IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight, Version 8.0 ISII FP1 HotFix Readme ISII April 2010 Contents: ========= 1. Problems/Issues addressed in this hotfix 2. Prerequisites 3. Implementation Steps 4. Install Verification *************************************************************************** 1. Problems/Issues addressed in this hotfix: ============================================ APAR # PJ37649 / CQ # ipsdb00070730 CQ # ipsdb00070738 [ APAR # PJ37649 / CQ # ipsdb00070730 ] Performance Issue with HTTP transport corrected. [ CQ # ipsdb00070738 ] The pipeline no longer performs ER when a duplicate record is loaded into the system. *************************************************************************** 2. Prerequisites: ================= IBM InfoSphere Identity Insight version (8.0 Fixpack 1 (Build#88)) must be installed. Required Files: --------------- Windows ------- pipeline.exe cmesend.exe qutil.exe xutil.exe Plug-ins: dateAttrScoring.dll defaultAttributeScoring.dll circaDateAttrScoring.dll nameAttrScoring.dll binaryAttributeScoring.dll httpCalloutScoring.dll AIX / Solaris / Linux / HP-UX / Linux on zOS -------------------------------------------- pipeline cmesend qutil xutil Plug-ins: ******************************************************* 3. Implementation Steps ======================= To apply the hotfix, please do the following: 1. Copy the required files to your hard drive. 2. Stop the pipelines. 3. Backup the pipeline, cmesend, qutil, xutil, and the Plug-in files (listed above). 4. Replace the pipeline, cmesend, qutil, and xutil files by copying the new version into bin: For Windows: \bin Other platforms: /bin 5. Replace the plug-in files by copying the new versions into: For Windows: \bin Other platforms: /lib 6. Start the pipelines. ******************************************************* 4. Install Verification ======================= 1. Execute the pipeline without options and confirm the output shows: ** pipeline v8.0.0.90