FileNet Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack Readme: RM-4.0.1-030
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2008. All Rights Reserved.


About this Fix Pack
Product Compatibility
New in this Fix Pack
Installation, migration, upgrade and configuration
Support Documentation
Installation Instructions
Uninstall this Fix Pack
Known limitations, problems and workarounds
Product Fix History
Contact Customer Support
Notices and Trademarks

About this Fix Pack

This document provides information about the fixes, features, requirements, and certifications available for Report Manager 4.1 and the steps to install them. 

Note: IBM is currently migrating the contents of the IBM Customer Service and Support web site for FileNet customers to a new location. If you click on a documentation link after the migration is complete, you will be redirected to an information page. Follow the instructions to reach the new product documentation download web site.

Product Compatibility

For information on product compatibility, refer to the FileNet Report Manager Compatibility and Dependency Matrix located on the
IBM Customer Service and Support web site for FileNet customers web site.

You will need an IBM-issued login name and password to access the web site.

New in this Fix Pack

In this Fix Pack, doc IDs more than 2 billion(2^31 - 1) and up to 4 billion ( 2^32 - 1) have been supported. Please note that from the IDM client, docIDs with more than 2 billion have not been supported yet.

Installation, migration, upgrade and configuration

Support Documentation

You can find a copy of the latest Report Manager Documentation and the Report Manager Documentation packages and the Report Manager 4.1 Installation Guide on the IBM Customer Service and Support web site for FileNet customers.

You will need an IBM-issued login name and password to access the web site.


See the FileNet Report Manager Compatibility & Dependency Matrix for information on requirements and supported service packs.


As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 5, MSSQL Server 2000 with SP2 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 7, IDM 3.2 Desktop and WebServices are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 11, MSSQL Server 2000 with SP3 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 13, MSSQL Server 7.0 with SP4 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1- Fix Pack 15, a new API is supported which enhances the performance of bulk INX records deletion.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 18, IDM 3.2b Desktop and WebServices are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 21, AFP2PDF v5.3 and Meta2PDF v5.3 are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 22, Adobe Acrobat 6.x is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 25, IS 4.0 with DB2 is supported for cross cataloging of documents.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 25, IS 4.0 with DB2 is supported for cross cataloging of documents.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 26, this Fix Pack contains the updated WAL 3.6 modules.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 26, IS 4.0 with SP3 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 26, ISTK 4.0 with SP3 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 26, MSSQL Server 2000 with SP4 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 27, AFP2PDF v5.4 and Meta2PDF v5.4 are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 29, AFP2PDF v5.4.1 (a2pd.dll) and Meta2PDF v5.4.1 (m2pd.dll) are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 29, MSSQL Server 2005 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 29, Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard and Enterprise editions are supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 29, IS 4.1 SP1 is supported

Installation Instructions

  1. Backup the existing product directories prior to installation of fixes. 
  2. Copy the self-extracting executable (RM41-30.exe) to a temporary directory.
  3. Stop all Report Manager Services if they are running.
  4. Execute RM41-30.exe. This will extract the necessary setup files in a 'Client' directory and a 'Server' directory. Execute setup.exe from the appropriate directory and accept all default options to automatically upgrade your client or server machines.
  5. A log can be found in the Windows directory after the installation of each software fix pack. The log file for the client is prmdinst.log. The log file for the server is prmsinst.log.

Uninstall this Fix Pack

Once this Fix Pack is installed, the process cannot be reversed.

Known limitations, problems and workarounds

Image Services

As of the release of RM 4.1-015 software fix pack, you may see this warning message in the event log on your FileNet Image Services system:

90,1,13 INXs [PID=1772 TID=2104] ...
INXs parse_call: unknown procedure number = 87

To resolve this issue, install SCR 171065 on your FileNet Image Services system. Installing the SCR will enhance the performance of the Report Manager Index Purge process.

We have applied the Microsoft recommended fix for the 8-byte boundary issue in RM-4.1-008 fix pack. This has partially resolved the problem; however you may occasionally see the 8-byte boundary warnings. These warnings should not affect Report Manager Functionality or data integrity in any way.

Conversion Utility

As of Report Manager 4.1 Fix Pack 22, a new parameter is provided for the background operation of the Conversion utility. Please refer to DTS 95107 under the Resolved STRs and DTSs section below. /r is the new retry parameter. An integer following this parameter specifies the number of times Conversion will retry to open the input file before an error message will be displayed. The conversion utility waits 60 seconds between each retry, and the default, if this parameter is omitted, is 10.

Desktop/OLE Automation Interface Commands

New OLE Automation Functions:



Copies the designated template to a new folder


Folder ID (long)
Doc Template ID (long)
Destination Folder ID (long)


Error messages or Null if OK (string)



Deletes the designated template


Folder ID (long)
Doc Template ID (long)


Error messages or Null if OK (string)



Changes the file specification name and the template name of the designated template


Doc Template ID (long)
New Template Name (string)
New File Specification Name (string)


Error messages or Null if OK (string)



Returns the file specification name of the template


Doc Template ID (long)


File specification name of the template (string)

Desktop/OLE Call

The SearchIndexSQL OLE call uses the setting "MaxQueryHits" under the [CUSTOM] heading in the PRMDSK32.INI file. This setting can be done manually, or by running the Index Search dialog in the Desktop and setting the "Maximum Query Hits" parameter in the edit box. The number of items will be defaulted to 200 if the “MaxQueryHits” setting is 0 or less.

Note: Since this parameter is used by both the Desktop Index Search dialog and the OLE call, changing the setting via the dialog will affect any OLE program and vice versa. Thus, it is recommended that any OLE application should always verify the setting and change it if necessary.

Desktop/Form Overlay

Added a new section to the "Configure Background" dialog. The new edit field is "Text Offset | Column Offset". Enter a value in this field and every text row will have extra blank characters added to the beginning of the line. The purpose of this field is to aid in aligning form overlays with the text of a report.

The font typeface used when setting up a form overlay is now part of the information saved. When a document is opened with a form overlay, and if the typeface was saved, the font for the report will be set to the saved typeface. If not saved, the default system font is used.

Defining Document Layouts

Report Manager treats all Page fields as though they are part of the Detail section. In the absence of a Detail section, fields in the Group Header will be used. In the absence of a Detail section and a Group Header, fields in the Page Header will be used.

Traffic Service

Add the following to the prm_ts.ini file:


If XXX=0 or if the key is not present, then the number of rows returned defaults to 16255.

If XXX>64,000 then the number of Rows returned is set to 64,000 which is the maximum limit.

This setting affects the number of items that are listed when a folder is opened through Report Manager Desktop. The setting will affect all of the Report Manager Desktop clients that are connecting to the RM Traffic service.

Storage Service/Channel Mapping

Add the following to the Prm_ss.INI file:

[Channel Map]
Convert Nulls = 1 (default)

if Convert Nulls = 1, then nulls will be replaced with a space (0x20).
if Convert Nulls = 0, then Storage Service will stop loading the file and reports an error to the event log when it encounters null characters.

Storage Service/Loading Files

Loading Multiple Statements

When multiple statement documents are loaded with multiple processes a unique stmtLog.outX file will be created for each statement being loaded. 

When the Fix Pack is installed the following entry will automatically be added to the prm_ss.ini file.

Statement File = [Same path as the 'Report File' entry]\StmtLog.out

The StmtLog.out files are created when statement files are created. The StmtLog.out files have the same format as report.out files. 

Loading Bad Files

When a file fails to load properly, Storage Service will now, by default, continue to load other files in it's file list. In previous versions if a file failed to load properly all file processing stopped. If the user wants all file processing to halt when a file cannot be loaded they can add the following to the prm_ss.ini file:

Stop On Bad File = 1

Storage Service/Form Feeds

Add the following to the prm_ss.ini file:

InsertFF = 1

If InsertFF is set to 1 and no form feeds are found in the data stream then form-feeds will be inserted after every 66 lines. If InsertFF is set to any other value or is absent (the default behavior) then if no form feeds are found a form-feed WILL NOT be inserted IF the file is smaller than the maximum size of a single page. This is to handle cases in which each report file contains only a single page and that page contains more then 66 lines. 

The parameter is added as a way to distinguish between small files that contain more than a single page and small files that only contain one single page. Thus it should only be used in cases where the data file is small but contains more than a single page and it is desirable to add page breaks after every 66 lines.

Storage Service/Rollover

Delete empty archive files

Added the following to the prm_ss.ini file:

DeleteArchiveWithNoDoc=0 (default)

if DeleteArchiveWithNoDoc=1 then empty archive files will be deleted
if DeleteArchiveWithNoDoc=0 then empty archive files will not be deleted for either setting and an entry will be made in the Event log.

Product Fix History

The following abbreviations are used:

The following tables list the product fixes available for Report Manager 4.1:

RM 4.1-030

ECMDB # Affects Area Description
Client, Server

Fixes a problem where Storage Service unable to load the document whose docID is more than 2 billion(2^31 – 1).

RM 4.1-029

DTS # Affects Area Description
Client, Server

Fixes a problem where RM 4.1 users were unable to convert AFP to PDF using AFP utility from Xenos.

RM 4.1-028

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem where Storage Service was unable to load a duplex AFP document and displayed an error "APA Internal error: NULL raw flat text data encountered".
Note: This fix requires Xenos version 5.4 DLL's and the value for "Pages Per Segment" property must be set to an even number.
Fixes a problem where a user within a group could modify another group member's annotations.

Fixes a problem where RM Desktop users were unable to use the scroll wheel on their mouse to review reports.


Fixes a problem where users were unable to view MTA/AFP reports when the document page number exceeds more than 225.

RM 4.1-026

DTS # Affects Area Description

Fixes a problem where Storage Service was unable to load report and the report file displayed a message, "Imagecache of '1' Megabytes will not hold all images".

RM 4.1-025

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem where an out of memory error was logged during the Index Purge process of document rollover from Report Manager to Image Services.

RM 4.1-024

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem where running two Index Services caused the error documents to be deleted from the Index Queue.
Fixes a problem where Index Service was unable to logon to the IS server, in a distributed environment when cross cataloging to IS server was on.
Client, Server
Fixes a problem where Adobe Acrobat was closing while Statement Administrator was launched on Report Manager Server.
Fixes a problem where an error message was displayed when the same APA document was closed two times.
Fixes a problem where Report Manager Desktop crashes while searching text using "Find Text" on APA documents.

RM 4.1-023

DTS # Affects Area Description
Burst Service
Fixes a problem where an error "Syntax Error Found on Line..." occurs when prm_bs.ini file exceeds 2.91 MB.

RM 4.1-022

DTS # Affects Area Description

Fixes a problem with Rollover process failing when processing specific type of customer data.


Fixes a problem where an error message was displayed when an input file for the Conversion utility was being locked and Conversion cannot process the file. See Conversion Utility under General Notes section above.

RM 4.1-021

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem with Storage Service failing to load certain AFP files using a newer version of Xenos' dll. See New Features above for more information.

Fixes a problem with Storage Service failing to load certain Metacode files when using a newer version of Xenos' DLL  See New Features above for more information.

Fixes a problem with the Rollover process inserting unwanted values into Image Services index fields.

RM 4.1-020

DTS # Affects Area Description
Layout View
Fixes a problem with field size limitation in Report Manager Desktop Database View.
Fixes a problem which could cause an exception while Rollover combine process is running.

RM 4.1-019

DTS # Affects Area Description
Index Query
Fixes a problem with Search query criteria not displaying in the query results window when searching indexes in Report Manager Desktop.

RM 4.1-018

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem with convert.exe adding a blank page to the last document processed.  Running convert using /C (make sure that it is a capital "C") will resolve this problem.
Database View
Fixes a problem with data mining with a specific layout format.
Fixes a problem with the Reports Archival process running while documents are open in Report Manager Desktop.

RM 4.1-017

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem with Index Service recording the wrong entry date on Image Services when cross-cataloging Report Manager documents and the operating system's time zone is set to GMT + N where N is an integer greater then 0.

RM 4.1-015

DTS # Affects Area Description
62226 (STR61415)
Fixes a problem with Index Service consuming handles and not releasing them.
 62240 (STR61847)
Added up to date readme file to fix pack installer with link to CSS website.

RM 4.1-014

DTS # Affects Area Description
Added up to date readme file to fix pack installer.
Client, Server
Fixes a problem with security where a user without Administrative privileges could re-index documents.

RM 4.1-013

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem with the DeleteArchiveWithNoDoc=1 setting not causing Storage Service to delete all types of orphaned entries in the PRMArchive table.
Implemented a multi-phased Reports Archival that can recover better from a potential crash.

RM 4.1-012

DTS # Affects Area Description
62228 (STR61450)
Fixes a problem with EnumIndexFields() always returning the first value when calling the method multiple times with different index fields in a custom application.

RM 4.1-011

DTS # Affects Area Description
62220 (STR60617)
Fixes a problem with the database that causes the Storage Service to GPF after a Document Storage Profile still used by a Document Template(s) is deleted.

RM 4.1-010

DTS # Affects Area Description
62365 (STR61032)
Fixes a problem with the system running out of memory when rollover is processing a large number of documents.  See the Addendum to SEP 4554 above.
62366 (STR61034)
Fixes a problem with the Storage Service Rollover process performance due to missing files.  See the Don't Retry Missing Files feature above.

RM 4.1-009

DTS # Affects Area Description
62208 (STR60873)
Layout View
Fixes a problem with the Indexing Service extracting the Group Header's line number in database instead of a Detail section's line number if the next section of the Page Header is the Detail section.
62361 (STR60444)
Fixes a problem with the Storage Service hanging when using Channel mapping specifying 70+, 90+ or 130+.
62364 (STR60674)
Fixes a problem with the Storage Service intermittently being unable to load certain afp reports.

RM 4.1-007

DTS # Affects Area Description
62126 (STR58196)
Statement Administrator
Fixes a problem where the user was unable to change the X and Y field coordinate within a statement.
62166 (STR59798)
Fixes a problem where the RM 4.1 Readme.rtf file included in fix packs is the 4.0 version of the release notes.
62356 (STR59639)
Server Install
Fixes a problem where the MSSQL “sa” password is exposed in the registry during the RM Server install.
62357 (STR60145)

Fixes a problem where a blank page was added at the end of each report after loading the document.
Note: This fix requires the user to enter the following parameter into the Prm_ss.ini file:

Delete Blank Page = 1

If this parameter is set to 1 then during loading if the final character in the text file is an ASCII form feed; the form feed is removed.
If this parameter is missing or set to 0; the default behavior is not to remove the form feed.

62360 (STR60256)
Burst Service
Fixes a problem where Burst Service produces a run time error when the file to be burst is in use by another process.

RM 4.1-006

DTS # Affects Area Description
Fixes a problem where the 4.0 Product release notes were displayed during the 4.1 install.
Fixes a problem where errors get generated when Doc Class with 1+ fields for report cataloging in the Doc Template IDM tab.

RM 4.1-005

DTS # Affects Area Description
62140 (STR58586) 
Fixes a problem where RM 4.1 hits severe performance when processing a 959MB file using Channel Mapping.
62350 (STR58606)
Layout View
Fixes a problem where Metacode documents in layout view only showed portions of the form within the layout.

62352  (STR58815)
Database View
Fixes a problem where DatabaseView Filter does not return the same data from 4.1DT as 3.4DT.
62353 (STR58860)

Fixes a problem where the compiler throws an error when attempting to use Logon method in prmdsk32.tlb

62354  (STR58969) 
Fixes a problem where RM series of folders appear missing even though they can be viewed through NT.

RM 4.1-004

DTS # Affects Area Description
62348 (STR58341) 
Server Install
Fixes a problem where the Setup did not detect existing ODBC System DSN.

RM 4.1-003

DTS # Affects Area Description
62342  (STR57294) 
Fixes a problem where the Storage Services would not respond to a Stop keyboard command.
62343  (STR57300) 
Fixes a problem where the Index Services would not respond to a Stop keyboard command.
623445  (STR57459) 
Fixes a problem where a user would be allowed to change the background color of the Overlay even though he/she only had View security access.
62345  (STR57493)

Fixes a problem where RM Desktop would return a Visual C++ error when a user tried to access a folder tree containing up to 186 folder levels.

62346 (STR57588)
Fixes a problem where the Index Services would return the "Violation of Primary Key" constraint when a document, which used a template upgraded from a previous release, is being indexed.
62121 (STR57776)
Server Install
Fixes a problem where the installation of RM4.1-001 did not replace the M2PD.DLL correctly.

RM-4.1-002 Fix Pack does not exist 

RM 4.1-001

DTS # Affects Area Description
62335 (STR56177)
Event logs errors on opening report.out when two or more statement files are in the load directory. See note in the Storage Service/Loading Files section.
62340 (STR56736)
APA Utility
The APA utility generated a Dr. Watson message.
62341 (STR56754)
RM 4.x loaded Metacode text are not lining up with its form.

Contact Customer Support

For information about contacting customer support, see the IBM Customer Service and Support web site for FileNet customers. You will need an IBM-issued login name and password to access the web site.

Notices and Trademarks