
Panagon Report Manager 4.0

Release Notes


Last Updated – November 4, 2003


Update History



·         Added IDM 3.2b support.



·         Added SQL 7.0 Service Pack 4 support under Report Manager 4.0 Services (Server) section.



This document describes conditions and issues that you need to be aware of when installing, configuring and using the FileNet Panagon Report Manager 4.0 software.  The standard operation of Report Manager is described in the documentation that accompanies the software.


Reference: Report Manager 4.0 Supported Hardware and Software requirements.


General Information

There is an addendum to this to document called Release Notes for Windows 2000 Support. Please refer to this document for Windows 2000 specific issues. Updated versions of both documents are available on the FileNet CSS web site.


Report Manager 4.0 is a Y2K compliant release. 



Important Notice to Panagon Report Manager Upgrade Customers

Report Manager 4.0 is one part of FileNet’s Panagon IDM product offering.  In order to utilize the full feature set provided by Report Manager 4.0, installations of both IDM Image Services and IDM Desktop are required. Report Manager 4.0 may also be implemented on a stand-alone basis, but with limited functionality.


IDM Image Services 3.5 is used by Report Manager 4.0 to interface with IDM Desktop 3.0/3.1, and thus is necessary when a customer wants to employ the IDM Desktop and Web Services 3.0/3.1 product (to enable a thin-client web deployment).  Both products are included in the overall Report Manager 4.0 upgrade package, with specific limitations noted below.


IDM Image Services 3.5 may only be installed by a certified FileNet professional.  The required media for IDMIS 3.5 is, therefore, not included with each Report Manager 4.0 shipment.  Delivery of the media must be requested from a FileNet Technical Consultant or ValueNET Partner.  Please contact the appropriate representative to schedule an installation of IDMIS 3.5 as necessary.


A license for IDM Services Workgroup, the IDM Image Services software and the IDM Desktop software will be provided to current Panagon Report Manager 3.4 customers with upgrade assurance.  However, the customer is responsible for supplying the necessary computer hardware, as well as scheduling installation services and covering all associated installation related costs.  If any IDM Services capability, other than the baseline support for the Report Manager-IDM Desktop interface, is desired, then IDM Services SLUs must be acquired to establish licensed IDM Services access.


The customer must also procure additional upgrades, products and services such as Report Manager SLUs, different IDM Services base systems, service and support contracts, educational services, installation or implementation services, as required.  Customers should contatct their  FileNet sales team or ValueNET Partner for additional information.


Report Manager 4.0 Desktop (Client)


What’s New in Report Manager 4.0 Desktop

·         Access documents using the IDM Desktop, Web Services, or Toolkit seamlessly with other document types which are managed by IDM Image Services.

·         Deliver individual statements within large print output documents to the IDM Desktop, IDM Web Client, or the Adobe Reader web plug-in.

·         The Professional and Standard versions of the Report Manager desktop have been merged into a single Report Manager Desktop which offers all Report Manager desktop features.

·         Increase your productivity with greatly enhanced Report Manager Desktop performance for virtually every function.

·         Increase your productivity by saving and reusing report mining settings in the Report Manager Desktop.

·         Easily maintain and access a list of frequently accessed Report Manager systems with new Logon features in the Report Manager Desktop.

·         Find reports more easily using the enhanced Open and Search Dialogs that allow you to see more information about each document in the result list.

·         Have more control over programs you write using the Report Manager Desktop OLE automation methods by utilizing new logon commands to programmatically logon.

·         When defining report layouts, a new wildcard, ‘&’, for a single alphanumeric character has been added to the available wildcards within the section locator pattern mask.


Installation Notes

The Report Manager 4.0 server software must be upgraded prior to upgrading the client software.


Upgrading from Panagon Report Manager Desktop 3.3 or 3.4 to Report Manager 4.0 Desktop is supported.


Known Issues and Limitations

The Report Manager 4.0 client must be started at least once before using the OLE object "PanagonReportManager.Document".


Report Manager 3.4 clients can connect to new Report Manager Services 4.0, but only 3.4 functionality will be available and supported by Report Manager 3.4 clients under this configuration.



There are three different protocols Report Manager clients can use to communicate with the Report Manager server.  The following sample contains the valid Report Manager endpoints.  These can be changed in the PRM_TS.INI file, in the WINNT directory, on the NT computer where the Report Manager Traffic Service is installed.  However, if  changes are made, corresponding changes may be required in all Report Manager client installations to maintain client/server connectivity.  Traffic Service must be restarted for these changes to take effect.


Sample PRM_TS.INI file entries:


Endpoint1 = \pipe\gv,ncacn_np                     

EndPoint2 = 1500,ncacn_ip_tcp                   

Endpoint3 = 1000,ncacn_spx                       


To disable any of these protocols, place a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line.

Selection of an arrow annotation is restricted to the head of the arrow, the arrow cannot be selected along the stem.


Annotations on AFP or Metacode documents cannot be printed.


Floating point numbers are not supported. The Amount data type only supports 2 decimal places and is stored in the database as a currency amount value. The Amount data type only supports actual amount values; currency symbols other than US $ are not supported (including the Euro symbol).


Using Adobe Exchange 3.01 or 4.0, text search might not work correctly on certain AFP and Metacode documents.  Adobe Business Basics 4.05 fixes these text search problems.


The supported wildcards for text search are not accurate in the documentation and should be ‘@’ for a single alphabetic character, ‘#’ for a single numeric character, ‘&’ for a single alphanumeric character, and ‘?’ for any single character. ‘%’ is no longer supported.


Supported Hardware and Software

Pentium 90 MHz or faster processor with at least 32MB of RAM (additional processing power and memory may be required depending on specific customer processing requirements)


Microsoft Windows95a, b, c

Microsoft Windows98, Second Edition (SE)

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, SP4, SP5, SP6a


For viewing AFP/Metacode/DJDE documents, one of the following is required:

AFP/Metacode Viewer 3.4

Statement Viewer 4.0

Adobe Exchange 3.01

Adobe Acrobat 4.0


IDM Desktop and Web Services Hardware

Please refer to the IDM Desktop and Web Services 3.0/3.1 installation documentation.


IDM Desktop and Web Services Software

Report Manager 4.0 is compatible with IDM Desktop and Web Services 3.0 and 3.1 (with certain limitations).  Co-location of IDM Desktop and IDM Web Client with RM Desktop is supported.  Co-location of RM Server with any IDM component is not supported in a production environment.


As of Report Manager 4.0 Hotfix Patch 27, IDM 3.2b is supported.


Security Issues

Panagon Report Manager Desktops are authenticated (using username and password) by Windows NT Server Security when a RM Desktop logs on.  All access rights to Report Manager objects and functions are then managed by Report Manager Services Security.


IDM Desktop and Web Clients are authenticated by IDM Image Services (IDMIS). Access to the IDMIS catalog is managed by IDMIS Security. However, access to any corresponding document data managed by Report Manager Services is managed by Report Manager Security.


Since RM Desktops are authenticated with Windows NT security, it is important that the user’s login name, password and, perhaps, domain are known to the Traffic Service’s Windows NT system. This means that if the user logs on without a domain (i.e., local) or if the domain name given is not one of the domain(s) that the Traffic Service’s system is a member of or trusts, then the Traffic Service checks the user/password against its local Windows NT accounts. In this case, it does not matter if the user/password were valid on the desktop’s system, only that they are one of the valid local accounts on the Traffic Service’s system. If the domain is one that the Traffic Service trusts, then the user/password is checked against the domain accounts and local Windows NT accounts are ignored. If this user/password authentication fails, then the desktop user will see this message


Bad Panagon Report Manager Desktop username or password.


A good rule of thumb is that the user should be able to log onto the Traffic Service’s Windows NT system with ctrl-alt-del and entering the same user, password and domain at the Windows NT logon prompt. If this Windows logon fails, then so will the RM Desktop logon.


If the desktop user has checked “Use Windows Logon”, then the login name, password and domain (if any) that the user initially used to log onto the local Windows system is used. However, the RM Desktop logon authentication can still fail since the user, password and domain must be checked on the Traffic Service's system.


Once Windows NT security has authenticated the user, then the RM Desktop login name is validated against the list of Panagon Report Manager users by the Traffic Service. If it is not found in the RM database, then this message will appear


Unauthorized Panagon Report Manager Desktop User.


After a RM Desktop, IDM Desktop or Web Services user has logged on, all access to RM documents and privileges are controlled by RM security. This includes what documents the user can view and, for just the RM Desktop, what annotations can be viewed and what actions, such as modifying annotations or deleting documents, the user can perform.

Report Manager 4.0 Services (Server)


What’s New in Report Manager 4.0 Services

·         Manage larger volumes of print output documents with Report Manager 4.0 Server’s significantly enhanced ingestion engine, capable of very high rates of data ingestion throughput.

·         Manage a wider variety of print output document types more effectively by utilizing the new Document and Index Storage Profiles to define document and index retention and migration parameters on a per document basis.

·         Process ANSI Carriage Control line mode data streams with full FCB emulation without any preprocessing steps.

·         The Statement Administrator now supports a pattern mask for field values to allow extracting

       only specific characters from the text found at a specific location. The pattern mask supports  

       the following wildcards: # for single numeric character, @ for single alphabetic character, &

       for single alphanumeric character, ? for any single character, and * for multiple characters as final wildcard in the pattern only. Literals are also supported. Any of these special characters can be specified as a literal by preceding them with ‘\’.


Installation Notes

Note: license authorization keys are required to install or upgrade the Report Manager server software.


Upgrading from Panagon Report Manager Services 3.4 to 4.0 is supported.  Windows NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 4, 5, or 6a and SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 1 or 2 must be installed before upgrading to Panagon Report Manager Services 4.0.   


Upgrading from Report Manager 4.0 beta to the GA release is not supported.


Upgrades from Greenbar 3.2 or Panagon Report Manager Services 3.3 must first include an upgrade to Panagon Report Manager Services 3.4 before going to Panagon Report Manager Services 4.0. 


No license key is required when upgrading from AFP, Metacode, or IDMIS plus to AFP Services, Metacode Services or IDMIS Services.  A license key is only required when you perform a full or new installation, or when you add AFP or Metacode services that were not previously installed.


New Restrictions on Services

The Statement Administrator, Index Service and Storage Service are authenticated when they first connect to the Traffic Service. They use the equivalent of the Desktop’s “Use Windows Logon” option, which uses the user, password and domain of whoever logged onto their Windows NT systems. If that fails, then this message will pop up


The current logged on NT user / password fails authentication on the Traffic Service system.


This means that the logged on Windows NT account used when starting the services must be known to the Traffic Service’s system as discussed earlier in the Security Issues section.


Drive mapping requirements on the Index Services system have also changed. If the Index Service is run on a remote system, then it too must map the magnetic cache drives and optical drives the same way that the Traffic Service and Storage Service systems map them. Earlier 3.x versions of Report Manager had this restriction on Traffic Service and Storage Service systems, but this restriction now also applies to Index Service system(s).


New Naming Conventions

When upgrading, the document classes on the target IDMIS system configured during the previous install will be retained.  For new installations of Panagon Report Manager 4.0, the default document class name on the target IDMIS system will be ReportMgr.  Database tables have been renamed.


Known Issues and Limitations

IDMIS software cannot reside on the same NT server as the Report Manager Server software.


2GB is the limit for the compressed file (.lzh) created by Report Manager Storage Service.  The raw input data file can be larger than 2GB.


The escape character to specify the following special character as a wildcard in the Statement Administrator statement page locator is ‘\’.


Supported Hardware and Software

Pentium 166 MHz or faster processor with at least 128 MB of RAM (additional processing power and memory may be required depending on the customer’s processing requirements).


Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, SP4, SP5, SP6a

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 (SP4 with Report Manager 4.0 Hotfix Pack 27 or above)



IDMIS Server Hardware

Please refer to the IDMIS server installation documentation.


IDMIS Server Software

Report Manager 4.0 is compatible with IDMIS version 3.4.2 or 3.5.0.  Report Manager 4.0 and IDMIS cannot coexist on the same physical server.


Uninstalling Report Manager 4.0 Services (Server)

Use Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall FileNet Panagon Report Manager 4.0 Services.  Then perform the following steps:


-          Use Windows' Regedit to remove the registry folder \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FileNET\WAL.

-          Use MSSQL Server Enterprise Manager to delete GreenbarDB or RptMgrDB database.  You can use Windows Explorer to delete the directory where the database files had been stored, if it is does not contain other database files.

-          Use ODBC Database Sources in the Windows NT Control Panel to remove the PRMTables or GV Tables data source under the System DSN tab.

-          Delete all PRM*.INI files from \WINNT directory.

-          Delete the directory where Report Manager Services was installed.