INTRODUCTION ------------ This is the Program Temporary Fix (PTF) UQ20791.DOC file for IBM Communications System for DOS (CS/DOS). The following topics are covered in this UQ20791.DOC file: o PREREQUISITES o INSTALLING PTF UQ20791 o LIST OF FILES o LIST OF APARS FIXED - New APARs - APARs in Version 1.1.1 (12/92 internal release) PREREQUISITES ------------- PTF UQ20791 has the prerequisite of the installation of IBM Communications System for DOS (5621-184) Version 1.1.0 (Update 12/91) or higher. Please ensure you are at least at this level before proceeding with the installation of this PTF. UQ20791 can be applied to to either the English or any of the translated National Language Support (NLS) features. UQ20791 can be applied to CS/DOS (5621-184) Version 1.1.0 (Update 12/91) or CS/DOS Version 1.1.1 (Internal Update 12/92). UQ20791 is cumulative, containing all prior APAR fixes. It will update your CS/DOS installation to the Version 1.1.1 plus APAR fixes, regardless to whether you were previously at Version 1.1.0 or 1.1.1. Your CS/DOS SYSLEVEL will indicate Version 1.1.1 plus PTF UQ20791 following installation of this PTF. INSTALLING PTF UQ20791 ---------------------- Follow these directions to update your system and install PTF UQ20791: 1. Shut down CS/DOS by calling in the \CSDOS\SYS directory: CS2STOP 2. It is recommended if space is not a problem, back up the entire \CSDOS directory. Create a \CSDOSBKP directory and issue: xcopy \csdos \csdosbkp /s Later this backup can be deleted, once your testing is completed and you are satisfied it has been running successfully for some time. If you do not have space to back up the entire csdos directory, at least backup the configuration files, i.e. *.cfs, *.cfg files, and any customized files you might have. 3. Place the first diskette in the A: drive. 4. From the A: directory issue the INSTALL command using the following syntax. You can generate syntax help from the command line by issuing: INSTALL ?. Syntax: INSTALL [?] | [[/b | /d] [/s drive:] [/t drive:]] where /b Selects only base support /d Selects development and base support (Default is /b) /s drive: Specifies the location of the install disk (Default is a:) /t drive: Specifies the location of the target disk (Default is c:) Example: INSTALL /b /t d: 5. Place the requested diskette in the a: drive when prompted. 6. When the installation complete message is displayed, restart CS/DOS by calling in the \CSDOS\SYS directory: CS2START CS2CBF00.CFS LIST OF FILES ------------- The following are the files shipped on this PTF: \CSDOS UQ20791.DOC \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2APCAL.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2BLERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2CDERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2CDERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COAPI.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COCMD.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COFIL.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COIER.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2COMER.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2CONST.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2CORDS.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2FLAGS.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2IRERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2MT.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2NCERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2OIERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2PC.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A CS2RDERR.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\A MACRO.EQU \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS232XPT.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2APCAL.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2APSTR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2BL.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2BLERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2CDERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2CDERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2CF.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COAPI.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COBIT.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COCMD.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COFIL.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COIER.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2COMER.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2CONST.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2CORDS.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2DBERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2DS.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2DSCAL.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2HBSYS.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2IRERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2LMDFN.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2MACHD.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2MDEP.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2MT.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2NCERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2OIERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2PC.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2RDERR.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2XP.H \CSDOS\INCLUDE\C CS2XPTGI.H \CSDOS\LIB CS2CALLL.LIB \CSDOS\LIB CS2CALLS.LIB \CSDOS\SYS CS2BLFMT.EXE \CSDOS\SYS CS2START.EXE \CSDOS\SYS CS2STOP.EXE \CSDOS\SYS HELP.EXE \CSDOS\SYS SYSLEVEL.EXE \CSDOS\SYS SYSLEVEL.TXT \CSDOS\TOOLKIT CS2INDEX.DOC \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC CN_NCN.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC RPC.DOC \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_AGT.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_AGTLD.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_AGTLD.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CS2.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CS2.DEF \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CS2.DLL \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CS2.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CS2.LIB \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CSDSV.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_CSDSV.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_QINTF.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_QINTF.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_XLTCS.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_XLTCS.DEF \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_XLTCS.DLL \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_XLTCS.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 CN_XLTCS.LIB \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CS2 RPC_OS2.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_CFTN.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_CFTN.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_COMM.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_COMM.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_DB.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_NETW.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_PRGM.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_SUPP.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS NCN_TQ.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPCCSDAP.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPCDEF.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPC_CSDL.LIB \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPC_DOS.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPC_STK.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPC_STK.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\RPC\CSDOS RPC_STK.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDS.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDS.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDS.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDSDR.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDSDR.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDSRP.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPDSRP.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPOS2.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPRECV.ASM \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPRECV.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPRECV.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPRECV.OS2 \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSEND.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSEND.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSEND.OS2 \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSR.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSR.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSR.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSTK.ASM \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPSTK.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPTSR.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPTSR.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\SAMPLES SAMPTSR.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE CS2XACT.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TSTSTRXN.C \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TSTSTRXN.DOC \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TSTSTRXN.EXE \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TSTSTRXN.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TSTSTRXN.MAK \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TXEMSGRC.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TXETRANS.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TXETRANS.LIB \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TXEWS.H \CSDOS\TOOLKIT\TXE TXEWS.LIB LIST OF APARS FIXED ------------------- New APARs --------- PN88060 TXE - filter secondary mirror requests based on RCs, as configured on Communication System server node. PN92710 Y2000 - Base Logger update for year 2000 support. PQ08519 TXE - return codes not returned as received from server when status != TXE_GOOD_STATUS; fixed CS2_SNDREC response to return transaction data on CS2_TXE_xxxx errors. APARs in Version 1.1.1 (12/92 internal release) ----------------------------------------------- PN16506 Data Supply not resolving non-null-terminated DSRP requester. PN16776 Base Logger computes incorrect offset when header info changed. PN21690 CSR153 on CS2_INITIALIZE_RES; ANCB names resolved incorrectly. END OF FILE -----------
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