APAR PQ92823 Readme File

APAR PQ92823 for cs2nbr00.exe-Netbios REM

  PQ92823 is a cumulative APAR fix and includes the following fixes for
          cs2nbr00.exe on top of PTF UQ05603/UQ05604.

      PQ31082 - Active Connections Field Not Updated Correctly.
      PQ79287 - Netbios Sends Oversized Message Resulting In CSR1011 (TCP/IP also).
      PQ79356 - CS2NBR00 Should Close Session In Event of Send Error.
      PQ82219 - CS2TCR00 Traps Processing Error on NT (Netbios also).
      PQ84212 - Netbios REM to Log RBUF Startparm Errors.
   *  PQ92823 - Netbios Cannot Start New Connection, Returns CSR1206

 * New in this cumulative APAR fix.

Last modified: September 14, 2004
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