VISIT OUR PAGES ON THE INTERNET _______________________________ On this page, you can find: Newsgroups, code fixes, the Secureway Software Alert, Tips, and other information. From the 'pull down box,' select the product that you are interested in. ********************************************************************* * * * DATE: 03/29/00 * * * * * * DESCRIPTION: csa6010 * * * * README FILE FOR IBM Secureway Communications Server for OS/2 * * Warp, Version 6.01 (prerequisite product) * * * * APAR: Multiple APAR fixes, see below. * * * * * * * * This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This * * package can be distributed to anyone who has a license for * * this product. * * * ********************************************************************* PREREQUISITES : IBM Secureway Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, _____________ Version 6.01 CSD WR21161 (CSD 1). This fixpack can not be applied to a system with Communications Server for OS/2 version 6.0 without CSD WR21161. PROBLEMS FIXED in this Package: ______________________________ APARS added by CSA6010: JR13289 ADD DB2CLIV2.BND IN .LST FILE FOR DRDA SERVERS (FUNCTION ADDED) JR13393 TRAP IN TN3270D.DLL ACCESSING FREED MEMORY FRAME. CS:EIP=005B:1EC08236 CSLIM=1FFFFFFF JR13436 3270 QUERY PARTITION -RSP HANGS TN3270 SESSION. JR13440 SDLC MULTIDROP LINE EXPERIENCING BAD FRAMES FROM PCI MPA ADAPTER JR13477 CUSTOMER COULD NOT ESTABLISH TN3270 SESSIONS TO 2216. JR13478 KEYBOARD RESTORE NOT BEING SET TO UNLOCK CLIENT'S KEYBOARD. JR13480 CURSOR POSITION PROBLEM WHEN MSG10 SCREEN LINE STOPS AT CHAR 79, THEN IS FOLLOWED BY A NEW LINE. JR13573 UNBIND OVER HPR FOR CS/2 GW LU FAILED DUE TO EXPIRED CONNECTION JR13577 CS/2, ROPS RCKRNL.EXE SYS3175 TRAP ON LONG COMMAND > 225. JR13594 XID FAILURE, SENSE CODE 1016000B, ON CS/2 GATEWAY DOWNSTREAM LINK WITH AUTO_REACTIVATE(INFINITE_RETRY) CODED JR13596 AFTER NOTICING THAT THE SERVICES WERE PARTIALLY STARTED, THE CUSTOMER STOPS CS/2 AND IT ABENDS WITH A SYS3175. JR13652 0809003E, INCORRECT XID BETWEEN 2210 & CS2 JR13658 CS/2 BRANCH EXTENDER SENDS SENSE CODE 0806002B AFTER LOCATE/BIND ENCHANGE WITH VTAM HOST. JR13738 PROBLEMS WITH SDLC LINK RESTART AFTER OUTAGE ON CS/2 5.0 WITH PCI MPA ADAPTER. JR13771 LUM0007 MAY BE DISPLAYED AFTER INSTALLING FROM CD-ROM. JR13786 WHEN CUSTOMER TAKES DOWN VTAM, CS/2 TRAPS IN THE TN3270D.DLL JR13895 HPR CAUSES SYSTEM DUMP, 2216 BOX DUMPS 3 - 5 MINUTES INTO STANDARD 30 MINUTE RUN. CS/2 SENT INCORRECT DATA. JR13947 SQLWARN FLAGS ARE NOT BEING RESET AFTER EXECUTE JR13968 A TRACE FILE THAT FMTTRACE CAN NOT FORMAT. FMTTRACE TERMINATES WITH SYS3175, IN CS/2 5.0 JR13971 PROBLEM PROCESSING LOCKED FILES DURING CID INSTALL FROM CODE SERVER JR13993 SLI DOES NOT WAIT MORE THAN ONCE ON LUA_WAIT CONDITION JR14041 GATEWAY FAILS TO DISCONNECT LINK WHEN D/S WKST SENDS REQDISCONT. JR14119 CS/2, ROPS RCKRNL.EXE SYS3175 TRAP ON INVALID OS/2 COMMAND GREATER THAN 255 CHARACTERS. JR14124 SENDING MULTIPLE ATTN KEY SIGNALS TO HOST CAUSES CONGESTION AT THE HOST. CS/2 V5.0 SERVER IS RECEIVING ATTNS FROM CLIENT. JR14133 COMMON SERVICES API "GET_CP_CONVERT_TABLE" VERB VAILS WITH RC = X'00000001' SEC RC X'00000631' OR X'00000632 FOR USER CODE PAGE. JR14155 TN3270 OUTBOUND PROCESSING REUSES INBOUND BUFFER JR14197 LUA SEGMENTED RECORDS MAY CONTAIN AN EXTRA 1 OR 2 BYTES OF DATA. JR14211 TN3270 - BIND FOR A LU3 TYPE PRINTER REJECTED BECAUSE OF THE COLUMN SIZE (27X132) SPECIFIED IN THE BIND. JR14257 DURING CMVERIFY, MESSAGE IN RESET-BITS APPEARS. JR14308 CS/2 BUILDS ALERT MS MAJOR VECTOR CONTAINING BAD SUB VECTOR LENGTH PARAMETER JR14313 SYS3175 ON ACSAPPC.DLL WHEN TRANSMITING WIDE FILES OVER LU6.2 JR14331 CS/2 6.0 SDLC DRIVER DOES NOT CHECK 64K PHYSICAL MEMORY BOUNDARY WHEN ALLOCATING DMA BUFFER. JR14426 PCI MPA FAILS TO ESTABLISH A LINK NOTE: You can find the APAR text via ___________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS __________________________ NOTES This package of APAR fixes can be applied either to a target workstation or to a code server directory. This package of fixes can be applied to all language versions of Secureway Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 6.01. PARTS IN THIS PACKAGE 3-29-00 12:32p 165231 0 B03.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 113273 0 B05.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 131226 0 B12.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 27738 0 B21.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 477888 0 B22.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 50327 0 B29.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 33970 0 B31.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 17759 0 B42.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 121050 0 B44.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 236989 0 B46.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 168371 0 B50.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 38299 0 B53.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 32805 0 B62.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 46439 0 B76.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 54828 0 B95.ZIP 3-29-00 12:32p 2079 0 BUNDLE.LST 3-31-00 12:13p 18092 35 CSA6010.TXT EXECUTABLES UPDATED 3-13-00 9:03a 30720 0 CMLIB\ACSAPLDR.EXE 2-28-00 12:19p 30810 0 CMLIB\ACSLANDD.SYS 2-28-00 12:14p 21436 0 CMLIB\ACSRASP.EXE 3-22-00 2:28p 27788 0 CMLIB\ACSSNMER.EXE 2-28-00 12:18p 162329 0 CMLIB\CMSETUP.EXE 3-10-00 11:38p 74381 0 CMLIB\CPT2CCP.EXE 2-28-00 12:13p 93329 0 CMLIB\DISPLAY.EXE 3-13-00 9:03a 880640 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSAPPC.DLL 3-10-00 11:36p 63622 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSGCBLD.DLL 3-13-00 9:03a 81920 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSGWSCP.DLL 3-13-00 9:03a 166912 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSRUI16.DLL 2-28-00 12:23p 63169 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSSLI.DLL 3-22-00 2:28p 24186 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSSNCNM.DLL 3-22-00 2:28p 3234 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSSNME.DLL 3-22-00 2:28p 6798 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSSNMEM.DLL 3-13-00 9:03a 47104 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSSVC16.DLL 3-22-00 2:28p 40123 0 CMLIB\DLL\ACSVSPCM.DLL 2-28-00 12:18p 196213 0 CMLIB\DLL\CMINST.DLL 3-10-00 11:34p 32924 0 CMLIB\DLL\DLURDLC.DLL 3-10-00 11:32p 68275 0 CMLIB\DLL\RCVMAIN.DLL 3-10-00 11:42p 1410151 0 CMLIB\DLL\TN3270D.DLL 3-10-00 11:30p 289907 0 CMLIB\FMTTRACE.EXE 3-29-00 11:53a 28730 0 CMLIB\MPADD.SYS 3-29-00 11:54a 32826 0 CMLIB\PCIMPADD.SYS 2-28-00 12:13p 118412 0 CMLIB\PMDSPLAY.EXE 3-10-00 11:31p 37579 0 CMLIB\RCKRNL.EXE 3-10-00 11:31p 49354 0 CMLIB\REMMAIN.EXE 3-13-00 9:03a 165 0 CMLIB\SYSLEVEL.CSA 3-29-00 11:54a 26682 0 CMLIB\VISASDLC.SYS CMFIX (APPLY SOFTWARE UPDATES) Displays a panel that enables you to apply software updates from a local drive, a LAN-attached drive, or from the Internet. To execute CMFIX, you can select the Software Update icon in the Problem Determination folder, or you can run CMFIX from an OS/2 command line. CMFIX applies software updates (APARs or PTFs) to a target workstation and/or a code server. A code server is a locally or LAN-accessible server that contains a directory of the installable Communications Server image. We will discuss the two installation methods, "Using CMFIX to Update a Code Server" and "Using CMFIX to Update a Single Target Workstation," later in this section. CMFIX also creates a file called CM2APAR.LOG on the machine that executes CMFIX. This file contains CMFIX messages. OBTAINING THE LATEST LEVEL OF CMFIX The most recent version of CMFIX is available from the following FTP site: Please obtain the latest version of CMFIX before installing any APAR fix package. RUNNING CMFIX FROM THE COMMAND LINE When running CMFIX from an OS/2 command prompt, use the following syntax: Syntax >>--ç--.-------.--.------.--CMFIX-----------------------> '-drive-' '-path-' >--.----------------------.--.----.--.---.------------->< ³-/A--location--.----.-³ '-/Q-' '-?-' ³ '-/B-' ³ ³-/D-------------------³ '-/U-------------------' Note: Running CMFIX from the command line will not update a code server. Parameters drive The drive where the CMFIX.EXE file resides. Specify a drive if it is not the drive you are currently using. path The path where the CMFIX.EXE file resides. Use this parameter if the file is not in the path you are currently using. /A location Applies an update from the local or LAN-attached drive location. This drive must be directly accessible from your workstation. When you specify the location of the update, use the form "d:\path". /B Creates a backup of the changed files. /D Deletes a previously created backup. /U Uses a previously created backup to remove an applied update. /Q Suppresses all messages. A progress indicator is displayed requiring no operator intervention. ? Displays syntax information describing the available options. Remarks Refer to the online help for detailed information about each feature. Examples To display a panel where you can specify the location of an update and choose whether to install or remove an update, use the following statement: CMFIX To install a software update located on m:\updates, use the following statement: CMFIX /A m:\updates To view the syntax for CMFIX, use the following statement: CMFIX ? USING CMFIX TO UPDATE A CODE SERVER This is the recommended method to apply APAR fix packages to Communications Server V6.01. By following these instructions, you will have a new, updated version of Communications Server V6.01 in a "code server" directory. You can then use the code server directory when installing new workstations. 1. CREATE A CODE SERVER DIRECTORY. A code server is a locally or LAN-accessible server that contains a directory of the installable Communications Server image. To create a code server, if you have not already done so, follow these steps: a. Create a code server directory, such as COMMSVR\CODE. b. Use XCOPY to copy all the files from the \SERVER directory on the Communications Server CD-ROM to the code server directory you created in Step 1a. For example, change directories to \SERVER on the Communications Server CD-ROM and type: XCOPY *.* Q:\COMMSVR\CODE /s to copy the files. 2. EXECUTE CMFIX TO UPDATE THE CODE SERVER DIRECTORY. a. Execute CMFIX by selecting the Software Update icon in the Problem Determination folder, or running CMFIX from an OS/2 command line. b. Select the "Apply to Code Server" checkbox. c. For "Software Update Source," choose either "Local" or "Internet." "Local" means the APAR fix package is on an attached drive, and "Internet" means the package is on the IBM Internet site. d. Select the "Find" pushbutton, select the APAR fix package location, and highlight the BUNDLE.LST file. Select "OK." Then, select "OK" from the "Software Update" window. You will be prompted for the location of your code server directory. e. Close the "Software Update" window. f. Check the file cm2apar.log for any errors that may have occurred in the update process. This procedure is explained in the CMFIX online helps. Invoke CMFIX, select the Help button, and then select F2. 3. EXECUTE CMSETUP TO UPDATE COMMUNICATIONS SERVER WORKSTATIONS. a. On the Communications Server workstation that you want updated, execute CMSETUP from the code server directory. For example: Q:\COMMSVR\CODE\CMSETUP b. Follow the normal installation process until the "Refresh Product Files" window appears. Select the REINSTALL option to update your workstation with the fixes. USING CMFIX TO UPDATE A TARGET WORKSTATION Use this method if you would like to update a single Communications Server V6.01 workstation. If you add additional functions to your configuration, you will need to reapply any APAR fix packages, because CMSETUP will pull the new code from the directory where the install was executed. This will overlay any fixes previously applied. Only files that are older than the fixpack files being applied will be updated. If you use a code server, you do not need to reapply the fixes. Using the code server is the recommended method for updates. 1. EXECUTE CMFIX TO UPDATE THE WORKSTATION. a. Execute CMFIX by selecting the Software Update icon in the Problem Determination folder, or running CMFIX from an OS/2 command line. b. Select the "Apply" radio button; optionally, select the "Create Backup" checkbox. c. For "Software Update Source," choose either "Local" or "Internet." "Local" means the APAR fix package is on an attached drive(*), and "Internet" means the package is on the IBM Internet site. (*) the fix was downloaded manually from the IBM Internet site, rather than via CMFIX. d. Select the "Find" pushbutton, select the APAR fix package location, and highlight the BUNDLE.LST file. Select "OK." Then, select "OK" from the "Software Update" window. e. Close the "Software Update" window. f. Check the file cm2apar.log for any errors that may have occurred in the update process. This procedure is explained in the CMFIX online helps. Invoke CMFIX, select the Help button, and then select F2. IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION _________________________ IBM Secureway Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 6 (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1988, 1996, 1998, 1999. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY __________________ License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.