Release Notes (Known Issues)
for IDM Desktop, Web Services, and Open Client 3.3

This document describes known issues and restrictions in the 3.3 release of the IDM Desktop, Web Services, and Open Client. It includes workarounds and information on fixes, when available, and corrects errors in the documentation. Hot fix packs are released periodically, which may include documentation updates. See the readme file for information on how to download hot fix packs from the FileNet FTP site, and see the patch readme file for a description of the patch contents and how to install it.

Where applicable, each note includes the associated Failure Report (FR) or DTS number for reference and tracking. Known issues are grouped as follows:


Windows and Internet Explorer Issues

SDM and Mezzanine Support Limitations

IS Library Issues

CS Library Issues

Performance Recommendations

Installation Issues

Configuration Issues

Printing Problems

Known Problems in FileNet Web Services

Known Problems in FileNet Web Services Client (ActiveX Client) and HTML Samples

Known Problems in Web Services Application Integration

Known Problems in Open Client

Known Problems in Open Client with eProcess

Known Problems in IDM Desktop

Known Problems in IDM Desktop Application Integration

API Issues

Known problem on Globalization Application Integration

Windows and Internet Explorer Issues

Invalid server name blocks cookies after installing Microsoft patches

Cookies on Active Server pages (ASP) are blocked if the server name contains characters that are not supported by Domain Name System (DNS). For example, you cannot use underscore characters (_) in the server name. This behavior is by design.

This issue occurs after installing any of the following items:

To work around this issue, do the following:

SDM and Mezzanine Support Limitations

The following items created with SDM are not supported: smart folders, document references, renditions, compound documents. In addition, stored searches created with the @mezzanine API are not supported. See the CS Upgrade Notes for information on how to convert smart folders to stored searches.

IS Library Issues

Single-page and multi-page TIFFs

Multi-page TIFFs in a multi-page IS document are not supported. IS supports multi-page TIFFs in a single-page document and single-page TIFFs in a multi-page document. (FR 42481)

Stored searches with 2-digit year

If a stored search against an IS library includes dates with a 2-digit year (such as 04/09/99), you must edit the search, enter a 4-digit year (such as 04/09/1999), and re-save the query.

Date Handling

IS supports the dates 1/1/100 through 3/10/9999. However, using Web Services and IDM Desktop:


Supplying more decimal places than defined for an IS property generates an error when trying to save the property changes. However, the display is correctly updated by rounding the number to the correct number of decimal places. (FR 17729)


Copying an IS document from one folder to another may not work. On subsequent attempts, it will eventually copy. (DTS 62964)

The Maximum number of IS folders to display preference does not work. All folders are displayed regardless of the preference setting. (DTS 43712)

CS Library Issues

Web access to CS 5.3 libraries using Oracle 9i client libraries

An Oracle problem interferes with web authentication. See the 3.3 readme for Oracle's workaround.


After adding a custom property to a document class on the source library, users cannot log into the target libraries until after two replication cycles. During the first replication cycle, the source library is accessible but the target libraries are not. All libraries are inaccessible during the second replication cycle.

Compound Documents


Errors can occur when viewing or modifying a value on a CVL if the value includes a special character. (DTS 43827)

Performance Recommendations

For satisfactory performance in production environments, we recommend connections that produce ping times (round trip) of 30 milliseconds or less. You can expect 5 to 10 second delays when ping times exceed 50 milliseconds; if ping times exceed 100 milliseconds, performance will be unacceptable.

If you are using Web Services in a WAN environment, optimize performance by locating the web server and the CS or IS server on the same Local Area Network (LAN).

Poor response times can occur when browsing IS libraries with a very large number of folders. If you experience performance issues, consider redesigning the folder structure or avoid folder browsing.

Installation Issues

Upgrading from 3.2 to 3.3

When upgrading to 3.3 from a 3.2 installation of IDM Desktop or Web Services that does not include Content Services support, a registration error occurs after the reboot. The error occurs when Setup fails to register FnAdminAPI.dll, which is not installed in the absense of Content Services support. The log file (idmdesktop.log or idmweb.log) will show this error:

"Load FAILED: C:\Program Files\FileNet\IDM\FnAdminAPI.dll, the specified module or one of its dependencies could not be found."

You can ignore this harmless error.

Optionally, to avoid the occurrence of the error, you can edit the registration list before rebooting, as follows:

  1. After the upgrade, do not reboot the workstation.
  2. Remove the FnAdminAPI.dll entry from the text file that lists the modules to register after the reboot. The text file is in the installation directory ..\Program Files\FileNet\IDM (or equivalent):
  3. Reboot.

IDM Desktop/FileNet Web Services 3.3 installation modifies the environment PATH variable value that may result in execution failure of various applications including MS Windows (DTS 174660)

While installing IDM Desktop/FileNet Web Services 3.3 GA or any of the subsequent patches, if the value of the environment PATH variable (including FileNet path) exceeds 1024 characters, then this value is replaced by "C:\FileNET\IDM;C:\FileNet\FNSW\CLIENT\BIN;C:\FileNet\FNSW\CLIENT\SHOBJ". This replacement of value may result in execution failure of various applications including MS Windows. It is therefore recommended that prior to the installation you must take a backup of the environment PATH variable value. Later after installation, you must append the environment PATH variable value with the backed up value.

Configuration Issues


It is possible to configure logging such that several thousand messages are generated. When this occurs, the environment may appear as though it has stopped responding. The environment will eventually respond. This situation can be avoided by selectively enabling the logging options.

JRE Versions for Open Client with eProcess Integration

The table below shows the JRE versions supported for client machines to run eProcess Java applets.


Open Client w/eProcess 5.0 Integration

Open Client w/eProcess 5.1 Integration










Printing Problems

Printing to a FileNet printer

You cannot print .txt documents to a FileNet printer via FileNet Print.

Printing to a Windows printer

The Print Annotation/Use Transparency option under the Print dialog prints annotations accurately to match the display. However, this degrades image quality and increases the time and resources used to print.

The following issues occur on a limited set of Postscript printers:

Printing fax images in scale to width, scale to height, or whole mode does not always function correctly.

Other limitations:

Known Problems in Web Services

Running Virus Checking Services

Installation may be slow if you do not exit from virus checking software. (FR 36622)

Setup can't find Help file

When installing FileNet Web Services, you can use the Help button from the Splash screen to open the FileNet Web Administrator's Help. Other Help buttons produce the error, "Unable to find Help file." To access Help, return to the Splash screen or navigate to the admin_w.hlp file on the root of the CD. (DTS 62829)

Anonymous Authentication

To use anonymous authentication for access to libraries through Web Services in conjunction with secure sites on the same web server, you must edit the registry as follows:

  1. Run regedit.
  2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings.
  3. Add the DWORD value "DisableNTMLPreAuth" and set it to 1.

(FR 14496)

SSL Requirements

Web Services supports 128-bit SSL with the following exception: Documents are not viewable through the IDM Viewer. To view documents in an SSL environment with the IDM Viewer, you must:

  1. Set IIS to ignore certificates.

  2. On the web client, have a valid client certificate installed.

Path-based URL

You cannot retrieve and view a document using the IDM Viewer while the Enable path-based URL retrieval preference is set to Yes. (DTS 41097)

You cannot use a path-based URL to retrieve a document that is not filed in a folder. (DTS 41751)

Known Problems in the Web Services Client and HTML Samples

Back Button

The Web Services application uses frames, and as a result, using the browser's Back button can produce unexpected results.

Display of Pop-up Windows

Each pop-up window can be minimized and maximized. However, if you maximize a pop-up window, the display of some of the fields and titles might not be altered in proportion with the window.

Opening Documents

  1. View the document in the normal fashion from a web client.
  2. When the document displays in the browser, select and copy the document.
  3. Paste the document into Paint and then save the file with a .FNI extension on your web client machine.
  4. Launch the IDM Viewer.
  5. Open the file.

Viewing COLD documents

Web clients cannot use the IDM Viewer's Magnifier to zoom COLD pages that have background images. Specifically, an error occurs when the software attempts to retrieve the background image. A workaround to suppress the error requires editing the registry on the client machine, as follows:

  1. Run regedit.
  2. In the left pane, click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, FileNET, IDM, DisplayOCX folder.
  3. From the Edit menu, point to New, and then select Key.
  4. Type "COLD" (without the quotation marks) and then press Enter.
  5. Click the COLD folder.
  6. From the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD.
  7. Type "ByPassCOLDERR" (without the quotation marks) and then press Enter.
  8. Double-click the ByPassCOLDERR icon, and set Value=1.

(FR 27825)

Reboot required after installing viewer.exe

After you download and run viewer.exe, you must reboot the machine before viewing documents through the HTML Sample pages. (FR 36835)

    Known Problems in Web Services Application Integration

    You can open only the first page of a multiple page IS document using application integration. (FR 23012)

    The tabbing order is incorrect on some document property pages. (FR 21497)

    When you install FileNet Web Services Application Integration to the default folder (<drive>:\FileNet\IDM), the Setup program does not grant read and write permissions to the \IDM folder to all users. These permissions are necessary for FileNet Web Services Application Integration to function properly. On any workstation where the user does not have Administrator privileges, you must modify the permissions on the \IDM folder to grant permission to Everyone. (DTS 103876)

    Known Problems in Open Client

    Extended Characters and Euro Characters

    With JRE1.4, Euro characters and some extended characters do not work correctly. You can work around the issue for the Euro character by using the Windows Character map. To workaround the issue for extended characters, press Shift + "{" or Shift +"[" to input the extended characters. (FR 41804)

    Login Status Persists in Multiple Browser Windows

    When you log into a FileNet library using a Netscape browser, additional Netscape browser windows retain the same login status. For example, if you start Netscape and log in to a FileNet library, then open another browser window, the new Netscape window allows you to access the same library without logging in. If you log out from the library from either window, then the same library will also be logged out from the other window as well.

    The Netscape session behavior is unlike Internet Explorer, where each browser window has its own login session to the FileNet libraries.


    On a Macintosh workstation, Copy Local and Checkout sometimes fail to download the file. (FR 37333, FR 40798)

    Open Client in Visual Studio .NET

    If you specify a virtual directory name other than (the default) FnOpenClient when you install Open Client, errors may occur when you attempt to recompile the Open Client project in Visual Studio .NET. To resolve these errors:

    1. Create a virtual directory named FnOpenClient that points to the Open Client Installation directory.
    2. Locate the Open Client project file (FnOpenClient.vbproj) in the Open Client installation directory and open the file in Visual Studio .NET GA.
    3. Make your changes.
    4. Recompile the project. In rare cases, missing references to IDMObjects and JiGlue may cause the compilation to fail. If this occurs, use the project browser to remove IDMObjects and JiGlue from the project references, manually re-add them, and recompile the application. You can locate IDMObjects and JiGlue in the BIN subdirectory within your Open Client installation.
    5. To debug the application, set the default.aspx page as the initial page.

    Registry Settings and NTFS Security Requirements for Open Client

    OpenClient grants full control access for the aspnet_wp account in the following registries and their subkeys. Note that HLM is used as an abbreviation for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:

    In addition, Open Client creates the following registry keys:

    Content-based search errors

    If users get errors running content-based searches, run the regacl.exe utility to update the registry to give the aspnet_wp account the required access rights to the ODBC software. Regacl.exe is installed when you install the Open Client.

    To run the regacl.exe utility

    1. Locate the regacl.exe file on your system.
    2. In the following command, replace machinename with the name of your web server.

      regacl MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC /G machinename \ASPNET Al

      If your server uses an NTFS file system, give the user ASPNET full control to the following directory:

      <your IDM path>\FileNet\Shared\Data_SS

    NTFS settings for OpenClient

    The ..\FileNET\IDM\FnOpenClient directory and its subdireories and files should have these following NTFS settings:

    Administrators = Full Control

    Power Users = Modify|Read|Write|Execute

    System = Full Control

    Terminal Server User = Modify|Read|Write|Execute

    Users = Read|Write|Execute

    The ..\FileNET\IDM\Shared\DATA_SS directory is the only one that has a slightly different NTFS setting for Open Client:

    aspnet_wp account = Full Control

    Administrators = Full Control

    Power Users = Modify|Read|Write|Execute

    System = Full Control

    Terminal Server User = Modify|Read|Write|Execute

    Users = Read|Write|Execute

    Note that this is similar to other OpenClient directories. The only difference is that it has full control for the aspnet_wp account, which is required to support the CS search functionality.

    Aspnet_wp account

    This account is automatically created by the .NET runtime framework. It belongs to the Users group and assumes all the security settings for that group. By default, all the .NET web applications run under this account. This also applies to Open Client. On the other hand, all the legacy asp web applications run under the IUSR_<machine name> account.

    JavaView sticky note annotations

    Normally, all annotation windows remain on top of the main JavaView window. However, on a workstation with a Java environment provided by JVM, a sticky note window will not remain on top of the JavaView window if the sticky note window loses focus. This problem does not occur with a Java environment provided by a JRE. (DTS 43698)

    Do not use the new Open Client preference AutoSaveAnnotations. With this preference set to Yes, annotation icons are visible but not selectable on a retrieved image. (DTS 62989)

    Add Document wizard

    In the Add Document Wizard, after the user selects a document and then clicks Next, the Browse button disappears and a Select button appears. The file path changes to c:\windows\Filenet\ followed by garbled characters. (DTS 94391)

    Connecting CS Oracle Library from Open Client

    The following error occurs when trying to connect to a CS Oracle Library from Open Client.

    "The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3 (or greater) client software installation.You will be unable to use this driver until these components have been installed."

    The error appears because the ASPNET user did not have sufficient access to several files in the Oracle home directory (for example, C:\Oracle\Ora92). The problem is resolved by granting ASPNET Full Control access to the directory, and propagate the permissions to all the child objects.

    Unencoded HTML input from a client to an ASP.NET application on a server with Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 causes an error

    An error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client" occurs if an unencoded HTML input (for example special characters like "<" or ">") is submitted from a client to an ASP.NET 1.1 application deployed on a server running Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1.

    Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 provides a new request validation feature that prevents script-injection attacks. You can enable or disable this feature using the "validateRequest " attribute. To disable the request validation feature and avoid receiving the error message, Microsoft suggests setting the “validateRequest” attribute in the “web.config” file to 'false'. But this may increase the vulnerability of malicious attacks due to cross-site scripting. For further details refer to Microsoft KB article: (;en-us;821343).

    FileNet recommends having this security feature enabled and avoid using unencoded HTML input.

    Known Problems in Open Client with eProcess

    Be sure to also see the Release Notes for eProcess.

    You can add eProcess 5.0.0 or 5.1.0 Integration to Open Client. The eProcess software on the web server must be kept in sync with the workflow server or Process Engine.

    Work Queue

    Viewing a work queue that contains a large number of work items may fail with a server timeout. (FR 41021)

    Workflow Definition Issues

    If you attach a workflow definition to a workflow, the user launching the workflow or processing the step receives the error "XML page cannot be displayed" when opening the workflow definition attachment. (FR 41382, FR 41016).

    HTML Launch and Step Processors

    Java Launch and Step Processors

    You cannot open folders that have extended characters in their names. (FR 41628)

    If you are using JRE 1.4.0, you receive a warning message when you assign UNC attachments to Java step processors in Netscape. (FR 41977)

    Macintosh Platform

    The Linker applet hangs on Macintosh in IE 5.1. (FR 42498)

    Known Problems in IDM Desktop

    Installation and Uninstallation

    During installation, a command console may appear over your install screen. The console is harmless and will eventually shut down. (FR 36923)

    An IDM Desktop upgrade requires you to reboot the machine several times. You must log in as the same user each time.

    If you install IDM Desktop from a UNC path, the install will fail if there are spaces in the path name. To work around this, map a drive or remove the spaces from the path name. If you get the following error message "setup.exe cannot be found," do not click OK in the error dialog box. Clicking OK will hang your system and you will need to end the task in your Task Manager. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q191690 for more information. (FR 37141)

    Folder Security

    After adding a comment to a CS folder, the folder's security reverts to the folder defaults and has to be reset. (FR 36781)

    Integer String Property Type (SVCP) Boundaries

    For an Integer String property type, the maximum value is 2147483647. This is a limitation of OLE. Entering a value greater than the maximum value results in an invalid data type error. (FR 35645)

    FileNet Neighborhood (Explorer Integration)

    Using Windows XP, the plus (+) and minus (-) signs in a FileNet Neighborhood tree view disappear when a library is highlighted. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q315976 for more information. (FR 36028)


    Do not place stored searches in replication folders. Custom properties in the searches may not map correctly to comparable custom properties in the other library systems; the replicated searches will return unexpected results.

    If multivalue custom properties are included in a search that uses an operator other than equals (=), the search results will contain erroneous blank values for long text properties.

    Incorrect results are returned when a search condition queries data from a document class that includes a Menu property and the value of the field is one character in length.

    If you have a stored search with a 2-digit year in an IS server, and your regional settings are set to 4 digits, ADO will return an error. IDM Find does not convert the 2-digit year to fit the regional setting when opening a legacy stored search.

    Drag and Drop, Cut, Copy and Paste

    The paste operation fails if the copy was done in a process that is no longer running.

    Cut is not supported for any objects in Explorer, IDMTreeView, or IDMListView.

    Copy/paste or drag of a local file from Explorer into a library residing in a Visual Basic application's IDMTreeView or IDMListView does not work unless you are logged on to the library.

    IDM Viewer

    If the image of a Microsoft Office document appears to be cut off from the right or does not print in landscape mode, right click on the document in the viewer, then click the Options/Print on the context menu, and check the 'Use Original document Formatting if available' checkbox.

    A Virtual Memory error may occur if you are searching in a large document, such as a Report Manager document. Increase your paging file size to resolve this error. (FR 36053)

    You might see the message "Error in dispatch method" when viewing a document. This error is benign and can be ignored.

    You can use Internet Explorer's Save As command to save a PDF file; it saves an empty file.

    When there is no printer configured, the print dialog does not display when you select the IDM Viewer's Options/Print item on the context menu of a document displayed by Outside In. Define a default printer to resolve this issue.

    The following issues occur on a limited set of PostScript printers:

    The scale factor is not always available programmatically when a database or spreadsheet has many columns.

    Use the Enhance mode with multipage G3 Fax TIFF images. Other modes do not work properly.

    With MDI: customized settings are saved when you close the viewer. With MTI, the customized settings are not saved after you close the viewer. (FR 22394)

    If you try to view a file with a file type that the IDM Viewer doesn't recognize, you will be asked twice if you want to open the document. If you answer yes to the questions, then the document is opened using the registered application, if there is one.

    If you display a document's properties from the Viewer application, you must use the mouse to navigate between tabs and to fields; the tab and arrow keys are not supported.

    The scale factor is not always available programmatically when a database or spreadsheet has many columns.

    The print option in the IDM Viewer may sometimes be grayed out even through the document is printable. This is an Internet Explorer issue. To work around the problem, use Ctrl-P or the print button on the tool bar.

    Using IDM Desktop as a web client

    Known Problems in IDM Desktop Application Integration

    Save As doesn't work after uninstalling application integration

    After uninstalling application integration for Word and Excel, the Save As functionality may not work in the Microsoft Office application. To correct the problem, follow these steps:

    1. Open the application.
    2. From the Tools menu, click Customize.
    3. Leave the Customize dialog box open.
    4. Right-click the File menu, and then click Reset.
    5. Close the Customize dialog box, and then close the application.

    When the application is opened again, the Save As functionality will work correctly.  (FR 12365)

    The application integration preference "Prompt to update properties on checkin" allows the user to decide whether to update properties when checking in a document. Such an update updates item properties but not version properties; the version properties do not yet exist. You can modify the version properties or update them during the next checkout. (FR 11807)

    Office XP's Close Group Command

    The Office XP Close Group command may not work correctly with IDM Desktop application integration. If you open a group of documents, and you have made no changes, it may prompt you to save changes to the first document and then stop without closing any documents. The Close Group command works correctly in Word and Excel if you set the "Update menu and toolbar" preference to No. (DTS 50607)

    Outlook Integration

    Occasionally, the FileNet menu options do not appear after integrating Outlook. To get the menu options to appear:

    1. Open up the Outlook Tools \ Option dialog, and then select each of the tabs.
    2. Press OK.
    3. Exit the dialog box, and then restart Outlook.

    The FileNet menus options should appear. If they don't, delete the extend.dat file and repeat these steps to recreate the extend.dat file.

    Lotus Notes Integration

    The Lotus Notes snapshot is not created during an Add procedure when Lotus Notes is not active. (FR 36290)

    The Snapshot printer is not installed if Lotus Notes is installed in quiet mode. Without the Snapshot printer, the default settings for adding an entire record to a CS library may fail. Refer to the following steps for manually adding a Snapshot printer:

    1. Open your Printers folder, and then select Add Printer.
    2. In the Add Printer Wizard, click Next.
    3. From the Local or Network Printer dialog box, select Local printer, and then Next.
    4. From the Select the Printer Port dialog box, select Create a new port. Leave Local port as the port type, and then click Next.
    5. In the Port Name dialog box, enter the port name using a full path\file name. The port name should include a short form of the Panagon installation path, and then \Temp\Notes\fnsnap.tif. For example if the FileNet software is installed in the \FileNet\IDM folder on the D: drive, the port name should be: d:\filenet\idm\temp\notes\fnsnap.tif
    6. In the Add Printer Wizard, click Have Disk.
      1. In the Install from Disk dialog box, click Browse.
      2. From the Locate File dialog box, select your Panagon installation path, such as d:\Program files\FileNET\IDM subfolder, from the Look in list. The fnsnap.inf file name should appear in the list.
      3. Select this file, and then click Open.
      4. From the Install from Disk dialog box, click OK.
      5. In the Add Printer Wizard, click Next.
      6. From the Name your Printer dialog box, click Next.
      7. From the Printer Sharing dialog box, select Do not share this printer, and then click Next.
      8. In the Print Test Page dialog box, click No, and then click Next.
      9. Click Finish.

    (FR 37075)

    If you do not have edit rights to a controlled access section, a FileNet OCX Link in that section, when activated with the Notes record in edit mode, launches in a separate application window. There is no known solution.

    When selecting a version through the Versions tab of the Properties dialog, a right-click on the version displays the standard Open, Copy and Checkout options instead of the expected Notes Link, Notes Copy, and Notes Checkout options. To resolve this issue, select versions through the menu option Display Versions that is displayed when you click on the Commands and Settings button on the toolbar of the FileNet Open dialog.

    Creating a Notes Copy of an IS document as an embedded OLE object fails. The problem occurs when there is an attempt to create an embedded OLE object associated with the IDM Viewer, which does not support embedded OLE objects. This situation arises when a Configuration Profile in the Administration database specifies that Notes copies be created as embedded OLE objects. It also identifies IS document classes or file name extensions for which the copy to be created should be associated with in the IDM Viewer, such as an .FNI filename extension. The Copy creation process detects this conflict and generates an error message. The recommended solution is to select the option "embedded OLE object if possible else file attachment" in the Configuration Settings for creating Notes copies.

    During a checkin from Lotus Notes do not select the "Checkin and Checkout" Check box on the Checkin Options dialog accessed through the command ellipses on the final page of the Document Wizard. Checking this option, checks in the document and immediately checks it back out again. However, the document is not actually copied to Notes or to a local directory. If this option is inadvertently checked, you must cancel the check out. (FR 18037)

    API Issues

    Automatic logon

    Automatic logon using idmLogonOptServerNoUI is supported only in the Windows 2000 MTS/COM+ environment. It is not supported in ASP, ASP.NET, or .NET Framework development environment in general.

    Document Object

    When using the idmSendWithUI option, users must enter their passwords. When using the idmSendNoUI option, the call fails if the user is not logged on to the mail system.

    When using the Document object function GetNativeFile, retrieving the native file of an IS Publish and Display Document can leave an additional file in the IDM Cache directory. The file is removed from the IDM Cache directory when the PC is rebooted. (FR 23199)

    Using Document.SaveNew in a multithreaded application sometimes fails because the LocalDB was not intended for use with multithreaded applications. (FR 36809)

    ObjectSet Object

    Errors and unexpected behaviors can occur if you add objects to collections using the ObjectSets returned from Panagon IDM automation interfaces (for example, Folder.SubFolders). Instead, create an empty ObjectSet in your VB application and add objects to this ObjectSet.

    Query using ADO

    ADO logs an unknown error when the connection to the database is being made. This error cannot be trapped with an error handler and is simply added to the ADO object's error collection. The error can be seen using Visual Basic's Locals Window at run time.

    IDMQuery Control

    Advanced searches for CS documents using comparison operators on multivalued custom properties return multiple instances of items.

    The following list describes the behavior of some of the IDMQuery controls in Visual Basic's Object Browser:

    Creating the AdoCommand Property

    The following code, which worked in IDM Desktop 3.0, does not work in IDM Desktop3.2.

    ‘Create a Stored Search object.

    Set oStSrch = oLibrary.CreateObject(idmObjTypeStoredSearch, "")

    qname = "QCS_" + CStr(k) + "_" + CStr(maxRet) + "_" + CStr(j)

    queryCond = whereClause(k)

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.ActiveConnection = connection

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.CommandText = "SELECT " + colSpec + " FROM FNDOCUMENT WHERE " + queryCond

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.Properties("Maximum Rows") = maxRet

    oStSrch.Label = qnameo

    StSrch.SaveNew idmStoredSearchSaveNewNoUI, CustomApp.Text

    To workaround this problem, call SaveNew as shown in the following example:

    ‘Create a Stored Search object.Set

    oStSrch = oLibrary.CreateObject(idmObjTypeStoredSearch, "")

    oStSrch.SaveNew idmStoredSearchSaveNewNoUI, CustomApp.Text

    qname = "QCS_" + CStr(k) + "_" + CStr(maxRet) + "_" + CStr(j)

    queryCond = whereClause(k)

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.ActiveConnection = connection

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.CommandText = "SELECT " + colSpec + " FROM FNDOCUMENT WHERE " + queryCond

    oStSrch.ADOCommand.Properties("Maximum Rows") = maxRet

    oStSrch.Label = qname

    oStSrch.Save 'Save whatever values has been set to the AdoCommand.(FR 22755)

    Command Objects

    When executing the method ShowOptionsDialog, the Options Dialog that appears is always modal regardless of whether the Modal parameter of the method is passed a value of True or False.

    Saving a Multiple-Page IS Document Using VBScript

    Normally, to save an IS multiple-page document, you create an array, populate it with the page data, then pass the array to the IDM call. However, using an array in VBScript with Web Services can cause unexpected results. The following code snippet shows one way of successfully saving a multiple-page IS document using VBScript (as in the ASP environment):

    ’Create multiple-page document using VBScript

    Set oDoc = oLib.CreateObject (idmObjTypeDocument, "SampleDocType")

    FileName01 = "C:\Temp\Anno1.tif"

    FileName02 = "C:\Temp\Anno2.tif"

    ODoc.SaveNew Array(fileName01, fileName02), idmDocSaveNewKeep

    ADO Mishandles Connection Strings

    The following line causes ADO to mishandle the connection string:

    “Prompt=” & idmLogonOptNoUI & “;”

    In this instance, idmLogonOptNoUI translates to zero, which is invalid. When preparing an ADO connection string, use the ADO constants found within ADODB.ConnectPromptEnum, such as adPromptNever, instead of IDM constants.

    In addition, ADO parses the connection string and removes items corresponding to properties. This situation is illustrated in the following code:

    connStr = “Provider=FnDBProvider;Data Source=” & lib.Name & “;SystemType=” & lib.SystemType & “;”

    anADOConn.Open connStr

    extPropsStr = anADOConn.Properties("Extended Properties")

    Prior to ADO 2.0 the Extended Properties string would have included the “SystemType=...”. Now, ADO removes this portion of the string and it is only available as a property (for instance, anADOConn.Properties(“SystemType”)).

    ArchiveEx Method

    You can specify an archive disposition when archiving a version using the ArchiveEx method:

    Sub ArchiveEx([DispName As String])

    Member of IDMObjects.Version

    ...where DispName is the name of an archive disposition.

    SupportsObjSet Property

    If the SupportsObjSet property of the Command Object is not set, the Fields property of the Record Set is not initialized with the Object Set. When the SupportsObjSet property of the Command Object is set to true, the Fields property of the Record Set should have the Object Set when the RecordSet is reopened again. But the Fields property does not have the Object Set. To work around this issue, get the Object Set from ADORecordSet.Properties("ObjSet").Value. (FR 23451)

    IDM ListView

    Documents in the IDMListView's Report View layout do not always display the desired properties.If you add the documents to the IDMListView layout window while the IDMListView.View property is set to any of the options (such as, idmViewIcon, idmViewSmallIcon and idmViewList) other than idmViewReport, the requested properties of the newly added documents do not display even if you later change the IDMListView.View property to idmViewReport.

    Documentation Corrections

    The CS library preference Enable direct document access applies to IDM Desktop only. Please disregard any information in the Help on setting this up to work through FileNet Web Services. (DTS 43856)

    Known problem on Globalization Application Integration

    When open a Word doc, enable the macro, you may get duplicated submenus "Update Properties" of Insert menu in IDM Desktop US version (ecmdb00846193).