******************************************************************************** Content Manager Client for Windows v7.1.0 fixpack 8 April 26, 2002 This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions 4. Documentation APAR Fixes with Descriptions ******************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fixpack is for Windows. In order to install this fixpack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Content Manager Client for Windows V7.1.0 (syslevel 07010000) You can determine your syslevel by: - Clicking on the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click on "Content Manager Client for Windows" - Click on "7.1". On the right side of the screen, the syslevel is recorded under "Fixpak applied" ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. Download the CMWC7108.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 3. CMWC7108.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CMWC7108.WIN.EXE You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 10MB of free space. 4. Follow the GUI install panels. ********************************************* 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 710.8 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47585 COMPONENT: 5648D0431 / COMMON SERVICES PMR NUMBER: 47516,075,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: FIX DESCRIPTION: ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48012 COMPONENT: 5648D0452 / CS CAPI TOOLKIT PMR NUMBER: 73679,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the standard Content Manager client (vic.exe), message 'FRN6531A You cannot open the history log' is seen by users on some machines when trying to open the History Log. The same user (using the same userid) can successfully retrieve the history log on other machines. Folder Manager trace shows an Ip2ListHistory call with ulRC = 6288 (A library client call within a folder manager function was not successful), and a ulExtRC = 9107 (The element handle is not valid). FIX DESCRIPTION: In retrieving the history log with event type parts, prior to the LibRetrieveItemPart() call, added two more calls, LibAllocateItemPart() and LibNameItemPart(), to associate the part into an entry in the element table. Later on when the retrieve order is launched, the Daemon can uniquely identify the correct entry in the element table that corresponds to the event part being retrieved, so the retrieve will be successful. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46206 COMPONENT: 569725040 / VI Client for Windows PMR NUMBER: 46542,057,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: Error message FRN6615 is misleading when a workbasket item cannot be retrieved. FIX DESCRIPTION: Error message FRN6909 is displayed when a workbasket item cannot be retrieved. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47760 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows VI Client PMR NUMBER: 80791,487,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: After autofoldering, the TOC is not up-to-date. The folder does not show an up-to-date TOC. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the code to update the TOC after autofoldering. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47820 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 77860,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: CM Client fails to launch a document if CM is installed in a directory which contains spaces. FIX DESCRIPTION: When launching the application, the file name or path name should include double quotes. This will take care of the space in the file name or path name. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47875 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 03997,370,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When viewing a document from an external viewer, a blank document gets created before the external viewer displays the document. After the external viewer is closed, the blank document remains open. FIX DESCRIPTION: Close the document that was opened through OLE to close the blank window automatically. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47939 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 70216,180,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is opened by an external application, the host privileges are not checked before saving a document. FIX DESCRIPTION: Verify host privileges before allowing the save of a document from an external application. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47945 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 25654,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE logon returns 0 even if the logon fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Correct the logon code to return the appropriate return code. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47973 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 92187,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: DetNextWorkbasketUserExit is not called when trying to add multiple items to a Workbasket. FIX DESCRIPTION: DetNextWorkbasketUserExit is called when adding multiple items to a workbasket. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47982 COMPONENT: 569725040 / Windows VI Client PMR NUMBER: 87752,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: In a Terminal Server Edition environment, working files should not be stored under the standard %FRNROOT%\WORK directory. Multiple versions of the client using the same directory can cause one user to accidentally delete another user's working files. Also, in some cases, users may not have permissions to write to this directory. FIX DESCRIPTION: If a TSE environment is detected, the working files are stored in a FRNWORK directory under each user's %HOMEPATH%. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48001 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 34410,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN6223 is written into vic.err for each workbasket when first open the workbasket list. Fix Description: FRN6223 won't be logged into vic.err. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48020 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 61277,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client crashes after creating notelogs on Windows 2000 or XP. Sometimes this only happens after multiple notelogs are created. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is solved and notelogs are created sucessfully. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47456 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Viewer PMR NUMBER: 73680,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Viewer sometimes prints multiple copies of documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the number of copies specified. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47819 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Window Client PMR NUMBER: 50429,370,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer using Bell & Howell 2135 attached via Adaptec SCSI AHA-2940AU card and B&H RSC-11 box reports memory error and hang during scanning. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed memory error in pixel BellHowl DLL. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47831 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 63960,211,788 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Dutch version of the Client for Windows does not accept digits for character fields that are defined as extended alphanumeric. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is solved and digits are now accepted. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47758 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Window Client PMR NUMBER: 90628,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is rotated and printed, the printout does not match the display. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the document corressponding to the display. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47878 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Image Services PMR NUMBER: 79770,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client applications hangs up when multiple documents are opened/closed frequently. The problem appeared specifically on Terminal Server Systems. Fix Description: Modified code to optimize thread usage. This should reduce the number of threads spawned by the Viewer significantly, and hence boost overall performance while opening documents. ************************************ Fixpack 710.7 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47840 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Show the server name in the title bar. FIX DESCRIPTION: The vic.ini file has changed so that there is one entry called ShowServerNameInTitleBar. Setting this item as 'yes' causes that the server name to be shown as part of the title bar. The default case for this entry is 'no' which means the server name is not shown as part of the title bar. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47835 COMPONENT: 5648D09442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Note size is limited to 30,000 characters. Limit should be increased. FIX DESCRIPTION: Limit has been increased to 1000,000 characters. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47568 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Paper jam causes incorrect pages to be scanned. No error message. When a paper jam happens during scanning, no error message was being shown. Incorrect pages are scanned until the scanner jam is corrected. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer reads in bogus or partially scanned pages. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47555 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: User with only read privileges can do drag-n-drop into folder FIX DESCRIPTION: Drag-n-drop into folder will fail when user only has read privilege. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47528 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Error when closing the doc before print job finishes spooling. If a document that was being printed were closed before the print job finished spooling to the printer, an error would occur and not all pages would print. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now properly handles attempts to close documents that are being printed. ********************************** Apar Number: IR47394 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: The vic.err file should not contain "error retrieving menu" messages. The "error retrieving menu" messages are not real errors and should not be logged as errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: These messages are no longer logged. *********************************** APAR NUMBER IR47377 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOW CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Autofolder fails when the document is indexed more than once. The client was not properly handling documents that were re-indexed after already having been auto-foldered. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now resolved. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47247 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: On Win NT platform printer cannot be switched to a non-Windows default printer in the Client application. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, on WIN NT platform, printer can be switched to a non-Windows default printer even though they are of different types. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47221 COMPONENT: Windows CLient / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 47399 APAR DESCRIPTION: Annotation toolbar/menu should not be enabled when doc has no annotation and user only has update doc toc privilege. FIX DESCRIPTION: Annotation toolbar/menu disabled when doc has no annotation and user only has update doc toc privilege. ************************************ APAR NUMBER IR46281 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Unintelligible output when printing alternate viewer documents. From a TOC view, printing is done by the standard viewer even if the document is assigned to be opened by an Alternate Viewer. If the document type is not supported by the standard viewer then many unintelligible and wasteful pages may be printed. FIX DESCRIPTION: This Client release offers a solution. An entry can be added to the VIC.INI file that will keep documents that are assigned to open with an Alternate Viewer from printing. To set this flag, open the VIC.INI file and enter: Don't Print Alternate viewer Docs from TOC=1 under the "[Options]" section. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46255 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Multiple-part documents can't be browsed if they're locked. When a multiple part document is locked by one user, another user should be able to open the same document in Browse mode, but can't. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now tries to open all parts in read-only mode when "Browse" is chosen. This makes it possible to browse locked documents. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45625 COMPONENT: Windows Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client was not correctly handling decimal commas (as are used in Europe). FIX DESCRIPTION: Decimal commas are now handled correctly in Index and Search dialogs. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44890 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT APAR DESCRIPTION: Key field values may be truncated in the Select Folder dialog. When a customer adds to an existing folder, the Search Dialog appears, the user enters a value to search on and the Select Folder dialog appears. The Select Folder dialog box is a fixed size and key field values may be longer then the display. In this case users will not be able to see the entire key field information. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now a horizontal scroll bar is automatically added at the bottom if needed. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44561 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / WINDOWS CLIENT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Full privs to NOINDEX class required to add items to new folder. The "Add to new folder" function creates a new folder in the NOINDEX index class and the user is expected to immediately re-index this new folder to a more appropriate class. However, for this to work, users must be able to create items in the NOINDEX index class and must be able to re-index them. This is a problem where access to the NOINDEX index class is restricted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, when a user without access to the "NOINDEX" index class performs "Add to new folder", the Default Index Class from the Preferences dialog is used for the new folder if this option is enabled and if this class does not contain any required key fields. Users without access to the "NOINDEX" index class can enable this option to set an alternative index class in which the new folder will be created. ************************************ Fixpack 710.6 ************************************ PAR NUMBER: IR47503 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When users re-index a document that came from a large search results table, sometimes there is a delay in refreshing this search results folder. This problem is more likely on memory-constrained systems where swapping of memory may cause the delay. FIX DESCRIPTION: A more efficient sorting technique has been implemented. This will provide faster display and refresh of all search results and tables of contents. This APAR fix also fixes a sorting problem related to keyfields that are defined as "Date" or "Time". *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47435 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: FIT Option in the view pulldown menu does not get saved. The default is always "FIT TO PAGE WIDTH." FIX DESCRIPTION: This is now an option that can be specified in the FRNWVIEW.INI The user will have to add the "Initial Fit" parameter in their frnwview.ini to set the default fit value as stated below: [View Options] Enhanced=1 Initial Zoom=100 Initial Fit=Page_width // possible FIT values are (not case sensitive), // default fit is Normal: Normal Page_length Page_width Page_within Window_width Window_length PLEASE NOTE: "Initial Zoom" is ignored if "Initial Fit" is anything other than default. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47320 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) does not check for the index class. FIX DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) now checks for the index class. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47288 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When the window displaying documents is minimized, the title shows as :Document... . Then it is hard to find out what document it is. It would be better to show the key field instead. The same problem exists for workbaskets and folders. FIX DESCRIPTION: When the document window is minimized, the title shows the key field only. If the window displays a workbasket or a folder (TOC), the title shows the name of workbasket or folder. ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR45539 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Cannot add notes to size 0 notes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The code is fixed so that notes can be added at any time. It does not matter if the note's size is zero. ************************************ Fixpack 710.5 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46904 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter does not work correctly if a workbasket is opened via a mouse right-click. For example, if the Workbasket filter is set to documents only, then when a workbasket is opened via the mouse right-click, the content of the workbasket shows only folders rather than only documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter now works correctly when a workbasket is opened via a mouse right-click. ************************************ Fixpack 710.4 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46933 / Windows COMPONENT: Windows Viewer PMR NUMBER: 35006 APAR DESCRIPTION: Rotated AFP documents are not displayed correctly. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Gerry Anderson modified FIWTAPI.DLL to look for an environment variable settings FIWTAPI_AFP_ROTATE to display these documents 2. I (Mahesh) modified the Frnwview.exe to look for the same entry in FRNWVIEW.INI file, so that users do not have to create the environment variable, but just create the INI file entry [Settings] FIW_AFP_ROTATE=TRUE ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46833 / Windows COMPONENT: Other / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 39877,075,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user changes the stamp property "angle" to a negative number the text contained in the stamp moves outside the display window. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the code in Frnwiovy.dll to recognize the negative number entered for the stamp angle. If the number entered is -2, the actual rotation angle is set to 358. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup FRNWIOVY.DLL in the FRNROOT\DLL directory before copying over the new files. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46940 / Windows COMPONENT: Windows Viewer PMR NUMBER: 48091 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain AFP documents cannot be viewed properly using CM client by the customer. Even if the AFP document has an associated font file, the IBMBR.ENG does not pass it on to the underlying BR DLL's. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the BR engine interface, IBMBR.ENG, to pass information about a font file, if found, to the underlying BR DLL. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Make a backup of IBMBR.ENG in the FRNROOT (or CM install directory) prior to copying over the new file. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR43813 / Windows COMPONENT: Windows Viewer PMR NUMBER: 08899,442,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When scrolling a document with a scroll-wheel mouse, lines appear on the document FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the code to address the problem ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR45001 / Windows COMPONENT: C API Toolkit APAR DESCRIPTION: A CM user is created with privilege bit 15 cleared, which should allow filtering of search results to exclude all documents that the user does not have access to. However, when a search is done, a folder manager trace shows that it fails on a SimLibGetTOCData call with RC = 6238. The client (vic.exe) does not have the capability of filtering this way. This APAR is being opened per development to fix this problem in the folder manager. FIX DESCRIPTION: Change the SimLibGetTOCData source code to continue processing (instead of returning error return code 6238) when there is no information returned from Library Server for a specific itemID that this user has no authority to access. In this case, the returned SNAPSHOTSTRUCTdata structure for this itemID is empty other than the itemID itself. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR47180 / Windows COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00173,H39,649 APAR DESCRIPTION: User open SAW and a doc or folder is displayed, user open the same SAW, the opened doc or folder is closed then opened again. FIX DESCRIPTION: Displayed the opened doc or folder without closing and opening again. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46213 / Windows COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 35947 APAR DESCRIPTION: Calls to the SavePart() OLE method failed if there was no annotation (.T_L) file. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer looks for an annotation file unnecessarily. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46975 /defect 6076 / Windows COMPONENT: Image Services PMR NUMBER: 00385 APAR DESCRIPTION: SavePart(nIndex, SaveMode) does not work correctly. FIX DESCRIPTION: SavePart(nIndex, SaveMode) should work correctly now. nIndex > 0, only the base part of index "nIndex" will be saved. SaveMode 1 updates the base part. SaveMode 2 creates a new version of the base part. nIndex = 0 works as follows: SaveMode 1 Updates 0th base part and annotation. SaveMode 2 creates a new version of the 0th base part only. SaveMode 3 creates a new version of the annotation only. SaveMode 4 updates 0th base part only. SaveMode 5 updates annotation only. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46972 / Windows COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00384,000,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: VersionsList(...) and VersionsArray(...) of OLE API return incorrect versions. FIX DESCRIPTION: VersionsList(...) and VersionsArray(...) of OLE API return correct versions. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR47030 / Windows COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00387,000,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: Issue delete against a read-only item. Item cannot de deleted but it disappears from the search result. FIX DESCRIPTION: Issue delete against a read-only item. Item cannot be deleted and it stays in the search result. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR47042 / Windows COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00388,000,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE: Item.GetPartFile fails when user has read-only access. FIX DESCRIPTION: One parameter added to GetPartFile to specify browse mode or R/W mode. If user has read-only access should set the browse parameter as non-zero. GetPartFile then works fine and gets the part in browse mode. ************************************ Fixpack 710.3 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46763 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 82539 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to open baseline compressed JPEG files FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified code to support DPI values less than 20 and greater than 10,000 SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup Pxtran32.eng in FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory, before copying over the update. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46497 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 18369,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: No error returned when UE dynamic link library is missing or UE function is missing from the library/ FIX DESCRIPTION: Error message was returned when UE function or library is missing ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46441 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 48133 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Priority (if non-0) is getting copied into the CheckoutID field if any QuerySort user exit is called. FIX DESCRIPTION: Columns now contain correct information. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46264 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 23190 APAR DESCRIPTION: Sometimes the client crashes when a single document is repeatedly opened and closed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes under these circumstances. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46721 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 05977,180 APAR DESCRIPTION: There is no shortcut for "Remove from Workbasket". FIX DESCRIPTION: The combination of Ctrl+Shift+R has been set up as a shortcut for "Remove from Workbasket". ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46073 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 13914,101,618 APAR DESCRIPTION: Sorting of rows based on Numeric columns did not work if the data in the columns were negative. FIX DESCRIPTION: Sorting now works correctly. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46216 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 09140,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a user adds an annotation to a document and then prints the document before saving it, the save will then fail. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now allows annotations to be saved after being printed. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46295 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D03U2 PMR NUMBER: 79842 APAR DESCRIPTION: Resource Handles not released after opening and closing documents FIX DESCRIPTION: Released resource handles from the code, after opening and closing documents ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46080 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 36670 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a folder that is selected in the tree view is deleted, the right-hand side of the Table of Contents becomes empty. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now switches focus to another folder when the selected one is deleted. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46116 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 20225,010,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a document has multiple parts with same part number, only the first part is shown when opening the document. This problem occurs when RepType is set to something other than NULL while importing documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now shows multiple parts that have the same part number but different RepTypes. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46458 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 07832 APAR DESCRIPTION: Some Word documents were not refreshed properly when zoomed-in to certain values. The background was not always erased during zooming. FIX DESCRIPTION: The background is now re-painted properly during zooming. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Make a back-up of FRNWVIEW.EXE in the FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory before copying over the newer file. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46099 / Windows COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 05874,519 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was not deleting the temporary folders that were created via the Alternate Search user exit. FIX DESCRIPTION: The temporary folders are now being deleted. ************************************ Fixpack 710.1 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR40657 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to display WMF files correctly - parts of the image may be missing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The new version of the view.dll corrects the problem ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43426 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customers trying to view files compressed with the LZW compression algorithm received permission errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: The permissions file has been updated to allow viewing of LZW-compressed files. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43805 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When minimized, the notelog window cannot be restored to normal size; it can only be maximized to full-screen. FIX DESCRIPTION: The notelog window can now be restored to original size. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45102 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Workbaskets were unnecessarily refreshed after an item was dragged and dropped from one WB to another. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, the client only refreshes necessary items. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45316 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When Opening or Browsing a large number of selected documents from a Table of Contents an error message appears: "Can't open empty document" and after selecting OK, a General Protection Fault occurs. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is a maximum number of items that can be opened at one time depending on the available resources of your PC. With this fix if the user gets the error message, the application stops loading documents but does not crash. To open more documents some others need to be closed first to free up additional resources. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45353 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Routing an item from one workbasket to another via dialog window and then refreshing the window caused the item to appear in both places. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer shows items as if they were in multiple workbaskets. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45369 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was refreshing the entire table of contents any time a document that had been opened from that TOC was closed. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, the client only refreshes necessary items. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45416 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When selecting a workbasket list in the tree view, the warning message, "The table of contents was too large. Only [Maximum number of items returned] item or items will appear." may be displayed. The option [Maximum number of items returned] should only reflect the number of documents or folders and not workbaskets, thus this message should not be displayed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The bogus warning message is no longer displayed. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45418 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Selected items in the TOC no longer appear highlighted after the window regains focus. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now fixed. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45591 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: In rare circumstances, the client application crashes when a workbasket is opened if the workbasket contains items whose index classes have a QuerySort user exit defined. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes under these circumstances. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45602 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: There are no gridlines separating rows and columns in Tables of Contents as there were in the version 2.x clients. FIX DESCRIPTION: These gridlines can now be enabled by setting ShowGridLineInTOCViewOption in the VIC.INI file to "yes". By default, this value is set to "no". ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45603 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: To select or act on an item from a Table of Contents, it was necessary to click on the value in the first column and selection was only shown in this column. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, the whole row will be highlighted by clicking on any column within the row and the item can be opened by double-clicking anywhere within the row. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45695 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a AltSearchUserExit is defined for an index class and the DLL is not present or the function name cannot be found in the client computer, the default search was still being executed. This poses a security issue. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now in this case, an error message (FRN6772A) is displayed. Also a new OLE error code (OLEAPI_RC_NO_USEREXIT_DLL_FOUND -- 12026) will be returned in this case. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45699 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is viewed via OLE Linking, a simple image of the document is shown in the client. This image was not showing up until the document window was moved or resized. FIX DESCRIPTION: The document image now shows up immediately. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45872 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the German version of the CM 7.1 client, the user name and password prompt appear above the actual point of input. FIX DESCRIPTION: User name and password prompt are now in the correct location. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45903 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When TOC view is maximized, open advanced search window and then press "New" or "Edit" button, sizes of advanced search window and TOC view window are changed to normal. FIX DESCRIPTION: The advanced search window now maximizes properly. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46016 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: A user who has no privilege to modify a base part is allowed to save changes to the base part if an AlternateViewer is used to do these modifications. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now in this case, the temporary file created in local is read-only and an error message (FRN6207A) is displayed if the read-only privilege is bypassed and the file gets modified anyway. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46034 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Opened notelog and index dialogs stay in the foreground when their corresponding document is deactivated (the window is moved to background). FIX DESCRIPTION: Now when a document is deactivated, its opened notelog and index dialogs are hidden and when the document is activated again, its opened notelog and index dialogs are shown and brought to the foreground. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46221 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: There is not a way to reindex parts from one Object Server to a different Object Server. FIX DESCRIPTION: New ChangeSMS User Exit allows parts to be reindexed from one Object Server to another. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44458 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: When calling simlibsearch with the null (0 Length) search string client receives FRN6772A error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: In LibPackageHostVarValue function (in frnpllrs.c) set string length to 1 when host var's attrType is varchar and host var string is null and the usOperator is relational. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44921 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN8635A - Timeout occurred waiting for the Library Server to respond to a request. The program times out at the retrieve step (ExtRC=8635). DB2 traces show that the update and retrieve are sent to DB2 as two different units of work, so the retrieve ends up waiting for the update to finish, which won't happen until the retrieve finishes. A classic deadlock / timeout situation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Depending whether we are in a transaction or not, derive the proper Library Client session handle to be used within SimLibqueryPartExtSrch. This APAR also fixes a login problem where ProcessACLRows causes an access violation during logon. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45091 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: API SimLibCreateItem cannot handle system defined attributes and failed with error FRN6216. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed SimLibCreateItem code to allow handling of system-defined attributes. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45224 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer deleted frnadmin userid and they logged on to sys admin with another userid w/ maxprivs and created a new userid called "frnadmin". The customer then logs on with the userid "frnadmin" and receives a msg saying "the password doesn't match the userid for the patron..." frndiag.log on lib srvr: Type: ERRLOG file: frnpllcn.c Line 5528 RC: 7051 Msg Code: 7051 FRN7051A: The password specified for patron FRNADMIN is not valid. FIX DESCRIPTION: LibDefinePatron() in lcporder.c module the encrypted password was set to "FED0F6C9018BCF4A". It should be "B59CC182B7BDCD01". ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45320 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: When hObj->sVersion is not 0, any media object cannot be retrieved. SimLibOpenObject gets rc= 8682. FIX DESCRIPTION: In SimLibOpenObject code, after the LibRetrieveItemPartAsync finishes the RETRIEVE_ORDER_CL order creation, if sVersion > 0, then reset the szElementKey field in the element table using sVersion -1 as the internal version number so the szElementKey field will match the media object name sent over from the Object Server instead of unmatching object name in the element table. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45512 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Utilization of the supported ip2toccount api (as used by the Content Management client application) to determine the count of items in a workbasket results in a lengthy response time when the number of items and workbaskets is large. While the same values to determine the same results is contained in the FRNWIPITEMS table, the values are not kept in sync with the FRNITEMS table. Subsequently, any attempts to bypass the performance issues of the api by issuing a direct sql against the FRNWIPTEMS table results in possibly incorrect information. FIX DESCRIPTION: Check if all search filters are set to ALL in MakeQueryTOCEntries function (in fipquery.c). If so, issue dynamic SQL search selection only from SBTWIPITEMS. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45627 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: After loading one or more objects into CM, either SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject is called to update the content of the objects. If the size of any object is greater than 67000 bytes, SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject will fail on AIX with return code = 6256, or SIM_RC_RESIZE_FAILED, and returned hErrLog = 6395, or SIM_RC_WRITEOBJECT_FAILED. If Folder Manager trace is turned on, it will report a return code of 6256 by SimLibWriteObject. As a result, the update activity fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Function CmnRetrieveFileData called fread() incorrectly. The third parameter of fread() function call should be 1, not the size of the file. Only the second parameter should be the size of the file, but not both the second and third parameters. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45951 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: The 16-byte itemID's currently are generated by clients randomly. This may cause performance problems for customers if the number of itemId's is huge. To solve that performance problem, a Library Client user exit is created to allow users to use their own algorithms to generate new itemID's in a more sequential manner. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default userexit is a no-op function and simply returns 0 to the caller. A sample userexit (commented out) is provided in this userexit. To use the sample method, users can simply un-comment it and modify it anyway desirable by the users, and build the userexit again. So the default behavior of this userexit is business as usual, that means no impact to existing customers, unless the userexit is modified and rebuilt by the customers. User exit: LibCreateItemID (generate item ID user exit) Format: LibCreateItemId (pszItemID,pszWorkStationID,sIndexClassID, pszUserID,sSemType) PURPOSE: When an application creates an item, Content Manager assigns the item several system-defined attributes. One of those system-defined attributes is an item identifier (item ID), which is randomly created by the Library Server Client. This user exit allows you to change the way the Library Server client generates item IDs. You can use the sample in this user exit to have the library client create sequential item IDs. To use the sample, remove the comments tags in the code and recompile. You can also modify the sample code and add your own algorithms. The library client encrypts the password that is associated with the user before it is transmitted to the library server. Use LibEncryptPassword if you want to provide your own encryption algorithm or eliminate the password encryption. Note: If you don't "uncomment" the sample code, the CM library server client will create item IDs as it is originally designed to do; random ID generation. PARAMETERS: pszItemID: CHAR - input and output A parameter passed in by the internal code. pszWorkStationID: CHAR - input The character string of the host name. The maximum length for this string is 18 bytes, which includes the null terminator. sIndexClassID: SHORT - input The index class identifier. pszUserID: CHAR - input The NULL-terminated character string that specifies the password for the user ID. This parameter is not case sensitive. sSemType: SHORT - input The semantic type of the item to store. The semantic type of an item indicates its general classification. Use a 2-byte integer. The predefined semantic types are: SEMTYPE_ACL Indicates that the item is an access list. SEMTYPE_ANNOTATION Indicates that the item is an annotation. SEMTYPE_DOCUMENT Indicates that the item is a document. SEMTYPE_FOLDER Indicates that the item is a folder. SEMTYPE_HISTORY Indicates that the item contains history events. SEMTYPE_MGDS Indicates that the item contains MGDS data. SEMTYPE_NOTE Indicates that the item is a note. SEMTYPE_USER Indicates that the item is a user item. SEMTYPE_WORKBASKET Indicates that the item is a workbasket. SEMTYPE_WORKFLOW Indicates that the item is a workflow. SEMTYPE_NONE Indicates that the item has no semantic type. All other values are for use by applications. The library server does not interpret them, so they can be used by the application in any way you want to. RETURN VALUES: The function returns a value of SHORT with zero for SUCCESS and -1 for FAILURE. COMMENTS: The function is located in the FRNPLCPW.C module. In the Windows environment, the sample source code for this user exit routine is located in the \USEREXIT subdirectory of your install root directory. The LibCreateItemID function is a single function in FRNWLCPW.DLL. You can replace FRNWLCPW.DLL with your own FRNWLCPW.DLL. ********************************************* 4. Documentation APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47397 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The documentation in the Application Programmers Guide indicates that Item.SavePart will save changes made to the part. This is incorrect. To commit the changes you made calling Item.SavePart you must follow it by calling Item.ClosePart. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager Client for Windows Programming Reference Version 7 Release 1 Page 24, SavePart method of the Item object Item Object SavePart The SavePart method, followed by a call to the ClosePart method saves any changes that occurred to the part files specified and its annotation file. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44403 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When customer select userid properties to reset password. They would highlight the password field, type the new password, then choose ok. The 1st character of the password would get lost. The on-line documentation states that a keyfield with characters defined as alphanumeric recognizes spaces. This is incorrect. Only extended alphanumeric characters allow spaces. To locate the text login to the AdminClient and open Fileroom. Select keyfield. From the right pane left click on any keyfield and choose properties. Click on the Help button in the lower right corner. In the help screen select Character Type. You will see the explanations on the left side of the screen. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 7 Release 1, the following information is incomplete in the online help for the New Key Field panel in Fileroom: Character type Alphanumeric A-Z, a-z, 0-9 "Restriction: The user's client application might prevent the use of blank spaces in certain keyfields." ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45226 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Development Manager, Floyd Rose, stated that CM 7.1 will not be supported on Win 95 platform. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager Client for Windows Getting Started with Client for Windows Version 7 Release 1, the following information is corrected: Page 9, Chapter 2, Planning and installing Client for Windows: states that Microsoft Windows 95 is a supported operating system. Microsoft Windows 95 is not a supported operating system for Version 7 Release 1 ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46109 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the ppszErrorMsgs parameter in the AltSearchUserEx the documentation says that the user exit (dll) must allocate the memory for this pointer. It then says that the CM client will free the allocated memory (which was allocated in the dll). How can one properly allocate memory in the dll so that the calling process (the CM client) can later deallocate it? You stated that "the exit properly allocates storage for the messages." Does this mean that the CM client exit itself allocates the memory? In this case, then the doc is incorrect. Correction: The customer needs to define a sufficiently large block of global static memory in his user exit DLL and they need repeatedly use this memory for the error messages. The client does not deallocate it FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Application Programming Guide for Windows Version 7 Release 1 Appendix B, User Exit Routines, "Client for Windows user exits" SaveRecordUserExit (save record user exit) ppszErrorMsgs PSZ * - Output Address of a pointer. The pointer must be set by your exit routine to point to a data stream of ASCIIZ strings representing error messages. Each error message must correspond with an attribute ID in the ppusFieldIdsInError parameter. The required format of the error data stream is defined in the Results section. Delete the following sentence: This buffer must be allocated by the user exit routine and is deallocated by the Content Manager system. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46288 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: In the Administration Guide for Client 7.1: "Restriction: The Client for Windows does not support the use of index class subsets. See the online help for further information regarding the use of subsets and database indexes." In Chapter 3. Administration Tasks in Section: Managing Object Retrieval on page 16 is incorrect (the product provides that capability) and contradicts in addition another document: Getting Started with Client for Windows Version 7.1 (GC27-0869-00) "Version 7.1 supports Index Class subsets. Subsets are views of Index Classes that may not show all the data associated with an Index Class. Initially, each Index Class has a single subset that is equivalent to the Index Class and System Administrators may define additional subsets to restrict what information is visible to certain users." In Chapter 1. Introducing the client application for Windows in Section: What's New in Client for Windows Version 7.1 on page 2 FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 7 Release 1 Page 16, Chapter 3 Administration Tasks, "Restriction: The Client for Windows does not support the use of index class subsets. See the online help for further information regarding the use of subsets and database indexes." Should be replace with: Version 7.1 supports Index Class subsets Subsets are views of Index Classes that may not show all the data associated with an Index Class. Initially, each Index Class has a single subset that is equivalent to the Index Class and System Administrators can define additional subsets to restrict what information is visible to certain users. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46973 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: According to the "Getting Started with Client for Windows" on http://www.ibm.com/software/data/cm/pubs/cm71/cliwin/frnu3mst0 5.htm... HDRSTDVWR the CM 7.1 client should be able to view PDF files. This statement in the Client for Windows User Guide is incorrect. In order to view a PDF file you need to launch an external viewer. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Client for Windows Getting Started with Client for Windows Version 7 Release 1 Page 13, Standard Viewer file format support: PDF is listed as a supported file format for the Standard Viewer. This is incorrect. You must launch an external viewer to view PDF file formats. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46899 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Description of format, content and function of parameter SaveMode for method Item.SavePart in CM OLE API missing in Programming Reference for Windows (CLIWINAPR.pdf) FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager Client for Windows Programming Reference Version 7 Release 1 Page 24, SavePart method of the Item object SavePart The SavePart method saves any changes that occurred to the part file specified and its annotation file. Parameters: Index as VT_I4; SaveMode as VT_VARIANT (optional, usually VT_I2) Annotation is not considered. In this case: SaveMode=1 means update the base part with index "Index"; and SaveMode=2 means create a new version of the base part with index "Index" Index = 0 : SaveMode=1 -- Update 0th base part and update annotation (default behavior) SaveMode=2 -- Create a new version of the 0th base part only SaveMode=3 -- Create a new version of the annotation only SaveMode=4 -- Update 0th base part only SaveMode=5 -- Update annotation only The absence of "SaveMode", or any other value, is treated as a "1".