This document provides information RC-4.0.2 general availability software.
Requirements and Certifications
Known Issues
Requirements Not in User Guide
Component | Limitation |
General | When using Windows® 2000, if FileNet System Manager is installed on the same computer as Records Crawler(note that System Manager is installed with P8 CE by default in some cases), the Configuration Manager and other Records Crawler components may hang on start up. If this occurs, there are two work arounds for this issue: Option 1. Download the utility "Extensible Counter List"
from Microsoft®'s web site. In the utility make sure that the counter
"PerfOS" is enabled. |
General | When using Windows 2000, if FileNet System Manager is installed on the same computer as Records Crawler (note that System Manager is installed with P8 CE by default in some cases), the error "Run time error R6025 -- pure virtual function call" may be reported on shut down. While this error can be ignored it can also be worked around using the following method: Uninstall FileNet System Manager or rename or delete the DLL FNEmailMgrSysManAPI.dll. Note that : a.) Records Crawler's Configuration Manager or services must be closed prior to doing this b.) by doing this you will not be able to monitor Records Crawler with FileNet's System Manager. c.) This does not effect your ability to monitor Records Crawler's performance counters with any other application. |
Regular Expression | If using a "matches" regular expression, the display will change to a logically equivalent "replace" regular expression when the regular expression screen is re-loaded. |
General | When using Windows 2000, each UFI service must be started individually rather than using the UFI Task Routing service to start the dependent services. |
P8 4.0 Connector | On some systems, an error message similar to the following
may appear in the logs for the P8 4.0 Connector: "Error Consolidating a content element failed for FN{<GUID>}-0. Length of consolidated content does not match expected. Actual [6290]. Expected [5922]." Documents for which this error appears will not be captured in P8, but will be marked as “error” items and re-processed by the system, provided the option to re-process the items is enabled. |
Image Services Connector | The connection to Image Services fails when the IS user name contains Japanese characters. |
RC 3.5 to 4.x Migration | If migrating a profile where separate processing options are being used for metadata files and document files (target files), the post processing options for the metadata file may need to be manually configured in 4.x. Am additional "catch-all" rule (labeled "Metadata File Items") is always created to route all metadata files to the end of the task route. This rule can be modified to route metadata files to a new or existing task to perform post processing. |
Globalization-specific Issues | |
Image Services Connector | The connection to Image Services fails when the IS user name contains Japanese characters. |
Image Services File in Folder task | When the new folder is created in the File In Folder task for Image Services, non-ASCII characters are not displayed. |
P83.X Connector | Some CE Document Classes and Properties appear untranslated in the Configuration Manager. |
Component | Requirement |
Records Crawler | Records Crawler only supports reading files from a NTFS file system. |
General | Records Crawler does not support installation of P8 3.x and P8 4.0 Connectors on the same machine. |
Configuration Manager | When configuring
tasks, all metadata available in the
is made available. A specific piece of metadata may not have a value unless a task above the current task has popluated the metadata with data. |
Configuration Manager | For P8 Capture, when creating property mappings for date properties, UTC dates must be used. The date will be stored internally as UTC, but will be converted to local time in Workplace. |
Configuration Manager | When using the "older than" operator in rules, the UTC version of email date properties must be used. This is because the rules engine expects all input dates to be in UTC format. |
Configuration Manager | P8 Choices Lists are case sensitive. This is an issue when dynamically assigning values to a property i.e. extracting a value from the path. Ensure the dynamic value will be in the correct case. i.e. make sure the file path's case matches the case expected by choices list. |
Configuration Manager | In Rule values, when matching quotation marks against a string in a document property, ensure the correct quotation marks are used. For instance, the symbol " does not match the symbol “. Plain text email tends to use the " symbol and RTF/HTML email tend to use the symbol “. For this reason, quotation marks should be used with caution. |
Installation (Oracle®) | If the install path for Records
Crawler or UFI has a "(", an error occurs in the Config Manager when using
Oracle. The following error will show: "The selected database does not appear to have a valid Schema Version. The error message returned is: An error occurred while attempting to connect to the Oracle Database: "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name" when trying to start up Config Manager. The work around is to ensure a "(" is not used in the installation path. |
Installation (RM) | When creating a custom property for use with an RM record class, the word "declare" must be added to the property's Description field. Each item that appears in the Description fields should be separated by a comma. |
Installation (RM) | When a record is declared, the "Document Location" is property that is set on the declared record. The Document Location is a URL that references the CE server that the document being declared as a record is located on. The Document Location URL is in the format: http://<servername>:8080/ApplicationEngine/xcmisasoap.dll where <servername> is the name of the Content Engine server. Assumption 1: The name of the Content Engine server is derived by taking the name of the first computer that appears in the "Domain" list of the Object Store the document is located in. If there are multiple computers in the Domain list, the first one will be used and the other names will be ignored. Assumption 2: The port number is assumed to be "8080". |
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