for IDM Desktop, FileNet Web Services, and Open Client 4.0.1

This readme provides the following information for the 4.0.1 release of IDM Desktop, Web Services, and Open Client:

About the Software CDs

IDM Desktop is delivered on a single CD. Likewise, FileNet Web Services is also delivered on a single CD and includes both Web server and Web client software. Open Client, an optional add-on to Web Services, is on the FileNet Web Services CD. To add Process Integration to Web Services or Open Client or both, you install Open Client with Process Integration and then:

Web Client Orientation

FileNet Web Services supports several web clients. The table below summarizes the download and installation required, if any, for the various web clients.

Client Server Requirements Client Software Client Download Install/download from... Browser
FileNet Web Services Client (also called ActiveX Client) FileNet Web Services
  • Download from web site
  • Install from CD or network drive
Yes, with three options that vary in viewer support

FileNet Web Services CD:

  • /fncontrols (no viewer)
  • /viewer (full viewer)
  • /viewer2 (image viewer)
FileNet Web Services Application Integration (for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook) FileNet Web Services Same as above Yes FileNet Web Services CD, /OfficeIntegration Not required
FileNet Web Services with Process Integration FileNet Web Services and Process Java Applets and Connectivity (PJAC) Same as above No FileNet Web Services CD, PJAC installed from FileNet FTP site or Process CD IE
Open Client FileNet Web Services and Open Client None No. Optional download of IDM Viewer. FileNet Web Services CD, /OpenClient Any browser with HTTP 1.1, HTML 3.2, CSS and JavaScript support
Open Client with Process Integration FileNet Web Services, Open Client with Process Integration, and PJAC None No.

FileNet Web Services CD, PJAC installed from FileNet FTP site or Process CD

Any browser with HTTP 1.1, HTML 3.2, CSS and JavaScript support

Important Notes about Installing

Exit from all programs including virus protection programs before installing FileNet software.

If you are installing from a network drive, map the network drive so you can start Help from Setup.

Reboot immediately before and immediately after any installation. The reboot after an installation registers the new DLLs. This can take several minutes. Please be patient and wait for the registration to complete.

You must configure an ODBC Data Source for each CS database server.

Accessing various CS libraries using IDM Desktop 4.0.1 and Web Services 4.0.1

Installing Web Services 4.0.1

See the FileNet Web Services Administrator's Help for information on installing FileNet Web Services, the FileNet Web Services Client, and Web Services Application Integration.

Silent installation (from 4.0 only) are provided for FileNet Web Services.

Installing Open Client 4.0.1

See the Open Client Administrator's Help.pdf for information on installing Open Client 4.0.1. On Windows 2003, you must activate ASP.NET after installing .NET.

MSJVM or Alternate Configuration 

By default, the MSJVM is used for remote scripting by the FileNet Web Services Client and FileNet Web Services Application Integration.

If a web client machine has a version of Microsoft Windows that does not include the MSJVM, you have two options:

To download and install the Microsoft JVM, if needed for Windows XP

  1. From the FileNet FTP site for patches, download Msjavx86.exe to the PC where you plan to install the Microsoft VM.
  2. Open the JVM folder, and then double-click Msjavx86.exe to run the executable file.
  3. This step is REQUIRED, not optional. Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Windows Update. Install any fixes for the Microsoft VM that Windows Update detects.

Installing IDM Desktop 4.0.1

Silent installation facilities are provided for installing and upgrading IDM Desktop. It is not necessary to remove your Oracle ODBC configuration prior to installation.

IDM Desktop platforms are qualified with and without a browser installed.

IDM Desktop includes the following third-party products:

Install Outside In 8.1.0 (optional)

Stellent's Outside In Viewer Technology software, version 8.1.0 is available as an optional installation in IDM Desktop/Web Services 4.0.1. This version fixes several DTSes. If you wish to install it, copy the file from the CD root\OIVT810 folder to a local drive and unzip all files to the installation directory on each client PC, by default:


4.0.1 Documentation Installed with the Software

You can review the new features and other documentation after installing the software. After installation you can access Help by pressing Start>Programs>FileNet IDM>Help for Users, Help for Administrators, and Help for Developers. Likewise, after installing Open Client, you can access Help by pressing Start>Programs>FileNet IDM>Help for Open Client Users, Help for Open Client Administrators, and Help for Open Client Developers.

Information on the FileNet IDM Desktop and Web Services Toolkit, which has programming information for both IDM Desktop and FileNet Web Services, is contained in the Help for Developers (idmsdk.hlp). The Help for Developers is copied to an IDM Desktop workstation during installation if you select and install the optional Developer Files in Setup. Developer Help is always installed with FileNet Web Services and Open Client. This Help file contains reference information for the IDM objects' methods, properties, and events, as well as descriptions of the object model and "Working with..." examples. To begin developing with the Toolkit, open the FileNet IDM Desktop and Web Services Toolkit Help for Developers by clicking on Start > FileNet IDM > Help for Developers, and review the topics: Using Type Libraries in Visual Basic and Developing with Visual C++.

New Features in IDM Desktop and Web Services 4.0.1

Following are the new features in IDM Desktop and Web Services 4.0.1:

New Features in Open Client 4.0.1

Following are the new features in Open Client 4.0.1:

Important Notes for Developers

See the Compatibility and Dependency document for the supported development environments, and see the Release Notes for information on known problems that affect API calls. In addition, note the following:

Resolved DTS

This service pack is cumulative of all the DTS resolved up to IDM DT/WS hotfix pack 4.0.0-009 and IDM Open Client hotfix pack 4.0.0-007. The following DTS have been resolved directly in this 4.0.1 release:

149119 Fix DT, WS COM Objects All For Japanese IS, indexes having names starting with numeric characters threw a parsing error while conducting search based on such indexes. The fix requires a new registry value under ‘Logon' key. The steps to manually create the new registry value under Logon key are as follows:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/FileNet/IDM/Logon key, click Logon key.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry value under Logon key.
  3. Type “EnableISNumericNameIndexes” (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EnableISNumericNameIndexes icon. Set the value to 1.

Note This fix requires ISTK 4.0 SP 4 HFP 2 or higher to be installed on IDM Thick clients and IDM Web servers.

164012 Fix DT Web Application All

IDM Web Server did not support LDAP Authentication over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for Port Number 636.

Note This fix is only applicable for Microsoft Active Directory Server (ADS). The following conditions should also be met:

  • The LDAP server name needs to be fully qualified, for example, "" and it should be mentioned in the host file along with its IP address.
  • Enterprise Certificate Authority must be installed on ADS.
166285 Fix DT, WS COM Objects IS On Windows 2003, after the first logon into the IS library the subsequent logon was not tracked. The fix requires a new registry value under Logon key. The steps to manually create the new registry value under Logon key are as follows:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\Logon key, click Logon key.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry value under Logon key.
  3. Type "EnableAlternateMessaging" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EnableAlternateMessaging icon. Set the value to 1.

Note When the above registry key setting is ON (set to 1), and the FnSysMgr.exe is running then any IDM installation tasks such as install, upgrade, or modify cannot be performed. You need to manually terminate the FnSysMgr.exe process to start the waiting installer processes.

166362 Fix DT, WS IDM Viewer All IDM Viewer was unable to print MS Excel documents properly, one page was segmented into many pages.
173657 Fix DT, WS IDM Viewer IS

IDM Viewer was not able to display COLD documents that contain ASCII(31) character.

174254 Fix DT, WS COM Objects All

When the IDM Viewer was set to Enhanced Mode / Function mode and the environment PATH variable exceeded 1024 characters, IDM Viewer failed to render JPEG documents.

176962 Fix DT, WS COM Objects All

WaitForInputIdle() API's second parameter 'Timeout' value was set to a high value resulted in a hang on Windows 2003 Server.

177147 Fix DT, WS IDM Viewer IS

IDM Viewer was unable to display COLD documents that contain multiple occurrences of ASCII(16) characters.

181047 Fix DT, WS IDM Viewer IS

IDM Viewer was unable to display COLD documents that contain ASCII(17) characters followed by control characters that are not supported.

182909 Fix DT,
COM Objects All IDM Desktop objDocument.Launch() fails intermittently when checked out documents were launched in a CS library.
181613 Fix OC Java Viewer IS Java Viewer did not scale text mapping over a template correctly resulting in misalignment of COLD documents having font as Courier New and font size as 7.
181400 Fix OC Java Viewer All

Using Java Viewer Doc<n> functionality, the user was not prompted to save annotations when browsing through a list of documents. This functionality is not used by Open Client and this occurred only if the user made API calls directly to the Java Viewer.

181411 Fix OC Java Viewer All

Using Java Viewer Doc<n> functionality, CPU usage increases to a maximum of 100% and causes delays when retrieving a document. This functionality is not used by Open Client and this occurred only if the user made API calls directly to the Java Viewer.

Registry Fixes

The following Registry fixes have been resolved in this 4.0.1 release:

38334 Fix DT,
COM Objects IS

Security checks were not performed on cached documents when using IDM thin client. The fix requires a new registry key entry under LocalCache folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under LocalCache folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM folder, click LocalCache folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->String Value to add a new registry key under LocalCache folder.
  3. Type "CheckCacheDocSecurity" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the CheckCacheDocSecurity icon. Set the value to "True".
149286 Fix DT,
IDM Viewer All

IDM Viewer did not display JPEG images properly when the image size is decreased by 20% or more. The fix requires new registry key entry under DisplayOCX folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under DisplayOCX folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM folder, click DisplayOCX folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new DWORD value key under DisplayOCX folder.
  3. Type "EnableColorImagesSmoothing" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EnableColorImagesSmoothing icon. Set the value as 1.
149767 Fix DT COM Objects CS PWP 6.0 was unable to translate documents from CS library, if the document count exceeds 2000. The fix requires new registry key entry under IDM folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under IDM folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM folder, click Edit->New->Key and type Db to add a new registry Key.
  2. Click Edit->New->Key and type Config to add a new registry Key under Db folder.
  3. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new DWORD value key under Config folder.
  4. Type "FetchAllRowsForCS" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  5. Double-click the FetchAllRowsForCS icon. Set the value as 1.
152101 Fix WS COM Objects CS

When logging into a CS library using Open Client, the number of folders displayed were more than originally available in the CS library. The fix requires a new registry entry under IDM folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under IDM folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM folder, click Edit->New->Key and type Db to add a new registry Key.
  2. Click Edit->New->Key and type Config to add a new registry Key under Db folder.
  3. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new DWORD value key under Config folder.
  4. Type "HandleSmartFolders" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  5. Double-click the HandleSmartFolders icon. Set the value as 1.
163340 Fix DT,
IDM Viewer IS IDM Viewer did not display underscore character in COLD documents when Gothic font is used. The fix requires a new registry key entry under Config folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under Config folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\Config folder, click Config folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under Config folder.
  3. Type "COLDFontGothic" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the COLDFontGothic icon. Set the value to 1.
163374 Fix DT,
COM IS Unified Logon used the COM+ application user credentials instead of Windows logon user credentials. The fix requires a new registry key entry under Logon folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under Logon folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\Logon folder, click Logon folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under Logon folder.
  3. Type "EnableImpersonation" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EnableImpersonation icon. Set the value to 1.
161395 Fix WS COM Objects IS The numeric properties are displayed in search result view as scientific notation values instead of Numeric display format in Open Client. The fix requires new registry key entry under Config folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under Config folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM folder, click Config folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new DWORD value key under Config folder.
  3. Type "FPNumberAsString" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the FPNumberAsString icon. Set the value as 1.
171231 Fix DT,
IDM Viewer All Out of memory problems were encountered when user visited many pages while viewing a multipage document. The fix requires a new registry key entry under Config folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under Config folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\Config folder, click Config folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under Config folder.
  3. Type "DeletePageFromMemory" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the DeletePageFromMemory icon. Set the value to 1.
171247 Enh WS Web - Misc IS Documents were not added in the IS library when multiple documents are selected from the Add Document dialog box. The fix requires a new registry key entry under Config folder on the Web client machines only. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under Config folder:
  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\Config folder, click Config folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under Config folder.
  3. Type "OpenFileFactor" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the OpenFileFactor icon. Set the value between 1 to 10.
174007 Fix DT, WS IDM Viewer All

When IDM Viewer was set to Enhanced mode for certain multipage documents, the pages in the document got rotated. The fix requires a new registry key entry under DisplayOCX folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under DisplayOCX folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\DisplayOCX folder, click DisplayOCX folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under DisplayOCX folder.
  3. Type "EveryMultiTiffHeader" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EveryMultiTiffHeader icon. Set the value to 1.
174549 Fix DT,
IDM Viewer All

Unable to add annotations on a multipage TIFF document that contained both portrait and landscape images. The fix requires a new registry key entry under DisplayOCX folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under DisplayOCX folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\DisplayOCX folder, click DisplayOCX folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under DisplayOCX folder.
  3. Type "EveryMultiTiffHeader" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EveryMultiTiffHeader icon. Set the value to 1.
174550 Fix DT,
IDM Viewer All

Pages were rotated in a multipage TIFF document created from A3 pages and divided into A4 pages when viewed using IDM Viewer. The fix requires a new registry key entry under DisplayOCX folder. Following are the steps to manually enter new registry key under DisplayOCX folder:

  1. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\FileNet\IDM\DisplayOCX folder, click DisplayOCX folder.
  2. Click Edit->New->DWORD Value to add a new registry key under DisplayOCX folder.
  3. Type "EveryMultiTiffHeader" (without the quotation marks), and press ENTER.
  4. Double-click the EveryMultiTiffHeader icon. Set the value to 1.