Readme for FileNet Report Manager 5.0a

This readme offers the following information about Report Manager 5.0a release:

About the Software CDs

Report Manager 5.0a is delivered on 2 CDs.

Full - includes installation of Report Manager Services and Report Manager Desktop.

Desktop - includes installation of Report Manager Desktop.

Supported Platforms

Report Manager Compatibility and Dependency Matrix

What's New in Report Manager 5.0a

Performance Improvement in Index Service

Index Service is redesigned for optimized performance where native indexing is involved. Performance will also be improved in general when the volume of documents to be indexed is very high.

What's New in Report Manager 5.0

Following are the new features in Report Manager 5.0:

Traffic/Index/Storage Services as Windows Services

The existing server applications, i.e. Traffic Service, Index Service and Storage Service, will now be available as Windows services.

UNC Names for Storage Path Name

Earlier versions of Report Manager allowed users to map network drive to store data on a system other than the Storage Service location. However, Report Manager 5.0 allows use of UNC pathnames to identify a network share where Report Manager data is to be stored.

Folder Security Enhancement

Earlier versions of Report Manager supported 65535 (16-bit) folders to which folder security settings could be applied whereas Report Manager 5.0 supports security settings on double the number of folders.

Extended IS Document Range

Report Manager 5.0 supports 4-byte unsigned integers for IS Document IDs. Extended IS document range feature now enables Document IDs greater than 2147483647 up to 3999999999 (4 Billion - 1).

Collocation Support for IS 4.0 and Report Manager 5.0a

Report Manager 5.0 supports collocation of IS and Report Manager Services on the same system and utilization of the same instance of SQL Server.

ISTK 4.0 Upgrade

Report Manager 5.0 supports ISTK 4.0 enabling interaction with IS 4.0 and 3.6 servers.

Report Catalog Extension

Report Manager 5.0 expands the existing Reports Cataloging feature. In case of older versions of Report Manager, IDM Find was limited to searching Report Manager reports by entry date (index date) and doc class. The feature adds more ways of finding a document through IDM, like cross-catalog by Report Title, Fixed Value and by Folder Name.

IDM Save As feature for Report Manager

Report Manager 5.0 enables saving Report Manager Documents to local drive. IDM will now save complete Report Manager cross-cataloged files, instead of those in the cache.

Delete Bulk INX Records

Report Manager 5.0 has been enhanced for bulk deletion of indexes cross-cataloged to an IS system. This enhancement speeds up this process significantly.

Adobe Acrobat Version Support

Report Manager 5.0 supports Adobe Acrobat 6.x/7.0 and Adobe Business Tools 4.0.5a.

SQL 2000 Server Support for Report Manager

Report Manager 5.0 drops support for SQL 7.0 Server.

Support for Windows 2003 Server

Report Manager 5.0 supports Windows 2003 Server.

Resolved DTS

Fixes of the following DTS have been included in Report Manager 5.0a release:


The Document Security window closes automatically and the Report Manager Desktop crashes when the Document Access button is clicked while updating the user security.


Users were unable to upgrade from Report Manager 4.1 to Report Manager 5.0 smoothly due to a Report Manager Database Table ALTER error in database conversion during the upgrade process.

172822 If NT Integrated Security access to database option is selected then Back Button in installer does not work. On clicking it does not show previous installer screen.

Storage Service started loading files from the folders for which the "Do not Scan" option was checked.


Scheduler turns status to stop from sleeping over 24 - 48 hours when same setting file is scheduled for two consecutive days.

183060 Client application using OLE Automation fails with Report Manager 5.0 as CreateObject() function fails if Report Manager Desktop is not running in the background.

While installing Report Manager 5.0 Patch 2 on Report Manager 5.0, if Report Manager 5.0 base setup files are not present on the user's system then Report Manager 5.0 base setup file was not found at the specified location error occurs .

198313 In Report Manager 5.0, the earlier saved font style/size settings for a document are not retained when same or another document is opened through Report Manager Desktop.
198314 In Report Manager 5.0, the earlier saved Zoom-In and Zoom-Out settings for a document are not retained when same or another document is opened through Report Manager Desktop.
202942 Optical Rollover fails when the UNC path of mapped or local drive is provided as an optical storage device.

Installing Report Manager 5.0a

For detailed instructions, please refer the Report Manager 5.0a Install Guide.pdf.

Silent installation is also provided for Report Manager 5.0a.

Upgrade Instructions for Report Manager 5.0a

Following are the recommended steps to upgrade to Report Manager 5.0a from previous versions:

  1. Upgrade to Windows 2000 SP4 or 2003 server SP1 if any other version of Windows is in use.
  2. Upgrade to SQL Server 2000 SP4, if SQL Server 7.0 is in use.**
  3. If Adobe upgrade is available, upgrade previous versions of Adobe acrobat to the latest version (Refer to the Report Manager Compatibility and Dependency Matrix for details on the supported versions).
  4. Now, upgrade Report Manager from previous versions to Report Manager 5.0a.

Report Manager Client upgrade should also follow the similar steps.

For Upgrade Chart and further upgrade information, refer to Report Manager 5.0a Install Guide.pdf.

**Note: To upgrade your SQL database to Microsoft SQL 2000. It is recommended that you back up your data before attempting upgrade. Install Microsoft SQL 2000 and accept all default paths and protocols. In case you dont upgrade to SQL 2000 Server, you will receive error messages while you upgrade to Report Manager 5.0a. You must also migrate your old Report Manager database from 7.0 to 2000 using the SQL Server 2000 Upgrade Wizard. SQL Admin should make sure that Sort Order settings or collation settings are consistent while moving or restoring data from an existing database setup to new database setup.

Installation Notes

Exit from all programs including virus protection programs before installing or upgrading FileNet software.

Reboot immediately after any installation or upgrade of Report Manager. Rebooting, registers the new DLLs after an installation or upgrade .

Important: In case of distributed environment setup, ensure that the DSN (PRMTables) points to the appropriate database.

To ensure Report Manager Services functions predictably after restarting the system post-installation, you must ensure the domain user name is added to the following:

To add the domain user name to Log on as a service under Local Security Policy:

  1. From the Windows taskbar, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
  2. In the Local Security Settings dialog box, navigate Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
  3. Double-click Log on as a service from the list of available policies in the right pane of the Local Security Settings dialog box.
  4. In the Local Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add and type or navigate to the domain user you want to give rights to.

To add the domain user to the Administrator Group:

  1. Right-click My Computers icon on the desktop and select Manage.
  2. On the Computer Management dialog box, select Groups under the Local User and Groups Node.
  3. Double-click Administrator on the right pane and add the domain user to the system.

Note: All changes of Report Manager 5.0, Patch#1 and Patch# 2 have been rolled into Report Manager 5.0a.