This document describes limitations, known issues reported and workarounds in IDM 4.0.3 and Fix packs: Desktop, Web Services, and Open Client. Fix packs are released periodically, which may include documentation updates. The defects found and known issues reported, might be fixed in the fix pack releases and documented in the fix pack readmes. Where applicable, each note includes the associated ecmdb defect number for reference and tracking.
Limitations and known issues in IDM 4.0.3
Limitations in IDM on Windows 64-bit operating systems
Known Issues reported on Windows 64-bit operating systems
Known issues in Application Integration with IDM
Known issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services/Open Client
Limitations and known issues in IDM Globalization/Localization versions
Limitations on hardware and software support with IDM
Digital certificate expiring dates for IDM 4.0.3 Fix packs
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 1
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 2
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 3
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 5
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 6
Known issues in Open Client 4.0.3 Fix pack 2
Known issues in IDM 4.0.3 Fix pack 7
Contacting IBM
Notices and Trademarks
Refer the KB article on .NET load Add-ins.
Upgrading IE6 browser to IE7 will resolve this issue.
1. "Unexpected error - Access denied ( <ip> resolve)" comes when accessing localhost url.
2. When SSL is configured with Require and accept client certificate, with Sun JRE Update 12 onwards unable to login to the libraries.Note: Please refer the technote
Languages support
IDM Desktop is supported in seven non-English languages: Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, and Swedish.
IDM Web Services & Open Client are supported in thirteen non-English languages: Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Swedish, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Korean, Polish, Czech, and Arabic.
User helps are localized in French and German languages only. IDM does not support Unicode.
Important: The hardware and software products NOT mentioned in the readme (requirements section) are NOT supported with IBM FileNet products.
Digital certificate expiring dates for IDM Desktop and Web Services
Fix pack |
Certificate expiring date |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 GA |
17-Mar-12 |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 FP1 |
17-Mar-12 |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 FP2 |
20-Feb-15 |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 FP3 |
20-Feb-15 |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 FP4 |
20-Feb-15 |
IDM DT/WS 4.0.3 FP5 |
9-Jun-17 |
Digital certificate expiring dates for Open Client
Fix pack |
Certificate expiring date |
Open Client 4.0.3 GA |
17-Mar-12 |
Open Client 4.0.3 FP1 |
17-Mar-12 |
Open Client 4.0.3 FP2 |
9-Jun-17 |
Installer GUI might take time to appear after double-clicking IDMWebSerivces403-001.exe: Since, the IDM Web Services installable file size is big, that is why the Install shield wizard might take time to be displayed. (ecmdb00972697)
Sorting documents: In IDM Desktop explorer on Windows 64-bit, in IS library, documents or folders can be sorted by "Document ID" and in CS library, documents or folders can be sorted by document names. (ecmdb00970435)
Junk appears in IE9: While using IE9, Web Services pages show junk letters - "RSProxy CTL" if the global.asa setting is done on the server. (ecmdb00980110)
OutsideIn viewer does not render: In Microsoft Excel, OutsideIn viewer does not render form control, for example, radio button option, list box etc. (ecmdb01120430)
High memory consumption after upgrade to ISTK version: After upgrading to ISTK 4.2 FP4, the memory consumption is increased by 100MB. (ecmdb01154266)
Workaround for eProcess Applets hanging issue:
'Initialize the session variable to detect IE browser
'From IE11 onward User agent string has been changed and MSIE keyword has been removed
'IE11 user agent string:-
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
'Previous user agent string:-
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE") > 0 Then
Session("IEBrowser") = 1
ElseIf InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Trident/") > 0 Then
Session("IEBrowser") = 1
Session("IEBrowser") = 0
End If
'Initialize the session variable to detect IE browser
'From IE11 onward User agent string has been changed and MSIE keyword has been removed
'IE11 user agent string:-
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
'Previous user agent string:-
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE") > 0 Then
Session("IEBrowser") = True
ElseIf InStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Trident/") > 0 Then
Session("IEBrowser") = True
Session("IEBrowser") = False
End If
The Paste option is disabled in Find application while copying document from CS library on Windows 2012 64-bit operating system, so you will be unable to copy and paste documents from Find application to explorer.
As a limitation in the operating system, and based on the slots available, the system image icons and custom icons will occupy the slots. Hence, the overlay icons are not displayed in some systems, for published and compound documents. This behavior varies from system to system based on the number of system icons occupying the slots for system image icons.
You may be prompted to enable 16-bit application support or NTVDM enablement during IDM 403 installation on Windows 8.1 32-bit operating system. The reason, Windows 8 onwards in x86 architecture, 16-bit application support is disabled by default. This can be enabled prior to installation to suppress this prompt during installation. To enable this, do the following steps:
- Go to Control Panel
- Click Turn Windows feature on/off
- Under Legacy components check mark NTVDM component
- Click OK.
You may face intermittent Office crashes while using Microsoft Office 2010 on Windows 8.1. To overcome this issue, follow the workaround:
- Go to Control Panel
- In the search box, type Indexing
- Click Indexing options
- Click Modify
- From the Summary of selected options, select Users
- Uncheck the Users who may be using Office Addins
- Alternately, you can also unselect certain locations (example c:\checkout) which is commonly used for IDM AppInt operations
Note: This will be reflected in the Summary of selected locations.
- Click OK and Close.
This setting does not impact the functionality of IDM operations.
While upgrading Viewer at thin client from GA or previous fix packs, you may see an error: This program might not have installed correctly. This error occurs intermittently on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and higher operating systems. This does not mean that the installation is corrupt. You can proceed by clicking This program Installed Correctly.
This error comes from the Program compatibility assistant (PCA) of the Windows operating system. For more details on PCA, refer:
When you use Application Integration of IDM DT, a smart card prompt might be seen while starting Microsoft Word. This is due to latest signature algorithm used for renewal of digital certificates. Older versions of Office do not recognize the SHA2 signed macros and as a result of that, the issue arises. To solve this issue, perform the following:
1. Open Microsoft Word
2. Cancel the smart card prompt
3. Click on the signature details
4. Add to trusted publishers
5. Go to File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center settings>Trusted Locations>Add new location
6. Browse and add the startup folder of Word (For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office 14\Startup)
7. Check mark on Sub folders are also trusted
8. Click OK
9. Restart Microsoft Word.You can now see the Addins in place.
Enable Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 on the server side to browse Open Client with Internet Explorer 11 browser.
The entry criteria Dates works only with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, so use the tab key to enter the dates.
Issue on color image quality of tiff file (ecmdb01202284)
To rectify this issue, set the Registry:
1. Open regedit.exe
2. Under HKLM->Software->FileNet-IDM-DisplayOCX
3. Create a registry key of DWORD type with the name "EnableColorImagesSmooting" and set its value to "1".
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