PK12577 is a cumulative APAR fix and includes the following fixes: PQ12773 - Data Transparency Problem. This fixes TCP/IP communications between CS/2 nodes, a problem introduced inadvertently on PTFs UQ05603 (CS/2 English) and UQ11442 (ECS/2 English). This fix is not needed for the Big 5 translated CS/2 version or any other DAE platform versions. TCP/IP communication fails between two OS/2 nodes when the data transparency field is set to NO and the Communication Control Block (CCB)'s codepage and country code are set to 0. A work-around is to set the data transparency field in the Configuration NIB segment to YES for each node in the DAE network. This will not affect performance, as data transparency is executed for communications between unlike platforms only. PQ23294 - To Increase the Maximum Number of Connections in OS/2 TCP/IP. PQ24112 - Set "Maximum number of connections" to 512 for OS/2. PQ29813 - cs2tcr00 Traps If There Is Not Enough Space in the CB Pool. PQ33129 - TCP/IP REM Slow Performance on OS/2 Platform. PQ48022 - TCP/IP REM Connection Reuse Problems. PQ53958 - CS2TCR00 Will Not Stop During Its Initialization. PQ79287 - Netbios Sends Oversized Message Resulting in CSR1011 (TCP/IP also). PQ82219 - CS2TCR00 Traps Processing Error on NT (Netbios also). PQ86941 - CS2TCR00 Traps Preparing to Send When Conn. Is Suddenly Closed. PQ90710 - TCP/IP REM To Handle Invalid Socket On Select PQ93324 - TCP/IP Leaks CCBSTOPPED Msgs In Message Pool * PK12577 - CS2TCR00 Traps Traversing Bad ICCB Chain * New in this cumulative APAR fix.
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