APAR PQ84359 Readme File

APAR PQ84359 for CS for Windows NT Shared Libs

  PQ84359 is a cumulative APAR fix and includes the following fixes:

      PQ35100 - CS2_FREEMAIN Fails To Clear Memory > 64K Bytes
      PQ35212 - CS2_TRANSACT Timeout With Fox
      PQ60773 - Improve Temp Res, Exception, Sema4 Handling in cs2calls.dll
      PQ63117 - Semaphore Requests On NT Sometimes Fail Resulting In Hang
      PQ66040 - Autoload of a Program Can Result in CS2START_CB Trap in memset
      PQ66403 - CS2_HALT_RES Traps cs2icr00
      PQ74852 - Poolfree/Pooldump Traps From TELNET Session And Hangs DAE
      PQ84359 - Failure to Release Semaphore Causes CS for Windows NT to Hang

Last modified: April 7, 2004
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