public class Bp8Operations
Title: BPF Operations Java Adapter for P8 Component Integrator.
Description: BPF Operations is a P8 Component Integrator component that allows manupulating BPF Case object from a workflow component step.
Copyright: FileNet (c) 2004-2007
Company: FileNet Corp.
Field Summary | |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.Integer |
static java.lang.Integer |
static java.lang.Integer |
static int |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static int |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
Constructor Summary | |
Method Summary | |
java.lang.String[] |
attachCOWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachCOWithCaseType |
java.lang.String[] |
attachCOWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachCOWithRosterAndCaseType |
java.lang.String[] |
attachCustomObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachCustomObject |
java.lang.String[] |
attachCustomObjectWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachCustomObjectWithRoster |
java.lang.String[] |
attachDoc(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachDoc |
java.lang.String[] |
attachDocWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachDocWithCaseType |
java.lang.String[] |
attachDocWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachDocWithRoster |
java.lang.String[] |
attachDocWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachDocWithRosterAndCaseType |
int |
attachFolder(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
attachFolder - Deprecated. |
java.lang.String[] |
attachFolderObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachFolderObject |
java.lang.String[] |
attachFolderObjectWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachFolderObjectWithRoster |
int |
attachFolderWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
attachFolderWithCaseType Attach folder to the Bp8 Case Object |
java.lang.String[] |
attachFOWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql)
attachFOWithCaseType |
java.lang.String[] |
attachFOWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String auditAction,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
attachFOWithRosterAndCaseType |
java.lang.String[] |
createCase(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
java.lang.String caseClassName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.String actionUserName,
java.lang.String[] caseFields)
createCase This method is used to create instance of the Bp8 Case object |
java.lang.String[] |
createCaseWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
java.lang.String caseClassName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.String actionUserName,
java.lang.String[] caseFields)
createCaseWithCaseType This method is used to create instance of the Bp8 Case object |
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment |
createObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
java.lang.String objectClassName,
java.lang.String[] objectFields)
createObject This method is used to create an instance of Bp8Case or its subclass custom object in Content Engine |
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment |
createObjectWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
java.lang.String objectClassName,
java.lang.String[] objectFields)
createObject This method is used to create an instance of Bp8Case or its subclass custom object in Content Engine |
int |
detachFolder(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
detachFolder Detach folder from Bp8 Case Object |
int |
detachFolderWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
detachFolderWithCaseType Detach folder from Bp8 Case Object |
int |
detachFolderWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
detachFolderWithRoster Detach folder from Bp8 Case Object |
int |
detachFolderWithRosterAndCT(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
detachFolderWithRosterAndCaseType Detach folder from Bp8 Case Object |
int |
getNextCaseId(java.lang.String objectStoreName)
getNextCaseId |
void |
logEvent(filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.String actionReason,
java.lang.String actionDescription,
java.lang.String actionUserName,
int eventCategory)
logEvent Add record to the Case Audit Trail |
void |
logEventWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType,
filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment,
java.lang.String actionName,
java.lang.String actionReason,
java.lang.String actionDescription,
java.lang.String actionUserName,
int eventCategory)
logEventWithAuditOS Add record to the Case Audit Trail in the specified audit object store. |
int |
updateCase(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
java.lang.String[] caseIDs,
java.lang.String[] caseFields)
updateCase This method is used to update CE Case object and mapped Process and Attachment fields WARNING: This method is designed solely for updating Cases *other* than the *current* Case - i.e. |
int |
updateCaseWithMultiOS(java.lang.String[] objectStoreNames,
java.lang.String[] caseIDs,
java.lang.String[] caseFields)
updateCaseWithMultiOS This method is used to update CE Case object and mapped Process and Attachment fields WARNING: This method is designed solely for updating Cases *other* than the *current* Case - i.e. |
int |
updateCaseWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName,
java.lang.String[] caseIDs,
java.lang.String[] caseFields,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
updateCaseWithRoster This method is used to update CE Case object and mapped Process and Attachment fields WARNING: This method is designed solely for updating Cases *other* than the *current* Case - i.e. |
int |
updateCaseWithRosterAndMultiOS(java.lang.String[] objectStoreNames,
java.lang.String[] caseIDs,
java.lang.String[] caseFields,
java.lang.String sRosterName)
updateCaseWithRosterAndMultiOS This method is used to update CE Case object and mapped Process and Attachment fields WARNING: This method is designed solely for updating Cases *other* than the *current* Case - i.e. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
Field Detail |
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_ID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_CASEID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECTID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECTGUID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECTTYPE
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_DOC_OBJECT
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECTCLASS
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECTREPOSITORYID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_ATTACHMENT_CASE
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_ACTION
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_AUDITLOGITEM_CASE
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_DESCRIPTION
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_EVENTCATEGORY
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_REASON
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_USER_NAME
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_USER_SID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_CASETYPE
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_OBJECT_VS_ID
public static final java.lang.String CE_FIELD_BP8_OBJECT_VS_ID
public static final java.lang.String KEY_BOOTSTRAP_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_DEFAULT_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_CASE_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_DOC_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_FOLDER_NAME_FOR_OBJECTFILE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_AUDIT_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MAPPING_CASE_FIELD
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MAPPING_ATTACHMENT_FIELD
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MAPPING_WORKFLOW_FIELD
public static final java.lang.String KEY_MAPPING_DATA_TYPE
public static final java.lang.String WF_FIELD_BP8ATTACHMENT
public static final java.lang.String CE_CLASSNAME_BP8CASE
public static final java.lang.String CE_CLASSNAME_BP8ATTACHMENT
public static final java.lang.String CE_CLASSNAME_BP8AUDITLOGITEM
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ACTION
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ACTION_REASON
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_OBJECT_ACTION_DESCRIPTION
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CASE_ACTION
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CASE_ACTION_REASON
public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_CASE_ACTION_DESCRIPTION
public static final java.lang.Integer BP8_OBJECT_TYPE_CE_DOCUMENT
public static final java.lang.Integer BP8_OBJECT_TYPE_CE_FOLDER
public static final java.lang.Integer BP8_OBJECT_TYPE_CE_CUSTOM_OBJECT
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_STRING
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_NUMERIC
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_DATETIME
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_DATE
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_BOOLEAN
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_MONEY
public static final java.lang.String FIELDTYPE_WFGROUP
public static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTION
public static final java.lang.String SETTING_LOCK_TIMEOUT
public static final java.lang.String SETTING_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT
public static final java.lang.String SETTING_SEQUENCE_SIZE
public static final java.lang.String SETTING_ROSTER
public static final java.lang.String SETTING_INDEX_CASE_ID
public static final int RESULT_ATTACH_ERROR
public static final int RESULT_ALREADY_ATTACHED
public static final int RESULT_ATTACHMENT_CREATED
public static final int CONTAINMENT_NAME_LENGTH
public static final java.lang.String PARTICIPANT_SEPARATOR
public static final java.lang.String BP8_CE_FIELD_DOCSATTACHED
public static final java.lang.String MSG_DOCSATTACHED
public static final java.lang.String SQL_SEARCH_CASES
public static final java.lang.String SQL_SEARCH_DOCUMENTS_ATTACHED
public static final java.lang.String SQL_FIELDS_MAPPING
public static final java.lang.String SQL_BOOTSTRAP_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String SQL_DEFAULT_OBJECT_STORE
public static final java.lang.String SQL_OBJECT_FILE_FOLDERNAME
public static final java.lang.String SQL_OBJECT_STORE_MAPPING
public static final java.lang.String GUID_CUSTOMOBJECT_SETTINGS
public static final java.lang.String FIELD_LAST_CASEID
public static final int CATEGORY_SYSTEM
public static final java.lang.String XML_ELEMENT_ZROW
Constructor Detail |
public Bp8Operations()
Method Detail |
public int getNextCaseId(java.lang.String objectStoreName) throws com.filenet.wcm.toolkit.util.WcmException
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.
public java.lang.String[] attachDoc(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Case Object Store symbolic name.attachments
- -
An array containing Document objects that will be attached to
the Case. The Document objects can come from any Object Store.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Document Added" will be
created. The audit log object of this operation will be stored
in the same Object Store as Case objects.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the document needs to be attached to. First field in
the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachDocWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.attachments
- -
An array containing Document objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Document Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the document needs to be attached to. First field in
the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public java.lang.String[] attachDocWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Name string of a Case Type, defined in the BPF Metastore.attachments
- -
An array containing Document objects that will be attached to
the Case. The Document objects can come from any Object Store.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Document Added" will be
created. The audit log object of this operation will be stored
in the AuditLog Object Store defined in the Case Type
definition in the BPF Metastore.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the document needs to be attached to. First field in
the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachDocWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name.attachments
- -
An array containing Document objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Document Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the document needs to be attached to. First field in
the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public java.lang.String[] attachCustomObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.attachments
- -
An array containing Custom objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Custom Object Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the custom object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachCustomObjectWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.attachments
- -
An array containing Custom objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Custom Object Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the custom object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public java.lang.String[] attachCOWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name.attachments
- -
An array containing Custom objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Custom Object Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the custom object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachCOWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name.attachments
- -
An array containing Custom objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Custom Object Added" will be
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the custom object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public int detachFolder(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
- -
Content Engine Object Store name (symbolic name).caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to detach folder fromattachment
- -
An VWAttachment representing folder that will be deattached
from the Case.
public int detachFolderWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment, java.lang.String sRosterName)
- -
Content Engine Object Store name (symbolic name).caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to detach folder fromattachment
- -
An VWAttachment representing folder that will be deattached
from the Case.sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public int detachFolderWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment) throws java.sql.SQLException
- -
The case type name.caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to detach folder fromattachment
- -
An VWAttachment representing folder that will be deattached
from the Case.
public int detachFolderWithRosterAndCT(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.sql.SQLException
- -
The case type name.caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to detach folder fromattachment
- -
An VWAttachment representing folder that will be deattached
from the Case.sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public int attachFolder(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment)
- -
Content Engine Case Object Store symbolic name.caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to attach folder toattachment
- -
A VWAttachment representing folder that will be attached to
the Case. The Folder object can come from any object store.
public int attachFolderWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment caseAttachment, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment) throws java.sql.SQLException
- -
Name string of a Case Type, defined in the BPF Metastore.caseAttachment
- -
Bp8 Case object to attach folder toattachment
- -
A VWAttachment representing folder that will be attached to
the Case. The Folder object can come from any Object Store.
public java.lang.String[] attachFolderObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.attachments
- -
An array containing Folder objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Folder Added" will be
????????????????? created.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the folder object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachFolderObjectWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.attachments
- -
An array containing Folder objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Folder Added" will be
??????????????????? created.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the folder needs to be attached to. First field in the
SELECT statement should always be Id. Example: "SELECT
Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" + AccountNumber +
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public java.lang.String[] attachFOWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name.attachments
- -
An array containing Folder objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Folder Added" will be
????????????????? created.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the folder object needs to be attached to. First field
in the SELECT statement should always be Id. Example:
"SELECT Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" +
AccountNumber + "'"
public java.lang.String[] attachFOWithRosterAndCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String auditAction, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String sql, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name.attachments
- -
An array containing Folder objects that will be attached to
the Case.auditAction
- -
This paramenter allows to configure action name. If no value
specified, a default action of "Folder Added" will be created.userName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
- -
SQL statement that specifies search criteria for locating Case
objects the folder needs to be attached to. First field in the
SELECT statement should always be Id. Example: "SELECT
Id FROM CaseManagement WHERE AccountNumber='" + AccountNumber +
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
public filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment createObject(java.lang.String objectStoreName, java.lang.String objectClassName, java.lang.String[] objectFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.objectClassName
- -
Bp8Case or its subclass name.objectFields
- ?
An array of the field mappings for the object being created.
Each entry consists of the following elements: java.lang.Exception
- NOTES: The objectClassName must be Bp8Case or its subclass name.public filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment createObjectWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, java.lang.String objectClassName, java.lang.String[] objectFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Case Type name.objectClassName
- -
Bp8Case or its subclass name.objectFields
- ?
An array of the field mappings for the object being created.
Each entry consists of the following elements: java.lang.Exception
- NOTES: The objectClassName must be Bp8Case or its subclass name.public java.lang.String[] createCase(java.lang.String objectStoreName, java.lang.String caseClassName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.String actionUserName, java.lang.String[] caseFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name (symbolic name).caseClassName
- -
Content Engine class name (Case object symbolic class name).
The class should be defined as inherited from the Bp8Case base
object class.attachments
- -
Array of documents or folders. If this property is populated,
the component will attach all documents or folders to the
newly created Case.actionName
- ?
Name of the action written to Audit Trail when Case is
created. The default value is "Case Created" and could be
overwritten by populating this property. This parameter cannot
be empty or null, use the following syntax: ""actionUserName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
written. To specify the default value, use the following
syntax: ""caseFields
- ?
Array of field mapping for the Case object being created. Each
entry consist of the following elements: java.lang.Exception
public java.lang.String[] createCaseWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, java.lang.String caseClassName, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment[] attachments, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.String actionUserName, java.lang.String[] caseFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
The case type name of the case to be created.caseClassName
- -
Content Engine class name (Case object symbolic class name).
The class should be defined as inherited from the Bp8Case base
object class.attachments
- -
Array of documents or folders. If this property is populated,
the component will attach all documents or folders to the
newly created Case.actionName
- ?
Name of the action written to Audit Trail when Case is
created. The default value is "Case Created" and could be
overwritten by populating this property. This parameter cannot
be empty or null, use the following syntax: ""actionUserName
- ?
user name that will be written to the Audit Trail as part of
the event. By default, name of the interactive user will be
written. To specify the default value, use the following
syntax: ""caseFields
- ?
Array of field mapping for the Case object being created. Each
entry consist of the following elements: java.lang.Exception
public void logEvent(filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.String actionReason, java.lang.String actionDescription, java.lang.String actionUserName, int eventCategory) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Case object.actionName
- -
Action name.actionReason
- -
Action reason.actionDescription
- -
Action description.actionUserName
- -
Action user nameeventCategory
- -
Event Category 1 = CAse level event 2 = Document level event
public void logEventWithCaseType(java.lang.String caseType, filenet.vw.api.VWAttachment attachment, java.lang.String actionName, java.lang.String actionReason, java.lang.String actionDescription, java.lang.String actionUserName, int eventCategory) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
the case type name.attachment
- -
Case object.actionName
- -
Action name.actionReason
- -
Action reason.actionDescription
- -
Action description.actionUserName
- -
Action user nameeventCategory
- -
Event Category 1 = CAse level event 2 = Document level event
public int updateCase(java.lang.String objectStoreName, java.lang.String[] caseIDs, java.lang.String[] caseFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.caseIDs
- -
Array of CaseID to be updated.caseFields
- ?
Array of fields to be updated. Each entry consist of the
following elements: java.lang.Exception
public int updateCaseWithRoster(java.lang.String objectStoreName, java.lang.String[] caseIDs, java.lang.String[] caseFields, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Content Engine Object Store name.caseIDs
- -
Array of CaseID to be updated.caseFields
- ?
Array of fields to be updated. Each entry consist of the
following elements: sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
NOTE: Make sure to specify the appropriate Case Type ID via the following
assignment: "Bp8CaseType", "NUMERIC",numbertostring(1)
Example: {"Bp8CaseType", "NUMERIC", numbertostring(1), "LoanNumber",
"STRING", "1234567890", "LoanAmount", "MONEY", "LoanAmount",
"ReceivedDate", "DATETIME", "01/31/2007 10:12:58"}
public int updateCaseWithMultiOS(java.lang.String[] objectStoreNames, java.lang.String[] caseIDs, java.lang.String[] caseFields) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Array of Content Engine Object Store name.caseIDs
- -
Array of CaseID to be updated.caseFields
- ?
Array of fields to be updated. Each entry consist of the
following elements: java.lang.Exception
public int updateCaseWithRosterAndMultiOS(java.lang.String[] objectStoreNames, java.lang.String[] caseIDs, java.lang.String[] caseFields, java.lang.String sRosterName) throws java.lang.Exception
- -
Array of Content Engine Object Store name.caseIDs
- -
Array of CaseID to be updated.caseFields
- ?
Array of fields to be updated. Each entry consist of the
following elements: sRosterName
- -
Configuration key for the Workflow Roster to use for this
operation (configuration key and value need to be set in the
bp8_config.xml within bp8ciops.jar).
NOTE: Make sure to specify the appropriate Case Type ID via the following
assignment: "Bp8CaseType", "NUMERIC",numbertostring(1)
NOTE: Also make sure to specify corresponding object store name for each
case id, and they must have the same index number in the two arrays.
Example: {"Bp8CaseType", "NUMERIC", numbertostring(1), "LoanNumber",
"STRING", "1234567890", "LoanAmount", "MONEY", "LoanAmount",
"ReceivedDate", "DATETIME", "01/31/2007 10:12:58"}