IBM Relationship Resolution, Version 4.2 EAS FP2 HotFix Readme EAS July 2009 Contents: ========= 1. Problems/issues addressed in this hotfix 2. Prerequisites and permissions 3. Required SQL scripts 4. Required files 5. Implementation steps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Problems/issues addressed in this hotfix: ============================================ APAR # PJ35546 APAR # PJ35934 APAR # PJ35908 APAR # PJ36073 APAR # PJ36269 APAR # PJ35794 APAR # PJ36504 APAR # PJ36476 CQ # ipsdb00059418 CQ # ipsdb00057450 / 56984 CQ # ipsdb00057720 CQ # ipsdb00058844 CQ # ipsdb00059779 CQ # ipsdb00055492 CQ # ipsdb00060508 CQ # ipsdb00060229 CQ # ipsdb00056991 [ APAR # PJ35546 ] Pipeline exits with database deadlock error. This was due to related error handling from the DB. [ APAR # PJ35934 ] Circa-DOB fixes [ APAR # PJ35908 ] getRoleAlerts / Latin1 character pipeline issue [ APAR # PJ36073 ] "Error using summary by user id on the SEP conflict table CWUAA0003E". Error occurred when trying to do a 'show all alerts'. [ APAR # PJ36269 ] New entity incorrectly shows no alerts history. [ APAR # PJ35794 ] XML '&' SOAP - Returned booleans are incorrect Case, EntityResolver.wsdl - include installed hostname. [ APAR # PJ36504 ] Visualizer crashes due to referential integrity caused by force-deleting an acct or attribute used in an alert. [ APAR # PJ36476 ] CEP does not return situations on deferred alerts. [ CQ # ipsdb00059418 ] DQM Sequence# fix - Default assigned sequence #s overwrite customer space. [ CQ # ipsdb00057450 / 56984 ] CEP-Datestamp (Month vs Minute) [ CQ # ipsdb00057720 ] SOA: getRoleAlertsByEntity call returning incorrect values. [ CQ # ipsdb00058844 ] Visualizer links in attributes show error in opening HTTPS link. [ CQ # ipsdb00059779 ] Entity ID can not be copied/pasted from either the entity resume or entity graph. [ CQ # ipsdb00055492 ] Source Create Date Change - added date flexibility for dsrc date display. [ CQ # ipsdb00060508 ] Circa DOB thresholding should be inclusive of both ends.  [ CQ # ipsdb00060229 ] Enhancement - Customize Name Attribute Scoring Plug-in implementation. [ CQ # ipsdb00056991 ] G1UNC data-repeat returns incorrect address. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Prerequisites and permissions ================================ (4.2.0 Fixpack 2) must be installed. Permissions: ------------ The following permissions need to be granted to the userid that will be running the 4.2 FP2 hotfix SQL scripts: 'execute any procedure' 'drop sequence' 'create sequence' 'alter procedure' 'create procedure' 'drop procedure' 'drop function' 'create function' 'drop index' 'create index' 'drop view' 'create view' 'create type' 'insert' 'update' 'delete' 'create session' 'alter session' 'create synonym' Oracle users: Grant the above permissions directly to the userid, and DO NOT assign them via Roles. One of the scripts in this hotfix uses a Function. Oracle *ignores* privileges assigned to a user via Roles when executing functions. Assigning privileges via a role will cause this function to fail to execute successfully. MSSQL users: The following additional permissions are required (in addition to the list above): 'drop table' 'create table' 'alter table' DB2 users: The following additional permissions are required (in addition to the list above): call sysproc.admin_cmd 'create table' 'rename table' Note: Before running via DB2 CLP, please issue the following commands: db2 set current path db2 set current schema db2 set current sqlid When running the following scripts via DB2 CLP, use the following command: db2 -td@ -f Script names: hotfix_57450.db2.sql hotfix_59418.db2.sql When running the following scripts via DB2 Control Center, need to change the "Statement Termination Character" from ';' to '@' Script names: hotfix_57450.db2.sql hotfix_59418.db2.sql ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required SQL scripts: ===================== DB2 v8.2: change_circaDateAttrScoring_version.sql, hotfix_57450.db2.sql, hotfix_57720.db2.sql, hotfix_58845.db2v82.sql, hotfix_59418.db2.sql, nameAttrScoring.sql DB2 v9.1: change_circaDateAttrScoring_version.sql, hotfix_57450.db2.sql, hotfix_57720.db2.sql,hotfix_58845.db2v91.sql, hotfix_59418.db2.sql, nameAttrScoring.sql MSSQL: change_circaDateAttrScoring_version.sql, hotfix_57720.mssql.sql, hotfix_59418.mssql.sql, hotfix_rollup_1_msq.sq, nameAttrScoring_msq.sql Oracle: change_circaDateAttrScoring_version.sql,, hotfix_59418.ora.sql, hotfix_rollup_1_ora.sql, nameAttrScoring.sql --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Files: =============== Windows ------- pipeline.exe ibm-db2-eas-visualizer.ear ibm-eas-console.ear ibm-eas-web-service.ear NMMGR: nameManager.dll ( If you are licensed to use the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager add-on product, please contact IBM Support for the nameManager.dll. ) Plug ins: dateAttrScoring.dll defaultAttributeScoring.dll circaDateAttrScoring.dll nameAttrScoring.dll binaryAttributeScoring.dll httpCalloutScoring.dll AIX / Solaris / Linux / SuSe9 on zOS ------------------------------------ pipeline ibm-db2-eas-visualizer.ear ibm-eas-console.ear ibm-eas-web-service.ear NMMGR: ( If you are licensed to use the IBM Entity Analytics Solutions Name Manager add-on product, please contact IBM Support for the ) Plug ins: HP on zOS ---------- pipeline ibm-db2-eas-visualizer.ear ibm-eas-console.ear ibm-eas-web-service.ear Plug ins: ------------------------------------------------------ Implementation steps ==================== To apply the hotfix, please do the following: 1. Copy the required files to your hard drive. 2. Stop the pipelines. 3. Backup your pipeline, NameManager and the Plug-in files (listed above) 4. Replace the pipeline by copying the new version into /bin 5. Replace the NameManager and the plug-in files by copying the new versions into: For Windows: /bin Other platforms: /lib 6. Run the required SQL scripts against your EAS database. Note: Refer to the Database-Specific instructions above before running the scripts. 7. Launch the Config Utility from the "/Install Dir/installer/util". a) Type eacfg to see the help file for the command. b) You can launch the tool using "eacfg -i -l ../logs" c) Make sure you are on Patches and Hotfixes section, which is the very first screen of the tool. 1) Confirm the box next to "Console Application" is checked 2) Browse to the "ibm-eas-console.ear" from your hard drive 3) Confirm the box next to "Visualizer Application" is checked 4) Browse to the "ibm-db2-eas-visualizer.ear" from your hard drive 5) Confirm the box next to "Web Services Application" is checked 6) Browse to the "ibm-eas-web-service.ear" from your hard drive 7) Click on Apply 8) You can choose to restart WebSphere Application Server after reconfiguration is complete. 8. If you did not choose to restart Websphere Application Server after reconfiguration on step 7, do the following: a) Stop WebSphere Application Server. b) Start WebSphere Application Server. 9. Start the pipelines.