FileNet® Email Manager EM-4.0.2 GA

© Copyright IBM® Corporation 2006, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

This document provides information on EM-4.0.2 general availability software.


Requirements and Certifications
Known Issues
Requirements Not in User Guide


For more information, refer to the Email Manager Setup Guide.


When running Email Manager against a P8 3.x Content Engine cluster, the host file on the Email Manager server must be updated to map the names of the CE servers in the cluster to the virtual IP of the cluster. Please contact FileNet support for further information on configuring this scenario.

As of FileNet Email Manager EM-4.0.0, the following new software is certified for use with Email Manager:

  • P8 Content Engine 4.0

As of FileNet Email Manager EM-4.0.1, the following new software is certified for use with Email Manager:

  • Records Manager 4.0
  • DB2 8.2, 9.1
  • Lotus Domino 8.0

Known Issues


Component Limitation

Lotus® Connector

Due to a known issue with Lotus Notes 6.x and 7.0.0, Email Manager cannot create DXL files for encrypted email containing attachments. This issue has been addressed in Lotus Notes 7.0.1 (see DTS 191221)

Lotus Connector

When running Email Manager against a clustered Domino environment, if the Domino server fails over, the Email Manager Lotus Connector may need to be restarted to facilitate a connection to the new server.

DXL Viewer

Documents with encrypted attachments cause DXL export to fail.


When using Windows 2000, if FileNet System Manager is installed on the same computer as Email Manager (note that System Manager is installed with P8 CE by default in some cases), the Configuration Manager and other Email Manager components may hang on start up. If this occurs, there are two work arounds for this issue:

Option 1. Download the utility "Extensible Counter List" from Microsoft's web site. In the utility make sure that the counter "PerfOS" is enabled.
Option 2. Uninstall FileNet System Manager or rename or delete the DLL FNEmailMgrSysManAPI.dll. Note that : a.) Email Manager's Configuration Manager or services must be closed prior to doing this b.) by doing this you will not be able to monitor Email Manager with FileNet's System Manager. c.) This does not effect your ability to monitor Email Manager's performance counters with any other application.


When using Windows 2000, if FileNet System Manager is installed on the same computer as Email Manager (note that System Manager is installed with P8 CE by default in some cases), the error "Run time error R6025 -- pure virtual function call" may be reported on shut down.  While this error can be ignored it can also be worked around using the following method:

Uninstall FileNet System Manager or rename or delete the DLL FNEmailMgrSysManAPI.dll. Note that : a.) Email Manager's Configuration Manager or services must be closed prior to doing this b.) by doing this you will not be able to monitor Email Manager with FileNet's System Manager. c.) This does not effect your ability to monitor Email Manager's performance counters with any other application.

Exchange Connector When installing the Exchange Connector, if an install path different in length than the default install path is used, the Exchange Connector service may throw an error when starting.
Regular Expression If using a "matches" regular expression, the display will change to a logically equivalent "replace" regular expression when the regular expression screen is re-loaded.
GeneralWhen using Windows 2000, each UFI service must be started individually rather than using the UFI Task Routing service to start the dependent services.
Exchange CollectorIf collecting email from more than one mailbox, atleast one public folder should be selected for monitoring as a part of the Exchange Collector. The public folder does not need to contain any items, but is required to ensure the collector remains connected to the Exchagen Server after the intial collection of items.
GeneralIf Custom Metadata has been defined in the system, some registry keys may need to be backed up if an installation of the system needs to be moved to another server or a re-install of the product is required but the current database will be utilized. Under the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\EMRC\4.0.2\Factories\ export any registry keys containing a GUID as a name (e.g. 9c3a3d16-e322-48ae-a13b-2c253bd0a48a). After reinstalling the product, import the exported registry keys onto the new system.
P8 4.0 ConnectorOn some systems, an error message similar to the following may appear in the logs for the P8 4.0 Connector:

"Error    Consolidating a content element failed for FN{<GUID>}-0. Length of consolidated content does not match expected. Actual [6290]. Expected [5922]."

Documents for which this error appears will not be captured in P8, but will be marked as “error” items and re-processed by the system, provided the option to re-process the items is enabled.
EM 3.7.1 to 4.x MigrationCurrently duplicate management migration does not include the database connection information.  After a successful migration, the user will have to open up all "P8 3.x Create Duplicate Key" tasks and select an existing duplicate data store before the task route is valid.
Globalization-specific Issues
P83.X ConnectorSome CE Document Classes and Properties appear untranslated in the Configuration Manager.


Requirements Not in User Guide



Component Requirement
EM 3.7.1 to 4.x Migration
The following properties are not supported in EMRC 4.0.2 and must be changed for the migration to succeed.

Email Properties:
"All Properties"
"Captured Date (Local)"
"Captured Date (UTC)"
"Item Already Captured"
"Lotus UNID"
"Rule Return Value" **this will be translated into a valid property expression so is indirectly supported.

PST Archive File Properties:
"Main Document Flag"
"Outlook Profile Name"
"Owner Group"
"P8 External Reference Document Location"
"P8 External Reference Mime Type"
"PST User"
"Rule Return Value" **this will be translated into a valid property expression so is indirectly supported.

PST Email Properties:
**See "Email Properties"


Component Requirement
Configuration Manager When configuring tasks, all metadata available in the system is made available. A specific piece of metadata may not have a value
unless a task above the current task has popluated the metadata with data.
General Email Manager does not support installation of P8 3.x and P8 4.0 Connectors on the same machine.
General To ensure attachments added to P8 are assigned the correct name, the metadata property "Document Title" should be used rather than "Subject" when setting the value of the P8 property Document Title. For email files, the "Document Title" metadata propety contains the subject line of the email. For attachments, the property contains the name of the attachment.
Exchange Connector Exchange 2007 only supports envelope journaling, not message journaling. Email Manager 4.0.2 is compatible with envelope journaling in that it captures the email and email metadata from within the envelope, but it does not capture the envelope metadata or attachment associated with the email.
Lotus Connector

To allow more control over memory usage of the Lotus Connector, the following registry keys may be added to the Email Manager server.


Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\EMRC\4.0.2\ServiceDeclarations\ibm.ctms.lotusconnector
Value Type: DWORD
Base Type: Decimal
Value Name: MemoryMaxPrivateBytes
Data: Set the value to the maximum amount of RAM (PrivateBytes), in bytes, that the Lotus Connector service should be allowed to use on the server.  If "0" or no value is entered, the functionality will be disabled.


Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\EMRC\4.0.2\ServiceDeclarations\ibm.ctms.lotusconnector
Value Type: DWORD
Base Type: Decimal
Value Name: MemoryMaxWorkingSet
Data: Set the value to the maximum amount of RAM (WorkingSet), in bytes, that the Lotus Connector service should be allowed to use on the server.  If "0" or no value is entered, the functionality will be disabled.


Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\EMRC\4.0.2\ServiceDeclarations\ibm.ctms.lotusconnector
Value Type: DWORD
Base Type: Decimal
Value Name: MemoryForceGarbageCollection
Data: will force a memory cleanup every minute if set to '1', will not do any garbage collection if set to '0' or if the key is not set.

Lotus Connector

When using the Lotus Connector, if the same email is captured mutliple times and document link embedded in the email (that references the captured email in the document repository) is treated as follows:

1. If a document is captured in multiple formats, the document link will point to a specific item based on precedence rules. The precedence rules are .nsf (highest), .dxl, .txt/.eml (lowest).
2. If a document is captured in the same format multiple times, the tag properties and shortcuts will point to the first item captured. Subsequent captures will not update the tag or shortcuts.
3. When using duplicate management metadata to create shortcuts, if there are multiple files of the same type referenced in the database, the specific item used to create the shortcut is undefined.

Audit Logs

If metadata fields for captured flag, captured as DXL, captured as NSF, captured as text and captured attachments flags are include in the audit log, the values written to the log are the values prior to capture. For email that has not been captured yet, these values will be set to "No". For email that may have already been captured, these values will be set to the result of the previous capture.

Lotus Connector

If the Lotus Connector is being used to capture encrypted email, note the following behaviour when the option to add shortcuts to email is selected:

- shortcuts are always added to the end of the email, regardless of the "Shortcut Location in Email" option selected
- the option to truncate the email body will not applied

In addtion, if the Remove Attachments from DXL Files for Encrypted Emails option is selected, attachment are removed from the email, but the attachment icons are not removed from the encrypted message body. This results in a error message being thrown if the user clicks on the original attachment icon in the email. This occurs because Email Manager cannot access the encrypted email body, which prevents it from being able to remove the orphaned attachment icon.  

Lotus Connector

Due to a limitation in the Lotus Notes API, attachments larger than 95MB may not be processed by Email Manager.

Lotus Connector

Due to a limitation in the Lotus Notes API, attachments larger than 95MB may not be processed by Email Manager.

Lotus Connector

The subject line of an email may not be interpreted correctly by Email Manager if the email originates from a non-Lotus Notes email client (such as Outlook) and the text uses multi-byte character encoding. In this case, only email subject lines that use "Quoted Printable Encoding" or "UTF-8 encoding" or a character set that is in the US Standard ASCII Package will be handled.

Lotus Notes

When importing NSF files into Lotus Notes, a bookmark will be created by default in the Notes Workspace for each NSF file imported.

GroupWise® Connector When using internet addressing for GroupWise, when specifying monitored locations in Email Manager, the format [user name].[post office] must still be used.
GroupWise Connector When processing attachments in GroupWise email, there is a known issue in GroupWise that causes memory leaks that may lead to an application crash. Novell suggests running GroupWise 7.0 SP 1 or 6.5 SP 5 or higher to address this issue. This is reflected in the list of supported GroupWise versions in the Email Manager documentation.
GroupWise Connector Email Manager must be registered as a Trusted Application with GroupWise and requires Retention to be enabled in GroupWise. Email Manager will not co-exist with other applications that take advantage of retention.
GroupWise Connector In the GroupWise Connector, when the switch to delete captured emails from all recipients is set, unless the email sender's account is being explicitly monitored, only the email in the accounts of the user's who receive the email are deleted. The email is not deleted from the sender's account.
GroupWise Connector

Although extended characters may be used in the email address display name, the extended characters will not be contained in the email address itself as email addresses are always ASCII text. The To/From/BCC/CC Display property should be used when comparing a string with extended characters against an email recipient list or when assigning a list of email recipients to a document repository property.

GroupWise Connector

When using the GroupWise Connector, Windows Scripting 5.6 or higher is required on the machine. It can be found at:

In most environments with current Windows services packs installed, the required version of the component will exist.

PST Connector

When searching for PST files on network locations, the network locations must be Windows NTFS shares.

DXL Viewer

Unicode characters may not display correctly in the DXL Viewer unless the value of "Language for non-Unicode program" setting (Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Advanced Tab) matches the language of the character set

Configuration Manager

For P8 Capture, when creating property mappings for date properties, UTC dates must be used. The date will be stored internally as UTC, but will be converted to local time in Workplace.

Configuration Manager When using the "older than" operator in rules, the UTC version of email date properties must be used. This is because the rules engine expects all input dates to be in UTC format.
Configuration Manager P8 Choices Lists are case sensitive. This is an issue when dynamically assigning values to a property i.e. extracting a value from the path. Ensure the dynamic value will be in the correct case. i.e. make sure the file path's case matches the case expected by choices list.
Configuration Manager In Rule values, when matching quotation marks against a string in a document property, ensure the correct quotation marks are used. For instance, the symbol " does not match the symbol . Plain text email tends to use the " symbol and RTF/HTML email tend to use the symbol . For this reason, quotation marks should be used with caution.
Installation (Oracle®) If the install path for Email Manager or UFI has a "(", an error occurs in the Config Manager when using Oracle.
The following error will show: "The selected database does not appear to have a valid Schema Version. The error message returned is: An error occurred while attempting to connect to the Oracle Database: "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name" when trying to start up Config Manager. The work around is to ensure a "(" is not used in the installation path.
Installation (RM) When creating a custom property for use with an RM record class, the word "declare" must be added to the property's Description field. Each item that appears in the Description fields should be separated by a comma.
Installation (RM) When a record is declared, the "Document Location" is property that is set on the declared record. The Document Location is a URL that references the CE server that the document being declared as a record is located on. The Document Location URL is in the format: http://<servername>:8080/ApplicationEngine/xcmisasoap.dll where <servername> is the name of the Content Engine server. Assumption 1: The name of the Content Engine server is derived by taking the name of the first computer that appears in the "Domain" list of the Object Store the document is located in. If there are multiple computers in the Domain list, the first one will be used and the other names will be ignored. Assumption 2: The port number is assumed to be "8080".
Lotus Connector Shortcut functionality is only available if Lotus Notes client 6.0.2 or higher is used on the Email Manager Server. End users may be using older versions or the Notes client.
Lotus Connector DXL file functionality is only available if Lotus Notes client 6.0.2 or higher is used on the Email Manager Server. End users may be using older versions or the Notes client, but will not be able to import DXL files into the Notes client.
Lotus Connector If the mail template for users is not updated, the customized Email Manager icon will not display. The default Notes "archive" indicator will be used (a scrap of paper next to the subject line).
Lotus Connector If an attachment is left in an email and the shortcuts option for attachments is enabled, the attachment in the email will lose its icon, but will still work.
Lotus Connector When post processing options are being applied to the mailbox of all users email sent to, the Lotus Connector will attempt to identify the email in each mailbox. To do this, an id in the email is used to identify the email in each mailbox. To look for the email based on the id, a view may be used in the user's mailbox the increase the likelihood of finding the correct item.
The following process is used to identify an item in an email:
  • Check if "post processing" view exists in a mailbox.
  • If it doesn't, base search for email on "unique id". Unique id may not always identify the email.
  • If the view does exists search for email in view to apply post processing options.
Lotus Connector If a user sends an email to himself and the email is captured, processing options (such as icon change) will be not be applied to the email in the user's Inbox, but the item in Sent Items will.
Lotus Connector To view DXL files in Lotus Notes, they must be imported into Lotus Notes. The import requires a view in the user's database called "DXL". To use the DXL import, the Lotus Notes API must be registered for use on the client machine.
Lotus Connector The Lotus Connector will look up the user in the address book, get the name of the server the user is on and connect to that server to do the post processing. The following must be true to support icon change for users on other servers:
  • All users are in the address book on the server the Lotus Connecter is connecting to
  • The Notes user the Lotus Connector is running as has access to the other servers
Lotus Connector In the Lotus Connector, post processing will not occur if an email is sent on behalf of another person. This is caused by sending the email from another user's in-box. For example, if an email is sent by the Administrator, the process sees 'Administrator' in the sender's address. Because the email was sent by Administrator, the Lotus Connector goes to the Administrator's mailbox to perform the icon change/shortcut etc. - but because the email was sent from another mailbox, it doesn't find it. There is no work-around as the message does not contain the required information to identify the mailbox that it was originally sent from.
Lotus Connector

If a profile is set to monitor mailboxes of individuals, and mailboxes reach their quota size, the Lotus Connector is no longer able to add shortcuts to the emails.

The following error in logged:

Parser error saving document '765431D1A1EFE4BF8825702000816821': "Notes error: Unable to write to database because database would exceed its disk quota.

There is currently no work around for this issue.
Lotus Connector

To avoid conflicts, each instance of an EM server should have its own cache database

Lotus Connector

BCC is only available if message journaling is being used with Lotus Domino 6.x or for items that reside in the Sent Items folder in mailbox.

Lotus Connector

Although extended characters may be used in the email address display name, the extended characters will not be contained in the email address itself as email addresses are always ASCII text. The To/From/BCC/CC Display property should be used when comparing a string with extended characters against an email recipient list or when assigning a list of email recipients to a document repository property.

Exchange Connector Extra data created by Exhchange Envelope journaling is not support by Email Manager.

Exchange Connector

The Exchange Connector may fail to create an MSG file for an Email that contains 20 levels or more of attachments within attachments.

Exchange Connector BCC is only available if message journaling is being used with Exchange 2000/2003 and requires BCC journaling to be enabled via a registry key. See the following article for more information:
Exchange Connector For non-Outlook 2003 systems, subject field in MSG file will be corrupt if multi-byte character sets are used. To support Unicode MSG files for Outlook 2003, the option must be enabled in Configuration Manager
Exchange Connector Attachments that are blocked by Outlook may still be processed by Email Manager.
Exchange Connector If mailboxes are specified for monitoring, either the "monitor sub-locations" flag or specific sub-locations in the mailbox to monitor must be specified. If only the mailbox name is specified without specifying a sub-location or selecting the sub-location flag, no items in the mailbox will be processed. To monitor a specific sub-folder, either append the sub-location to the end of the mailbox name:

user_mailbox /Inbox

or specify locations to monitor in the mailbox in the sub-folders section. If only the mailbox name is entered and the sub-location flag is selected, all folders in the mailbox will be processed.

Exchange Connector If a folder is excluded in the monitored location screen, all folders beneath it will also be excluded
Exchange Connector If shortcuts are being used with Outlook 2000 email, shortcuts may not be created correctly in an email. To work around this issue, configure Email Manager to always convert the email to plain text format when adding shortcut (in the Exchange Connector Advanced Settings).
Exchange Connector When the Exchange Connector is applying post processing options (such as the icon change or shortcuts), only email and a user's Inbox or Sent Items are processed.
Exchange Connector When using XP SP2, Outlook and the Exchange Connector may not be able to run at the same time. If Outlook is opened and the Exchange Connector is started, the Exchange Connector throws an error. If the Exchange Connector is started and Outlook is started, Outlook cannot login to the user's mailbox. In addition, when using XP SP2, notifications do not work if Windows Firewall is enabled.
Exchange Connector

Although extended characters may be used in the email address display name, the extended characters will not be contained in the email address itself as email addresses are always ASCII text. The To/From/BCC/CC Display property should be used when comparing a string with extended characters against an email recipient list or when assigning a list of email recipients to a document repository property.

PST ConnectorPST message file post processing options that perform actions on the mailboxes of other user's require and Exchange Server name to be specified in the PST Collector. The users must exist on the Exchange Server specified for post processing actions to be successful.
PST ConnectorWhen using the PST Connector, in the Task Route Service Configuration screen, the Thread Count should be set to "1".
GroupWise ConnectorIf an item is selected for deletion from a mailbox, the option to ignore processed items in the collector should be selected as well to ensure deleted items are not re-processed by Email Manager at a future date.
DXL ViewerTo enable the "Import into Louts Notes" functionality in the DXL Viewer, the following registry key should be created:

Value Type:  DWORD
Base Type: Decimal
Value Name: ImportEnabled
Data: Set the value to "1"

GroupWise ConnectorWhen specifying Domain Directory in the GroupWise Connector configuration, a UNC path should be used rather than a mapped drive. The mapped drive may not be accessible to the service account used to run the GroupWise Connector service.
GroupWise ConnectorAfter stopping the GroupWise service, ensure the GroupWiseConnector.exe process has exited from memory prior to restarting the service.


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