DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition installation notes for Version 8.1.4

Welcome to the DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1.4 installation notes. These install notes contain information about:


This section explains the hardware, software, and operating system requirements for DB2 Everyplace Version 8.1.4.

Hardware requirements

To use DB2 Everyplace, your system must meet the following hardware requirements:

Software requirements

To use DB2 Everyplace Sync Server, you must have the following software installed:

Note: If you do not have DB2 Universal Database installed, DB2 Everyplace 8.1.4 Setup Wizard will install an embedded version of DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition on your computer to be used with DB2 Everyplace.

Operating system requirements

DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition runs on the following operating systems:

Migration considerations

This section describes Version 8.1.4 migration issues and provides the necessary instructions for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server and Sync Client:

Pre-installation considerations

Adjusting operating system parameters for UNIX

In order for DB2 Everyplace to operate with the highest degree of efficiency, system parameters in DB2 Universal Database need to be adjusted. Failure to do so, can result in unexpected interruptions, and the inability to create a new connection to the database.

For Linux and Solaris, it is recommended that the kernel parameters are adjusted. This section provides the instructions for Linux, and Solaris. Note: Only 32 bit DB2 Universal Database instances are supported.

On all UNIX platforms, modify the login profile to include the following :

export DISPLAY=<workstation>:0.0
Where <workstation> is the UNIX workstation where you want to use the Mobile Device Administration Center.
Note: You also need to export the DISPLAY variable in the shell from which you want to start the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.


For Linux systems running kernel 2.4 or higher, issue the following commands on the command line as the root user:

To execute the commands automatically, edit the file /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and place the above commands at the end of the file. On every subsequent system boot, the values will be set automatically. Additional setting recommendations can be found in the DB2 UDB Version 7.2 or Version 8.1 Release Notes for Linux.


For Solaris systems, the default system kernel parameters are insufficient to run DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Everyplace. These values can be added or edited in the file, /etc/system. The recommended kernel settings are listed in the DB2 Universal Database Version 7.2, FixPak 7 Release Notes. You can find these Release Notes at http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/ad/db2irfp7/db2ir50.htm.

The format for setting these values is

set parameter_name = value

The suggested parameters in the DB2 Universal Database Release Notes for Version 7.2 and Version 8.1 for Solaris should be further adjusted to include the following minimum values:

After modification of any kernel parameters, reboot the system to make the kernel settings effective.

Installing the DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition

To install DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition on a Windows server:

  1. Run the setup program:

    If you are installing from a CD-ROM:

    • For Windows, insert the DB2 Everyplace CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. The DB2 Everyplace installer opens. If the DB2 Everyplace installer does not open, begin installation by double-clicking the DB2Everyplace.exe file located on the DB2 Everyplace CD-ROM.

    If you are installing from the DB2 Everyplace Web site:

    • For Windows, run DB2Everyplace.exe
    The Welcome panel opens.
  2. Click Next to open the Install Notes panel. Select the check box next to Launch the DB2 Everyplace Install Notes if want to view the install notes in your default browser. Click Next to launch the browser and open the License Agreement panel.
  3. In License Agreement panel read the License Agreement and after accepting the License Agreement, click Next to open the destination directory panel.
  4. Type the directory where you would like to install DB2 Everyplace or click Browse to select a directory. After selecting the destination directory, click Next. The Select the installation type panel opens.
  5. Select the installation setup type:
    • Typical: For most users who want to install DB2 Everyplace with the most functionality and features using a typical configuration with default values.
    • Custom: For advanced users who want to choose the features to be installed.
    • Multiple Server: Installs DB2 Everyplace on multiple servers for high availability and load balancing environments.
    • Control Database only: Installs the DB2 Everyplace Control database only.
    • DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only: Installs the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only.
    Click Next.
  6. If you select Typical, the DB2 Everyplace Setup Wizard:
    • will not create a response file during the installation
    • creates the DB2 Everyplace sample databases, server sample application, and installs the pre-configured windows client application for demonstrating synchronization.
    • starts the windows service for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server at the end of the installation.
    Proceed to Step 10.
  7. If you select the Custom installation setup type:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next. The Select install actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select sample actions panel opens.
    3. Select the check box next to the sample action that you want to enable. You can specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace sample databases and Visiting Nurse sample application, or to install a pre-configured windows client for demonstrating synchronization with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. Click Next. The Select Service action panel opens.
    4. Select the check box if you want the Setup Wizard to start the Windows Service for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server at the end of the installation. Click Next.
    Proceed to Step 10.
  8. If you select Multiple server:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next. The Select Installation actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select sample actions panel opens.
    3. Select the check box next to the sample action that you want to enable. You can specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace sample databases and Visiting Nurse sample application, or to install a pre-configured windows client for demonstrating synchronization with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. Click Next. The Select Control database action panel opens.
    4. A panel opens where you can select whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create control database on this computer. Select the check box next to Create DB2 Everyplace Sync Server control database if you would like this server to have the control database and Click Next. If you choose not to create the control database on this server, Remote Control database information panel opens. If you choose to create the control database on this server, proceed to Step 10.
    5. Type the hostname of the machine on which the remote control database resides, the connection port for the DB2 instance, the name of the node which will be created in the local node directory to catalog the remote control database, user name and the password to connect to the remote control database. Click Next. Proceed to Step 10.
  9. If you select Control database only:

    Proceed to Step 13.

  10. If you select DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next. The Select install actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select service action panel opens.
    3. Select the check box if you want the Setup Wizard to start the Windows Service for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server at the end of the installation. Click Next. The Remote Control database information panel opens.
    4. Type the hostname of the machine on which the remote control database resides, the connection port for the DB2 instance, the name of the node which will be created in the local node directory to catalog the remote control database, and the user name and password to connect to the remote control database. Click Next. Proceed to 14.
  11. Informational panels open if you do not have DB2 Universal Database installed on your computer. If you have DB2 Universal Database installed on your computer, proceed to Step 11.
    1. You will be required to specify the directory where you would like to install the embedded version of DB2 Universal Database. Type the name of the directory, or click Browse to select the directory name. After specifying the directory, click Next
    2. You will be required to specify the user information for the DB2 UDB Database Administration Server. You can either use an existing Administrative user or specify a new user that will be created on your computer. Select the check box in order to use the same authentication information for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. Click Next. If you select the check box, proceed to Step 14.
  12. The JDBC migration panel opens. Select Yes if would you like to migrate the JDBC subscriptions at the end of the DB2 Everyplace installation. The migration process requires that the source databases used in the JDBC subscriptions be active during the migration process. In addition, you must perform the steps listed in the Migration considerations for Version 8.1.4 . If you select No, you must migrate the JDBC subscriptions before you can start the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. Click Next. The User reset panel opens.
  13. This panel tells you that there are users with unfinished synchronizations sessions or cancelled synchronizations. DB2 Everyplace Sync Server for Version 8.1.4 uses a new message store and overwrites the existing leftover messages from these users. These users will receive an error when they try to synchronize again after DB2 Everyplace is migrated to Version 8.1.4. To avoid receiving this error, the users must be reset. Select Yes if you would like to have the users reset at the end of the installation. Select No if you want to reset the users youeself. Select Cancel if you wish to exit the Setup Wizard and let the users finish the synchorinization sessions. Click Next.
  14. The Specify DB2 UDB logon information panel opens. Type the authentication information that DB2 Everyplace Sync Server will use to logon to the DB2 UDB DAS. After specifying the required information, click Next.
  15. The Pre-Install summary panel opens which lists the features that will be installed on your computer and the configuration information for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. It will also list the configuration information for the embedded Application Server. The Server port and the SSL port listed on this panel is used by the clients to synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. After reading the pre-install summary, click Next.
  16. The Installation begins as the progress bar charts the progress of the installation.
    The following list applies to the typical installation type only. For other installations types, the installation Setup Wizard performs a subset of these tasks.
    During the installation of the typical installation type, the installation Setup Wizard:
    • Installs the following:
      • the embedded version of DB2 Universal Database. (if DB2 UDB is not installed). If the installation is unsuccessful, the Setup Wizard opens the error log and will abort. If the installation of the embedded version of DB2 UDB is successful, then the Setup Wizard continues.
      • DB2 Everyplace. During this installation, the files for the selected setup type and features will be copied into the destination directory that was specified previously
      • the embedded version of the Application Server.
    • Performs pre-installation configuration task:
      • catalogs the remote control database in the local database catalog. This step will be performed only for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only Setup type and Multiple Server setup type with remote control database.
    • Performs post-installation configuration tasks, which include:
      • updates the classpath for the Mobile Devices Administration Center (if you are using DB2 Universal Database Version 8)
      • creates the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server control database
      • creates the DB2 Everyplace sample databases
      • creates the server sample application
    • Starts the Windows Service for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.
    • Opens the post-install summary panel. This panel contains instructions for the post-install verification. It also provides instructions on how to synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server that you installed using the pre-configured panels client. After reading the information, click Finish.
  17. Congratulations! You have successfully installed DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition.

To install DB2 Everyplace Enterprise on a UNIX server:

  1. Run the setup program DB2Everyplace.bin as the root user. The Welcome panel opens.
  2. Click Next to open the Install Notes panel. Select the check box next to Launch the DB2 Everyplace Install Notes if want to view the install notes in your default browser. Click Next to launch the browser and open the License Agreement panel
  3. In License Agreement panel read the License Agreement and after accepting the License Agreement, click Next to open the Select the installation type panel.
  4. Select the installation setup type:
    • Typical: For most users who want to install DB2 Everyplace with the most functionality and features using a typical configuration with default values
    • Custom: For advanced users who want to choose the features to be installed
    • Multiple Server: Installs DB2 Everyplace on multiple servers for high availability and load balancing environments.
    • Control Database only: Installs the DB2 Everyplace Control database only.
    • DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only: Installs the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only.
    Click Next.
  5. If you select Typical, the DB2 Everyplace Setup Wizard:
    • will not create a response file during the installation
    • creates the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance, creates the DB2 Everyplace sample databases, and the server sample application.
    Proceed to Step 10.
  6. If you select the Custom installation setup type:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next. The Select install actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select UNIX post install actions panel opens.
    3. Select the check box next to the post install actions that you want to enable. You can specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance or to create the DB2 Everyplace sample databases and Visiting Nurse server sample application. Click Next.
  7. If you select Multiple server:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next. The Select install actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select UNIX post install actions panel opens.
    3. Select the check box next to the post install actions that you want to enable. You can specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance. You can also specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the control database for this DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance. You can also specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace sample databases and Visiting Nurse server sample application for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance being created. After selecting the appropriate Post install actions, Click Next.
    4. If you chose not to create the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server control database for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance, Remote control database information panel opens. Type the hostname of the remote machine which hosts the control database, connection port for the DB2 instance and the name for the local node being created to catalog the remote control database. Click Next to proceed to Step 9.
  8. If you select Control database only:

    Proceed to Step 11.

  9. If you select DB2 Everyplace Sync Server only:
    1. A panel opens where you can select the features that you want to install. Click Next, the Select install actions panel opens.
    2. Select the check box next to the installation action that you want to enable. You can select both options, but you must select at least one. If you do not select an installation action, you will receive an error. Specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to install DB2 Everyplace on your computer or to generate a response file. A response file is used to record the user responses required during an interactive installation. It can be used for automating installation on other computers. After selecting the appropriate installation actions, click Next. The Select UNIX post install actions panel opens.
    3. Select the check box next to the post install action that you want to enable. You can specify whether you would like the Setup Wizard to create the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance. Click Next.
    4. The Specify DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance information panel opens. Type the user name, password, and the locale for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance. After specifying the required information, click Next. The Remote Control database information panel opens.
    5. Type the hostname of the machine on which the remote control database resides, the connection port for the DB2 instance, the name of the node which will be created in the local node directory to catalog the remote control database, user name and the password to connect to the remote control database. Click Next to proceed to Step 12.
  10. Informational panels open if you do not have DB2 Universal Database installed on your computer. If you have DB2 Universal Database installed on your computer, proceed to Step 6.
    1. You will be required to specify the user information for the DB2 Database Administration Server instance. Type the name of the user, the password, the name of the primary group and the users home directory. Click Next.
    2. You will be required to specify the user information for the DB2 instance owner. Type the name of the user, the password, the name of the primary group and the user's home directory. Click Next.
    3. You will be required to specify the user information for the DB2 fenced user. Type the name of the user, the password, the name of the primary group and the user's home directory. Click Next.
  11. The JDBC migration panel opens. Select Yes if would you like to migrate the JDBC subscriptions at the end of the DB2 Everyplace installation. The migration process requires that the source databases used in the JDBC subscriptions be active during the migration process. In addition, you must perform the steps listed in the Migration considerations for Version 8.1.4 . If you select No, you must migrate the JDBC subscriptions before you can start the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. Click Next. The User reset panel opens.
  12. This panel tells you that there are users with unfinished synchronizations sessions or cancelled synchronizations. DB2 Everyplace Sync Server for Version 8.1.4 uses a new message store and overwrites the existing leftover messages from these users. These users will receive an error when they try to synchronize again after DB2 Everyplace is migrated to Version 8.1.4. To avoid receiving this error, the users must be reset. Select Yes if you would like to have the users reset at the end of the installation. Select No if you want to reset the users youeself. Select Cancel if you wish to exit the Setup Wizard and let the users finish the synchorinization sessions. Click Next.
  13. The Specify DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance information panel opens. Type the user name, password, and the locale for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance. After specifying the required information, click Next.
  14. The Pre-Install summary panel opens which lists the features that will be installed on your computer and the configuration information for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. It will also list the configuration information for the embedded Application Server - Express. The Server port and the SSL port listed on this panel is used by the clients to synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server. After reading the pre-install summary, click Next.
  15. The Installation begins as the progress bar charts the progress of the installation. During the installation, the installation Setup Wizard:
    • Installs the following:
      • the embedded version of DB2 Universal Database (if DB2 UDB is not installed). If the installation is unsuccessful, the Setup Wizard opens the error log and will abort. If the installation of the embedded version of DB2 Universal Database is successful, then the Setup Wizard continues.
      • DB2 Everyplace. During this installation, the files for the selected setup type and features will be copied into the destination directory that was specified previously
    • Performs post-installation configuration tasks, which include:
      • creates the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance
      • creates the DB2 Everyplace sample databases
      • creates the server sample application
      • installs the pre-configured Linux client (On Linux servers)
    • Opens the post-install summary panel. This panel contains instructions for the post-install verification. It also provides instructions on how to synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server that you installed using the pre-configured panels client. After reading the information, click Finish.
  16. Congratulations! You've successfully installed DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition.

Response file installation instructions

To install DB2 Everyplace Enterprise using a response file on a Windows server:

Type the following command: DB2Everyplace.exe -silent -options <response file name>

This example includes some of the available response file settings:

# Install location for DB2 Everyplace Enterprise
-P installLocation=C:\DB2Everyplace

# Install location for the embedded version of DB2 Universal Database
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2Path=C:\SQLLIB

# Authentication information for the DB2 Database Administration Server
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2Username=db2admin
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2Password=admindb2

# Authentication information for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2eUsername=db2admin
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2ePassword=admindb2

# Option to configure windows client for synchronization demonstration
-W DB2eConfigProps.createWin32Client=true

# Option to create sample database and server sample application
-W DB2eConfigProps.createSample=true

# Option to start windows service for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server at the end of installation
-W DB2eConfigProps.startWindowsService=true

To install DB2 Everyplace Enterprise using a response file on a UNIX server:

Type the following command: DB2Everyplace.bin -silent -options <response file name>

This example includes some of the available response file settings:

# User information for the DB2 Database Administration Server
-W DB2eConfigProps.dasInstance=dasusr1
-W DB2eConfigProps.dasInstanceGroup=dasadm1
-W DB2eConfigProps.dasInstanceHome=/home/dasusr1
-W DB2eConfigProps.dasInstancePassword=db2esync

# User information for the DB2 instance owner
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2Instance=db2inst2
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2InstanceGroup=db2grp1
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2InstanceHome=/home/db2inst2
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2InstancePassword=db2esync

# User information for the fenced user
-W DB2eConfigProps.fenceInstance=db2fenc1
-W DB2eConfigProps.fenceInstanceGroup=db2fgrp1
-W DB2eConfigProps.fenceInstanceHome=/home/db2fenc1
-W DB2eConfigProps.fenceInstancePassword=db2esync

# Option to create DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance
-W DB2eConfigProps.createDB2eInstance=true
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2eInstance=db2inst2
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2eInstancePassword=db2esync
-W DB2eConfigProps.db2eInstanceLocale=en_US

# Option to create sample database and server sample application
-W DB2eConfigProps.createSample=true

Post-install verification

To verify the installation on a Windows server:

1. To verify that the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server is started successfully on your computer, type the following URL in your browser window<port>/db2e/db2erdb

Replace <port> with the server port listed in the post-install summary panel. You will receive a message similar to DB2e SyncServer (Fri Sep 19 07:47:34 PDT 2003) specifying that the server was started successfully along with the date and the time it was started.

2. To synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server that is installed on your computer using the pre-configured Windows client, follow these instructions:

  1. Change the directory to %DSYINSTDIR%\Server\sample\democlient.
  2. Run goSample.bat. This will perform a synchronization operation with the server and you will see a message at the end indicating whether it was successful or not.
  3. To query the tables and update them, start the DB2 Everyplace Command Line Processor using DB2eCLP.exe.
  4. Connect to the database on the client using command: connect to ./data/jdbcsubdir/;
  5. You can then use the regular commands to query or update the tables in the database on the client.
  6. After changing the data on the client, you will need to synchronize your changes to the source by running goSample.bat again.

3. In order to stop the windows service for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server, use the services menu from the Control Panel. The name of the service created by the Setup Wizard for DB2 Everyplace Sync Server is IBM WebSphere Application Server V5 - IBMDB2eServer. You can also use the shortcuts from the start menu to start and stop DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.

4. In order to start Mobile Devices Administration Center, use the shortcut from the start menu. Alternately, you can also change directory to %DSYINSTDIR%\Server\bin and run dsyadmin.bat.

To create subscriptions and other synchronization objects in the Mobile Devices Administratyion Center, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide, Chapter 4. "Mobiles Devices Administration Center and sybchronization objects" and Chapter 5. "Using the Mobile Devices Administration Center".

To create subscriptions and other synchronization objects using the XML Scripting tool, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide, Chapter 6. "The XML Scripting tool".

To install DB2 Everyplace on the mobile devices, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide, Chapter 2, "Installing DB2 Everyplace on mobile devices".

Note: In order to access the DB2 Everyplace library, use the shortcuts located in Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 Everyplace -> Information. Alternatively, the DB2 Everyplace documentation is installed in %DSYINSTDIR%\doc\<lang> directory. Replace <lang> with the locale of the DB2 Everyplace Express installation.

To verify the installation on a Unix server:

  1. On Unix, you need to be logged in as the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance in order to perform any post-install verification.
  2. The DISPLAY variable must be exported to a valid display prior to starting the Mobile Devices Administration Center and the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.

1. Start the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server for the DB2 Everyplace instance created by the Setup Wizard. Open a new shell and change the directory to $DSYINSTDIR/Server/bin and execute dsysync.sh. You will receive a notification when the server is started.

2. To verify that the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server is started successfully on your computer, type the following URL in your browser window<port>/db2e/db2erdb.

Replace <port> with the server port listed in the post-install summary panel for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance created by the Setup Wizard. You will receive a message similar to DB2e SyncServer (Fri Sep 19 07:47:34 PDT 2003) specifying that the server was started successfully along with the date and the time it was started.

3. On Linux servers, to synchronize with the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server that is installed on your computer using the pre-configured Linux client, follow these instructions:

  1. Change the directory to $DSYINSTDIR/Server/sample/democlient.
  2. Run goSample.sh. This will perform a synchronization operation with the server and you will see a message at the end indicating whether it was successful or not.
  3. To query the tables and update them, start the DB2 Everyplace Command Line Processor using SampleCLP.
  4. Connect to the database on the client using command: connect to ./data/jdbcsubdir/;
  5. You can then use the regular commands to query / update the tables in the database on the client.
  6. After changing the data on the client, you will need to synchronize your changes to the source by running goSample.sh again.

4. To start the Mobile Devices Administration Center, change directory to $DSYINSTDIR/Server/bin and run dsyadmin.sh.
On Linux, you must start the DB2 JDBC Applet Server before starting Mobile Device Administration Center. This can be accomplished by running db2jstrt. The default port for the DB2 JDBC Applet Server is 6789. If port 6789 is already taken by another process, you must provide a different port as an optional parameter to db2jstrt. If you started the DB2 JDBC Applet Server on a port other than 6789, you must provide that port as a parameter to dsyadmin.sh. The DB2 JDBC Applet Server needs to be restarted every time the machine is rebooted.

5. To stop the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server, change the directory to $DSYINSTDIR/Server/bin and run dsysyncstop.sh. You will receive a notification when the server is stopped.

To create subscriptions and other synchronization objects in the Mobile Devices Administration Center, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide, Chapter 4. "Mobiles Devices Administration Center and sybchronization objects" and Chapter 5. "Using the Mobile Devices Administration Center".

To create subscriptions and other synchronization objects using the XML Scripting tool, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Sync Server Administration Guide, Chapter 6. "The XML Scripting tool".

To install DB2 Everyplace on the mobile devices, refer to the IBM DB2 Everyplace Installation and User's Guide, Chapter 2, "Installing DB2 Everyplace on mobile devices".

Note: The DB2 Everyplace documentation is installed in $DSYINSTDIR/doc/<lang> directory. Replace <lang> with the locale of the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance.

Post installation considerations

Creating a DB2 Everyplace instance on UNIX

If you did not create a DB2 Everyplace instance during installation or you would like to create additional instances outside of the installation process, use the dsyicreate.sh command. Note: A DB2 Everyplace instance must be a DB2 Universal Database instance as well. Therefore, only user IDs which are DB2 instance owners can host a DB2 Everyplace instance.

To create a DB2 Everyplace instance, use the dsyicreate.sh command located in the instance directory of the root installation directory
(/opt/DB2Everyplace81 on Linux and Solaris, /usr/lpp/DBEveryplace81 on AIX ). Run the dsyicreate.sh command as root user. Run dsyicreate.sh to display the list of parameters required to create a DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instance.

Uninstalling DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition

This section explains how to uninstall DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition on windows and Unix platforms.

To Uninstall DB2 Everyplace Enterprise on a Windows server:

Note: It is highly recommended that you stop the Windows Service for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server prior to uninstalling DB2 Everyplace. The Uninstall Setup Wizard will also uninstall the embedded version of DB2 UDB. You must drop all the databases created in the local system catalog prior to uninstalling DB2 Everyplace.

1. Start the Uninstall Setup Wizard either by using the Add/Remove Programs or by double clicking DB2EveryplaceUninstall.exe located in %DSYINSTDIR%\Uninstaller directory. You must run this as an administrator.

2. Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall DB2 Everyplace.

3. DB2 Everyplace Uninstall Setup Wizard will attempt to stop the Windows Service for the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server prior to removing it. In case of any errors, the error information will be logged into uninstall.log.

To Uninstall DB2 Everyplace Express Edition on a Unix server:

Note:It is highly recommended that you stop the servers running under the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instances prior to uninstalling the DB2 Everyplace. The Uninstall Setup Wizard will also uninstall the embedded version of DB2 UDB. You must drop the DB2 UDB DAS instance, DB2 UDB Fence user, all DB2 UDB instances and the databases created in the local system catalog prior to uninstalling the DB2 Everyplace.

1. Start the Uninstall Setup Wizard as the root user by running DB2EveryplaceUninstall.bin located in /opt/DB2Everyplace81/Uninstaller directory for Linux and Solaris and in /usr/lpp/DB2Everyplace81/Uninstaller for AIX.

2. Follow the instructions on the screen to uninstall DB2 Everyplace.

3. DB2 Everyplace Uninstall Setup Wizard will attempt to stop the servers running under the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server instances prior to dropping them. In case of any errors, the error information will be logged into uninstall.log.