Documentation Readme: FileNet Content Services (CS) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This readme lists the following entries in the \docs directory on this CD: * FileNet documentation files * Verity search engine documentation files The readme also lists the files containing the hardware/software requirements for each CS platform. These files are accessible only at All CDs for related FileNet products or components typically have a \documentation or \docs directories containing readmes and documentation files. FileNet may update the following files periodically. You can download copies from the Product Tech Info > Image Manager (IM) > Content Services > Product Documentation link at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Formats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNet provides the documentation for Content Services in several formats. To read the .pdf file(s), you can download the latest Acrobat Reader for your platform from the Adobe web site ( To read the .hlp files installed with various Content Services components, you can click them in Windows Explorer, use the commands in the associated Help menus, or access context-sensitive Help on various screens and dialog boxes. To read the .htm files installed with various Content Services components, you can open them in a web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). DOCUMENTATION LIST --- All Content Services (CS) Components ========================================================================================= Product/File Location/Description ========================================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Readme Located in: \documentation on this CS Admin Tools CD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt This readme listing all distributed documentation files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Release Notes Located at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- csHpOracleRelNotes.pdf Contain the Release Notes for editions of Content csSolOracleRelNotes.pdf Services, which include Feature Highlights, Fixes, csWinOracleRelNotes.pdf and Known Issues. csWinSqlRelNotes.pdf csHpOracleReqs.pdf Contain hardware/software platform requirements for csSolOracleReqs.pdf editions of Content Services. csWinOracleReqs.pdf csWinSqlReqs.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Server Located in: \documentation on this CS Admin Tools CD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- csHpOracle.pdf Contain documentation on installing csSolOracle.pdf Content Services, including special instructions csWinOracle.pdf for using Rendition Services. csWinSql.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Server Installed into: \FileNet\Shared on a Windows CS server ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dsproperties.hlp Contains the context-sensitive Help for the Configure application that is accessed via the Control Panel on a Windows CS server installation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Admin Tools Located in: \admin\documentation on this CS Admin Tools CD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readme.hlp Contains product highlights and known problems in the CS Admin Tools. satsetup.hlp Contains documentation on installing and configuring the CS Admin Tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Admin Tools Installed into: CS Admin Tools program directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- docclass.hlp Contains Help on the CS Document Class and CVL Admin component of the CS Admin Tools. dsbulk.hlp Contains Help on the CS Bulk Process component of the CS Admin Tools. dsexplo.hlp Contains general Help on the CS Explorer component of the CS Admin Tools. dssatcs.hlp Contains the context-sensitive Help for the CS Explorer component of the CS Admin Tools, in particular object and property descriptions. dssatrep.hlp Contains the context-sensitive Help for the Replication component of CS Admin Tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Web Admin Tools Located in: \webadmin\documentation on this CS Admin Tools CD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- readme.htm Contains product highlights and known problems in the CS Web Admin Tools. setup.htm Contains documentation on installing and configuring the CS Web Admin Tools. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Web Admin Tools Installed into: CS Web Admin Tools program directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- index.htm The first of several .htm files that contain the general Help on the CS Web Explorer, currently the only component of CS Web Admin Tools. Start at this file to read the Help without starting the program. webadmin_config.htm The .htm Help accessed from the CS Web Admin Configure tool. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verity K2 Located in: documentation\verity on this CS Admin Tools CD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CollectionReference.pdf Verity Collection Reference Guide k2GettingStarted.pdf Verity K2 Getting Started Guide K2rcadmin.pdf Verity K2 rcadmin Guide UsingVerityDocsWithCs.htm Description of Verity functionality supported in Content Services VerityIntelligentClassification.pdf Verity Intelligent Classification Guide VerityQueryLanguage.pdf Verity Query Language Guide LocaleConfiguration.pdf Verity Locale Configuration Guide