Release notes - IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2

Fix pack 2 for IBM(R) Relationship Resolution version 4.2 is available and includes new product capability in addition to maintenance. It also included all items in IBM(R) Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1, as well as maintenance items from previous version 4.2 hot fixes.


About IBM Relationship Resolution

IBM Relationship Resolution helps organizations solve business problems related to recognizing the true identity of someone or something ("who is who") and determining the potential value or danger of relationships ("who knows who") among customers, employees, vendors, and other external forces. IBM Relationship Resolution provides immediate and actionable information to help prevent threat, fraud, abuse, and collusion in all industries.

New functions in IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2

Several new functions and enhancements are included in this fix pack:

Attribute and scoring customization
IBM Relationship Resolution provides functional enhancements for configuring attribute data and integrating scoring algorithms. These changes expand the size and types of identity data that can be compared and scored and enable the addition of new scoring algorithms in the entity resolution process. These capabilities are added with fix pack 2 and are generally referred to as attribute and scoring customization. For example, you could add identity data derived from fingerprints, retina scans, or DNA tests and compare and score them using a scoring plugin that includes an appropriate comparison algorithm.

Expanded Service API
The Expanded Service API updates IBM Relationship Resolution Web services by providing an object-rich SOAP API and corresponding UMF API of Web services operations. It also includes pipeline load balancing functionality for IBM Relationship Resolution Web services, which allows for pipeline redundancy and enhanced performance.

Visualizer usability enhancements
The user interface for the Visualizer has been enhanced to make tasks easier and provide a more intuitive and logical user experience.

Note: All Visualizer users must clear their browser cache before launching the Visualizer after the IBM Relationship Resolution 4.2 fix pack 2 installation. This allows the users to download the updated Visualizer files from the server.

IBM Event Manager updates
Fix pack 2 includes updates to the Event Manager additions provided in fix pack 1. Event Alert history is now on the Entity Resume. The Entity Events screen shows all event data associated with an entity, whether or not the event triggered an alert. The All Events report is added to reflect Entity Events.

Note: This fix pack and included documentation is provided in English. If you install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2, you will only see the fix pack function information when English is selected in your browser settings.

Installing and configuring IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2

You can install and configure IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 using the following steps.

  1. Start the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation program.
  2. Complete the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation.
  3. Run the post-installation database specific SQL scripts.

Starting the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation program

You must complete the following steps to start the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation program.

Before you begin:

Manually stop all running pipelines on the IBM Relationship Resolution installation that you are upgrading.

If you are installing the program on Microsoft Windows, you must copy the product installer executable to a local drive. The product installer will not run from either the CD/DVD or from a network drive.

  1. Obtain the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 download package.
  2. Uncompress the download package to a temporary directory.
  3. Browse to the temporary directory.
  4. Do one of the following steps:

Navigating the installation in command line mode

The following instructions will help you navigate the installer using the command line interface.

Navigating the installer in GUI mode

The following instructions will help you navigate the installer using the GUI interface.

Completing the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation

Complete the following installation program panels to install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2.

  1. On the Welcome panel, review the screen.
  2. On the Install Directory panel, type or browse to the directory (fully qualified path) in which to install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2. This directory must be the directory which contains your existing IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 installation. If browsing to an installation directory, you must click the Browse button, then browse to the directory one level above the install directory (create the new directory if needed). Then select the install directory and click the Open button.
    On Microsoft Windows, the install path length must not exceed 45 characters due to WebSphere restrictions.
  3. On the Product features panel, review the product features that will be installed.
  4. On the Summary Information panel, review the summary (click back if any changes are needed), and then click the Next button to complete the installation.
  5. On the Installation Complete Summary Information panel, review the summary, and then click the Finish button to exit the installation. When installing on Solaris systems, you might see the No such file or directory message on the final window. You can safely ignore this warning message.

Running the post-installation database specific SQL scripts for FP2

In order for your IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 installation to be complete, you must run the post-installation database specific SQL scripts.

The following scripts update the schema of your IBM Relationship Resolution installation database.

  1. Determine the installed components (PRODUCT) and their level (VERSION) by running the following SQL command: SELECT * from SRD_PRODUCT_VERSIONS;
    If the result for VERSION is: Then do the following:
    < 4.2.0 Do not continue. The current installation is for a version of IBM Relationship Resolution that is earlier than version 4.2. Make sure that version 4.2 is installed correctly and then install the fix pack.
    = 4.2.0 Continue to step 2.
    = 4.2.1 Continue to step 2.
    = 4.2.2 Stop. IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 is installed and the SQL scripts for the fix pack were run correctly.
  2. Browse to the IBM Relationship Resolution installation directory and subdirectory containing post installation SQL scripts.
    1. Browse to the /sql subdirectory.
    2. Browse to the subdirectory for your specific database installation.
  3. Run one of the post installation SQL scripts for each PRODUCT installed on your system that was displayed by the SQL command above:
    PRODUCT listed by the above SQL command SQL script
    • RELRES_4.2.0_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.0)
    • RELRES_4.2.1_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.1)
    • RELRES.NO_HIST_4.2.0_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.0)
    • RELRES.NO_HIST_4.2.1_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.1)
    • CMEAdmin_4.2.0_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.0)
    • CMEAdmin_4.2.1_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.1)
    • EAS-Console_4.2.0_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.0)
    • EAS-Console_4.2.1_4.2.2.sql (for 4.2.1)
  4. Validate that fix pack 2 has been installed correctly by running the SQL command again: SELECT * from SRD_PRODUCT_VERSIONS;. You should see 4.2.2 under the VERSION heading for each of the installed PRODUCTS.

IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 2 maintenance items

Note: If you are upgrading an IBM Relationship Resolution installation that uses IBM Entity Analytic Solutions Name Manager, please look at the IBM Entity Analytic Solutions Name Manager configuration topics in the information center for updates.

This fix pack includes the following maintenance items:

Pipeline fails because clause is too large.
Name scoring is done differently in the candidate building than in scoring section of the code.
Pipeline pulls in all data attached to a disclosed relationship account.
Scoring issue with Individual Culture Entities vs. Companies.
Need a way to sequence output messages from entity resolution.
Role Alert Detail report is missing details.
Entity Relationship graph for an entity involved in an Event Alert properties pane shows duplicate information.
Missing XML files.
Issue with Disclosed Relations after 4.1 upgrade.
Console entity-type value-checking.
Console - field height.
Console - Attribute Denial text change.
SUIT - Index file.
Duplicate disclosed relations with different descriptions.
Visualizer file-load has missing Name record and Alert.
Empty NAME_GEN tags not handled properly in GNRNameHasher.
Number matching produces unexpected relationships when hash_length is changed.
"Passive Load - Num_DENIAL does not work correctly with Name Manager turned on.
APAR PJ33242 GNR scoring issue fix.
Confirm weight is not logged for attribute denial.
Accented characters (French language) are displayed as question marks in the console.
Child resolution data is missing from the master document.
Pipeline does not publish deleted relationships.
ipsdb00051350 (ipsdb00029131)
Child ER Session does not publish UMF_MATCH.
(APAR PJ34650) Relationships exist in EAS but not in EDW. UMF_ENTITY. Docs put through with a DSRC_ACTION of 'X' generate unexpected output messages and SEP_RELATION score changes.
(APAR PJ34650) New Name Key solution.
(APAR PJ34739) Performance issues for NC2 vs NM.
(APAR PJ34725) Number uniqueness did not take into account NUM_LOCATION when stored in the entity structure. This is a problem when NUM_LOCATION confirmation is used. The entity structure only keeps the first number of matching type and hash, so when the same number from different accounts with a differing or missing NUM_LOCATION is used, inconsistent NUM_LOCATION confirmations result. In cases where this makes the difference between a 100 Like score and a lower score, this can cause un-resolve re-resolve loops.
(APAR PJ34723) When using LAS only, the 'determine resolvability' function still decides which name comparator to use from the system_param table. In this case no name comparator should be used at all. This causes resolution rules to ignore LAS name scores when satisfying match merge rules and log 0,0,0 for LAS.
(APAR PJ34725) Pipeline gets fatal error loading a record.
IBM Relationship Resolution V4.2 Visualizer - Role Alert/Entity Graph - 'Hide Attribute' option is not available in Linux.
Users need to be able to reload CEP rules while the system is running. A reload button has been added.
Characteristic data in the Find By Attribute search-results list is displayed incorrectly when the gnrNameHasher feature is enabled.
Cannot delete disclose relationship from Visualizer.
A query in Pipeline Code is incorrect.
Function 610 does not allow a single value.
Pipeline should validate that DQM parameter indexes are sequential on startup.
Validate MM configuration ID at startup.
AP_RULE table is different between 4.2.1 Install and upgrade from 4.2.0.
Errors with Console number-types, range checking, and validations.
Errors in Visualizer - Hide Search entities.
The pipeline mistakenly increments the number of location neutrals when other data (NAME, ADDRESS, etc.) is ingested and combined with other Event Reporting criteria.
Missing entries in SEP_CONFLICT for DR.
Cannot load a UMF file with blank lines through the Visualizer.

Maintenance items included from previous hot fixes:

The Degrees of Separation function



The Passive Load feature


Search features


Name Manager functions

Data display


System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at or see the IBM Relationship Resolution Installation and Configuration Guide that is available on the Quick Start CD.


You can search for the IBM Relationship Resolution 4.2 announcement at See the announcement for the following information:

Known problems and issues

Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at

As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

At time of publication, there were no known installation problems. Be sure to check the Support knowledge base for any late-breaking information.

Note: Several components will not be supported or developed further in future versions of IBM Relationship Resolution. It is recommended that all future development be done without using the following:


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