FileNet eForms for Open Client 5.0.1 Release Notes

This document contains the following major topics:

The Revision Log lists the latest changes made to the Release Notes.

The What's New topic describes new features added through the life of the product. The Hotfix Pack and Patch Dependencies table contains the hotfix packs and patches for FileNet eForms for Open Client components and functional expansions, and for each indicates any dependencies. The Known Issues topic lists the current FileNet eForms for Open Client and related third-party products software and associated documentation issues. The Resolved Known Issues topic contains only the fixed problems that were previously reported in this Release Notes document. Associated hotfix packs and patches are also listed in this topic.

Later revisions of this document may also discuss workarounds and/or fixes for some of the listed issues.

Patches for a number of these problems may become available prior to the next release of the product. Likewise, documentation updates may also be made available during the course of the release. For software patches and hotfix packs, go to the FileNet Worldwide Support web site. Click the FileNet Products link under Download Patches in the Service Window. Click eForms Products > eForms for Open Client, and then click the product release number. Select the patch or hotfix pack you want to download.

You can find general documentation updates using the Product Tech Info tab on the same Support web site location where you found these Release Notes. See Downloading Documentation Updates below for instructions on how and where to download particular documentation files.

Revision Log

  • Created this document.
  • The procedure for how to download eForms Designer documentation files was added and the procedure for downloading documentation files was corrected.
  • Added OCeF5.0.1-014 information.
  • Added OCeF5.0.1-015 resolved known issues.
  • Added OCeF5.0.1-016 resolved known issues.
  • Added eForms Designer known issue regarding Entrust plug-in and software.
  • Added eForms Designer known issues and resolved known issues since 4.1.0.
  • Clarified descriptions in the Resolved Known Issues section for DTSs 119974, 119988, and 121252 for OC eF 5.0.1-016.
  • Added DTS entries for OCeF 5.0.1-017.
  • Added DTS Resolved Known Issue entries for OCeF 5.0.1-018 and OCeF 5.0.1-014.
  • Added DTS Resolved Known Issue entries for OCeF 5.0.1-019.
  • Added DTS Resolved Known Issue and Known Issue entries for OCeF 5.0.1-020.
  • Added DTS Resolved Known Issue entries for OCeF 5.0.1-021.
  • Added a Known Issue entry for OC eF 5.0.1.
  • Added DTS Resolved Known Issue entries for OCeF 5.0.1-022. Added known issue to eForms Designer 4.1.0.
  • Added Resolved Known Issues for OCeF 5.0.1-023.

What's New

The following is a list of new features that have been added through the life of the FileNet eForms for Open Client product and compatible eForms Designer application.

OCeF 5.0.1

  1. Users who will be using the I-Sign signature service require an installed server certificate. See the Pre-Installation Guide for instructions.
  2. I-Sign signature verification can be customized. For information about how to customize I-Sign signature verification, see pages 2-8 and 2-9 of the Getting Started Guide for FileNet eForms for Open Client.
  3. The eForms HTML Step Processor banner and Print HTML button can be customized. For information about how to customize the eForms HTML Step Processor, see page 2-7 of the Getting Started Guide for FileNet eForms for Open Client.

OCeF 5.0.1-001

  1. Form data can now be saved to the root directory in a Content Services library. For information, see Chapter 9 of the eForms Designer Forms Automation manual. (DTS 50042)
  2. If a work item includes a General tab that has a response field and an eForm tab that has an F_Response field, the value selected for the F_Response field on the form maps to the response field on the General tab. (DTS 50595)
  3. "F_FormAdd" and "F_FormCheckin" are two new special cells that perform validation on forms that reside in a Content Services library. For more information, see "Form Content Validation" in Chapter 8 of the eForms Designer Forms Automation manual. (DTS 50820)
  4. You can now add a button to a form that launches a workflow. For more information, see Chapter 10 of the eForms Designer Forms Automation manual. The workflow that is attached to the form must have an unassigned attachment on it. For more information, see Chapter 3 of the Open Client Workflow Author's Guide.
  5. The custom properties "idmName" and "idmDocCustom" can now be configured in Open Client. Also, the cell style for the "PropMaps" method is now supported for Open Client. For more information, see Chapter 8 of the eForms Designer Forms Automation manual.

OCeF 5.0.1-012

  1. TIFF images generated by the Print Services API are now in a format supported by IDM Viewer or OpenClient Java Viewer. (DTS 92287)
  2. Performance and memory improvements were made to the system and ASP. NET page enhancements were made for forms with multiple pages. (DTS 92295, 93626)
  3. In eProcess Designer, only the "String" Data Field type is supported. This information has been added to the Workflow Author's Guide. The updated manual is available on the Customer Services and Support web site. (DTS 92765)

OCeF 5.0.1-013

  1. The eForm.config file is now modified by the installer and is deleted after installation. If you want to keep a copy of your previous eForm.config file, create a copy before you uninstall your previous version of OC eForms. (DTS 94210)
  2. There is a new Preference page in the Installation wizard that allows you to customize the eForms Step Processor logo and specify whether the Print HTML button appears on the toolbar.

OCeF 5.0.1-014

  1. Both a work item and embedded eForms data document are automatically checked out and are editable when the user tries to modify data after a work item has been initially opened and closed. In previous releases, only the work item was editable. This enhancement is documented on page 3-8 of the Open Client eForms User Guide. (DTS 99864)

OCeF 5.0.1-016

  1. If you want a progress bar to display when you launch or complete a work item, change the <showProgressBar value="false"> tag to "true" in the eForm.config file. (DTS 103032/119964)
  2. By setting the "showProgressBar" tag to true within the eForm.config file, a progress bar can display when a lengthy request is being processed. (DTS 122454)

OCeF 5.0.1-017

  1. To avoid problems that occur when form data is entered with extra space characters, see the following eForms Designer Help topics for tips: "About Choice Lists" and the "TRIM" function.
  2. When you delete data from a lookup cell and then tab out of it, the lookup is now completed for that cell. This is documented on page 2-18 of the Open Client User's Guide.

eForms Designer 4.1.0-004

  1. The content for the eForms Designer Forms Automation and Design & Graphics manuals is now provided only in the eForms Designer online Help. PDF versions of these manuals are available only for versions of eForms Designer prior to this release.

Hotfix Pack and Patch Dependencies

This topic lists, in recommended order of installation, the hotfix packs and patches for FileNet eForms for Open Client components. Dependencies for each hot fix pack are indicated. Each hotfix pack combines, and usually replaces, all previously released patches and hotfix packs for a given component and release.

The label of a hotfix pack or patch (for example, OCeF-5.0.1-002) contains an acronym for the product line and software component (OCeF), the release number (5.0.1), and the sequential hotfix pack or patch number (002). The minimum level for each hotfix pack or patch is also included in the following table.

Hotfix Pack/Patch Dependencies/Special Notes
OC5.0.1 None.
OC5.0.1-001 None.


  • Open Client patch 13.
OC5.0.1-008 None.
OC5.0.1-009 None.
OC5.0.1-010 None.
OC5.0.1-011 None.
OC5.0.1-012 None.
OC5.0.1-013 None.
OC5.0.1-014 None.
OC5.0.1-015 None.
OC5.0.1-016 None.
OC5.0.1-017 None.
OC5.0.1-018 None.
OC5.0.1-019 None.
OC5.0.1-020 None.


  • Open Client 3.2.0-020
  • jiGlue 2.0.3-003


  • Open Client 3.2.0-020 or later
  • jiGlue 2.0.3-003 or later


  • Open Client 3.2.0-020 or later
  • jiGlue 2.0.3-003 or later

Known Issues

The following notes describe known issues and critical information for this release. Where applicable, each note includes the associated

Failure Report (FR) or Defect Tracking System (DTS) number for reference and tracking purposes.

eForms for Open Client

eForms Designer 4.1.0

Browser Issues: Internet Explorer and/or Netscape

Resolved Known Issues

This topic contains the fixed problems that were previously reported as known issues in Read me documents for FileNet eForms for Open Client and this Release Notes document. The list is organized by documentation fixes and hotfix pack and their related components affected by the fixes. Refer to the latest hotfix pack Readme files for a complete list of all customer-related problems addressed by the hotfix packs.

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-013

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-013 Readme.

  1. If you click the eForm, eRouter, General, Data, or Milestone tab before a form is finished loading, an error message may appear. This error is part of the design of eForms for Open Client. To prevent this message from appearing, avoid clicking these tabs until the form has finished loading. (DTS 91627)
  2. A date always displays with a signature even if the 'Show date with signer's name' checkbox is not selected in eForms Designer in the Format for Signature dialog box. (DTS 93501)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-014

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-014 Readme.

  1. Property mapping such as "idmName" and "idmDocCustom" do not work with the Launch WF action. (DTS 98248)

  2. When a multipage eForm with cell names that contain system field names is integrated in an eProcess workflow, the values in the cells are deleted. (DTS 99034, 97614)
  3. The Form Data submission delimiter does not work correctly when a semi-colon or any other character is used as the delimiter. (DTS 99242)
  4. Lookup validations now work for all the cells in a table. If the cell contains invalid date, an error message appears. (DTS 99294)

  5. The F_UserName description is incorrect on page 8-10 of the eForms Forms Automation manual, and in the "System Fields" topic in the eForms Designer Help (DTS 99395).

  6. The F_UserName description contains incorrect information in reference to applicable step destinations on page 8-10 of the eForms Forms Automation manual, and in the "System Fields" topic in the eForms Designer Help. (DTS 99399)

  7. Both the work item and embedded eForms data document are automatically checked out and are editable when the user tries to modify data after a work item has been initially opened and closed. In previous releases, only the work item was editable. This enhancement has been documented on page 3-8 of the Open Client eForms User Guide. (DTS 99864)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-015

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-015 Readme.

  1. After you edit the values on the Workflow Groups, Data Fields, or Attachments tab, and then click the Complete, Save, or Launch button on the form toolbar, the values entered in data fields, system fields, and custom properties (e.g., F_StepComplete, F_StepSave, and IDMName) are not maintained. (DTS 101454)
  2. The signing services (Microsoft CSP and I-Sign) are not working as expected and digital signatures cannot be deleted. (DTS 101459/103680)
  3. When a user signs a signature field with a multiple hierarchical Microsoft CSP certificate, all the available certificates are not displayed. (DTS 102025)
  4. The Reassign button is not working correctly. (DTS 102135)
  5. Mapping of form fields to workflow groups does not work correctly at the Launch Step and subsequent steps. (DTS 102207)
  6. If a form is attached to a workflow and a participant is assigned to a workflow group, the participants are not assigned correctly to the workflow group and the work item does not move to the next step. (DTS 103032)
  7. When a user opens a revised template, the correct version of the template does not open. (DTS 104038)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-016

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-016 Readme.

  1. When a value is entered in an HTTP lookup cell, where the lookup cell and associated choice lists are configured using an asp page, the choice lists are not populated. (DTS 118245)
  2. Users cannot tab out of an expanded choice list and the associated lookup does not execute. (DTS 118302)

  3. If a form is attached to a workflow and a participant is assigned to a workflow group, the participants are not assigned correctly to the workflow group and the work item does not move to the next step. If hot fix pack 5.0.1-014 was in place, patch 5.0.1-015 was not properly applied. (DTS 103032/119964)
  4. An error message displays when the user clicks the second page of an eForm that contains a display only checkbox in a post-launch step work item.(DTS 119974)
  5. When the focus is set on page 2 or higher of a multipage eForm that contains an empty F_Response cell, an invalid error message displays and the workflow step cannot be completed. (DTS 119988)
  6. Forms tested in eForms Designer's test mode and in eForms for Open Client do not display the same results for the CountMember, Member, and Choose functions. (DTS 120436)
  7. A javascript error message appears when an empty F_Response cell exists on the second page of an eForm and the user clicks Launch or Complete. (DTS 121252)
  8. When a value is deleted from a lookup cell on a form, the lookup is not completed. (DTS 131560)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-017

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-017 Readme.

  1. The Complete, Reassign, and Save buttons are available on forms that are checked out and the steps can be completed even though the work item is locked. (DTS 122626)
  2. When a user overrides a locked work item that includes a form checked out to that same user, the checked-out status of the form is not overridden. (DTS 122741)
  3. The Add, Save, and Launch Workflow buttons do not function as expected after a user selects a blank entry from a choice list that has been populated by a lookup and associated with the PropMaps methods of mapping. (DTS 123172)
  4. An error message appears when a user tries to sign a signature cell with data that ends with "\." (DTS 123532)
  5. When a form is opened from the Content Services version list, the form is checked out and the Save and Close buttons appear. (DTS 123717)
  6. For ODBC lookups, multiple matches do not work properly. (DTS 123959)
  7. A memory problem related to template caching that occurred when opening and saving the same data document needs to be fixed. (DTS 131358)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-018

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-018 Readme.

  1. The data entered in time formatted cells in a table is lost. (DTS 122569)

  2. When enabled in the eForm.config file, the progress bar indicator that appears when a long request is being processed closes as expected once the process has completed. (DTS 123063)

  3. Two  new parameters have been added that allow you to specify values for the height of an eRouting slip or eForm. To view these instructions, see page 4-7 of the Workflow Author's Guide. (DTS 131223)
  4. When a table exists on a different page from an HTTP configured data lookup cell, the lookup now returns the correct number of matching rows of data to that table. (DTS 133458)

  5. Documentation is required in the OC eForms User Guide on how to reassign a work item that contains an eForm. (DTS 133562)
  6. HTTP submits to an Active Server Page do not work correctly when all cells in a given table on the form are left empty. (DTS 134579)
  7. The minimum pixel height that can still display a scrollbar should be specified for the eForm and eRouting Slip in the Workflow Author's Guide. (DTS 134787)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-019

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-019 Readme.

  1. The I-Sign signature dialog box does not close when a user attempts to sign a form configured with a Certificate Server that supports SSL and is created on a Default Web Server. (DTS 135508)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-020

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-020 Readme.

  1. Calculations take a long time to execute and return values to the form cells. (DTS 121583)
  2. When the "printhtmlvisible" tag in the eForm.config file is set to false and a form is viewed in a work item, the Print HTML button is consistently hidden as expected. When the tag is set to true, the Print HTML button is consistently displayed as expected. A note has been added to the Getting Started Guide on page 2-7, indicating that when the Print HTML button is configured in the "eForm.config" file, the setting applies to both eProcess and Content Services environments. The guide is available on the Worldwide Customer Services and Support web site. (DTS 131850)
  3. An unexpected result is returned from a data lookup as the value does not match the cell's data type and format. (DTS 133120)
  4. The message that appears when the user attempts to work with a form that is already checked out does not give a sufficient explanation about the error. (DTS 134951)
  5. The eForm.config file is overwritten by the patch 18 installer when upgrading eForms for Open Client. (DTS 135323)
  6. The OC eF 5.0.1-019 installer will not upgrade any version of OC eF 5.0.1. (DTS 135348)
  7. The ODBC lookup results that are returned for a multiple match are displayed incorrectly in the display window. (DTS 136197)
  8. An XmlDocument object is created whenever a form template or form data document is opened. (DTS 136446)
  9. If the user chooses a value for F_StepComplete or F_StepSave form cells, clicks on two non-eFom tabs such as "Data Fields" or "Workflow Groups" and then clicks Launch, the workflow launches without evaluating the F_StepComplete or F_StepSave cell because their values are lost. The values are also lost when the user edits the values in the Workflow Groups, Data Fields, or Attachments tabs. (DTS 136709)

  10. When the user switches workflow tabs and then launches, completes, or saves the work item, the F_Response value that was entered on the previous tab is not recognized. (DTS 137225)

  11. The FileNet web template setting adddialog, docclass, filein and title attributes return empty values when a form data document is re-opened. (DTS 138502/138657)

  12. If the same set of responses are provided in the F_Response cell at the launch step and subsequent steps of a workflow, and the user selects a response from the F_Response cell on an eForm, whatever response that is chosen at the current step is carried over and appears by default in the F_Responses cell at the next step. If the user does not select a different response, no warning is issued. (DTS 138814)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-021

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-021 Readme.

  1. Code changes are required to improve memory and performance related issues. (DTS 102476)
  2. Code changes are required to address memory exception errors and slow performance issues. (DTS 120182)
  3. Information about validation behavior is missing from the eForms for Open Client User Guide. (DTS 135255)
  4. The eForms Designer on-line help topic "Launch Workflow" contains incorrect information for the subject attribute. (DTS 138611)
  5. Instances of eForm .js and .dat files are not removed when a user tries to a sign a form. (DTS 139418)
  6. Pages of an eForm that are not configured with the "Include page in page tabs" option in eForms Designer are displaying in eForms for Open Client. (DTS 139649)
  7. Calculations contained in the F_StepComplete cell do not evaluate successfully when the focus is set to a page other than the eForm tab. (DTS 139770)
  8. The contents for a hidden page tab are displayed even though it has been configured not to display. (DTS 140443)
  9. A session containing an eForm with no activity on the browser times out before 2 hours. (DTS 140523)
  10. A data lookup takes a long time to return multiple results. (DTS 140525)
  11. After the user edits data and then clicks Apply on the Workflow Group tab or the Data Fields tab, the Step Processor reloads the General or eForm tab instead of the tab with the applied change. This is inconsistent with the correct behavior of the Launch Step Processor. (DTS 140574)
  12. In the eForm.config file, when the refreshRate is set to 0, this should turn off the refresh action. However, when the user opens the work item, it always refreshes. (DTS 140608)
  13. The IsEmpty function is not supported for clustered checkboxes. This is not stated in the eForms Designer help. (DTS 141940)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-022

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-022 Readme.

  1. The WorkDays function returns different values in eForms Designer test mode and via the eForms Step Processor. (DTS 146186)
  2. If a session containing an eForm remains inactive beyond the server timeout, the launch, add, save, and check-in actions will not perform as expected. (DTS 147587)
  3. The results returned from the AddDays function in the eForms Designer test mode are different than the values returned in the eForms step processor due to daylight savings time settings. (DTS 148032)

Hotfix Pack OCeF-5.0.1-022

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues.

  1. When a cell is set to print on overflow pages and resides on any page of the form other than page one, a server exception occurs when the user generates a PDF version of the form. (DTS 155824)

eForms Designer 4.1.0

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack eForms Designer 4.1.0 Readme.

  1. eForms Designer is not able to display the Font dialog box even when no printer is installed on the operating system. However, for best results, ensure that a printer is specified when you run Designer. (DTS 20783)
  2. Under locales such as French, the Format dialog box (for the Number type) does not handle upper-ASCII separator characters. (DTS 20752)

eForms Designer 4.1.0-003

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack eForms Designer 4.1.0-003 Readme.

  1. eForms Designer crashes with Microsoft security patch KB82414.1 (DTS 64879)

eForms Designer 4.1.0-004

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack eForms Designer 4.1.0-004 Readme.

  1. In the eForms Designer online Help, the following changes are missing from the function topics: (a) the RowCount function is available for eForms for Open Client only (DTS 64686); (b) the Language function needs to be deleted because it is not supported (DTS 91248); (c) the text label "eForms for OC only" needs to be removed from the topic titles for certain functions to indicate that these functions are now supported for eForms for Web Services (DTS 91244).
  2. The available template reports are not listed in the Template Report dialog box. (DTS 90909)

eForms Designer 4.1.0-005

This hotfix pack contains fixes for the following known issues. For a more extensive list of fixes contained in this hotfix pack, refer to the Hotfix Pack eForms Designer 4.1.0-005 Readme.

  1. An 'Allow other values' option needs to be added to the "Choices" section of the Cell Settings dialog box. This allows the user to enter data other than what's provided in the choice list that's configured for the cell. (DTS 100062)
  2. Chapter 8, "Property Mapping" in the eForms Forms Automation manual needs to be rewritten for accuracy and renamed "Data Mapping." This content also needs to be corrected in the eForms Designer help system. (DTS 100715)

Downloading Documentation Updates

From the FileNet Worldwide Support web site you can download copies of the eForms for Open Client documentation. This documentation includes:

In all cases, updated files on the web site are identified with a revision date. Some larger PDFs are zipped for quicker downloading.

To download Open Client documentation files

To download eForms Designer documentation files

    1. Go to the FileNet Worldwide Support web site.
    2. Navigate to Product Tech Info > Image Manager (IM) > eForms > Product Documentation > eForms Designer > eForms Designer 4.1.0.

    Download the updated files to your install location and replace your existing files.