********************************************************************************************* Content Manager V7.1.0 fixpack1 for Windows July 30th, 2001 This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fixpack is for Windows. In order to install this fixpack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Content Manager for Windows V7.1.0 (syslevel 07010000) You can determine your syslevel by: - Clicking on the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click on "Content Manager" - Click on "7.1". On the right side of the screen, the syslevel is recorded under "Fixpak applied" ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. On the Fixpack FTP site, CD into the desired language subdirectory (for example: CD ENU to find the English Fixpack). Be aware that each National language has its own fixpack package. Because all the language fixpacks have the same name, be sure you go to the correct language subdirectory. If you don't find the language fixpack you need, ask for it. 3. Download the CM7101.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 4. CM7101.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CM7101.WIN. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 15MB of free space. 5. Follow the GUI install panels. (Syslevel for fixpack 1 is 07010001.cm71.fixpack1) ********************************************* 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 710.1 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44458 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: When calling simlibsearch with the null (0 Length) search string client receives FRN6772A error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: In LibPackageHostVarValue function (in frnpllrs.c) set string length to 1 when host var's attrType is varchar and host var string is null and the usOperator is relational. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44921 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN8635A - Timeout occured waiting for the Library Server to respond to a request. The program times out at the retreive step (ExtRC=8635). DB2 traces show that the update and retrieve are sent to DB2 as two different units of work, so the retrieve ends up waiting for the update to finish, which won't happen until the retrieve finishes. A classic deadlock / timeout situation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Depending whether we are in a transaction or not, derive the proper Library Client session handle to be used within SimLibqueryPartExtSrch. This APAR also fixes a login problem where ProcessACLRows causes an access violation during logon. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45091 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: API SimLibCreateItem cannot handle system defined attributes and failed with error FRN6216. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed SimLibCreateItem code to allow handling of system-defined attributes. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45224 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer deleted frnadmin userid and they loged on to sys admin with another userid w/ maxprivs and created a new userid called "frnadmin". The customer then logs on with the userid "frnadmin" and receives a msg saying "the password doesn't match the userid for the patron..." frndiag.log on lib srvr: Type: ERRLOG file: frnpllcn.c Line 5528 RC: 7051 Msg Code: 7051 FRN7051A: The password specified for patron FRNADMIN is not valid. FIX DESCRIPTION: LibDefinePatron() in lcporder.c module the encrypted password was set to "FED0F6C9018BCF4A". It should be "B59CC182B7BDCD01". ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45268 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Remote data migration from OS/2, WinN, or AIX v241 to CM 61 or later leaves files on the Target Object Server's "staging" volume without DB entries due to a design change in transaction logic in CM61. These HOMELESS files reside on the "staging" volume and are not destaged/archived to other volumes. The customer subsequently has their "staging" volume fill up. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remote migration cleanup on CM61/71 destages/archives the HOMELESS files to other volumes and the "staging" volume then reclaims space. On the Object Server, the environment variable FRN_DESTAGEALL=1 must be set for the destager to handle these unique files. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45227 COMPONENT: Common Services / 5648D0432 APAR DESCRIPTION: When setting environment variable DB2CODEPAGE to a different value on a CM client system and then logging on to the server, the client receives error "FRN8180A The system cannot find either the message file or the message in the message file". FIX DESCRIPTION: CM codepage conversion relies on the DB2 OSS layer. Setting this DB2 environment variable changed the behavior of CM. We fixed it by removing the dependency on DB2CODEPAGE in CM codepage conversion. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45234 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Replication within same server had permission problems in staging volume. Subsequently the files were never replicated to the archive volume. FIX DESCRIPTION: Migrator code changed to fix this problem. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45320 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: When hObj->sVersion is not 0, any media object cannot be retrieved. SimLibOpenObject gets rc= 8682 FIX DESCRIPTION: In SimLibOpenObject code, after the LibRetrieveItemPartAsync finishes the RETRIEVE_ORDER_CL order creation, if sVersion > 0, then reset the szElementKey field in the element table using sVersion -1 as the internal version number so the szElementKey field will match the media object name sent over from the Object Server instead of unmatching object name in the element table. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45512 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Utilization of the supported ip2toccount api (as used by the Content Management client application) to determine the count of items in a workbasket results in a lenghthy response time when the number of items and workbaskets is large. While the same values to determine the same results is contained in the FRNWIPITEMS table, the values are not kept in sync with the FRNITEMS table. Subsequently, any attempts to bypass the performance issues of the api by issuing a direct sql against the FRNWIPTEMS table results in possibly incorrect information. FIX DESCRIPTION: Check if all search filters are set to ALL in MakeQueryTOCEntries function (in fipquery.c). If so, issue dynamic SQL search selection only from SBTWIPITEMS. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45627 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: After loading one or more objects into CM, either SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject is called to update the content of the objects. If the size of any object is greater than 67000 bytes, SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject will fail on AIX with return code = 6256, or SIM_RC_RESIZE_FAILED, and returned hErrLog = 6395, or SIM_RC_WRITEOBJECT_FAILED. If Folder Manager trace is turned on, it will report a return code of 6256 by SimLibWriteObject. As a result, the update activity fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Function CmnRetrieveFileData called fread() incorrectly. The third parameter of fread() function call should be 1, not the size of the file. Only the second parameter should be the size of the file, but not both the second and third parameters. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45951 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: The 16-byte itemID's currently are generated by clients randomly. This may cause performance problems for customers if the number of itemId's is huge. To solve that performance problem, a Library Client user exit is created to allow users to use their own algorithms to generate new itemID's in a more sequential manner. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default userexit is a no-op function and simply returns 0 to the caller. A sample userexit (commented out) is provided in this userexit. To use the sample method, users can simply un-comment it and modify it anyway desirable by the users, and build the userexit again. So the default behavior of this userexit is business as usual, that means no impact to existing customers, unless the userexit is modified and rebuilt by the customers. User exit: LibCreateItemID (generate item ID user exit) Format: LibCreateItemId (pszItemID,pszWorkStationID,sIndexClassID,pszUserID,sSemType) PURPOSE: When an application creates an item, Content Manager assigns the item several system-defined attributes. One of those system-defined attributes is an item identifier (item ID), which is randomly created by the Library Server Client. This user exit allows you to change the way the Library Server client generates item IDs. You can use the sample in this user exit to have the library client create sequential item IDs. To use the sample, remove the comments tags in the code and recompile. You can also modify the sample code and add your own algorithms. The library client encrypts the password that is associated with the user before it is transmitted to the library server. Use LibEncryptPassword if you want to provide your own encryption algorithm or eliminate the password encryption. Note: If you don't "uncomment" the sample code, the CM library server client will create item IDs as it is originally designed to do; random ID generation. PARAMETERS: pszItemID: CHAR - input and output A parameter passed in by the internal code. pszWorkStationID: CHAR - input The character string of the host name. The maximum length for this string is 18 bytes, which includes the null terminator. sIndexClassID: SHORT - input The index class identifier. pszUserID: CHAR - input The NULL-terminated character string that specifies the password for the user ID. This parameter is not case sensitive. sSemType: SHORT - input The semantic type of the item to store. The semantic type of an item indicates its general classification. Use a 2-byte integer. The predefined semantic types are: SEMTYPE_ACL Indicates that the item is an access list. SEMTYPE_ANNOTATION Indicates that the item is an annotation. SEMTYPE_DOCUMENT Indicates that the item is a document. SEMTYPE_FOLDER Indicates that the item is a folder. SEMTYPE_HISTORY Indicates that the item contains history events. SEMTYPE_MGDS Indicates that the item contains MGDS data. SEMTYPE_NOTE Indicates that the item is a note. SEMTYPE_USER Indicates that the item is a user item. SEMTYPE_WORKBASKET Indicates that the item is a workbasket. SEMTYPE_WORKFLOW Indicates that the item is a workflow. SEMTYPE_NONE Indicates that the item has no semantic type. All other values are for use by applications. The library server does not interpret them, so they can be used by the application in any way you want to. RETURN VALUES: The function returns a value of SHORT with zero for SUCCESS and -1 for FAILURE. COMMENTS: The function is located in the FRNPLCPW.C module. In the Windows environment, the sample source code for this user exit routine is located in the \USEREXIT subdirectory of your install root directory. The LibCreateItemID function is a single function in FRNWLCPW.DLL. You can replace FRNWLCPW.DLL with your own FRNWLCPW.DLL. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46219 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Object Server Recovery deletes files not found in the database. Normally this is recommended, but in the case of APARS IR45028 and IR45268, these files will unintentionally be left in an abnormal state and are not in the database. So deleting these files before IR45268 is applied and run will permanently remove these files. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default behavior of Object Server recovery NO LONGER deletes files not found in the database. If you wish this behavior to happen, then you must set the Environment variable FRNRECDELETE=1 and run recovery to delete the files. ********************************************* TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V7.1 (program number 5648-D04) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2000. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation