*********************************************************************** * * Visit the Communications Server and Communications Manager/2 Home * Page on the INTERNET: * Communications Server * and Manager/2 http://www.raleigh.ibm.com/cm2/cm2prod.html * Personal Communications http://www.raleigh.ibm.com/pcf/pcfprod.html * ************************************************************************ * * * * Attention: IBM Customers, * * As Communications Manager/2 will no longer be supported after * March 1998, we want to provide you with information on migrating * from Communications Manager/2 to Communcations Server and * Personal Communications. * * On the Internet there is a paper on "Migrating to IBM eNetwork * Personal Communications and Communications Server" at * http://www.networking.ibm.com/cmm/cmmmain.html * * You can also obtain a Personal Communications Evaluation * kit by calling 1-800-901-2205. * * You can learn more about our IBM eNetworking Products on * http://www.networking.ibm.com/ene/enethome.html * * "IBM eNetwork On-Demand Education" provides * information on our products from various perspectives, * http://www.networking.ibm.com/ene/train * ************************************************************************ * * DATE: 02/11/98 * * DESCRIPTION: * * README FILE FOR IBM Communications Manager/2 for OS/2 2.x and * OS/2 Warp version 1.11 (prerequisite product) * APAR: Multiple APARs are fixed in this package * * This package contains APAR fixes to the product above. This * package can be distributed to any one who has a license for * this product. * * * PREREQUISITES : IBM Communications Manager/2 for OS/2 2.x and * OS/2 Warp version 1.11 * CSD: WR06150. The CSD must be installed for this * APAR package to successfully work. This can be * obtained from the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your * Country. For example in the U.S.A. you can * call 1-800-992-4777. * ******************************************************************************** * * INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: * * 1) Make a temporary directory, for example C:\cmtemp, * the instructions will use c:\cmtemp as the example. * * 2) Download the files(s) in binary to your computer to C:\cmtemp * * 3) Execute the following command from c:\cmtemp: * PKUNZIP2 cm2ap111.zip * Three files will be unzipped into the C:\cmtemp directory, * CM2ABASE.ZIP, CM2BBASE.ZIP and ANYNET.ZIP. * * The reason for the three zip files is that CM2AP111.ZIP will * not fit on a single diskette. If you need to apply the * APAR fixtest to another workstation via diskettes, you can * copy CM2ABASE.ZIP, CM2BBASE.ZIP and ANYNET.ZIP onto diskettes. * Next take the diskettes and copy the zip files * into C:\cmtemp on the other workstation. Then continue * with the installation instructions on the other workstation. * * 4) Stop Communications Manager, Communications Manager's * Subsystem Management, all transaction programs (programs using * the Communications Manager application programming interfaces). * Stop and Close the Communications Manager trace facility. * and exit all FFST/2 displays. You can issue CMQUERY at an * OS/2 command prompt, and press "control-esc" to check the * status of Communications Manager/2 and the active tasks. * After this, you can also rename startup.cmd to startup.old * and reboot the workstation to make sure Communications * Manager is stopped. Remember to copy startup.cmd back * after step 9. * * 5) At an OS/2 prompt enter: CMKFMSMI 0 (This stops the Communications Manager * Frame manager that is started in config.sys) * * * * 6) Back up the following files in the following directories: * * cmlib\acsapldr.exe * cmlib\acssbmgt.exe * cmlib\appccfg.h * cmlib\appnp.hlp * cmlib\appnp.pdl * cmlib\appnp.pml * cmlib\appnv.ctl * cmlib\cmkfmde.sys * cmlib\cmkfmsmi.exe * cmlib\cml2a.srv * cmlib\cmm.msg * cmlib\cmmh.msg * cmlib\cmpd.cmd * cmlib\cmpd.pak * cmlib\cmsess.exe * cmlib\cmstart.exe * cmlib\cmverify.txt * cmlib\display.exe * cmlib\keylock.exe * cmlib\lulist.exe * cmlib\lutpm.exe * cmlib\lutpm.hlp * cmlib\pluverb.h * cmlib\rckesp.exe * cmlib\remmain.exe * cmlib\trcmark.exe * cmlib\dll\acsgwscp.dll * cmlib\dll\acsipx.dll * cmlib\dll\acsmptn.dll * cmlib\dll\acsrastd.dll * cmlib\dll\acsrui.dll * cmlib\dll\acssli.dll * cmlib\dll\acssvc.dll * cmlib\dll\acs3elue.dll * cmlib\dll\acs3evs.dll * cmlib\dll\appc.dll * cmlib\dll\appncfg.dll * cmlib\dll\appncfg4.dll * cmlib\dll\appnutl.dll * cmlib\dll\ccdmain.dll * cmlib\dll\cmfreedl.dll * cmlib\dll\cmkfmapi.dll * cmlib\dll\cpic.dll * cmlib\dll\lutab.dll * cmlib\dll\remapi.dll * cmlib\dll\rpdhdlr.dll * * NOTE: There are two emulator modules provided with this package * that are not refreshed. * * 10-05-94 2:16p 13824 0 ACS3ELUE.DLL * 10-05-94 2:16p 45232 0 ACS3EVS.DLL * * Please check the dates of these two modules on the * workstation. If the dates are more current than * shown above, make a backup copy and then replace * the older modules after this fix pack has been applied. * * * It is possible that some of these files will not be present on * your system, depending on your configuration. * * * 7) Execute the following command from the cmtemp subdirectory: * * PKUNZIP2 -d -o cm2abase.zip C:\ * * where C: is the drive where Communications Manager/2 is installed. You * should change this if Communications Manager/2 is installed on a * different drive. The zip file is created such that the files will be * placed into cmlib and cmlib\dll in the specified drive. * * 8) Execute the following command from the cmtemp subdirectory: * * PKUNZIP2 -d -o cm2bbase.zip C:\ * * where C: is the drive where Communications Manager/2 is installed. You * should change this if Communications Manager/2 is installed on a * different drive. The zip file is created such that the files will be * placed into cmlib and cmlib\dll in the specified drive. * * 9) If you are using ANYNET with Communications Manager/2 then * execute the following command from the cmtemp subdirectory: * * PKUNZIP2 -d -o anynet.zip C:\ * * where C: is the drive where Communications Manager/2 is installed. You * should change this if Communications Manager/2 is installed on a * different drive. The zip file is created such that the files will be * placed into cmlib and cmlib\dll in the specified drive. * * 10) Reboot the workstation. * * 11) Communications Manager/2, and the other stopped functions can now be * restarted. * * HINT/TIP: If you are going to install this fix bundle * using a batch file and invoke the SETBOOT command to * restart the system after unzipping the CM2AP111.ZIP * files, you will need to put a delay of at least 30 * seconds after the last unzip finishes and before * you execute SETBOOT. This will give the operating * system time to write out the changes it has * accumulated in memory to hard disk. * ********************************************************************** * * PROBLEMS FIXED - LIST OF APARs INCLUDED: * * The following SNA-APPC-APPN-SNAGATEWAY APAR fixtests are included * in this package: * * All APARs closed prior to July 1, 1994 and * the APARs listed below: * * * JR07455 DLUS SESSIONS FAIL TO RECOVER (AFTER HOST LINK * FAILURE) WHEN CONNECTION NETWORK DEFINED. * JR07971 UNABLE TO ESTABLISH SESSION DUE TO SESSION COUNT=1 * JR08052 LANDP/2 SNA##.EXE SERVER CANNOT BE UNLOADED. * JR08058 APPC TP SESSIONS LOST. * JR08065 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL * JR08084 RUI_BID POSTS AFTER RECEIVING A CLEAR * JR08101 TRAP IN APPC.DLL, CSLIM=D077, IP=7CA0 OR * FMH5 REJECTED WITH 10086052 OR 1008. * JR08106 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL * JR08121 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL * JR08124 ALLOW ADAPTIVE WINDOW PACING LIMIT * JR08130 NEW FUNCTION - X.25 DIAL REMOTE DTE AND CP NAMES. * JR08131 FIX PACING - HOW TO USE THIS NEW FUNCTION. * JR08160 IST1448I ISSUED BY VTAM BUT WS IS NOT HUNG. * JR08165 UNBIND DROPS LINK WITH BYTE 1 SET TO X '02' * JR08176 UNIT OF WORK CLOCK VALUE FOR CICS NOT UNIQUE OR CORRUPTED. * JR08182 APPC INCORRECTLY ISSUES 080F6051 WHEN BIND RESPONSE COMES * WITH SUBFIELD 13 AND PASSWORD SUBSTITUTION SUPPORT IS OFF. * JR08189 TRAP IN ACSRUI DUE TO LUA STACK DATA OVERWRITE * JR08193 DEFINE_MODE VERBS HAVE PACING_TYPE(FIXED) TURNED ON * JR08196 NN REJECTS BIND WITH SENSE 80040000 * JR08205 RESPONSE TO INITSELF BY CM/2 SNA GATEWAY IS FALSE * JR08217 CLIENT WORKSTATION PROGRAM (TP) FAILS TO RESPOND. * JR08229 BIND IS REJECTED FROM A SINGLE SESSION PARTNER LU. * JR08236 WORKSTATION SESSIONS DOWNSTREAM TO SNA GATEWAY ARE LOST. * JR08244 COMMUNICATIONS MGR/2 AND ANYNET GATEWAY SUPPORT NEW FUNCTION. * JR08245 MISSING LINES, ONLY EVERY OTHER LINE OF THE REPLY FROM THE * RUN COMMAND SHOWS UP ON THE HOST'S NETVIEW CONSOLE. * JR08250 TRAP D PROCESSING CNOS DURING CMSTOP * JR08251 APPC HANGS ON MULTIPLE ACTIVATE LINKS FOR CONNECTION MGR CALLS * JR08255 APPC PROCESS TERMINATES PREMATURELY DURING OS/2 SHUTDOWN. * JR08260 LUA_SLI OPEN ERROR 000F 00000038 ON SNA CLEAR COMMAND. * JR08262 081E000 RESPONSE TO NOTIFY WITH SESSION KEY 01 * JR08278 SYS3175 IN ACSRASTD * JR08280 CMRECORD INCORRECTLY HANDLES A BLANK VALUE IN THE DEFINE_REMOTE * FOCAL_POINT. CAUSES APN0403 AND APN0702 ERRORS. * JR08286 DOWNSTREAM LU SENDS A TERM_SELF INSTEAD OF -/+ BIND RESPONSE * JR08287 RANDOM SYS3175 AFTER ISSUING RESPONSE TO INCORRECT FMH * JR08288 APPC FAILS TO INITIALIZE AFTER STOPPING CM. * JR08299 INIT-SELF PROCESSED BEFORE RESPONSE FROM UNBIND TYPE FE * JR08314 LU62 SESSIONS REMAIN ACTIVE EVEN WHEN NOT NEEDED. NEED OPTIONAL * PARAMETER TO FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS. NEW FUNCTION. * JR08324 TDU IMPROPERLY PROCESSED FOR NN NAME THAT MATCHES CONNECTION. * JR08339 APPC SEND DATA VERB HANGS IN HALF OR FULL DUPLEX SESSIONS. * JR08345 FRAME MANAGER NOT CALCULATING MEMORY CORRECTLY. * JR08346 IF CM/2 HAS ACCEPT_INCOMING_CALLS SET, AN APPL TRYING TO SET * IT VIA SYSTEM MANAGEMENT API CAUSES ERROR CMR0028 AND PORT FAILURE. * JR08359 ALLOCATES FAIL SWITCHING SSCP OWNERSHIP * JR08365 INVALID RETURN ISSUE FROM CM/2 TO SNA SERVER, RCMS GOES DOWN * JR08370 APPC TRIES TO SEND ALERTS TO THE HOST FOCAL POINT REPEATEDLY * WHEN THE X.25 LINK IS DOWN (THE FIX IS FOR CM/2 1.11 AND LATER) * JR08373 ANYNET OS/2 SNA/IP ACCESS NODE & GATEWAY SESSIONS HANG * AFTER ACTIVATION. * JR08381 TRAP IN CMSTART.EXE EIP= 000007FE. * JR08386 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL CS:EIP=AEFF:CDF2, CSLIM=E14F * JR08395 SYS3175 TRAP IN APPNUTL.DLL CS:EIP=9B7F:00003668 CSLIM=00003820 * JR08402 CONVERSATION FAILS WITH CM_RESOURCE_FAILURE_RETRY. * JR08403 - RSP TO NOTIFY WITH SENSE 10030011 SENT TO VTAM. * JR08431 NEW FUNCTION - SDLC DIAL-OUT TO ALLOW A BACKUP HOST TO DIAL-IN. * JR08435 ALLOCATE RETURNS 0014-00000000 AFTER VTAM OUTAGE. * JR08438 APPN DLU NO RESPONSE TO CLEAR REQUEST. * JR08452 NEW FUNCTION TO OPTIONALLY NOT REACTIVATE THE DLC. * JR08453 AUTOMATICALLY RESTORE CP-CP SESSION WHEN A LINK IS DROPPED. * JR08454 WITH MSM THE TIME STAMP OF THE RESOLUTION IS EARLIER THAN * THE ALERT, CAUSING THE THE ALERT TO NEVER GET RESOLVED. * (NETVIEW MULTISYSTEM MANAGER) * JR08457 PROG706 IN 3270 EMULATION IF HITTING KEYS WHILE SCROLLING. * JR08459 DEPENDENT LU RETURNS ALLOCATE ERROR 0003/00000005 SENSE CODE * FFFE0016 AFTER APPLICATION HAS ISSUED TPENDED HARD. * JR08467 VARIOUS SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL WHEN CPIC PROGRAMS ISSUE A TP-END. * JR08473 ADD GATEWAY HOST OPTION TO ACTIVATE ONLY ON WS THAT IS ONLINE * NEW FUNCTION. * JR08484 CID DOES NOT ALLOW CONFIGURATION OF MULTIPLE PARTNER LU ALIASES * JR08490 10086051 TO FMH-5 WHEN PW SUBSTITUTION LENGTH FIELD NOT PRESENT * JR08492 ADD TWO WAY FIXED PACING. NEW FUNCTION FOR CM/2 1.11 ONLY. * JR08497 ALLOCATE NOT POSTED DUE TO COLD ACTLU INSTEAD OF INITSELF * JR08498 AFTER LU-LU SESSION FAIL (SENSE CODE 08050000) * JR08500 HOST BACK UP LINK FOR A GIVEN PU - NEW FUNCTION. * JR08509 DEACTLU/ACTLU AT HOST FOR LU WHICH IS LOST RESULTS IN THE * GATEWAY ACTLU +RSP OFFLINE. * JR08517 VARIOUS TRAPS CAUSED BY CM/2 1.1 APPC MODULE AFTER VTAM OUTAGE. * JR08524 SDLC LINE WILL NOT ACTIVATE. XID EXCHANGE FAILS. * JR08527 CNOS RE-TRY LOGIC CAN WAIT INTERMINABLY IF RE-TRYING >1 TIME. * JR08528 LOCATE/FOUND COMING FROM COMMGR EN THRU DPPX NN SERVER DOES * NOT RETURN THE COS/TPF VECTOR. * JR08535 CID INSTALL FAILS IF DELETE REQUEST IS NOT FOUND. * JR08555 SYS3175 TRAP IN RPDHDLR.DLL EIP= 00003ABD CSLIM= 000003EAD * JR08558 $ AND @ NOT ACCEPTED IN FULLY QUALIFIED NAME. * JR08560 OS/2 CM/2 DOES NOT REPLY TO FIRST QXID(SENDER=PRIMARY). * JR08564 TERM-SELF SENT TO HOST (WITH VTAM DOWN), NEVER GETS RESPONSE. * LEAVES COMMGR GATEWAY THINKING SESSION IS STILL BOUND. * JR08565 WAC UNUSABLE AFTER PORT ON MODEM SHARING DEVICE DISABLED FOR A * PERIOD OF TIME. MACHINE MUST BE REBOOTED TO RECOVER CARD. * JR08568 LU TO LU SESSION BIND FAILS WITH 08050000 . CNOS IN PROGRESS. * JR08580 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL. * JR08587 SYS3175 IN DOSCALL1 AFTER ABNORMAL STOP. * JR08591 COMMGR GATEWAY LU GETS PALUC STATUS AT HOST. * JR08601 RESTARTING A CICS TP PROGRAM CAUSES THE SENSE CODE * 0806002B 0003 00000004. * JR08606 CMSTOP CAUSES REQDISCONNECT ON X25 LINK. * JR08608 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 ABENDS DURING APPN LOCATE. * JR08610 SYS3175 APPC.DLL IN APPDSP + X'3F' ON A RETF INSTRUCTION. * JR08611 TRAP IN ACSAPLDR CS:EIP= 00003338 CSLIM= 0000D3EF . * JR08615 MULTI PU WITH DUPLICATE NAU's GETS FFFE 0114 SENSE. * JR08616 ONE CANNOT DEFINE MULTIPLE LINKS FOR X.25. * JR08617 OUT OF MEMORY. CANNOT OPEN A WINDOW ON WORKSTATION WITH 128M * DEFINED AS COMMUNICATIONS MGR/2 1.11 NETWORK NODE. * JR08624 CM2 1.11 TP ISSUED MULTIPLE TPSTR. * JR08646 COMMGR DOES NOT SEND TDU WHEN CP_CP SESSIONS ARE LOST. * JR08647 TRAP ENCOUNTERED WHEN REBINDING PROGRAM UNDER DB2/2 V2.1 * JR08651 PROVIDE SECURITY SUPPORT IN THE RESPONSE FILE. * JR08652 CID SHOULD NOT REQUIRE SYS36_WS_ID FIELD. * JR08665 FIXED PACING FOR INTERMEDIATE NODES. - NEW FUNCTION. * JR08693 RECEIVED UNSOLICITED IPM RESET/(07) FROM NCP. * JR08695 SYS3175 IN APPC.DLL WHEN USING ANYNET WITH CM/2. * JR08714 CM/2 COMPRESSION WITH TRACE RUNNING MAY CAUSE * UNEXPECTED RESULTS. * JR08722 DATA_SEGMENT_LENGTH_ERROR WHEN TRYING TO ALLOCATE. * JR08737 SYS3175 AT SHUTDOWN OF OS/2 WITH COMMUNICATION MGR/2. * JR08738 CMVERIFY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO SPECIFY A WILCARD. * JR08751 UNBIND WITH SENSE CODE 101A4445 AFTER TDU. * JR08761 CPIC INPUT PARAMETER 'REQUESTED LENGTH' NOT SWAPPED. * JR08762 CID INSTALL WILL FAIL UNLESS THE .RSP EXTENT IS USED. * JR08768 SYS3175 IN APPNCFG4.DLL USING CMSETUP. * JR08803 SENSE 08400001 RECEIVED FROM VTAM AFTER LOCATE. * JR08806 SYS3175 APPC.DLL * JR08812 SENSE CODE FFFE0109 ON MC_ALLOCATE WHEN_CONWINNER_ALLOCATED. * JR08838 SET LIMITED RESOURCES = NO FOR PERMANENT CONNECTIONS. * JR08852 WHEN MORE THAN 10 INTERNAL CPI-C CONVERSATIONS - OS/2 HANGS. * ERROR OCCURS WHEN RUNNING SINGLE IN-BOX TESTING. * JR08854 CANNOT VERIFY CM CONFIG WITH SNA TYPE A IN FQ PLU. * JR08869 ERROR CCD0035 WITH A CONDITION CODE OF 9012 TRYING * TO COPY A KEYBOARD PROFILE WITH A RESPONSE FILE. * JR08879 COMPRESSION ERROR WITH LEVEL LZ9 USING DEPENDENT LU. * JR08894 CM/2 SETUP ADDING NEW PLU OPER PROBLEM WHEN PLU * NUMBER HAS REACHED APPROX 400 OR MORE. * JR08920 SYS3175 TRAP ACSAPLDR CS:EIP=9B57:0000C862 CSLIM=0000D4C3 . * JR08939 CM/2 GATEWAY DROPS SESSIONS VIA BRIDGES. * JR08944 INFINITE LOOP IN APPC MANAGEMENT SERVICES CAUSES HANG. * JR08959 TRAP0002 IN CMKFMDE.SYS WHEN USING AN MS APPLICATION. * JR08963 LINK FAILURE ON SDLC LINK RE-CONNECT AFTER ALERT. * JR08982 CONNECTION LOST IN AND SNA SENSE 0815 RECEIVED ON * JR08983 SYS3175 ACSGWSCP.DLL CSLIM 0000E199 EIP 54E3 OR 553A OR 5537 . * JR08984 SYS3175 IN ACSGWSCP.DLL CSLIM= 0000E199 EIP= 00005C87. * JR08985 A NEW PARAMETER LIMITED_RESOURCE (NO) HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE * DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK VERB IN THE .NDF FILE. NEW FUNCTION * JR08991 ONLY ONE CP-CP SESSION GETS ESTABLISHED BETWEEN 2 NN'S AFTER * A LINK FAILURE WHEN AN ANYNET FEATURE LINK IS CONFIGURED. * JR08992 PRESENTATION MANAGER TP WILL NOT START. * JR08997 SYS3175 IN DOSCALL1 DURING CM/2 SHUTDOWN WHEN NOVELL NETWARE WS * CONNECTION MGR FAILS TO LOAD. CS:EIP=0000010C CSLIM=0000D498 * JR09028 ONLY ONE CP SESSION COMES UP PER LINK. * JR09052 SYS3175 TRAP ACSAPLDR CS:EIP=9B57:0000C862 CSLIM=0000D4C3 * JR09075 DO NOT VERIFY DACTLU TYPE OF DEACTIVATION. * JR09078 RE:ISSUING LOGON DURING CM/2 STARTUP CAUSES TRAP IN APPC * CS:EIP=000003E6 CSLIM=0000D3EF * JR09099 TOKEN BEING PASSED IN THE FMH-5 TO EACH CONVERSATION ALWAYS * CONTAINS THE SAME TIME STAMP. * JR09110 REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER HANGS WHEN AREXEC IS USED TO * EXECUTE COMMANDS ON THE REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER. * JR09119 REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS HANGS WHEN AREXEC IS USED TO EXECUTE * COMMANDS ON THE REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS SERVER WORKSTATION * JR09128 NOTIFY NOT PASSED FROM WORKSTATION TO HOST BY GATEWAY. * JR09160 80140001 ENTRY IN TOPOLOGY AS INCONSISTENT. * JR09175 LU LU SESSION NOT CLEANED UP AFTER DEACTLU NORMAL. * JR09176 LOST LINK WITH COMMUNICATION MGR AND 3174 AFTER -RSP * TO BIND WITH SNA SENSE 2011. * JR09192 ERROR MESSAGE NOT RETURNED WHEN MDS-MU NOT SENT WHEN INVALID * DESTINATION. * JR09193 CANNOT COMPILE FOR DEFINE_LUA LU'S. * JR09224 CM/2 EN WITH MULTIPLE LINKS TO SAME ADJACENT CP IS NOT SENDING * TG VECTORS IN FMH5,LOCATE,FOUND,CDINIT. * JR09225 A NEW PARAMETER LIMITED_RESOURCE (NO) HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE * DEFINE CONNECTION NETWORK VERB IN THE .NDF FILE. * JR09246 CM/2 GATEWAY LU'S 'HANG' WHEN UNBIND IS NOT RECEIVED FROM HOST. * JR09262 IF UNABLE TO SEND THE MDSMU A RETURN CODE WAS NOT GENERATED. * JR09279 SENSE 08A00006 RELATING TO THE CP-CP SESSION BEING BROUGHT * DOWN DUE TO RECEIVING BAD DATA IN A TDU. * JR09282 CCDN0018 RC 3076 ON "COPY =" STATEMENT IN THE RESPONSE FILE. * JR09296 SNA/IP CONNECTION SETUP FAILS DUE TO DUPLICATE LFSIDS * JR09301 APPC SENDATA REQUEST NOT BEING PACED ACCORDING TO ACTUAL PACING * WINDOW SIZE. * JR09344 CCDN0018 RC 3076 ON "COPY =" STATEMENT IN THE RESPONSE FILE * JR09458 SYS3175 TRAP IN APPC.DLL. CS:EIP=0000C096 CSLIM=0000FCE2 * JR09459 WRONG COMPONENT ID IN MD-MSU * JR09479 SENSE 1014003D WHEN A LOCATE FIND IS RECEIVED * FROM A BORDER NODE * JR09526 10086052 SENSE FROM AS400 WHEN USING PASSWORD * SUBSTITUTE * JR09527 DCAF, CMPD, AND TRACING DOES NOT WORK WITH * COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 1.11 ON WARP V4. * JR09693 SENSE 08150000 RETURNED TO BIND AFTER DEACTLU SHORT. * JR09938 SYS1201 LOADING CMKFMDE.SYS ON PROLIANT SMP * WORKSTATION. * JR10130 PASSWORD SUBSTITUTION USED WITH NO USERID OR * PASSWORD. * JR10144 ALLOCATE FAILS WITH SC FFFE010C AFTER HOST * APPLICATION RECYCLE AND INITIAL ALLOCATE * FAILURE OF SC 08050000. * JR10173 APING FROM A NN TO A LEN FAILS WITH A 086F0000. * JR10268 CM/2 DOES NOT RECOVER CP_CP SESSIONS. WHEN HOST ATTEMPTS * RECOVERY. CM/2 SENDS UNBIND SENSE CODE 08B50000 * JR10305 AFTER HOST AND D/S WKST IS RECYCLED GATEWAY FAILS TO NOTIFY OF * ACTIVE D/S LU. * JR10335 SYS3175 TRAP IN APPC.DLL CS:EIP= F867:0000B243 * CSLIM= 0000FEAB USING 3270 LUA AND DB2 SQL. * JR10342 CONFIGURE LINKS PER CID PROCESS * JR10378 SLI_LOGIC_ERROR, SRC= 0000007F WHEN SLI_CLOSE IS ISSUED. * JR10584 NOTIFY OFFLINE COLLIDES WITH SHUTD @ GATEWAY CAUSING INIT-SELF * TO HANG @ GATEWAY WHEN HOST AND WS ARE SHUTDOWN SIMULTANEOUSLY. * JR10595 SYS3175 TRAP IN APPC.DLL CS:EIP= BB47:00000E17 * CSLIM= 0000FCE6 * JR10715 WS REJECT 2ND ACTLU REQUEST FROM THE GATEWAY WITH 08090000 * JR10731 SYS3175 TRAPS IN ACSAPPC AND ACSMPTN USING ANYNET * JR10903 MEMORY LEAK IN RPDHDLR RUNNING ON THE ASP000 THREAD. * JR10954 BLANK SCREEN ON CLIENT RESULTING FROM IMS SENDING * A BIND IMMEDIATELY AFTER UNBINDING THE WORKSTATION. * JR10971 APPN USING INCOMING ONLY CALL DIRECTORY FOR AN OUTGOING CONNECTION. * JR11116 CICS IS ATTEMPTING TO BIND AN EXTRA WINNER SESSION RATHER * THAN A LOSER CAUSING SENSE CODE 0805 0001 - CONTENTION * LOSER NEG., NOT SUPPORTED * JR11175 BIS RESPONSE RECEIVED BEFORE UNBIND CLEANUP PROCESSED CAUSES * SNA SENSE ERRORS 80050000, 20120000, AND 08150004 DUPLICATE LFSID. * JR11192 QUEUE DEPTH FIELD FOR TRANSACTION PGM TYPE QUEUED HAS OUTPUT * "NON-QUEUED PROGRAM", SHOULD BE ZERO: DISPLAY CMD APD.MSG * JR11267 USING KEYLOCK UNDER CMD PROMPT AND ENTERING BAD MASTERPW WILL * CAUSE A SYS3175. CS:EIP= 000f:00006055 CSLIM= 00006511 * JR11295 CM/2 NOT USING PASSWORD SUBSTITUTION WHEN IT IS SUPPORTED IN * THE BIND BY BOTH AS/400 AND CM/2. * JR11403 SENDING NETVIEW ROPS CMDS TO NOTES SERVER GETS TRAP IN * RCKESP.EXE CS:EIP= 00000676 CSLIM= 00001C41 & MSG FROPS1149E. * JR11522 SYS3175 TRAP IN APPC.DLL WHEN DISPLAY VERB IS CALLED. * CS:EIP= F897:000024CD CSLIM= 0000FEBF * *************************************************************************** * CONTACT FOR Support: * * If you have any questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER * for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-992-4777 * * *************************************************************************** * * IBM COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: * * IBM Communications Manager/2 for OS/2 2.x and OS/2 Warp version 1.11 * * Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1989, 1997. All * rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation * related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is * subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract * with IBM Corp. *************************************************************************** * * LIMIT OF LIABILITY: * * License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient * holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms * and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the * prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics. * *************************************************************************** * * DESCRIPTION OF NEW FUNCTION APARS INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE: * * * APAR= JR08665 FIXED PACING FOR INTERMEDIATE NODES. - NEW FUNCTION * * * Interactive traffic waits behind large file transfers. * * The problem is that too much data is queued to the DLC * queue. If interactive data comes afterwards, it has to * wait much longer. Now, if the fixed pacing is used, * the data may get collected at intermediate node in SNA * queue but the DLC queue will never have * more than "2n-1" frames for that particular session where * n is the fixed pacing window. * * The benefit of fixed pacing is: * * Fixed pacing when used at end workstation or intermediate node, * it limits to amount of frames that can be queued to the DLC to * 2n-1 for a given session. (n is fixed pacing value). This allows * other sessions to also queue data to the DLC queue before all * the data from an earlier file transfer is queued to the DLC. * This new function was added to Communications Manager/2 1.11. * See APAR JR08131 for defining fixed pacing and related * APAR JR08492. * * * * APAR= JR08431 * NEW FUNCTION FOR SDLC DIAL-OUT TO ALLOW A BACKUP HOST TO * DIAL-IN. * * The new function required is ... to have a primary host that is * dialed out and an incoming backup host (different fully * qualified name and node ID) that is received for SDLC. * * Communications Manager/2 was updated to match an incoming * request to a defined link if the defined link has no adjacent * CP name or adjacent node ID and the incoming request has * INIT_SELF supported (from a PU 2.0 host) on the received * XID3 for SDLC connections. * * * APAR= JR08452 * NEW FUNCTION TO OPTIONALLY NOT REACTIVATE THE DLC. * * Communications Manager/2 1.11 ( WR06150 ) * * Communications Manager/2 was updated to look at the * APPCPC.DAT file to determine if the DLC is to be reactivated * or not. * * The default for Communications Manager/2 is reactivate the DLC. * * To define Communications Manager/2 such that it will not * reactivate the DLC: * 1. Edit the APPCPC.DAT file in cmlib * 2. A "D" begins each line of the DLC records in the APPCPC.DAT * file. Look for the "*", which is in column 37. * 3. For the DLC that you do not want to reactive, place a * "1" after the "*" , column 38. The DLC name is in columns * 26-33. * 4. Enter CMSETUP and change a value in the configuration of * the DLC that is not to be reactivated. Any parameter can * be changed. Exit the panel, then reenter the panel to * change the parameter back to the original value. This will * cause Communications Manager/2 to read the APPCPC.DAT and * update the Communications Manager/2 configuration to not * reactivate the chosen DLCs. * * * APAR= JR08453 * AUTOMATICALLY RESTORE CP-CP SESSION WHEN A LINK IS DROPPED. * * When CP - CP Sessions fail between Communications Manager/2 * and its partner CP, the link had to be broken and brought * back up again to restore the CP - CP Sessions. * This in effect meant that all application sessions would have to * come down as well. * * This APAR provides the ability for Communications Manager/2 to * recover CP-CP sessions (reactivate) without having to deactivate * the link from CM/2 to NCP (3745). * * * APAR= JR08492 * TWO WAY FIXED PACING * * 3270 sessions appear to hang or stop during transmission of * large amounts of data by APPC or LU6.2 programs. * * The problem is that the 3270 traffic is interspersed with the * APPC traffic as it is queued on the Data Link Control. For * example a large APPC data transaction would be queued, * next a 3270 enter key. The 3270 transaction would * wait until all previously queued data was transmitted, and * it would be sent. * * If the host is sending data then setting FIXED PACING * (see JR08131) may resolve the problem if the host is * also properly configured. This APAR introduces TWO_WAY_FIXED * pacing as another alternative, if you have Communications * Manager/2 connected to an NCP and you do not want to change * the NCP definition. * * Communications Manager/2 via this APAR, implements a new * function called TWO_WAY_FIXED pacing. This new function * will work over sessions flowing between and NCP and * Communications Manager/2, but not between two * Communications Manager/2 workstations. * * When Communications Manager/2 to Communications Manager/2 * is attempted with TWO_WAY_FIXED pacing, Sense 08350008 * is returned in the UNBIND. * * With TWO_WAY_FIXED pacing, Communications Manager/2 * will set both the primary receive and secondary send pacing * window size in the bind response from the mode * RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW. * * You will need to chose the window sizes that work * best in your environment. * * To configure two way fixed pacing, edit the *.ndf file, under * DEFINE_MODE, add or change the PACING_TYPE to * PACING_TYPE(TWO_WAY_FIXED). * * Example: DEFINE_MODE mode_name(mode1) * max_ru_size_upper_bound(4096) * cos_name(#connect) * default_ru_size(yes) * max_negotiable_session_limit(1) * min_conwinners_source(1) * plu_mode_session_limit(1) * receive_pacing_window(7) * compression_need(requested) * PACING_TYPE(TWO_WAY_FIXED). * plu_slu_compression(rle) * slu_plu_compression(lz9) * description(single session mode); * * After adding the keyword, run CMVERIFY on the * configuration file to verify the changes. Communications * Manager/2 can then be started. * * * APAR= JR08500 * HOST BACK UP LINK FOR A GIVEN PU - NEW FUNCTION. * * Communications Manager/2 1.11 does not support * Host backup link when the primary link to host * fails. APAR JR08500 adds host backup link support for * dependent LU's. It is not supported for independent LU 6.2 * sessions. * * New Function: Adds support for backup host link for dependent * sessions. To setup the host backup link, you need to define * two links with the same (local) PU Name on DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK * verb in .NDF file. Then, indicate the backup link with the * new backup link parameter. Same PU and LU definitions should * be used at Host. * * Dependent LU definitions can be only on the host link for a PU * that is defined as the primary host link. However, both primary * and backup host links for a PU will use all LUs defined for that * PU. The backup host link will be automatically activated if * activation of the primary host link activation fails. * * NOTES: * 1. The backup link is a backup only for dependent LU * (gateway, LUA, or 6.2 dependent LUs) traffic. * 2. The backup must be inactive except when automatically * activated for use as the backup host link. * 3. There is no automatic switch back to the primary link. * * To define a back-up link for Communications Manager/2 1.11: * 1. Stop Communications Manager 1.11. * 2. Create another link through panel interface or adding * DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK for the new link in .NDF file. No * Partner LU's should be defined to the backup link. * 3. Add "HOST_BACKUP_LINK(YES)" parameter in the * DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK for the backup link. * 4. Set "ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP(NO)" parameter in * DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK for the backup link. * 5. Keep "PU_NAME" parameter in DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK same as the * primary link. * 6. Verify the configuration file by "CMVERIFY cfgname" where * cfgname is the name of your configuration file. Use /I * option for SNA Phone Connect. * 7. Start Communications Manager. If you also create a new DLC, * you must reboot the workstation. * * * APAR= JR08130 * X.25 Dial Remote DTE and CP Names. * * Previous to this APAR, Communications Manager did not * allow dial-out and dial-in environments where the * host has multiple X.25 links unless either the CPNAME or * the adjacent node_id match between the link definition * and the XID exchanged during activation. * * Since the selected link can change, the remote DTE address * is not guaranteed to be the same for each dial in connection. * This change tests for an asterisk (*) X.25 remote DTE address * and uses that definition even if the adjacent node id and * * Communications Manager also required that the * remote DTE address match if it is specified. This change * allows the remote DTE address to mismatch as long as the * Partner CPNAME matched in the XID exchange. * * Communications Manager was updated to * test for an asterisk (*) X.25 remote DTE address, then * uses that definition even if the adjacent node id and adjacent * CPNAME do not match. * * Now when remote DTE address changes, Communications Manager * will check the FULLY QUALIFIED PARTNER CPNAME for the link. * Further, the remote DTE address can mismatch as long as the * Partner CPNAME matched in the XID exchange. * * * APAR= JR08131 * Fixed pacing in Communications Manager 1.11 (WR06150) * * To configure fixed pacing for a particular mode, there are * two approaches: * * 1. UPDATING THE .NDF FILE: * A new keyword, PACING_TYPE, was added to the DEFINE_MODE * verb in the .NDF file. The valid values are * ADAPTIVE and FIXED. The default is ADAPTIVE. * * Example: DEFINE_MODE mode_name(mode1) * max_ru_size_upper_bound(4096) * cos_name(#connect) * default_ru_size(yes) * max_negotiable_session_limit(1) * min_conwinners_source(1) * plu_mode_session_limit(1) * receive_pacing_window(7) * compression_need(requested) * PACING_TYPE(FIXED) * plu_slu_compression(rle) * slu_plu_compression(lz9) * description(single session mode); * * After adding the keyword, run CMVERIFY on the * configuration file to verify the changes. Communications * Manager can then be started. * * 2. UPDATING VIA A RESPONSE FILE: * A new keyword, PACING_TYPE, was added to the MODE record * for CID response files. This keyword has values of: * * 0 = Adaptive Pacing, 1 = Fixed Pacing * * The default is 0. The following example can be used * in a CID response file to change an existing mode to * use fixed pacing: * * Example: MODE = ( * NAME = mode1 * PACING_TYPE = 1 * ) * * * * APAR= JR08314 * LU62 Sessions remain active even when not needed. * * Previous to this APAR, Communications Manager/2 did not free LU6.2 * sessions even after they were no longer needed.This APAR fix allows one to * modify the Communications Mgr/2 configuration file with a new * parameter known as FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS. You may invoke * this new function as follows: * * Determine the name of your Communications Manager/2 configuration * file. If you do not know the name, execute the command CMQUERY * at an OS/2 command prompt while Communications Manager/2 is running. * CMQUERY will return the name of the active configuration. * For this example, assume the name is CMBASE. * * From an OS/2 window edit the file CMBASE.NDF, found in the * CMLIB directory (where CMBASE is the name of YOUR Communications * Manager/2 configuration file). * * The CMBASE.NDF file is an ASCII file that is readable. The first * section in this file shows the DEFINE_LOCAL_CP verb and the * associated parameters. See example below: * * DEFINE_LOCAL_CP FQ_CP_NAME(USIBMNR.MYCPNAME ) * DESCRIPTION(Created on 01-15-93 at 02:31p) * CP_ALIAS(MYCPNAME ) * NAU_ADDRESS(INDEPENDENT_LU) * NODE_TYPE(EN) * NODE_ID(X'05D512A0') * NW_FP_SUPPORT(NONE) * HOST_FP_SUPPORT(YES) * HOST_FP_LINK_NAME(HOST0001) * add------------>FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS(YES) * MAX_COMP_LEVEL(NONE) * MAX_COMP_TOKENS(0) * * Notice the 'add--------------->' indicator. This shows the new line * that must be added to invoke this new function. Only enter the * FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS(YES) parameter (add---------------> is just to * show you where the parameter is inserted). * * After adding the new line parameter, SAVE the change and then * perform a C:\CMVERIFY CMBASE /e * This will verify the configuration file change. Upon successful * verification, STOP and RESTART Communications Manager/2 to invoke * the new function. * * * * APAR= JR08473 * SNA Gateway feature reactivation of HOST link * * When a downstream workstation connects to the Communications Manager/2 * SNA GATEWAY, and the link to the Host fails to activate, * and the maximum activate links is exceeded, Communications Manager/2 * will retry the host link once every 30 minutes, rather than * retry as each downstream workstation connects in to the SNA * GATEWAY. * * APAR= JR08985 * A NEW PARAMETER LIMITED_RESOURCE (NO) HAS BEEN ADDED * TO THE DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK VERB IN THE .NDF FILE. * * The benefit of connection networks is to avoid definition * of links without requiring all traffic to be routed through * an NN intermediate session. This means you avoid an extra * hop. This allows EN-EN connections to be made directly. * This APAR allows these links to remain active after being * activated rather than being deactivated after the * sessions are deactivated. * * Communications Manager/2 was updated to allow the * definition of a LIMITED_RESOURCE(__) parameter on the * DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK. LIMITED_RESOURCE(NO) * will cause Communications Manager/2 to keep the * Connection Network link active after * the sessions between the nodes have ended. * LIMITED_RESOURCE(YES) is the default and causes the link * to be deactivated after all of the sessions have ended. * Note that connection network links do not have CP-CP sessions. * * To define the new LIMITED_RESOURCE(NO) parameter, * you will need to edit the .ndf file and * add it to the DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK verb as * shown in the example below. This is not available * via CMSETUP. Remember to execute CMVERIFY after * changing the .ndf file to update your Communications * Manager/2 configuration. * * * DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK FQ_CN_NAME(IBMN.CONNECT ) * LIMITED_RESOURCE(NO) * ADAPTER_INFO( DLC_NAME(IBMTRNET) * ADAPTER_NUMBER(0)); * ******************************************************************* *b016/p211 ******************************************************************* CM2AP111 ZIPBIN *