DAE 1.0 GA Readme file


This document contains information about program enhancements for
this release.  This information is intended to supplement and, in some
cases, clarify the information provided in the publications available
for the program.  The information is organized by the names of the
affected components of this program.

*                    INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION                    *

Communications System for Windows NT should be installed from an
Administrator ID.  If it is not installed by an Administrator, the
folder and icons for Communications System will not be created.
However, all product files will be installed.  If your installation did
not create the folder with its icons, you may start Communications
System by calling CS2START in the \CS2\SYS directory.  You may shut down
Communications System by calling CS2STOP in the \CS2\SYS directory.

*                  TCPIP SUPPORT AND CONFIGURATION                     *

For this release of Communications System for Windows NT:

   * the TCPIP rem does not support TCPIP communciations to non-DAE
     remote nodes.

   * the maximum number of remote nodes that a Communications System for
     Windows NT can communicate with is: 170.  Attempts to connect to
     remote nodes when this maximum has been reached will fail and may
     result in unexpected behaviour.

   * the TCPIP CACB Maximum_number_of_connections field should be set to
     a number larger than the maximum number of remote connections made.
     This as-shipped CACB CS2TC000.CS2NODE has the field set to: 512.

*                    DATABASE TRANSACTION SUPPORT                      *

Transaction Mirroring and CS2_TRANSACT:

If you are using database transaction mirroring and the client and
servers are different system architectures, you must do the following:

Set the CS2AP_XACT_T fields client_resp_path and server_drive_path to
NULL, the input_file_ptr and reply_file_ptr to NULL, and num_in_files
and num_reply_files to 0 when you issue the CS2_TRANSACT request to
the server.  Otherwise, the mirror transaction may fail due to an
unrecognized path.

If you need to transfer files with CS2_TRANSACT requests, the
client and the servers must have compatible path syntax.



CS2_TRANSACT DBCB Non-SQL database type:

CS2_TRANSACT is used by client DAE applications to call user-created
server shared library functions.  A Non-SQL DBCB database type is now
supported.  In addition, the database component offers the option of
providing user-written CONNECT, DISCONNECT, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
functions for the Non-SQL DBCB database type.  These can be called
automatically (implicitly) by the database component, according to the
client application's specification of the work_opt and fail_opt flags in
the CS2_TRANSACT request parameters.


Oracle7 through ODBC Driver support:

Oracle7 through an ODBC Driver support has been added to the following

        AIX Communications System/6000 Release 1.1 (PTF UN87891 and
           its prerequites required)
        Communications System for Windows NT Release 1.0 (Transaction
           support only)

Other DAE releases may support this enhancement for client applications
only.  You may need to obtain a PTF to use this support in current
DAE releases.

DBCB Configuration:

A new DBCB database type has been added for ODBC support.  The C
programming constant is DB_TYPE_ODBC (cs2codfn.h) and the numeric value
is 12.

When creating a DBCB for an Oracle7 database through an ODBC Driver do,
the following:

   1. Set the DBCB database type field to the ODBC type:
        CS2_UTIL application program: DB_TYPE_ODBC (macro in cs2codfn.h)
        cs2cuoff/cs2cutil utilities:  ODBC
        cs2utt or cnfgtool utilies:   12

   2. For AIX, set the DBCB database name field to the ORACLE_SID of the
      Oracle database.  For Windows NT, set the DBCB database name field
      to the database name.

   3. For AIX, verify that the .odbc.ini file in the home directory of
      UNIX ID from which DAE is run contains an entry in the [ODBC Data
      Sources] section for the ORACLE_SID and contains an [oracle_sid] 
      section with the appropriate "Driver=" information.

      For example, if the ORACLE_SID is PROD, the DBCB database name
      should be PROD, the [ODBC Data Sources] secion of .odbc.ini should
      have a line that reads PROD=Visigenic Oracle7, and it should have
      a [PROD] section with a line that reads



The following changes should be made throughout Chapter 19,
"Transaction Functions."

  Replace "USHORT" with "CS2_USHORT"
  Replace "int" and "INT" with "CS2_SHORT"
  Replace "unsigned int" with "CS2_USHORT"
  Replace "PCHAR" with "CS2_ADDRESS"
  Replace "PSZ" with "CS2_ADDRESS"
  Replace "CHAR *" with "char **"

For the correct prototypes to the Transaction Functions, see the TxE
header files (txe*.h) in the \cs2\include directory.


CS2_TRANSACT API enhancement:

The CS2AP_XACT_T fields client_resp_path and server_drive_path may be
set to NULL, if no files are being transferred.  The requirement of a
a valid path for the fields has been removed.


CS2_TRANSACT DBCB Non-SQL database type user-written CONNECT,

Users can write their own CONNECT, DISCONNECT, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
(CDCR) functions for a DBCB database type of Non-SQL.  In the user's
TxE server shared library, the following functions need to be written.


The following is the declaration of the DB_SQL_STRUCT data structure.
It is defined in \cs2\include\cs2dbsdb.h:

struct DB_SQL_STRUCT_S {
  CS2_LONG      sqlcode;      /* set to the return code of the function   */
  CS2_ADDRESS   luserid;      /* ptr to user ID, only used by connect     */
  CS2_USHORT    userid_len;   /* user ID length                           */
  CS2_ADDRESS   password;     /* ptr to password, only used by connect    */
  CS2_USHORT    passwd_len;   /* password length                          */
  CS2_ADDRESS   dbname;       /* ptr to database name, used by connect    */
  CS2_USHORT    dbname_len;   /* database name length                     */
  CS2_USHORT    flag_trace;   /* NIB trace flag - 0=no trace, 1= trace on */

If there are multiple TxE server shared libraries, each library needs
to include the function entry points for the CDCR functions.  These
functions can then call common functions in another shared library.

For example:

userfn1(...) {...}
CONNECT(...) {... common_connect(...) ...}
DISCONNECT(...) {... common_disconnect(...) ...}
COMMIT(...) {... common_commit(...) ...}
ROLLBACK(...) {... common_rollback(...) ...}

userfn2(...) {...}
CONNECT(...) {... common_connect(...) ...}
DISCONNECT(...) {... common_disconnect(...) ...}
COMMIT(...) {... common_commit(...) ...}
ROLLBACK(...) {... common_rollback(...) ...}



Oracle7 through ODBC Driver support

This enhancement is supported using the Visigenic ODBC Driver Set
(Visigenic Software, Inc.).  Other ODBC Driver Sets have not been


The following software is required.

  AIX Communications System/6000:
  Oracle7 Server Release
  Visigenic ODBC Driver Set for AIX Version 1.10.0004 and above only

  Communications System for Windows NT:
  Oracle7 Release 7.2
  Visigenic ODBC Oracle7 Driver Version 1.1 Windows NT and above only

Verifying the Visigenic ODBC Driver Set Installation:

After the ODBC Driver Set has been installed, we suggest the following to
ensure that the driver is installed and configured properly:

  1. For AIX in particular, verify that configuration settings such as
     environment variables (ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, LIBPATH) are
     correct.  Verify that the location and settings in .odbc.ini
     are correct.

  2. Start Oracle7.

  3. Run sample programs found in the ODBC SDK (for example, 'adhoc' and

Usage Notes on SQLTYPE in the DBDA Structure:

The CS2_DB APIs use an input DBDA structure (CS2AP_DBS_T.dbda field) to
associate host variables with markers in SQL statements and an output
DBDA structure (placed at the start of the output results buffer) to
describe the results of a SELECT.  The DBDA structure consists of a
fixed header structure (CS2AP_DBDA_HDR_T) followed by a variable number
of column/marker structures (CS2AP_DBDA_VAR_T).  The CS2AP_DBDA_VAR_T
structure consists of fields that indicate the type of column being
accessed and the type of C storage used for sending and receiving data.

The first table below shows the SQL data types supported, the SQL
declaration syntax for DB2 and Oracle7, and the corresponding
CS2AP_DBDA_VAR_T sqltype value.  If a SQL declaration is listed as
"n/a," the corresponding sqltype is not applicable for that DBMS.

The second table describes the remaining CS2AP_DBDA_VAR_T fields for
each type.

                                                  Oracle7      DBDA
SQL Type               DB/2 Declaration           Declaration  sqltype
---------------------  -----------------------    -----------  -------
fixed-length           CHAR(n)                    CHAR(n)      453
character string        w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  452

fixed-length           CHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA       n/a          453
binary data             w/NOT NULL                             452

varying-length         VARCHAR(n)                 VARCHAR2(n)  449
character string        w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  448

varying-length         VARCHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA    RAW(n)       449
binary data             w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  448

long varying-length    LONG VARCHAR               LONG         457
character string        w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  456

long varying-length    LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA  LONG RAW     457
binary data             w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  456

fixed-point signed     DECIMAL(p,s)               NUMBER(p,s)  481*
number with precision   w/NOT NULL                 w/NOT NULL  480
p and scale s

fixed-point number     SMALLINT                   n/a**        501
with precision 5 and    w/NOT NULL                             500
scale 0

fixed-point number     INTEGER                    n/a**        497
with precision 10 and                                          496
scale 0

floating-point number  n/a                        FLOAT(b)     481
with binary                                                    480
precision b

double precision       DOUBLE PRECISION           NUMBER       481
floating-point number                                          480

date/time data         TIMESTAMP                  DATE         393

date (only) data       DATE                       n/a          385

time (only) data       TIME                       n/a          389

fixed-length           GRAPHIC(n)                 n/a          469
graphic string          w/NOT NULL                             468

varying-length         VARGRAPHIC(n)              n/a          465
graphic string          w/NOT NULL                             464

long varying-length    LONG VARGRAPHIC            n/a          473
graphic string          w/NOT NULL                             472

 * In prior versions, sqltype 484/485 (packed decimal) was recommended
   but required the user to convert numbers to/from BCD (binary coded
   decimal) format.  The packed decimal sqltype is not supported in
   DAE's ODBC version.

** Oracle maps the DB2 types SMALLINT and INTEGER to the Oracle type
   NUMBER.  If a column is declared as type SMALLINT or INTEGER in
   Oracle, the appropriate sqltype is 480/481.

                              C variable type
                      DBDA    pointed to by     DBDA   DBDA
SQL Type              sqltype DBDA sql_data     sqllen ext_attrib
--------------------- ------- ----------------- ------ ----------------
fixed-length          453     char[len]         len    DB_NO_EXT_ATTRIB
character string      452     no '\0' needed

fixed-length          453     char[len]         len    DB_FOR_BIT_DATA
binary data           452     no '\0' needed

varying-length        449     struct {          len+2  DB_NO_EXT_ATTRIB
character string      448      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

varying-length        449     struct {          len+2  DB_FOR_BIT_DATA
binary data           448      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

long varying-length   457     struct {          len+2  DB_NO_EXT_ATTRIB
character string      456      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

long varying-length   457     struct {          len+2  DB_FOR_BIT_DATA
binary data           456      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

fixed-point signed    481*    double            8      n/a
number with precision 480
p and scale s

fixed-point number    501     short int         2      n/a
with precision 5 and  500
scale 0

fixed-point number    497     long int          4      n/a
with precision 10 and 496
scale 0

floating-point number 481     double            8      n/a
with binary           480
precision b

double precision      481     double            8      n/a
floating-point number 480

date/time data        393     char[19-26]       19 -   n/a
                      392     no '\0' needed     26

date (only) data      385     char[10]          10     n/a
                      384     no '\0' needed

time (only) data      389     char[8]           8      n/a
                      388     no '\0' needed

fixed-length          469     char[len]         len    n/a
graphic string        468     no '\0' needed

varying-length        465     struct {          len+2  n/a
graphic string        464      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

long varying-length   473     struct {          len+2  n/a
graphic string        472      short int len;
                               char  arr[len];}
                              no '\0' needed

 * In prior versions, sqltype 484/485 (packed decimal) was recommended
   but required the user to convert numbers to/from BCD (binary coded
   decimal) format.  The packed decimal sqltype is not supported in
   DAE's ODBC version.

** Oracle maps the DB2 types SMALLINT and INTEGER to the Oracle type
   NUMBER.  If a column is declared as type SMALLINT or INTEGER in
   Oracle, the appropriate sqltype is 480/481.

DBMS Interoperability:

DBCBs (and their associated schema objects) can be ported from one
supported DBMS to another without modifification of the associated
application program, provided that platform-specific or RDBMS vendor
specific parameters are not used.

ODBC defines certain extensions to SQL that are common to most DBMSs

   - Date, time, and timestamp data
   - Scalar functions such as numeric, string, and data type conversion
   - LIKE predicate escape characters
   - Outer joins
   - Procedures

Most DBMSs provide the same extensions to SQL as ODBC does.  Because of
this, an application may be able to submit an SQL statement using either
the syntax defined by ODBC or the syntax defined by the DBMS.  The
interoperability between DBMSs for a client application may be enhanced
if the ODBC syntax is used.  Please refer to any ODBC Version 2.0
publications for more details regarding ODBC extensions to SQL.

* End of file                                                          *

Last modified: January 23, 2004
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