FileNet Panagon Report Manager 4.1

Release Notes


Release Date – July 9, 2001

Last Updated – August 04, 2004


Update History



·         Added Adobe Acrobat 6.x support.



·         Added Xenos 5.3 support and clarified XP support for Adobe Business Tools 4.05.



·         Added IDM Desktop 3.3 support.



·         Added Images Services 4.0 and IDM 3.2b support.



·         Added Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 support under Supported Hardware and Software sections for Server and Client.



·         Added SQL 7.0 Service Pack 4 support under Supported Hardware and Software section for Server.



·         Added SQL 2000 Service Pack 3 support under Supported Hardware and Software section for Server.



·         Added Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 support and Windows XP Service Pack 1 support under Supported Hardware and Software sections for Server and Client.



This document describes conditions and issues that you need to be aware of when installing, configuring and using the FileNet Panagon Report Manager 4.1 software.  The standard operation of Report Manager is described in the Report Manager 4.0 documentation.


New Features Available in Report Manager 4.1


WAL 3.5 Support

WAL version 3.5 is installed with Report Manager 4.1 when IDM Integration is selected.


Report Layouts

As in previous versions of Report Manager, a Detail Section containing fields must be defined before indexes will be added to the database.

In the previous version of Report Manager, if a detail section wasn’t defined in a layout then a group header and its corresponding fields were treated as the detail section.


In this release the concept has been extended to include Page Headers.  Thus, if no Detail Section or Group Header has been defined then a Page Header will be treated as the Detail Section for purposes of adding fields defined in the Page Header as indexes in the database.


This is not true for Document Headers.  If a layout only contains a Document Header, then no fields will be extracted and entered into the database.


Layout Import/Export

Report layout can now be imported and exported between systems.  Layouts, which are associated with Document Templates, are exported from the Document Template Management dialog in the Report Manager desktop.  When a layout is exported it is saved as a binary formatted file with the extension “.lyt” as default. 


A layout can only be associated with a Document Template when creating a new document.  To import a template, the user must first select ‘New…’ from the Document Template Management dialog.  Selecting ‘New’ displays the ‘Storage’ property page dialog.

In the ‘Storage’ property page dialog the user must specify ‘Report style documents’ to make the ‘Import Layout…’ button active.

Since layouts are stored in a separate table from the Document Template, importing the same layout to more then one different Document Template on the same systems will not result in multiple copies of the Layout.  Instead each Document Template will use the same Layout.  This means that a change to the layout will affect all Document Templates using that layout.


SEP 4290

Lines per page can now be configured for channel-mapped files.


SEP 4318

When loading files with the PRM Storage Service, the file specifications of all document templates within a folder will now be compared in reverse alphabetical order with the file specification of the document being loaded.


For example, if a folder contains four different document templates with file specifications  of *.*, *.??a, *.doc and data.doc the file name of the document to be loaded will be compared with the document template file specification in the following order:
1st:   data.doc

2nd: *.doc

3rd: *.??a


SEP 4355

Rollover Integrity Check

Additional checking has been added to ensure archive files rolled over to optical and marked for deletion are always deleted.  This prevents the possibility of archive files being accidentally left on magnetic cache because of a system failure during deletion.


Rollover Enhancement

This feature, when enabled, provides a tool in the Storage Service to perform a check for archive files that don’t have an entry in the Report Manager Database.


The integrity check is controlled in the Storage Service Options/Settings/Rollover Options property page.  The option is enabled by adding the entries ORPHANCHKENABLE=1 and PRMORPHANDIR =<user defined orphan dir> in the [SYSTEM] section of the Prm_ss.ini file. Then the menu option should appear (after you restart or start up the service).


This feature can be time consuming, as it will check all archive files currently stored in magnetic cache for corresponding entries in the Report Manager database.  Archive files that have no entry in the PRM database are moved to the <user defined orphan dir> when this option is selected.


The option should only be enabled and used if there is a good reason to believe that, due to some system error, archive files exist that have no corresponding entry in the PRM database.


SEP 4373

IgnoreMissingArchiveFiles = 1 has been added to the [System] section of prm_ss.ini.  This should disable PRM_SS from adding entries in the event log about missing archives  during Optical Transfer.  Removing IgnoreMissingArchiveFiles will allow PRM_SS to add these entries again.


SEP 4376

By default, tables created in the Desktop View/Database are saved in Microsoft Excel format with the extension “.xls” appended to the name.


SEP 4379

Reports formatted with ANSI Carriage Controls using Channel Mapping will automatically have any null characters converted to spaces during file processing.


SEP 4515: Adobe 5.0 Support

As of the release of RM 4.1-007, Report Manager 4.1 supports Adobe Acrobat v5.0.



Known Issues and Limitations


AFP/Metacode Support

Customers must now obtain licenses for AFP and Metacode processing directly from Xenos Corporation.  The actual AFP and Metacode transforms are installed with the Report Manager software but will not function without the appropriate licenses file.


Once obtained from Xenos, the license files afp.lic and meta.lic should be placed in the FileNET\RM Services\Bin directory.


Customers who have already purchased AFP/Metacode processing with Report Manager 4.0 can upgrade without losing this functionality.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Patch 21, AFP2PDF v5.3 and Meta2PDF v5.3 are supported. A fix in Patch 21 is dependent on the 5.3 version of Xenos files and the previous version of Xenos files are over-written by installing Patch 21. Report Manager 4.1 with Hotfix Patch 21 or higher is not compatible with previous versions of Xenos files.


GIF Overlays

Overlays created with GIF compression, including some TIFF format files, are no longer supported.


Document Delete

Archive files that have been transferred to optical storage cannot be deleted through the rollover process.  The rollover/delete functionality only deletes archive files that have not been set to be transferred to optical in their document storage profile.


Document ID

Report Manager supports Image Services DocIDs in the range of 1 to 2147483647.


Optical Storage Limitations

The current design of Report Manager allows for only one type of Optical Storage Device for storing archival files. 

Cross cataloging Report Manager documents to Image Services (IS) is a new feature available in Report Manager 4.0 and 4.1.  Customers who have previously used third-party optical storage devices can no longer use those devices if cross cataloging to IS is implemented.  Instead, IS is used as the storage device. 

It is important to realize customers who already have archived files to third-party optical will continue to be able to access those files after adding IS cross-cataloging support.  The Report Manager database maintains a record of where all archival files are stored.  If archive files have previously been stored on third-party optical devices then they can be retrieved even after the current storage device is changed to IS. 

The optical storage device can be configured in the Prm_sdm.ini file.  For support of third-party optical storage, the following entry is required:


DefaultOutputDevice=File System

When configured for the File System, the Optical Storage Area tab is displayed as an option when Storage Management is selected from the Report Manager Storage Service Options menu.  When this tab is enabled, customers can specify third-party optical devices that are compatible with the Windows NT operating system.

When Cross-cataloging to IDM-IS is enabled the entry in the Prm_sdm.ini file is changed as follows:


DefaultOutputDevice=FileNET IMS

When this configuration is selected, the Optical Storage Area tab is no longer displayed as an option when Storage Management is selected from the Report Manager Storage Service Options menu.

This is further explained in Appendix B – Selecting Storage Management Options, in the Report Manager 4.0 System Administrator’s Handbook.



Report Manager 4.1 Desktop (Client)

Supported Hardware and Software

Pentium 90 MHz or faster processor with at least 32MB of RAM (additional processing power and memory may be required depending on specific customer processing requirements).


Note that Microsoft's configuration requirements for Windows 2000 are greater than the minimum documented for Report Manager.  See the Microsoft web site for more information.


Microsoft Windows95a, b, c

Microsoft Windows98, Second Edition (SE)

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, SP4, SP5, SP6a

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, SP1, SP2, SP3 (with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 11 or above), and SP4 (with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 16 or above)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional, SP1 (SP1 with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 11 or above)


For viewing AFP/Metacode/DJDE documents, one of the following is required:

Statement Viewer 4.0

Adobe Business Tools 4.05* and Adobe Acrobat 6.x (with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 22 or above)


*Please note that Adobe does not support Adobe Business Tools 4.05 on XP.


Note that Acrobat Reader and RM Desktop should not be installed on the same machine.


IDM Desktop and Web Services Hardware

Please refer to the IDM Desktop and Web Services 3.0/3.1 installation documentation.


IDM Desktop and Web Services Software

Report Manager 4.1 is compatible with IDM Desktop and Web Services 3.0 and 3.1 (with certain limitations).  Co-location of IDM Desktop and IDM Web Client with RM Desktop is supported.  Co-location of RM Server with any IDM component is not supported in a production environment.


As of Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 7, IDM 3.2 is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Patch 18, IDM 3.2b is supported.

As of Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Patch 19, IDM 3.3 is supported.



Report Manager 4.1 Services (Server)

Supported Hardware and Software

Pentium 166 MHz or faster processor with at least 128 MB of RAM (additional processing power and memory may be required depending on the customer’s processing requirements).


Note that Microsoft's configuration requirements for Windows 2000 are greater than the minimum documented for Report Manager.  See the Microsoft web site for more information.


Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP4, SP5, SP6a

Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server, SP1, SP2, SP3 (with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 11 or above), and SP4 (with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 16 or above)

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 (SP4 with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 13 or above)

Microsoft SQL Server 2000, SP2, SP3 (SP3 with Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Pack 13 or above)



Image Services Server Hardware

Please refer to the IS server installation documentation.


Image Services Server Software

Report Manager 4.1 is compatible with IS version 3.4.2 or greater, including IS 3.6.0.  Report Manager 4.1 and IS cannot coexist on the same physical server.


As of Report Manager 4.1 Hotfix Patch 18, Image Services 4.0 is supported.


Installation Notes

Note: license authorization keys are required to install the Report Manager server software.


Known Issues and Limitations

Image Services software cannot reside on the same NT server as the Report Manager Server software.


2GB is the limit for the compressed file (.lzh) created by Report Manager Storage Service.  The raw input data file can be larger than 2GB.


The escape character to specify the following special character as a wildcard in the Statement Administrator statement page locator is ‘\’.


Uninstalling Report Manager 4.1 Services (Server)

Use Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall FileNet Panagon Report Manager 4.1 Services.  Then perform the following steps:


-          Use Windows' Regedit to remove the registry folder \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FileNET\WAL.

-          Use MSSQL Server Enterprise Manager to delete GreenbarDB or RptMgrDB database.  You can use Windows Explorer to delete the directory where the database files had been stored, if it is does not contain other database files.

-          Use ODBC Database Sources in the Windows NT Control Panel to remove the PRMTables or GV Tables data source under the System DSN tab.

-          Delete all PRM*.INI files from \WINNT directory.

-          Delete the directory where Report Manager Services was installed.