This document describes installation, upgrade scenarios and known issues for IDM on Windows Vista. It also includes alternative methods to overcome the known issues.
IDM Installation on Windows Vista
Upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM to Windows Vista
Known Issues for IDM Installation on Windows Vista
Known Issues for IDM on Windows Vista
Contact customer support
Follow the procedure below for installation of IDM Desktop on Windows Vista:
- Install IDM Desktop 4.0a.
- Install IDM Desktop 4.0.1.
- Install IDM Desktop 4.0.1 Fix Pack 7 or later
Install IDM Desktop 4.0.2.- Edit the "services" and "hosts" files.
The following scenarios are applicable once the user upgrades to Windows Vista:
For upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM Desktop 4.0.2 with or without respective Fix Packs
For upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM Desktop 4.0/4.0a GA with or without respective Fix Packs
For upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM Desktop 4.0.1, with or without respective Fix Packs up to Fix Pack 6
- Install IDM Desktop 4.0.1 Fix Pack 7 or later.
- Edit the "services" and "hosts" files.
For upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM Desktop 4.0.1 Fix Pack 7 or later applied:
- Install the same or later IDM 4.0.1 Fix Pack after upgrading to Windows Vista.
- Edit the "services" and "hosts" files.
For IDM 4.0a installation and upgrade scenarios on Windows Vista, the following steps need to be performed for editing "services" and "hosts" files:
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Due to security enhancements in Windows Vista, once system is restarted after running IDM Desktop 4.0.1 setup, FnSysMgr.exe throws an error stating failure to update registry. However, these registry entries are created successfully once IDM 4.0.1 Fix Pack 7 or later are applied.
The title bar of the post reboot IDM components registration dialog box shows “IDM Setup (Not responding)”. However, registration continues successfully and there is no functionality loss.
After silent installation of IDM on Vista through SMS server, a report is generated by "Problem Reports and Solution" application of Vista. This application logs a warning stating, ‘The program might not have installed correctly'. However, installation is successful and there is no functionality degradation.
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Microsoft has stopped supporting .hlp help file format on Windows Vista. Consequently, IDM Help File(s) cannot be viewed. A message stating that the Windows Help format used is not supported is displayed when attempting to view IDM Help File(s). To view the .hlp files, download the Winhlp32.exe by following the instructions at Microsoft Download Center.
"Set preferences for currently logged on user” and “Set preferences for all users" radio buttons to enable user preferences are not visible to a non-default administrator/standard user. This problem occurs due to the security feature of User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista. A non-default administrator can set the user preferences by running IDM Configure as default administrator by following the procedure below:
Right click the idmcfg.exe located at IDM install path and select "Run as Administrator".
Right click the IDM Configure shortcut in the Windows start menu and "Run as Administrator".
Due to security enhancements in Windows Vista, IDM Desktop Application Integration macros do not run with macro security set to High. This is applicable for all scenarios on upgrading Windows XP Service Pack 2 with IDM to Windows Vista. However, this issue can be overcome by setting the macro security to Medium.
Clicking "FileNet IDM Desktop" link on the IDM 4.0.1 Splash screen does not invoke the setup.exe. The following procedure can be used to overcome this problem:
- Locate setup.exe in IDM 4.0.1 Media.
- Run setup.exe.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 runs in Protected Mode due to security features of Windows Vista. This enables Internet Explorer to run with restricted privileges thereby protecting users from online threats. Due to this security feature, IDM Web Client users face the following issues:
- When a user opens a document in IDM Viewer, IDM Menu options such as File, Go to, Favorites are absent. Also, menu options such as Edit, View, Image, Help which are present, do not work. (ecmdb00664355)
- Security warning dialog box pops up with the options “Allow” and “Don't Allow” when user opens or closes a document in IDM Viewer. On clicking "Don't Allow", the same dialog box is displayed. On clicking “Allow” on this dialog box, a blank IDM Viewer window opens. (ecmdb00664356, ecmdb00664359)
- Security warning dialog box pops up with the options “Allow” and “Don't Allow” when user opens a document in IDM Viewer. On clicking "Allow" on the dialog box, IDM Viewer window minimizes. (ecmdb00664361)
- User is unable to save a document at the specified location on the local machine while performing checkout operation. (ecmdb00664613) '
- While performing the "Copy local and Open" operation in the CS library, user is unable to save a local copy of the document at the specified location and on viewing the document the error message “Windows cannot find ‘C:\Users\qavista\Desktop\abc.doc. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again” is displayed. (ecmdb00556676)
The following procedure can be followed to overcome these issues:
- Click Tools --> Internet Options in the Internet Explorer Browser and select the Security tab.
- Select "Trusted sites" and click "Sites".
- Uncheck the "Required server verification (https:) for all sites" combo box.
- Add web-server URL http://<servername>/IDMWS to the "Trusted sites" list and click Ok.
- Click Custom level and go to Downloads Settings.
- Enable "Automatic prompting for downloads" and click OK.
- Click "Yes" for the prompt and OK to continue.
Explorer Integration is not currently supported with IDM 4.0/4.0a on Windows Vista as the following document operations through FileNet Neighborhood are not working due to certain Third party software limitations:
- Updating document properties through document properties dialog box (IS/CS)
- Checking-in a document (CS)
- Publishing a document (CS)
- Committing a document to libraries through drag and drop (IS/CS)
- Committing a document to libraries through copy and paste (IS/CS)
The following alternative methods can be used to perform the above mentioned document operations:
For Updating document properties:
- Open the document in IDM Viewer.
- Click File -> Properties to open the document property dialog box.
- From the "Properties" tab change the required document properties.
- Open the document in IDM Viewer.
- Click File -> Properties to open the document property dialog box.
- Go to "Version" tab in the property window to view the document versions.
- Right-click the checked-out version of the document and select check-in option.
- Find the document through IDM Find.
- Right Click the document and select "Publish" option to publish the document.
- After installing IDM 4.0.1 Fix Pack 7, reboot the system and access the Task Manager.
- Go to the "Process" tab, select "FnContextint.exe" and click "End Process".
- Exit the Task Manager.
- Right-click the document to be added.
- Select "Add to FileNet Library" option to add the document.
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For more information about contacting customer support, see the IBM Customer Service and Support web site for FileNet customers. You will need a IBM-issued login name and password to access the web site.
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