IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight, Version 8.1 ISII Generally Available Hotfix #1 Build # Readme Dec 2011 Contents: ========= 1.Problems/issues addressed in this hotfix 2.Prerequisites 3.Notes 4.Checksum information for downloads 5.Required files 6.Implementation steps 7.Install verification 1. Problems/Issues addressed in this hotfix: ============================================ [PMR # 73027499000] Enabled limits to detail logging to improve efficiency and performance. This change means that only the most related and best details are logged for name matches. [APAR # PJ39217] Unique constraint violation error during load causing pipeline to fail. [APAR # PJ39121] Fixed UMF_MERGE message FROM/TO DSRC_ACCT_ID ordering issue. [APAR # PJ39590] Unresolve - re-resolve loops occur on large entities when a disclosed relation is added (or via an X-message against the entity). Unresolve continues as a CPU-intensive process and needless database updates are triggered. [CQ # ipsdb00096786] DB2 Database transport lock handling improvement . [CQ # ipsdb00096787] Long running transactions occurred due to unresolve/re-resolve looping. In ambiguously-merged accounts, the unresolve process was non-deterministic in the order it would attempt to re-assemble the examined entity. [ APAR # PJ39633] Visualizer issue with displaying a long list of numbers in the Find By Attribute Screen. [FITS # MR0916113444 "Role Alert Rule" dropdown too small; cannot see entire name of alert role on "Role Alert Status Report" page. [CQ # ipsdb00072816, ipsdb00072414] - Disclosed relations performance [CQ# ipsdb00091255 ] Issues with From / Thru Dates [CQ# ipsdb0001935] DQM function 660 - DQM Extender is not working 2. Prerequisites: ================== Identity Insight v8.1.0 (Build#81) 3. Notes: ========= Linguistic precision enhancements --------------------------------- A number of improvements have been made to name regularization, variants, and qualifiers, including: * Regularization rules file (genericOnRegRule file) has been updated to handle radio station frequency identifier information (for example Fiesta Radio 98.6 F.M.). * Tokens in organizational names are now correctly regularized. * Regularization rules changes were made for German. German spelling variations were added to the variant file. * Enhancements to titles, affixes, and qualifiers (TAQ) include additions for Malay names. * "M" is no longer a variant for Mohamed. NameSifter ---------- NameSifter can generate unpredictable results when used with non-English organization names. This limitation includes English names with European business suffixes such as E.U. and S.A. Do not attempt to use NameSifter with name data that is not based on United States English. It is intended for use with personal and organizational names from the United States only. 4.Checksum information for downloads ==================================== cksum linux_x64_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 3747379791 73369600 linux_x64_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum linux_x86_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 3610561555 69713920 linux_x86_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum linux_s390x_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 998716397 74260480 linux_s390x_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum solaris_sparcv9_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 3776670564 92190720 solaris_sparcv9_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum hpux_ia64_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 2340324967 130867200 hpux_ia64_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum aix_pwr4_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar 71696742 167045120 aix_pwr4_HF1_8.1.0.87.tar cksum 1228502 38112538 cksum 1599192995 39348048 5. Required files: ==================== Java: ibm-is-ii-visualizer.ear 'data' directory ================ 'bin' / 'lib' directory ======================= Windows ------- pipeline.exe Plug-ins: dateAttrScoring.dll defaultAttributeScoring.dll circaDateAttrScoring.dll nameAttrScoring.dll binaryAttributeScoring.dll httpCalloutScoring.dll AIX / Solaris / Linux / HP-UX / Linux on zOS -------------------------------------------- pipeline Plug-ins: 6. Implementation Steps ======================== Installing 'data' files ----------------------- To apply the hotfix, please do the following: 1. In your directory, manually rename your existing 'data' directory to be 'data-pre81hf1'. 2. Copy the supplied hotfix 'data' directory to your directory. 3. Ensure that the 'data' directory, and files within this directory are readable (chmod 755 under Unix/Linux). Installing binary files ------------------------------ To apply the hotfix, please do the following: 1. Copy the required files to your hard drive. 2. Stop the pipelines. 3. Back up the pipeline and the Plug-in files (listed above). 4. Replace the pipeline file by copying the new version into bin: For Windows: \bin Other platforms: /bin 5. Replace the plug-in files by copying the new versions into: For Windows: \bin Other platforms: /lib 6. Launch the Config Utility from the "/installer/util" directory. For Unix/Linux: --------------- Note: The eacfg tool requires that an X-windows session is established with the Application server. Please contact IBM Support if you do not run X-windows in your environment. For Windows: ------------ The eacfg tool can be run without requiring an X-windows session. a) Type eacfg to see the help file for the command. b) You can launch the tool using "eacfg -i -l ../logs" c) Make sure you are on the Patches and Hotfixes section, which is the very first screen of the tool. 1) Confirm that the box next to "Visualizer Application" is checked. 2) Browse to the "iibm-is-ii-visualizer.ear " from your hard drive. 3) Click on Apply. 4) You can choose to restart WebSphere Application Server after reconfiguration is complete. 5) The Config Utility tool should have given you the 'Updated successfully' message. 7. If you did not choose to restart Websphere Application Server after reconfiguration on step 4, do the following: a) Stop WebSphere Application Server. b) Start WebSphere Application Server. ************************************************* 7. Install Verification ======================= 1. Execute the pipeline without options and confirm the output shows: ** pipeline v8.1.0.87 2. Open a web browser and enter the following URL: http://server-name:http-port#/easws/api/soap This is the Web Service Status page. You should get the following: - 20111109-0087 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESOURCE_SUBDIRECTORY = soap WRAPPED_DOCUMENT_LITERAL = true SERVICE_NAME = EntityResolver