Install the eProcess 5.0 Connectivity Bundle for FileNet Open Client

The instructions in this document are for use with FileNet Open Client versions 3.3 and 4.0.

Use the following procedure to install the eProcess Connectivity Bundle on your web server.


The following software must be installed on the web server prior to installing the eProcess Connectivity Bundle.

TIP These instructions assume that you install the software at the default locations. If you install at custom locations, please adjust these instructions accordingly.

NOTE If you are installing the eProcess Connectivity Bundle on a web server where VWService has been running, you must uninstall both IDM and the Open Client software before you reinstall. In addition, use the Administrative Tools to stop the VWService and delete the pwbin (/FileNet/idm/pwbin) directory and the files it contains.

Install the JRE and the Process Connectivity Bundle software

  1. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.1.
    1. On the FileNet Web WorkFlo and Toolkit 5.0.0a CD, locate the JRE 1.3.1 installation file in the downloads directory and copy it to a temporary location on the web server.
    2. Run the JRE installation.
  2. Copy the following files from the Filenet Web WorkFlo and Toolkit 5.0.0a CD:
  3. From the FileNet CSS FTP site, download and install the latest eProcess 5.0.0 Open Client patch, eprocess500-openclient-x.exe. A valid FileNet username and password are required.

    Unzip the downloaded file and copy the FileNet folder in the patch to the location where the FileNet Open Client software is installed — \FileNet\...

  4. Download and install the latest Jiglue patch from the CSS site.

Register the components and start the eProcess Services

  1. At a command prompt, navigate to the \FileNet\idm\PWBin directory.
  2. Enter the following commands:
  3. If the JRE and the FileNet software are installed in the default locations, the paths in Process.reg will probably be correct. If you installed the FileNet software in a different location, locate Process.reg in the FileNet directory on the web server, and use Notepad or a similar editor to edit the file.
  4. After you have saved the updated Process.reg, double-click the file to update the web server's registry.
  5. Run regedit and confirm the ImagePath setting for VWServices. The default path is <drive>:\FILENET\IDM\PWBIN\VWServices.exe.


  6. Start the Panagon eProcess Service on the web server.
    1. At a command prompt in the PWBin directory, enter the following command:
      vwservices.exe -install
    2. From the Start menu, select Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
    3. Select Panagon eProcess Services Manager and click Start Service on the toolbar. Exit the Services dialog.

Reset the execute permissions on the Download directory

Execute permissions must be set to None to allow the JRE to be downloaded to the client computer, if necessary.

  1. On the web server, right-click My Computer and select Manage.
  2. Under Internet Information Services, open the Open Client directory, and the eprocess directory.
  3. Right-click the Download directory and select Properties.
  4. On the Directory tab, set Execute Permissions to None.

Start a router and initialize an isolated region

Use the following steps to start the eProcess Services Administrator and to define and start one or more routers. To complete this procedure, you need to know the name of your workflow server and a valid administrator name and password (eProcess) you can use to log on.

  1. On the web server, locate eProcess.msc in the PWBin folder.
  2. Right-click the file and create a shortcut, then move the shortcut to your desktop.
  3. Double-click the shortcut to start the eProcess Services Administrator.
  4. Open eProcess Services Administrator. Right click Panagon eProcess Router and choose New.
  5. In the Router properties dialog, enter the following:

    For the router name, enter vwrouter, or any name you like.

    For PPM Server, enter the name of your workflow server.

    Enter a Process administrator username and password.

    Select Automatically started.

    For additional information about creating a router, see the online Help for Process Task Manager.

  6. When you have finished entering the router properties, select the new router and click Start on the toolbar to start the router.
  7. Exit and save the console settings.

Use Process Configuration Console to initialize a corresponding isolated region for each router that you started.

  1. On a client workstation, enter the URL for Open Client on the web server. The default is


    Wait for the FileNet Open Client page to display. This may take several minutes the first time.

  2. On the Open Client page, select Process.
  3. On the Tools tab, select Process Configuration Console. At the prompt, log on as an eProcess administrative user.
  4. In Process Configuration Console, select the name of the router/isolated region, then choose Initialize isolated region from the Action menu.

    For additional information about initializing an isolated region or security considerations, see the online Help for Process Configuration Console.

At this point, the installation process is complete and the Process applications are available for use.

Uninstall the eProcess 5.0 Connectivity Bundle for FileNet Open Client

Use the following steps to uninstall the Process software

  1. On the web server, in the Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs.
  2. In the Add/Remove dialog, select FileNet Open Client, then choose Modify and de-select Open Client eProcess Integration. This uninstalls the Process Integration for Open Client and allows the remaining FileNet software to run without it.

    NOTE  If you also have Process for FileNet Web Services Client running on this web server and you wish to retain it, stop here. Otherwise, if you have only Process for FileNet Open Client on this web server, continue with steps 3 through 5 below to disable the Process software. The software will remain on the web server, but it will not be running.

  3. Run eProcess.msc to access the eProcess Services Administrator. There should be a shortcut to eProcess.msc on the desktop.
  4. Select any running routers and stop them, then delete them.
  5. Start Administrative Tools > Services. Select Panagon eProcess Services Manager and stop the service and then set the restart to Manual.