Be sure to extract all items from the compressed/zip file into a new directory. The *.swf files are dependent on each other, so keep them all in the same directory, along with "prefs.txt". RUNNING PRESENTATIONS ON THE WEB There are several ways to embed Flash in a web pages -- reflected in the two html files. The one named "xxx_preso.html" uses the Adobe default. The JavaScript version ("xxx_preso_js.html") is what we use on our website. It relies on SWFObject v1.5 to embed the Flash and eliminate an Internet Explorer annoyance explained here: Info on swfObject is available at If you run into problems because your setup requires placing the Flash files in a remote directory, try embedding the main file on an html page that resides in that directory, then load that html page in an iframe on the page where you want the Flash to display. You can set the demo to loop (or not) and the timer and controls to be invisible (or visible) by editing "prefs.txt". The default is controls:true, loop:false, timer:true. SALES PRESENTATIONS AND TRADESHOWS When running from a CD-ROM or HD, leave the the executable ('xxx_FlashPres.exe') in this directory -- use a shortcut to it to run from another directory. To run the presentation (almost) full-screen on a large monitor, set the monitor's resolution to 800 x 600. You can set the demo to loop (or not) and the timer and controls to be invisible (or visible) by editing "prefs.txt". The default is controls:true, loop:false, timer:true.