This document describes known issues and restrictions in IDM 4.0.2 and its fix packs: Desktop, Web Services, and Open Client. It includes workarounds and information on fixes, when available, and corrects documentation errors.
Fix packs are released periodically, which may include documentation updates. See the readme file for information on how to download fix packs from the FileNet FTP site, and see the fix pack readme file for a description of the fix pack contents and how to install it.
Where applicable, each note includes the associated ecmdb defect number for reference and tracking.
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services Fix Pack 1
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services Fix Pack 2
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services Fix Pack 3
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services Fix Pack 4
Known Issues in IDM Desktop/Web Services Fix Pack 5
Known Issues in Globalization environment
Installing Microsoft Security Updates: KB931768, KB933566, KB937143, KB931784, and KB937143 may cause IDM products or the system to stop responding
This issue occurs because installing the Microsoft Security updates mentioned above overwrite FileNet's shared memory addresses. There is a mechanism built into SysV to circumvent this issue by changing the starting shared memory address through a registry entry. The SysV enhancement was only part of the server side IS release in 4.1.0. The SysV enhancement for the ISTK side was included in 4.1.0 Fix Pack 1. The SCR number is 298454 (DR 212145). For more information on the SysV enhancement, refer to the ISTK Fix Pack 1 readme.
The following registry workaround will work only if system is running IS/ISTK SP4-HFP9 (or higher) and IS/ISTK SP5-HFP4 (or higher) - via SCR 292592:
- Close all IDM Web Services processes and open the Windows Registry Editor by entering regedit.exe in the Run dialog box.
- Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FileNet\WAL\CurrentVersion path.
- Right click on Current version and choose New > DWORD Value.
- Change the name of this DWORD value to "StartShmAddress" and double-click it to enter a value.
- Click Hexadecimal in the Base area and change Value data depending upon the installed components:
- For client systems running IDM DT, set the value to "11000000"
- For clients systems running IDM WS, set the value to "23000000"
- For clients running both IDM DT and IDM WS, it is recommended that the value be set to "23000000"
- Click OK and restart the system and apply the changes.
PowerPoint document opens as blank
ecmdb00743601 / APAR 35571237: For PowerPoint 2007, when Thin Client Office Integration is installed, PowerPoint document opens as blank. This is specific when 'FileNet Open' functionality is used to open the file in native application. This behavior is same for Open Client also when PowerPoint document is opened.
- Because this issue is related to MS Office 2007, not to IDM WS and Open Client, so, you can resolve this issue by installing Service Pack (SP1) for MS Office 2007. Please follow the below steps for installing Service Pack:
- Download the Service Pack (SP1) (URL - And install it.
Note: You may face problem in installing the Service Pack with an error message "The installation of this package failed.", if Window Installer 3.1 is not installed on your machine. In this case, install Window 3.1 before installing SP1 (URL -
- After installing MS Office 2007 SP1 successfully, restart the machine, the problem will be solved.
IDM Application Integration options are not available in New Message
ecmdb00743602 / APAR 35571229: In IDM Desktop 4.0.2, IDM Application Integration options are not available in 'Mail Message' window for Outlook 2007.
Message appears when Excel 2007 open in Word 2007
ecmdb00740184 / APAR 35571244: In Word 2007, when IDM ‘Open’ functionality is used to open Excel 2007 file, the message box stating “File appears to be corrupted” appears to the user. This is MS Word 2007 design behavior.
Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 functioning even after disabling Macros
ecmdb00740318 / APAR 35571252: For Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007, when IDM Desktop 4.0.2 is installed, Excel and PowerPoint macro functions properly even after disabling the macro. This is Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 behavior. For more information on disabling macros go here.
Issue with ISTK 4.1.1 and ISTK 4.1.2 FP2
Initial logons may show some delay when using ISTK 4.1.1 and ISTK 4.1.2 FP2. This is due to security enhancement introduced into IS 4.1.2.
SP2 fix pack 1 build level erk700.026,11/30/2007 should be erk750.003 date 02/20/2008
About dialog shows a wrong build level as - erk700.026, 11/30/2007, Please note that the build level should be erk750.003 02/20/2008 in IDM SP2 fix pack 1.
IDM WS Help>Content throws error instead of showing the Contents (TOC) on Windows Vista - IE
ecmdb00751685: On Windows Vista - Internet Explorer, when opening Web Services and clicking on HELP>Contents, it throws error instead of displaying the Content.
To avoid this error follow the steps given below:
In Internet Explorer, go to Tool>Internet Options>Advanced> check the box for "Disable Script Debugging (Other)" and click OK.
Issues regarding Publishing of a document
ecmdb00751793: The author is unable to re-publish a document, which has been already published by a user with Admin access rights. The user gets the following error prompt during re-publishing:
"Unable to create publish request"
ecmdb00752385: Unable to publish the document as a General User.
ecmdb00554350: The publish document works only for text documents but not for other documents.
Irrelevant message shown repeatedly when canceling the properties dialog of IS Folder
ecmdb00750812: After clearing the "Plus" column of IS Folder Properties and clicking the "Cancel" button, IDM Desktop shows the following error message repeatedly:
"Please enter an integer"
Unable to add document in case of custom class
ecmdb00749773: This defect is reproducible only in case of custom class with editable list property.
Background color option does not work in IDM Viewer
ecmdb00750050: This defect will be fixed in future fix pack.
Irrelevant error message displayed repeatedly on IDM Find
ecmdb00752289: IDM Find shows an irrelevant error message repeatedly when search is performed using Date fields.
Few Preferences of WebService does not work properly
ecmdb00759008: Few Preferences of WebService are not working properly for Documents and Viewer.
Problem with the functionality of spin arrows of Multi Value Custom Date Property
ecmdb00761471: Unable to add the document when trying to change the multi value custom date property's value using the spin arrows.
IDM Web Services Admin Help not displayed from WS Configure window
ecmdb00759538: Admin Help is not displayed from IDM WS Configure window.
The WS Admin Help has been updated in IDM doc site. Hence, after installing fix pack 3, please follow the steps to attach the Admin Help into the build:
Browser getting closed in Web Services search mode window
ecmdb00785806: Web Services browser is getting closed when clicking on spin controls in search mode window.
Issue on background image magnifying for COLD document
ecmdb818713: Magnifier does not display some part of the background image of a COLD document.
Queue Maintenance fails issue to be fixed in next fix pack
ecmdb00554254: Queue Maintenance fails to write FnError.txt on root drive of Windows Vista when application throws an error". The relevant documentation in Help could be ignored.
Entering wrong password while changing password displays no error
ecmdb00818163: While changing password in a CS library, when a wrong password is entered, no error message is displayed.
Please follow the steps below to get proper error messages:
Office (Power Point 2007) integration with IDM DT returning error
Refer ecmdb00842448 under Known Issues in Globalization environment.
Unable to browse through the libraries from Windows 7 client using IDM WS URL, when unified logon is configured
ecmdb00897052: When unified logon is configured on WS server, and the URL is accessed from a Windows 7 client, the user is unable to browse through the libraries. On clicking the libraries, Java script error occurs.
Please follow the steps below to login and browse through the libraries without any error:
"Insert Properties" menu item is missing in Microsoft Word 2003
ecmdb00897484: In Microsoft Word 2003, the Insert menu item "Insert Properies" is missing. Instead, there are two "Update properties" menu items.
Unable to add any new mail item in Outlook 2003, when options are set to "Use Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages."
ecmdb00897485: Unable to add (FileNet Add) any new mail item in Outlook, when options are set to "Use Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages." FileNet Add throws an error "Property validation failed for idmName" or "You must specify a file path to complete the process".
Document operations are not enabled when the folder has 9000 or more documents
ecmdb00897648: When a folder has 9000 or more documents, the document operations are not enabled and the folder contents are not aligned properly.
Adding and checking in a document crashes Microsoft Office 2007 application on Windows 7
ecmdb00898520: Microsoft Office 2007 crashes, while the user tries to add or check in a document through thin client Application Integration for Office 2007.
The workaround to be used is as follows:
The user will now be able to add and check-in the document without any issue.
IDM WS page on server crashes when trace option is enabled
ecmdb00900603: If trace is enabled on the server and the user tries to login to a library through IDM WS URL, the browser crashes.
Trace details are truncated in Log Viewer
ecmdb00900608: The trace details in the log viewer appear incomplete when trace is enabled on the server.
Error occurs while installing Open Client on Windows 2003 with SP1
While installing Open Client on windows 2003 with SP1 without updating KB898715 throws an error "An error occurred while downloading the file What would you like to do".
Update your system with KB898715 from here.
Support for 1.1 .NET Framework for Open Client is now being dropped
Support for 1.1 .NET Framework for Open Client has been dropped. Open Client now will run only with .NET Framework 2.0.
Getting warning message when opening Excel documents in Microsoft Office 2007
ecmdb00760239: In Office 2007, the document types DOCX and XLSX formats, ask with pop up whether the user wanted to save the file while running Web Services or Open Client. Although the Office 2007 is supported with IDM 4.0.2, there are additional steps that need to be taken on the Web Services server before those file formats are opened in Office 2007 properly when opened through Web Services and Open Client.
Reason: The Internet Information Services (IIS) does not have MIME types configured for these document types. In IIS 6 environment, it diagnosis as a problem and users experience this problem while opening the document through IIS. But it opens documents locally correctly. To resolve the problem, follow the below steps for setting up Web Services or Open Client to handle Office 2007 documents properly.
On the Web Services server
1. Install Office 2007.
2. If using Open Client install .Net Framework 2.0.
3. Install Web Services 4.0.2 or newer.
4. If using Open Client install Open Client 4.0.2 or newer.
5. In IIS, create or configure the following MIME types as follows:a. Through Control Panel, Administrative Tools, run IIS Manager.
b. Highlight the server in the left pane, not the Web site, right click and select Properties.
c. Click the MIME types button, then make the following new entries:
- docx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocumentwordprocessingml.document.
- xlsx - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
If using Open Client, go to the properties for the Open Client Web site in IIS, and on the ASP.NET tab, set ASP.NET Version to 2.0. On each workstation that will access these documents:
1. Install Office 2007.
2. If using Web Services, install the Web Services 4.0.2 or newer client download.
Office (Power Point 2007) integration with IDM DT returning error
ecmdb00842448: During IDM 4.0.2-006 integration with PowerPoint 2007 returns an error on start up.
When IDM DT 4.0.2 FP6 is integrated with Microsoft Office 2007,
and try to open Microsoft PowerPoint 07, it pops up an error: "
The application or DLL C:\FileNet\IDM\idmpp8.ppa is not a valid Windows image".
The workaround to be used (for Windows XP and others) is as follow:
1. Go to Command Prompt and type "regedit" and Registry Editor will open
2. Go to the following key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DLL Addins"
3. Right-click on this key, select 'Export' and save the .reg file
4. Right-click .reg file and select 'Edit'
5. Now change the entry:
"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DLL Addins]" to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Addins]" and
"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\DLL Addins\Idmpp8]" to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PowerPoint\Addins\Idmpp8]"
6. Save the file and close it
7. Double-click the .reg file and a dialog box appears asking for confirmation to add information to the registry
8. Click Yes and a dialog box appears confirming the successful entry into the registry
9. Check that a new key 'Addins' has been added below the registry entry of 'PowerPoint' in regedit.
Now try to open PowerPoint, it would work fine.
For information about contacting customer support, see the IBM Customer Service and Support Web site for FileNet customers. You will need an IBM-issued login name and password to access the Web site.