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Be-Awares for IMS Connect 1.0

" " " FileNet IMS Connect for Saros Document Manager " " Release 1.0 " " May 08, 1997 " " Copy Right 1996, FileNet Corporation " " All Rights Reserved. "



1) If you are upgrading from IMS Connect for SDM release 1.0b1 to 1.0, you must run the sfncfgfx.exe tool from either Windows 95 or Windows NT station to convert the security information in your existing IMS Connect definition file to the new format. You must do this for each of the Mezzanine server that you have set up for the IMS Connect applications.

To convert your IMS Connect definition file, perform the following instructions after you have completed the IMS Connect 1.0 installation:

* Bring up a MS-DOS window
* Change your current directory to where the IMS Connect application was installed. The default directory is C:\FILENET\DESKTOP.
* At the command line, type in '\tools\sfncfgfx.exe'.
* You'll be asked to enter the Mezzanine Property Server name, the System Catalog name, a user id with write privilege to the IMS Connect definition file, and the account password. If you're not sure which user id to use, we recommend using 'admin' user id.

2) Menu type index mapping is no longer supported starting in beta 2 release. If you have menu index mapped to any Mezzanine properties, you need to remove them from the definition file using the Config tool. Otherwise, the Connector will fail to process any document which has this type of mapping.


1) If you plan to install the Mezzanine 3.5b for Windows NT on the same PC after you have already installed the IMS Connect for SDM applications, make sure that you save the MSVCRT20.DLL file under c:\winnt35\system32 before you start the Mezzanine 3.5b installation. Otherwise, the configuration tool won't run properly.

2) Custom queue fields mapping to Mezzanine properties - the following mappings are NOT supported in this release:

Queue Field type -> Mezzanine property type ---------------- ----------------------- string Date/time
document Date/time
folder all property types
selection all property types

3) IMS Connect applications do not support custom properties which have Multi-Valued attribute set to Yes. This is only applicable users connecting to Mezzanine 4.0 system.


Installing WorkForce Desktop 5.0
You must install the WorkForce Desktop 5.0 on the same PC where the IMS Connect applications are going to be installed. WFD software must be installed prior to the IMS Connect software.

Installing Mezzanine Client DLLs
The IMS Connect for SDM requires that you install the Mezzanine Client libraries on your system so that its applications can run properly. These libraries are provided on the IMS Connect for SDM CD. You must install these libraries prior to installing the IMS Connect applications on your PC.

If you're planning to connect to an NT Mezzanine server running MSSQL from either the IMS Connect applications, then you need to install the DLLs from \Mezcli on the CD. If you're planning to connect to an HP-UX Mezzanine server running Oracle, then install the DLLs from \Mezora40 on the CD. You can only connect to Mezzanine server running the same database type (i.e. MSSQL or Oracle) from the same IMS Connect application session.

By default, the client libraries are either installed in 'c:\saros' or in 'c:\winnt35\system32' directory. However, we recommend that you install these libraries in the IMS Connect for SDM's default directory (c:\filenet\desktop). This is because the Mezzanine 3.5b for Windows NT also installs the same set of libraries of different release in the windows system directory. If you install our client libraries on top of these libraries, the Mezzanine server won't be able to start up or shut down successfully. Also, the IMS Connect for SDM applications won't work with the client libraries that come with Mezzanine 3.5b for Windows NT. So it is important that you install the client libraries from our CD in the same location where the IMS Connect for SDM applications are going to be installed.

Installing the Launcher
Before you install the Launcher application, it is required that you install both Saros Document Manager and WFD or Image View 2 softwares on the same computer. The Launcher setup will try to detect whether one of these software products is already installed on your machine, and it will abort if the SDM and one of viewer are not found . It is your responsibility to install all the required software product before starting the Launcher setup. By default, the Launcher setup will install its application in the SDM directory, and it will also create the Launcher application icons in the SDM windows group.

If you are installing the IMS Launcher application on a Windows NT 4.0 machine, make sure that the Saros Document Manager group icons are contained in a windows program group called "Saros Document Manager Group", not "Saros Document Manager Group (Common)". The reason is that when the Launcher setup program creates the Launcher application icons, it won't be able to add its icons to the SDM group if it's created with the "Common" attribute.
You can either reinstall SDM after a complete cleanup, or rename the SDM group to "Saros Document Manager Group".

Installing the IMS Connect for SDM applications The IMS Connect for SDM applications setup allows you to install the Connector program, Configuration tool and Ad Hoc application on your PC. By default, setup will install these applications in the WFD directory ('c:\filenet\desktop'). Again, we suggest that you install these applications in the same directory where the Mezzanine Client DLLs are installed. This will ensure that the IMS Connect for SDM applications will work properly.


1) Selecting File/Exit to cancel out of the Configuration tool before logging onto the Mezzanine server will return the following error message:

Run-time error '9'. Subscript out of range.

This error has no impact on the system. (STR 41524)


1) When mapping date or time values between IMS indexes or queue fields to Mezzanine properties, make sure that your time zone is correct on your Win95 or WinNT PC (if you're running the NT Connector), and/or on your HP-UX machine (if you're running the HP-UX Connector).

To do this on either Win95 or WinNT, run the setup.exe program in c:\filenet\desktop directory, then select the Date/Time Options. Enter the appropriate time zone under the Time Zone (3 parts) section according to your area, and save your changes.

To do this on HP-UX, run sam and select the Kernel Configuration menu. Then select the Configurable Parameters menu. Look for the "time zone" parameter and make sure that it is set to the correct value according to your area.

2) There are no error message text released with the HP-UX Connector. When the HP-UX Connector returns a 3-part error tuple, you need to take this tuple and do a 'msg' command on it from a PC station which has WFD and IMS Connect applications installed. (STR 41407)


1) Displaying IMS documents from SDM when the Image Display for Windows viewer is configured sometimes returns the following error:

"Could not establish DDE link to ImageDisplay"


"Image Display could not display document ######"

When this happens, exit out of the IDW window and log out of the IMS server. Go to the Saros Document Manager windows group and double click on the Launcher Configuration icon. Select the Image Display tab, and adjust the DDE parameters to slightly higher values. These settings help to increase the Launcher's chance in fetching the documents from your IMS system successfully.

2) If you get the following error message while switching IMS domains within the SDM desktop:

<42,0,58> IAFLIB: User does not have PC_AllowAutoLogon access

It means that the IMS account which you logged on as belongs to the SysAdmin user group, and therefore is not allowed to use the autologon feature. This is As-Designed by WFD s/w.
If you want to disable this message, either turn off the autologon option via WFD setup, or use an IMS account that does not have any SysAdmin privileges.

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