IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight, Version 8.0 fix pack 1, hotfix #02 ( Readme August 2010 Contents: ========= 1. Problems/Issues addressed in this hotfix 2. Prerequisites 3. Notes 4. Required Files 5. Implementation Steps 6. Install Verification *************************************************************************** 1. Problems/Issues addressed in this hotfix: ============================================ [ APAR # PJ37836 ] Can't call the SOA process() function with data with & [ APAR # PJ35814 / CQ # ipsdb00070730 ] Performance Issue with HTTP transport corrected. [ CQ # ipsdb00070738 ] The pipeline no longer performs ER when a duplicate record is loaded into the system. [ APAR # PJ37743 ] Group1 international startup validation times out. [ CQ # ipsdb00073389 ] If DSRC_CODE or REL_DSR_ID is used it gets the DSRC_CODE of the RELATED_ENTITY correctly but fails to do conflict detection properly [ CQ # ipsdb00073124 ] DR role alert graph doesn't display properly if description left blank [ CQ # ipsdb00074953 ] Entity resume is not using best_address in the resume header section [ CQ # ipsdb00017601] Feature Enhancement: UNUM threshold: A UNUM confirmation can happen even though the UNUMs are not identical. Feature Enhancement: Name sifter: Sifter over-agressively categorizes names as Organizational. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 2. Prerequisites: ================= IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight, Version 8.0 fix pack 1 ( (Build#88)) must be installed. ************************************************************************************************* 3. Notes: ========= a) Those customers that previously disabled NameSifter may now re-enable this via the Configuration Console [Setup --> General --> System Parameters --> NameManager --> NAMESIFTER --> Current Value=1] Customers who wish to reclassify any existing records that had previously been misclassified should contact IBM Support for details on how to do so. b) The optional Unique Number Matching percentage (UNUM) system parameter: Can be set from 1 to 100. The higher this number, the more precisely an incoming Unique-number has to match in order to generate a Unique-Number-Match. To implement: In the [MM] section of your pipeline.ini file(s), add the following entry (case-sensitive) UNUM_MATCH_PERCENTAGE=xx (If not specified, defaults to 75) c) An important update has been made to the definition of the RELATED_ENTITY tag, for defining Disclosed Relations, in the InfoCenter at at 'Reference --> Default UMF Specification --> UMF Data Segment Definitions --> RELATED_ENTITY data segment definitions' - Please take a moment to review this. This information supecedes the information that is contained in the locally-installed copy of the IBM Identity Insight Version 8.0 information center. d) Reminder: The (optional) /?timeout= pipeline.ini-file parameter can be used in the G1UNC connect-string, to assist in avoiding timeouts. The argument provided is in milliseconds. Example: [OAC] AddrConnection=g1unc:// ************************************************************************************************************************ 4. Required Files: ================== Microsoft Windows ----------------- pipeline.exe cmesend.exe qutil.exe xutil.exe Plug-ins: dateAttrScoring.dll defaultAttributeScoring.dll circaDateAttrScoring.dll nameAttrScoring.dll binaryAttributeScoring.dll httpCalloutScoring.dll Java: ibm-is-ii-visualizer.ear ibm-is-ii-webservices.ear SQL: DB2: vis_entity_disclosures_db2.sql MSSQL: vis_entity_disclosures_mssql.sql ORACLE: vis_entity_disclosures_ora.sql AIX / Solaris / Linux / HP-UX / Linux on zOS -------------------------------------------- pipeline cmesend qutil xutil Plug-ins: Java: ibm-is-ii-visualizer.ear ibm-is-ii-webservices.ear SQL: DB2: vis_entity_disclosures_db2.sql MSSQL: vis_entity_disclosures_mssql.sql ORACLE: vis_entity_disclosures_ora.sql ******************************************************* 5. Implementation Steps ======================= To apply the hotfix, please do the following: 1. Copy the required files to your hard drive. 2. Stop the pipelines. 3. Backup the pipeline, cmesend, qutil, xutil, and the Plug-in files (listed above). 4. Replace the pipeline, cmesend, qutil, and xutil files by copying the new version into bin: For Microsoft Windows: \bin Other platforms: /bin 5. Replace the plug-in files by copying the new versions into: For Microsoft Windows: \bin Other platforms: /lib 6. Backup the from For Microsoft Windows: \data Other platforms: /data 7. Replace the file by copying the new versions into For Microsoft Windows: \data Other platforms: /data 8. Run the vis_entity_disclosures_YOUR_DBTYPE.sql. 9. Launch the Config Utility from the "/Install Dir/installer/util". a) Type eacfg to see the help file for the command. b) You can launch the tool using "eacfg -i -l ../logs" c) Make sure you are on the Patches and Hotfixes section, which is the very first screen of the tool. 1) Confirm that the box next to "Visualizer Application" is checked. 2) Browse to the "ibm-is-ii-visualizer.ear" from your hard drive. 3) Confirm that the box next to "Web Services Application" is checked. 4) Browse to the "ibm-is-ii-webservices.ear" from your hard drive. 5) Click on Apply. 6) You can choose to restart WebSphere Application Server after reconfiguration is complete. 7) The Config Utility tool should have given you the 'Updated successfully' message 10. If you did not choose to restart Websphere Application Server after reconfiguration on step 7, do the following: a) Stop WebSphere Application Server. b) Start WebSphere Application Server. 11. Start the pipelines. ********************************************************************************************************************************** 6. Install Verification ======================= 1. Execute the pipeline without options and confirm the output shows: ** pipeline v8.0.0.95 2. Open a web browser and type http://server-name:http-port#/easws/api/soap - - webservice Status page The following web services status page values should display: - 20100629_2128 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESOURCE_SUBDIRECTORY = soap WRAPPED_DOCUMENT_LITERAL = true SERVICE_NAME = EntityResolver 3. Launch the Visualizer, click on 'Help' and then 'About'. a). Click 'Help'. b). Click ' About'. c). Make sure you see Build Number: ( 20100629_2133 )