eProcess 5.1.0 - About Downloaded Documentation

The eProcess_510_docs.zip file that you downloaded from the FileNet Worldwide Support web site (http://www.css.filenet.com/) contains the latest versions of the files distributed on the Process 2.0.1 Documentation for FileNet Image Manager CD, which was released on March 25, 2004. These files represent all of the standard documentation for eProcess 5.1.0. Additional pieces of auxiliary documentation (for example, release notes and the eProcess compatibility/dependency/hardware matrix) are available elsewhere on the FileNet Worldwide Support web site.

You can read this documentation immediately by extracting the files from eProcess_510_docs.zip to any computer that supports the viewing software below. However, to enable the embedded Search links, you must extract or copy all the documentation files to an application server that supports Microsoft IIS®. You must maintain the folder structure of the zip file when extracting the content.

This readme contains the following topics:

Viewer Requirements

Reading Documentation Without Deploying it as a Web Site

Deploying Documentation as a Web Site

Viewer Requirements

To read the eProcess 5.1.0 documentation, we recommend you have the following installed on your computer:

Reading Documentation Without Deploying it as a Web Site

If you extract the files from eProcess_510_docs.zip for immediate viewing, you need NOT deploy them as a web site unless you want the Search links enabled. You must maintain the folder structure of the zip file when extracting the content. You can begin reading the eProcess 5.1.0 documentation by opening the following file, which displays the Help Directory:


Deploying Documentation as a Web Site

See "Install Process Documentation for FileNet Image Manager " in the Process for FileNet Image Manager Installation Guide for detailed procedures on how to deploy the documentation and make it accessible from the various eProcess 5.1.0 software components. You can extract the installation guide from eProcess_510_docs.zip (ecm_help/installation/_install_guide.pdf) or access it directly from the same folder on the FileNet Worldwide Support web site where that zip file is located.