Application Connector for Siebel7

Version 3.2

May 2004

This document contains last minute information about Application Connector for Siebel7 (ACS7), release 3.2. It describes software corrections and new features, list of known problems, limitations, and incompatibilities addressed in this release.

Introduction to ACS7 3.2
Layout of Product CD
Supported Platforms
Installation and Deployment

What’s new in the ACS7 3.2 Release
Known Software Problems and Restrictions
ACS7 Support

Introduction to ACS7 3.2

ACS7 3.2 application is a connector that extends functionality of Siebel application by adding the benefits of Enterprise Content Management (ECM). The integration brings in ECM functionality, such as document security, version control, check-in and checkout,. Hence, it allows quick and easy capture, access, management, and integration of valuable content and significantly improves decision making across the enterprise. 

Layout of Product CD


Contains ACS7 setup file for Open Client Server


Contains ACS7 documentation


Contains installer for Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0


Automatically launches Setup.exe on loading of ACS7 CD


ACS7 Readme document


Executable to launch ACS7 setup splash screen


Supported platform

·         Siebel 7.5.2 Enterprise Server on Windows 2000 Server with service Pack 2 or above

·         Siebel 7.5.3 Enterprise Server on Windows 2000 Server with service Pack 2 or above

·         IE 5.5 & above

·         FileNet Image Services 3.6

·         FileNet Image Services 4.0

·         FileNet Web Services 3.2

·         FileNet Web Services 3.3

·         Open Client 3.2

·         Open Client 3.3 Patch 2 or above

·         FileNet Content Service 5.2

·          ACS7 3.2 Database on SQL Server 2000/Oracle 8i.

Installation and Deployment

ACS7 3.2 installation requires FileNet Open Client installation as a prerequisite. The installation and configuration guides are located in the /docs folder on the product media. Please refer these documents for installation and configuration of ACS7. After the ACS7 installation, a program group Application Connector For Siebel7 3.2 (ACS7 3.2) is created along with program items: Configuration Tool, Migration Tool, Operation Guide, Installation and Configuration Guide, Programmers Guide, Modify Global.asax.vb and Readme. User can configure ACS7 application using the Configuration Tool option.


As a part of ACS7 3.2 setup, installer creates a folder CIS under Open Client installation folder.


Installer creates the following files in CIS subfolder:




CISWebForms (.aspx & .vb)

* All ACS7 web forms

CISConfig.xml file

* Containing ACS7 application configuration settings

ConfigTool.css, styles.css

* Style sheets used by ACS7 application


* A javascript file.


* A javascript file


* An executable that inserts ACS customization in Global.asax.vb file of Open Client application


Installer creates the following subfolders under CIS folder:





Contains Acrobat reader 5.0 application executable,


Contains ACS7 Operation guide, CIS Installation and   Configuration Guide, CIS Programmer’s guide and Release Notes,



Contains installer for Microsoft tree view Control


Contains all images used by ACS7 application

/Migration Tool  

Contains ACS7 migration tool executable


Contains strings.resources file


Contains custom ACS7 Siebel objects to be imported in Siebel repository


Contains SQL scripts and batch files to create ACS7 database


Contains executable and .XML file for initialization/update of LOV entries in Siebel


What’s new in this Release

·         The application name CRM Integration Suite (CIS) is changed to Application Connector for Siebel7 (ACS7).

·         The “View Linked Documents”, “View and Link Searched Documents” and “Add Documents” screen provides “About ACS7” button to view product and module related information. .

·         A linked document can be sent as attachment in an outgoing mail from “View Linked Documents” and “View and Link Searched Documents” screen.

·         The document links of a business component can be copied from one Siebel record to another.

·         The documents displayed in the data grid can be sorted in reverse chronological (descending) order in the columnar display.

·         The ACS7 Configuration Tool can configure the number of documents to be displayed in the data grid.

·         The “Next” and “Previous” buttons are provided to scroll through the displayed documents in the data grid. The concept of paging is introduced in all pages that display data grid.

·         The ACS7 Configuration Tool  can configure the display of document class folders in the tree view control of “View Linked Documents” screen. .This facilitates the display of all linked documents corresponding to a library, instead of a specific document class.

·         In the “Add Document” screen, the drop down list displaying the list of configured libraries is removed. Instead, a tree view control is added that displays the libraries along with their folders. User can add documents to a specific document class, under a particular library, selected from the tree view.

·         LOV entries in Siebel application have a character limit of 30 that can impede the user from entering correct values in "CISHostName". The LOV entry in "CISHostName" has been segregated into different LOV entries to store "Open Client Server Name", "Open Client Virtual Folder Name".

·         The Archiving tool deletes links of documents archived from FileNet library, from the ACS7 database.

·         ACS7 3.2 supports creating Stored Searches, Viewing Linked Stored Searches/ Templates and Searching for Stored Searches/ Templates.

Contains fixes for following STRs:

·         STR 62780 – Documentation changes to ACS7 Installation and Configuration guide, under “Generating Browser script” and “Creating Siebel Desktop User Credentials” sections.

·         STR 62545 – The menu buttons (Synchronize, Properties, Open etc.) continued to remain disabled when the “LinkStatus” check box in “Search & Link” screen is reverted to initial state. This is fixed in ACS7 3.2 release.

·         STR 62745 - If the link status is reverted to its initial value after changing it, “View Linked Document” screen is refreshed before the user performs any other operation on the screen. In case the change is reverted, the screen should not be refreshed. This is fixed in ACS7 3.2 release.

·         STR 62779 – Invalid error message displayed on “View Linked Document Screen” and “View & Link Searched Documents” screen, if any invalid values were entered for two document indices. A valid error message is displayed in ACS7 3.2 release.

·         STR 62755 – Error while fetching the business components that have hyphen (-) in their names. This is fixed in ACS7 3.2 release.

·         STR 62874 – Error in auto populating field values on “Add Document” screen, if the business component has hyphen (-) in its name. This is fixed in ACS7 3.2 release.

·         STR 62860 – Values coming in Date popup box are localized.

·         STR 60779 – Error number stripped from the information message "CIS-1053: No Linked Documents Found".

·         DTS 90888 – Support for External Documents is provided.

·         DTS 91909 – Date displayed in the data grid of “View Linked Documents” screen will have the same format as that of the clients’ machine. The earlier releases display date in “MM/dd/yyyy” format only.

·         DTS 90347 – Support for MVL field type is introduced.

·         DTS 95997 – Synchronization feature for MVL fields is introduced.

·         DTS 96103 – MVL field will look like an MVL field only if a CVL is attached to the MVL field. Earlier it was displayed as a CVL field.

·         DTS 96104 – For External documents, document image button and document link button will me made disabled in the data grid of “View Linked Documents” screen and “View And Link Searched Documents” screen.

·         DTS 101015 (Documentation) – The Installation & Configuration Guide is updated with the information about configuring “Service Request” business component.

·         DTS 101028 – The message on View Linked Documents screen is updated. Earlier, it referred to a cancel button when none existed.

·         DTS 101010 (Documentation) – The Operation Manual is updated with the information about the special characters supported by ACS7 3.2

·         DTS 100224 (Documentation) - The Installation & Configuration Guide is updated with the latest screenshots on configuring Siebel fields.

·         DTS 100225 (Documentation) - The Installation & Configuration Guide is updated with the correct screenshot of compiling objects in Siebel Tools.

·         DTS 100069 – An error was occurring in sending a document on a French system, which has been fixed.

·         DTS 98650 (Documentation) – The Operation Manual is updated with the information that <SHIFT> key should not be pressed while clicking anywhere on the Siebel and ACS7 applications as it can lead to a java script error.

·         DTS 98648 – The language name of ACS7 LOV entries will be set during the installation of ACS7 3.2 and the Installation & Configuration Guide is updated with the same information.

·         DTS 98646 (Documentation) - The Installation & Configuration Guide is updated with the information about configuring Service Request business component field and mapping it to a FileNet field.

Known Software Problems and Restrictions

Siebel application

·         FileNet attachment view tab border does not look active on selection, i.e. border does not become blue. SR # 38-827551751 with Siebel can be referred for further details.

·         When any option is selected from a drop down list in Siebel, and the scroll wheel on the mouse is repeatedly moved, the hourglass does not end and the browser session hangs.

CIS 3.1 application

When a user deletes the mandatory custom properties of more than one document, without allowing the system to update the first document; ACS7 application generates error message for the first document in the view. After the properties have been updated for this document, ACS7 application generates error for the next document but does not allow user to navigate to the row for which current error message is generated. Clicking on Undo button can rollback the entire operation. This behavior can only be seen in case ACS7 is running on High Interactivity Mode. This problem may occur on some systems.

CIS 3.0a application

·         If all the users/group are deleted from security setting for a linked CS document and a user, with ‘Admin’ rights, tries to access the document, an error occurs at Open Client server. This behavior causes error in ACS7 as well.

·         Viewing a .hlp document using ‘Open’ menu button causes unpredictable behavior like opening one instance of Java Viewer and two instances of Help file.


ACS7 Support

If you experience any difficulties with this CD or the product, please contact your FileNet Customer Support personnel for assistance.