyplace SDK:

  1. Run the setup program:

    If you are installing from the DB2 Everyplace Web site, run the product executable file. Depending on where you obtained the SDK, this may be called DB2Everyplace.exe or DB2Everyplace81-SDK.exe. When you run this file, the installation files are extracted to your temporary directory and the setup program runs automatically. The Welcome panel opens.

  2. Click Next to read the Install Notes. After reading the Install Notes, click Next to view the License Agreement. After accepting the License Agreement, click Next to open the destination directory panel.
  3. Type the directory where you would like to install the DB2 Everyplace SDK or click Browse to select a directory. After selecting the destination directory, click Next. The Select the installation type window opens.
  4. Select the installation setup type:
    • Typical: This setup type will install DB2 Everyplace SDK with the most functionality and features using a typical configuration with default values. This is recommended for most users.
    • Custom: Select the features you would like to install on your computer. This is recommended for advanced users who are familiar with DB2 Everyplace.
    Click Next.
  5. If you selected Custom: A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Select the options you want to install, and click Next. The Installation begins as the progress bar charts the progress of the installation.
  6. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

Uninstalling the DB2 Everyplace SDK

This section explains how to uninstall the DB2 Everyplace SDK.

To uninstall the DB2 Everyplace SDK:

1. Start the Uninstall Setup Wizard either by using Add/Remove Programs or by running Uninstall_SDK.exe located in <DB2 Everyplace SDK directory>\Uninstaller directory. You must run this as an administrator.

2. Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall the DB2 Everyplace SDK.


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