F I E L D   B U L L E T I N

September 31, 2000

Panagon Capture Professional 2.0.x with IDM Desktop 3.0-x Is Not Supported

Capture Professional and IDM Desktop incorporate many third party and internal Panagon components. These components have many common dependencies. Since Capture Professional 2.0.x and IDM Desktop 3.0 were not developed at the same time, each product relies on different versions of these components. Many of these component combinations are incompatible. These incompatibilities may result in an unstable and unsupportable installation.

Because of the risk in the foregoing, FileNET has made a conscious decision not to attempt to support or certify the simultaneous installation of these two versions on the same workstation.

Please note that IDM Desktop 3.0-2 and above is compatible with, and in fact is required for, Capture Professional 3.0 and thus this combination is indeed certified and supported.