Release notes - IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1

Fix pack 1 for IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 is available and includes new product capability in addition to maintenance.


About IBM Relationship Resolution

IBM Relationship Resolution helps organizations solve business problems related to recognizing the true identity of someone or something ("who is who") and determining the potential value or danger of relationships ("who knows who") among customers, employees, vendors, and other external forces. IBM Relationship Resolution provides immediate and actionable information to help prevent threat, fraud, abuse, and collusion in all industries.

New functions in IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1

Several new functions and enhancements are included in this fix pack:

IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature
The IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature enables improved name parsing, culture classification, and name hash generation processes of IBM Relationship Resolution by leveraging IBM Global Name Recognition technology. The improved capabilities of the name hygiene process enable the IBM Relationship Resolution pipelines to build better candidate lists. The generation of more accurate and robust candidate lists directly improves entity resolution.

Using the IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature with an IBM Relationship Resolution installation which includes the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager add-on product provides the ability to classify names for culture and to accurately compare and score names on the candidate list in a culturally sensitive context.

Customers should not enable this feature on an existing IBM Relationship Resolution version 4 2 installation. If the IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature is enabled on an existing installation without reloading all existing data in the system from the data sources, entity resolution of new data will fail against the existing data in the system. The required installation method for customers wanting to enable the IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature is to perform a clean IBM Relationship Resolution version 4 2 installation, then install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1, then manually enable the IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature, and finally load all of the data into the system.

The IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature is not enabled by default. You use the configuration console to enable the IBM Global Name Recognition Name Hasher feature. Detailed instructions to enable the feature are located in the information center.

IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager update
The fix pack provides updates to the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager add-on product for IBM Relationship Resolution. The previous implementation of IBM Global Name Recognition NameClassifier has been replaced with IBM Global Name Recognition NameClassifier Country of Association (NC_COA) to improve the quality of culture classification of names. The previous implementation of IBM Global Name Recognition NameHunter has been upgraded to IBM Global Name Recognition NameHunter 3.1 to provide name regularization for Anglo, Arabic, German, Indian, Russian, and Thai cultured names. Name regularization finds the normalized version of a name and uses it for scoring.
The IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager update requires the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager product. Customers must first purchase and install the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager product, then install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1.
Event management
IBM Relationship Resolution Event Manager extends the capabilities of IBM Relationship Resolution by combining near real-time event analysis and event monitoring with entity and relationship resolution. When enabled, Event Manager provides your organization with the ability to track business events and alert on suspicious events or events of interest, so that you can take the appropriate business action in a timely manner, to assist your organization in its fight against threat and fraud.

Graph enhancements to the Visualizer
There are three new features for Entity and Alert graphs:
  • Control the canvas size used by the layout engine.
  • Shift+click+drag to move the canvas in the viewing area.
  • Use the Zoom slider to affect the zoom level of the graph in real time.

Note that this fix pack and included documentation is provided in English. If you install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1, you will only see the fix pack function information when English is selected in your browser settings.

Installing and configuring IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1

You can install and configure IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 using the following steps.

  1. Completing the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 installation.
  2. Running the post-installation database specific SQL scripts.

Starting the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 installation program

You must complete the following steps to start the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 installation program.

If you are installing the program on Microsoft Windows, you must copy the product installer executable to a local drive. The product installer will not run from either the CD or from a network drive.

  1. Obtain the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 package.
  2. Uncompress the download package to a temporary directory.
  3. Browse to the temporary directory.
  4. Do one of the following steps:
    • To start the installer in GUI mode from a GUI, double-click the appropriate executable for your operating system.
    • To start the installer in GUI mode from a command line, run the appropriate executable for your operating system.
    • To start the installer in command line mode, run the appropriate executable for your operating system with the -console option.

Navigating the installation in command line mode

The following instructions will help you navigate the installer using the command line interface.

Navigating the installer in GUI mode

The following instructions will help you navigate the installer using the GUI interface.

Completing the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 installation

Complete the following installation program panels to install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1.

  1. On the Welcome panel, review the screen.
  2. On the Install Directory panel, type or browse to the directory (fully qualified path) in which to install the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1. This directory must be the directory which contains your existing IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 installation. If browsing to an installation directory, you must click the Browse button, then browse to the directory one level above the install directory (create the new directory if needed). Then select the install directory and click the Open button.
    On Microsoft Windows, the install path length must not exceed 45 characters due to WebSphere restrictions.
  3. On the Product features panel, review the product features that will be installed.
  4. On the Summary Information panel, review the summary (click back if any changes are needed), and then click the Next button to complete the installation.
  5. On the Installation Complete Summary Information panel, review the summary, and then click the Finish button to exit the installation. When installing on Solaris systems, you might see the No such file or directory message on the final window. You can safely ignore this warning message.

Running the post-installation database specific SQL scripts

In order for your IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fixpack 1 installation to be complete, you must run the post-installation database specific SQL script.

The following scripts update the schema of your IBM Relationship Resolution installation database.

  1. Run the following SQL command: SELECT * from SRD_PRODUCT_VERSIONS;
    If the result for VERSION is: Then do the following:
    < 4.2.0 STOP! The current installation is a previous version to IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2.
    = 4.2.0 Continue...
    = 4.2.1 STOP! You have already run the SQL script for the IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1.
    If the result for PRODUCT is: The SQL scripts you need to run are:
    • RELRES_4.2.0_4.2.1.sql
    • EAS-Console_4.2.0_4.2.1.sql
    • RELRES.NO_HIST_4.2.0_4.2.1.sql
    • EAS-Console_4.2.0_4.2.1.sql
  2. Browse to the IBM Relationship Resolution installation directory.
  3. Browse to the /sql subdirectory.
  4. Browse to the subdirectory for your specific database installation.
  5. Run the appropriate SQL scripts listed in first step.

Installing the complex event processor tool for Event Manager

Complete the following steps to install the complex event processor tool provided with IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 installation program. This is an optional component. See the Event Manager information provided in the fix pack update to the information center.

The CEP Authoring tool only works on Windows and requires Java 1.4.2.

Event Manager works as an add-on to IBM Relationship Resolution. If Event Manager is installed and enabled, whenever the pipeline detects that incoming UMF data includes information in the EVENT data segment, the pipeline processes the data for entity resolution and passes on the processed data to CEP, a complex event processor tool. CEP processes the event data, making decisions based on the configured event business rules, and returns the decision information back to IBM Relationship Resolution, where the event information is stored in the entity database. If there are any event alerts associated with an event or combination of events, you can configure Event Manager to display those event alerts in the Visualizer, for further analysis and disposition by analysts or investigators.

You can configure your own event business rules and then export the XML file, using the CEP Eclipse-based business rule authoring tool. The combined Eclipse + CEP package is included in a ZIP file in the IBM Relationship Resolution v4.2. Fix Pack 1 installation.

To install CEP:

  1. Browse to the IBM Relationship Resolution installation directory.
  2. Browse to the /cep subdirectory.
  3. Copy the file to a Microsoft Windows client machine.
  4. Uncompress the CEP_3.0.1.00 file to <drive_letter>:\CEP\
  5. Refer to the <drive_letter>:/CEP/AMiT3.0_UserGuide.PDF file for launching and usage instructions.

IBM Relationship Resolution version 4.2 fix pack 1 maintenance items

This fix pack includes the following maintenance items:

Maintenance items included from previous hot fixes:

The Degrees of Separation function



The Passive Load feature


Search features


Name Manager functions

Data display


System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at or see the IBM Relationship Resolution Installation and Configuration Guide that is available on the Quick Start CD.


You can search for the IBM Relationship Resolution 4.2 announcement at See the announcement for the following information:

Known problems

Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at

As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

At time of publication, there were no known installation problems. Be sure to check the Support knowledge base for any late-breaking information.


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