******************************************************************************* Content Manager V6.1.2 fixpack 8 for Windows July 31, 2002 This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions 4. Documentation APAR Fixes with Descriptions ******************************************************************************* ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fixpack is for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. In order to install this fixpack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Content Manager for Windows V6.1.2 (syslevel 06010200.green.csd2) You can determine your syslevel by: - Clicking on the START button and select RUN - Enter "REGEDIT" - Double click on "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" - Double click on "SOFTWARE" - Double click on "IBM" - Double click on "Content Manager" - Click on "6.1". On the right side of the screen, the syslevel is recorded under "Fixpak applied" ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Shut down and reboot your workstation to ensure that all file locks are released. 2. On the Fixpack FTP site, CD into the desired language subdirectory (for example: CD ENU to find the English Fixpack). Be aware that each National language has its own fixpack package. Because all the language fixpacks have the same name, be sure you go to the correct language subdirectory. If you don't find the language fixpack you need, ask for it. 3. Download the CM6128.WIN.EXE file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. 4. CM6128.WIN.EXE is a self-extracting WINZIP file that can be extracted by simply entering CM6128.WIN. You will be prompted for a temporary directory to unzip to. You should have at least 15MB of free space. 5. Follow the GUI install panels. 6. After the installation has completed, if you are on DB2 you must rebind the databases of your library server and object server. You can rebind the server databases as follows: Library Server: Start->Programs->IBM Content Manager for Multiplaforms->Utilities-> Library Server Database Bind Object Server: Start->Programs->IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms->Utilities-> Object Server Database Bind No further action is required if you are using Oracle database. ********************************************* 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************* ************************************ Fixpack 612.8 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR48414 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Client Viewer APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is zoomed to 33% the text on the sticky note can not be read. FIX DESCRIPTION: The text now as a minimum font size of 8 (default). Values of 10 and 12 are also acceptable. Special Instructions: In your FRNWVIEW.INI file located in the Windows or Winnt directory please add the following entry. [View Options] MinimumNoteFontSize=8 ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48346 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Client hangs when trying to close a document and open another one through OLE API. FIX DESCRIPTION: It now no longer hangs. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR48127 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The Scan-ahead feature should be turned on and off through vic.ini. FIX DESCRIPTION It now does. Special Instructions: Note the default is scanahead=yes Please add the following lines to the VIC.INI located in your Windows or WINNT directories: [Scan] scanahead=off ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48117 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: MO:DCA documents with different X- and Y- DPIs appear with the wrong aspect ratio ("squished"). FIX DESCRIPTION: These documents are now displayed correctly ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR48020 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 61277,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client crashes after creating notelogs on Windows 2000 or XP. Sometimes this only happens after multiple notelogs are created. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is solved and notelogs are created successfully. ******************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47945 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 25654,004,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: OLE logon returns 0 even if the logon fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Correct the logon code to return the appropriate return code. Client hangs when trying to close a document and open another one through OLE API. ******************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47916 COMPONENT: 5648D04B2 / SysAdmin PMR NUMBER: 42028,010,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: Using the instruction outlined in the Content Manager System Administrator's Guide to create users using the batch command facility. User enters the following command and gets a response that it cannot parse the supplied options: frnnsacld.exe SajcBatch -u user_list.lst -p default.pro -e log Unrecognized option: -u Unable to parse 1.2 format supplied options - rc=-6 Usage: frnnsacld.exe -options sa.client.SajcAdmin args... FIX DESCRIPTION: In the main() function of frnnsacl.cpp, add "SajcBatch" as valid parameter. ****************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47878 COMPONENT: 569725042 / Image Services PMR NUMBER: 79770,033,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client applications hangs up when multiple documents are opened/closed frequently. The problem appeared specifically on Terminal Server Systems. Fix Description: Modified code to optimize thread usage. This should reduce the number of threads spawned by the Viewer significantly, and hence boost overall performance while opening documents. ******************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47843 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a User does not have the proper privileges to write to files in the WINNT directory an error launching the viewer occurs. FIX DESCRIPTION: This fix creates the FRNWVIEW.CFG file in the directory pointed to by the APPDATA environment variable (that's the default directory for the users) if the user is not an administrator. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47443 COMPONENT: 5648D0411 / OBJECT SERVER PMR NUMBER: 67685,082,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: LBSDESTAGEOBJECT MSGCODE 9883 DOES NOT EXPOSE THE RETURN CODE DURING TRACE FIX DESCRIPTION: Program was changed to expose the ERRNO information in the Destager Trace. ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46942 COMPONENT: 5648D0422 / LIBRARY SERVER PMR NUMBER: 31681,611,760 71496,660,706 APAR DESCRIPTION - The Library Server intermittently hangs during shutdown. FIX DESCRIPTION: Shutdown logic changed to avoid the failing code. Removed calls to handshake between components and avoid looping caused by memory faults. ************************************ Fixpack 612.7 ************************************ NOTE: Now Oracle v8 can be used with CM v6.1.2 servers on Windows NT. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47835 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Windows Client PMR NUMBER: 68804,017,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: Note size is limited to 30,000 characters. Limit should be increased. FIX DESCRIPTION: Limit has been increased to 1,000,000 characters. ********************************** APAR Number: IR47394 COMPONENT: 569725040 / VI WINDOW CLIENT PMR NUMBER: 22949,227,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: The vic.err file should not contain "error retrieving menu" messages. The "error retrieving menu" messages are not real errors and should not be logged as errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: These messages are no longer logged. ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47320 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client PMR NUMBER: 01119,000,738 APAR DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) does not check for the index class. FIX DESCRIPTION: QueryAuthorityclass(long lAuthority, int classid) now checks for the index class. ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47261 COMPONENT: 5648D0422 / Library Server PMR NUMBER: 42503,035,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: In those locales where the comma is defined as the decimal separator, a Simlibsearch results in an sql -104, an unexpected token was found. The search does not complete. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed code to make sure the decimal token is always "." before the search irregardless of the locale settings. ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47247 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client PMR NUMBER: 00387,000,679 APAR DESCRIPTION: On the Windows NT platform, a printer cannot be switched to a non-Windows default printer in the Client application. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, on Windows NT, a printer can be switched to a non-Windows default printer even though they are of different types. ********************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47030 COMPONENT: Client Application PMR NUMBER: 00387,000,678 APAR DESCRIPTION: When issuing delete against a read-only item, the item cannot be deleted but it disappears from the search result. FIX DESCRIPTION: Issuing a delete against a read-only item will not allow an item to be deleted. It will stay in the search result. ******************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46737 COMPONENT: 5648D0451 / C API Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 92447,101,616 APAR DESCRIPTION: Custom application using EIP API's to AIX CM 7.1.2 toolkit and library allows a user defined with viewonly privileges to update and delete library database records. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Removed privilege bits 110 through 113 from OIM_SA_USER. 2. Added privilege bits 56, 57 and 58 to OIM_SA_WORKBASKET 3. Added privilege bits 56, 57 and 58 to OIM_SA_WORKFLOW 4. Added privliege bits 110 through 113 to OIM_CHANGE_INDEX_CLASS SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Users have to apply this APAR fix first, then delete all existing privileges, and redefine them using the System Administration client before they get the benefit of this APAR fix. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46704 COMPONENT: 5648D04B2 / CONTENT SERVER PMR NUMBER: 56649,019,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the DLL's are missing for AVT00004 and AVT00005 with SBTCLASSDEFS showings DLLSTATUS = 0 (proper build), the customer will be unable to create proper index class definitions. FRN8517A with RC = 6056 will be received by the client when attempting to create a new index class. However, the System Administration client will allow creation of parital index class definitions in the library server database. The newly defined index class will not function properly since definitions will be missing from tables AVT00004 and AVT00005. FIX DESCRIPTION: Add transaction manager, if any step is not successfull the database will rollback. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR45418 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 79369,122,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Selected items in the TOC no longer appear highlighted after the window regains focus. FIX DESCRIPTION: This problem is now fixed. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47758 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 90628,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is rotated and printed, the printout does not match the display. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the document corresponding to the display. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47456 COMPONENT: Viewer / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 73680,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Viewer sometimes prints multiple copies of documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the viewer to print the number of copies specified. ************************************ Fixpack 612.6 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR47503 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When users re-index a document that came from a large search results table, sometimes there is a delay in refreshing this search results folder. This problem is more likely on memory-constrained systems where swapping of memory may cause the delay. FIX DESCRIPTION: A more efficient sorting technique has been implemented. This will provide faster display and refresh of all search results and tables of contents. This APAR fix also fixes a sorting problem related to keyfields that are defined as "Date" or "Time". ******************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47435 COMPONENT: 5648D0462 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: FIT Option in the view pulldown menu does not get saved. The default is always "FIT TO PAGE WIDTH." FIX DESCRIPTION: This is now an option that can be specified in the FRNWVIEW.INI The user will have to add the "Initial Fit" parameter in their frnwview.ini to set the default fit value as stated below: [View Options] Enhanced=1 Initial Zoom=100 Initial Fit=Page_width // possible FIT values are (not case sensitive), // default fit is Normal: Normal Page_length Page_width Page_within Window_width Window_length Please note that the "Initial Zoom" is disabled when the "Initial Fit" is any value other than default. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47372 COMPONENT: 56480462 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: The stamp annotation rendered on the document seems to be different from the one selected from the list. FIX DESCRIPTION: The list box that displays the annotations was sorted, but the array that contained the list was not. Hence this caused a mismatch. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Modified file is frnwiovy.dll *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR47180 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: Reopen a System Assigned Workbasket with doc open shouldn't close the doc then open it again. FIX DESCRIPTION: When reopen a System Assigned Workbasket with a document already open, set focus to the document instead of closing it then open it again. ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46933 COMPONENT: 56480462 / Window Client APAR DESCRIPTION: This fix corrects a difference in the way Bedrock handles rotation of images as opposed to how AFP viewer does. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fix was made in FIWTAPI.DLL, but to support this fix, the viewer was modified to read an entry from the frnwview.ini file: [Settings] FIW_AFP_ROTATE=TRUE If the entry FIW_AFP_ROTATE is set to "TRUE", then the Viewer will pass this information on to FIWTAPI.DLL, which internally will display rotated images correctly. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Modified files are: FRNWVIEW.EXE and FIWTAPI.DLL ********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR46904 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 / Client for Windows APAR DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter does not work correctly if a workbasket is opened via a mouse right-click. For example if the Workbasket filter is set to documents only, then when a workbasket is opened via the mouse right-click, the content of the workbasket shows only foders rather than documents only. FIX DESCRIPTION: The workbasket filter works correctly when a workbasket is opened via a mouse right-click. *********************************** APAR NUMBER: IR43113 COMPONENT: Content Manager v61 Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: The CM Object Server misreports the Staging Volume space when the Staging filesystem is greater than 2 GB. As a result, the CM Object Server purger will not correctly function and the Staging Volume goes full. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the algorithm that calculates the CM Object Server Staging Volume space. ************************************ Fixpack 612.5 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR44368 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 22191,225,631 APAR DESCRIPTION: NT Object Server optimize failes on the BASE_VERSION table. If the SBTSBTABLE.REORGINDICATOR is1, it fails with FRN8069A: in the status window. If the REORGINDICATOR is 2, it is set to 1 and there is no evidenceof a failure except the LASTREORGTS does not change for BASE_VERSION. Recreated on V2.4 on a stand alonesystem but the customer is running 6.1 CSD2. FRNDIAG.LOG shows <2000-11-29 14:58:58.88 Type: ERRLOG File: utodb.ccc Line: 1642 Func: UtdbReorg Action: REORG RC: -2203 MsgCode: 8076> FRN8076A: The utility received SQLCODE -2203 while reorganizing table AMARKOVI.BASE_VERSION from database OBJSRVRN. FIX DESCRIPTION: Since the BASE_VERSION is a single row table without index, there is no need to optimize it, the fix will skip the BASE_VERSION table when processing the SBTSBTABLES for optimization. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: None REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR45069 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 27196,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer was receiving FRN9006A, FRN9927A and FRN9919A in frndiag.log on retrieve. The trace uncovered that the trigger for the FRN9006A was 'CreateFileMapping RC: 8>'. The actual cause was that the file returned from ADSM was smaller than what was expected. The frndiag.log output needs more accuracy as to the reason for the log entry. FIX DESCRIPTION: Utilization of the supported ip2toccount api (as used by the vi client application) to determine the count of items in a workbasket results in a lenghthy response time when the number of items and workbaskets is large. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Rename \frenroot\dll\frnnfios.dll to something else. 2. Copy the new frnnfios.dll to the \frnroot\dll directory. 3. Bring up your application and try again. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR45020 COMPONENT: System Administration APAR DESCRIPTION: Password duration should be restricted to no greater than 12000 days due to Library Server's limitation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modify dialog to set the maximum value of Password duration to 12000 days. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46071 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 03486 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the 'Selected' pull down in the sysadmin are three utilities (Optimize, History, Expired time). Using the Optimize utility for testing, once it is set, it can not be unlocked. It appears to take the update but a subsequent logon displays the same scheduled status. FIX DESCRIPTION: Provided a new pgm to delete the utility schedules. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: NT/DB2: Copy the uptsched.bnd file to %FRNROOT%\bind directory. Copy frnnschd.DB2.exe to FRNROOT. NT/ORACLE: Copy frnnschd.ORACLE.exe to %frnroot%. AIX/DB2: Copy utpsched.bnd to $FRNINSTALL/BIND directory. Copy frnxsched.DB2to $FRNINSTALL AIX/ORACLE: Copy frnxschd.ORACLE to $FRNINSTALL. For DB2: Issue the following commands to bind the package: db2 connect to db2 bind utpschd.bnd REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR45075 COMPONENT: Object Server PMR NUMBER: 27196,379,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: CMv71 Object Server reported a sql return code from DB2 as an application problem and did not report a severe error FIX DESCRIPTION: CMv71Object Server now reports the sql error as severe. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR45001 COMPONENT: C API Toolkit APAR DESCRIPTION: A CM user is created with privilege bit 15 cleared, which should allow filtering of search results to exclude all documents that the user does not have access to. However, when a search is done, a folder manager trace shows that it fails on a SimLibGetTOCData call with RC = 6238. The client (vic.exe) does not have the capability of filtering this way. This APAR is being opened per development to fix this problem in the folder manager. FIX DESCRIPTION: Change the SimLibGetTOCData source code to continue processing (instead ofreturning error return code 6238) when there is no information returned from Library Server for aspecific itemID that this user has no authority to access. In this case, the returned SNAPSHOTSTRUCTdata structure for this itemID is empty other than the itemID itself. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: None REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46441 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: 48133 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Priority (if non-0) is getting copied into the CheckoutID field if any QuerySort user exit is called. FIX DESCRIPTION: Columns now contain correct information. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Nome REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46905 COMPONENT: Other / 569725042 PMR NUMBER: 46064,344,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer has overlays that intermittently fail to display. Once they fail VI needs to be restarted to be able to view the overlays again. FIX DESCRIPTION: Client and the Viewer communicate with each other for retrieving and displaying documents with overlays. After a document with an overlay is displayed and printed, Viewer loses the communication link with the client due to an error in the code. Later on, any attempts to open documents with overlays will fail. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup FRNWVIEW.EXE in the FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory before copying over the new files. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46833 COMPONENT: Other / 5648D0462 PMR NUMBER: 39877,075,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: When the user changes the stamp property "angle" to a negative number the text contained in the stamp moves outside the display window. FIX DESCRIPTION: Changed the code in Frnwiovy.dll to recognize the negative number entered for the stamp angle. If the number entered is -2, the actual rotation angle is set to 358. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup FRNWIOVY.DLL in the FRNROOT\DLL directory before copying over the new files. ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR46940 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: 48091 APAR DESCRIPTION: Certain AFP documents cannot be viewed properly using CM client by the customer. Even if the AFP document has an associated font file, the IBMBR.ENG does not pass it on to the underlying BR DLL's. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the BR engine interface, IBMBR.ENG, to pass information about a font file, if found, to the underlying BR DLL. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Make a backup of IBMBR.ENG in the FRNROOT (or CM install directory) prior to copying over the new file. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ******************* APAR NUMBER: IR43813 COMPONENT: Client PMR NUMBER: 08899,442,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When scrolling a document with a scroll-wheel mouse, lines appear on the document FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the code to address the problem SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: None REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: None ************************************ Fixpack 612.4 ************************************ APAR NUMBER: IR46763 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 82539 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to open baseline compressed JPEG files FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified code to support DPI values less than 20 and greater than 10,000 SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Backup Pxtran32.eng in FRNROOT (or CM Install) directory, before copying over the update. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43154 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 25908 APAR DESCRIPTION: The OLE method RefreshTOC was refreshing the internal memory for a Table of Contents but was not refreshing the view of the TOC if it was open in the GUI. Also, if the OLE method Search returned a folder that had already been opened, the contents of this folder were not refreshed from the previous time it was opened. FIX DESCRIPTION: Workbasket and Folder tables of contents are now correctly refreshed. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46213 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 35947 APAR DESCRIPTION: Calls to the SavePart() OLE method failed if there was no annotation (.T_L) file. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer looks for an annotation file unnecessarily. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43546 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client would crash as it was being closed if Item.Close had previously been used. FIX DESCRIPTION: Enhanced error handling should prevent these crashes. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46259 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 40371 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a document is closed via OLE, some menu items change incorrectly. FIX DESCRIPTION: The menu items are no longer changes incorrectly when documents are closed. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR44618 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 61580,001,861 APAR DESCRIPTION: While a document is being loaded from the server, the client is locked and other applications may be slower. FIX DESCRIPTION: Documents are now loaded in the background so that the client and other applications will continue to function normally. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46008 COMPONENT: 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 00963,001,866 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a user launches an alternate viewer the Windows menu in the CM client that allows you to close all or close all documents is disabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Allow users to print an image in "normal" size, currently only "fit-to-page" option is supported 2. When printing a document opened with Mastersoft engine, the printout font is smaller and the first line of the document gets deleted (print rectangle is incorrect). SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43549 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Printing from the Client always defaults to US Letter size and must be reset the first time a user wants to print if the user uses some other size paper. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now takes input from the printer driver and needs no manual intervention. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46915 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 44323,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: New Scan31.exe/SCANNT.exe built with pixtools toolkit, Client version 4.3. This was done only for classic client. This specific apar is for 6.1 client. FIX DESCRIPTION: The scan program (scan31.exe) would run out of memory and crash if it attempted to scan in a large (70+ pages) document on Windows 95. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR45047 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: With the fix to APAR IR43593, the number of scanned pages available for preview was decreased from 100 to 10. While this saves a significant amount of memory, it is not always desireable. It would be best if this number were configurable. FIX DESCRIPTION: The scan component now reads the NUM_PREVIEW_PAGES line in the VIC.INI file to determine how many pagesshould be held in memory for previewing. This can be configured by end-users. Additionally, the scan component now has support for scanners that have extra memory to scan pages faster than they can be saved. This allows the scanners to process additional pages while earlier pages are being stored. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43548 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: After a printer was renamed, a "Printer not found" error message was shown when the user tried to select a printer from the "Settings..." button on the Print dialog. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Client now correctly handles renamed printers. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46071 COMPONENT: LS / PMR NUMBER: 03486 APAR DESCRIPTION: In the 'Selected' pull down in the sysadmin are three utilities (Optimize, History, Expired time). Using the Optimize utility for testing, once it is set, it can not be unlocked. It appears to take the update but a subsequent logon displays the same scheduled status. FIX DESCRIPTION: Provided a new pgm to delete the utility schedules. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: NT/DB2: Copy the uptsched.bnd file to %FRNROOT%\bind directory. Copy frnnschd.DB2.exe to FRNROOT. NT/ORACLE: copy frnnschd.ORACLE.exe to %frnroot%. AIX/DB2: copy utpsched.bnd to $FRNINSTALL/BIND directory. Copy frnxsched.DB2 to $FRNINSTALL AIX/ORACLE: copy frnxschd.ORACLE to $FRNINSTALL. For DB2: Issue the following commands to bind the package: db2 connect to db2 bind utpschd.bnd REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46771 COMPONENT: LS / PMR NUMBER: 36410,075,724 APAR DESCRIPTION: The following message is posted at the object server: <2001-06-27 10:43:43.10 Type: ERRLOG File: lbsdb.c Line: 8984 Func: LbsUpdateTargetObjectRowReplace RC: -911 MsgCode: 9861> FRN9861A:Database operation type UPDATE for the LAN-based object server finished. Return code = -911. <2001-06-27 10:43:43.30 Type: ERRLOG File: lbsdb.c Line: 8798 Func: LbsFetchSourceObjectRowReplace RC: 100 MsgCode: 9861> FRN9861A: Database operation type FETCH SOURCE for the LAN-based object server finished. Return code = 100. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed the deadlock retry logic from the library server. It was causing problems with the transaction commit scope on the object server. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR42485 COMPONENT: 5648A08B2 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Database utilities do not always run when scheduled. 'Start Now' appears to work. The customer is running the C sysadmin on 2.3 (NT). Testing using the Java sysadmin on 2.4 but got similiar results. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the logic relating to non-daily schedules. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: replace the frnndbcl.jar from frnroot\lib with the new one. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR45703 COMPONENT: TK / 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: AIX frnxdamn process will end with an exception when running with Multithreaded applications like Dynamic Page Builder and EIP. The problem is no limited to these applications and could occur with any AIX application. FIX DESCRIPTION: A zero file handle(0) is considered valid during object store and retrieve within the object server on AIX. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: none REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR46471 COMPONENT: 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: PMR 46692,019 APAR DESCRIPTION: The nhttp.exe application on the Notes server was crashing causing the Domino server to fail. The DLL involved is the FRNNDAPI.dll. This is to handle CM crash problem. This problem can occur on CM 6.1 and CM 7.1. This problem can occur on CM 6.1 and CM 7.1. FIX DESCRIPTION: In DmnGetResponse function, added semophore protection before the SymDeleteSymbol() function call, and release the semophore after the call. This way there will be no interruption between different threads on the symbol table. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Rename FRNROOT\DLL\frnndapi.dll to something else. 2. Apply the new frnndapi.dll to the same directory as above. 3. Bring up your application and try again. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none ***** APAR NUMBER: IR43090 COMPONENT: OS / PMR NUMBER: 64570,519,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: After the migrator migrates an objects into a storage class, it will set the OBJ_ACCTIONDATE (the next migration date) to a new date which matches the retention period, for example, if the retention period of the destination storage class is set to 60 day, then after migrating into this storage class, the OBJ_ACTIONDATE of an object will be set to 60 days from the current date. This means, during the next 59 days, the migrator will bypass this object when selecting candidates for migration. If the retention period has been set as "FOREVER", than after the migration, the OBJ_ACTIONDATE will be set to 12/31/9999, which means that the migrator will never consider it again as a potential candidate for migration. During every migration cycle, the migrator will "look" at any object with OBJ_ACTIONDATE set to the current day or early, and decide is the object due to migrate. Currently, unless the user set the retention period of a storage class to "FOREVER" or to a date before the year 2038 (some 13000+ days from now), the OBJ_ACTIONDATE of the migrated object will be set incorrectly to the next day. As more and more objects been migrated to the storage class with the wrong action date set, the migrator will waste most of the migration cycle time looking for objects that need not be migrated at all. Eventually, in some extreme case, all the migration cycle time are wasted, and there is no time left for any real object migration in the migration cycle. The migrator is using the ANSI C's time() function to compare two dates, but the time() function always return a negative value for any date after Jan 18, 2038, and this negative time will confuse the migrator and make it to set the next migration date incorrectly. FIX DESCRIPTION: The fix put in a check for the negative time returned from the time() function, and will set the next action date to 12/31/9999 in this case. So, if the user set the retention date of a storage class in the migration policy after Jan, 2038 (for example, from 13000+ to 32000 days) it will be treated as FOREVER. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Shut down the object server 2. Back up the old frnnlbcm.dll (Windows) or frnxlbcm.o (AIX) 3. On Windows platform, copy the frnnlbcm.dll to $FRNROOT\DLL, on AIX platform, copy the frnxlbcm.o to /usr/lpp/frn/lib REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION: none **************************************** Fixpack 612.3 **************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR44259 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: Jobber dies from DLL build processing making the library server unavailable. This is due to the size of the .sqc file exceeding a limitation in memory usage. FIX DESCRIPTION: Processing a very complex search on a database canoverflow our 10k buffer search clause. I have modified thecode to check the complexity of the search being processed.If the complexity is above a certain level, we will not try to process that search. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44629 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: OLD PROBLEM DESCRIPTION (NOT ACCURATE): Migrator fails to delete a 'D' status object. The following messages are posted: FRN9763A, FRN9763A,FRN9767A, FRN9763A FRN9763A and FRN9860A rc9763. The row in BASE_OBJECTS shows the volume where the file is located does not belong to the collec- tion. This condition was caused by two quick requests for collection changes without running destager in between the requests. In the case of this customer, collections are assigned by index class. A user reindexed the same itemid twice quick enough that destager did not have a chance to run. The second collection change used the undestaged row from the first collection change and then flagged it with 'D' status which then shielded it from the destager. The problem is that the collection change process copies the source row without altering the file name and path. It is expected that destager will do this. Destager never gets a chance so the row is left with an invalid volume path and 'D' status from the second collection change. Migrator can not mount this (ADSM) volume and fails. The impact is that there are 6 messages per error which creates a large frndiag.log and the through put of migrator can be adversly affected. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Migrator fails to delete a 'D' status object. The primary message is FRN9860A rc9763 but FRN9763A and FRN9767A usually preceed it. The row in BASE_OBJECTS is identified by the 'object' in the FRN9860A message which is a timestamp that replaced the original OBJ_OBJECTNAME at the time the delete status was changed. The OBJ_VOLUMEID will relate to an ADSM/TSM SMS definition that will not belong to the storage class. This condition is the result of rapid collection changes (at least two) where the original source volume was ADSM/TSM and destager is either disabled or the collection change occurs so rapidly that destager is inbetween cycles. The first collection change created a 'U' status object that would normally be handled by destager. It is the second collection change that processes the 'U' status such that the odd 'D' status BASE_OBJECTS row is created. This APAR number will be used to identify this issue in CM 6.1 and 7.1 fixpacks/CSDs (AndyM). FIX DESCRIPTION: During reindex, if the object's status is 'U', there is no need to delete the file in the original storage system. SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: backup original frnnlblb.dll frnnlbdb.bnd frnnlbmd. for NT, frnxlblb.o frnxlblb.bnd, frnxlbmd AIX. Install the new one. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46541 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: Object server filename generation results in duplicate name being generated. FRN9825A with RC=9740 Customer receives numerous FRN9825A, lbsgeneratefilename api generated filename xxxxx.xxx rc=9740 on destage to optical. FRN9740a indicates that an adsm/tsm api failed. A subsequent tsm client trace showed that the error code returned by the tsm server was that the name already existed. This was verified in the object server's BASE_OBJECTS. The object was eventually destaged with no problems in a subsequent destage cycle, result- ing in a different 8.3 name being assigned. FIX DESCRIPTION: When duplicate retry reach the limit reseed the random number ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR41685 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648A0822 APAR DESCRIPTION: Warning errors from DB2 during a PREPARE for a dynamic query when retrieving an object resulted in a failure of the retrieve. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the case of receiving a warning code during a PREPARE, log the SQLCODE but attempt to continue the processing (it more often then not will be successful). ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43925 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: Memory leak with autorec.dll FIX DESCRIPTION: new autorec.dll was delivered by INSO ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45539 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: Empty notelogs were being saved with a size of 0, rather than being deleted. These 0-size notes could not be added to again. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now deletes the notelog part if it has no contents. Also, if the client detects a 0-size note, it will be bypassed, rather than causing a failure. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45625 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: The Client was not correctly handling decimal commas (as are used in Europe) FIX DESCRIPTION: Decimal commas are now handled correctly in Index and Search dialogs ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46073 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: The SdtClntApp permits the Table of Contents to be sorted with respect to the values contained in the correspondingattribute column when the end user clicks on the column (attribute) name. This does not work for attribute columns that are defined numeric in the IBM CM configuration. The customer has String Values and Numeric Values. He needs to be able to sort hitlists by a numeric column. It appears to be the Decimal - neg numbers ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46295 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: Resource Handles not released after opening and closing documents FIX DESCRIPTION: Released resource handles from the code, after opening and closing documents ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46458 COMPONENT: Client Application APAR DESCRIPTION: Some Word documents were not refreshed properly when zoomed-in to certain values. The background was not always erased during zooming. FIX DESCRIPTION: The background is now re-painted properly during zooming. **************************************** Fixpack 612.2 **************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR42668 COMPONENT: Common Services / 5648D0432 APAR DESCRIPTION: Under System Administration Library Server, when selecting the Users only 38 of 60 userids are being shown. When groups are selected, the missing userids that where assigned to a group do show up. All the users can login with their ID even if it does not show up in the System Admin. FIX DESCRIPTION: SBTPATRONS table, column DFTLITEMOWNER refers to column USERID in the same table. By default, when a customer creates a new user using SysAdmin, the value in these two columns are the same. However, if using folder manager API to create a new user, the value in DFLTITEMOWNER can be different from the USERID value for that row, and refer to a different USERID. Changes have been made to fix this problem by changing DFLTITEMOWNER to 0 if the above situation happened. When deleting a user, DFLTITEMOWNER field will be reset if necessary. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43002 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: Receive FRN7188A the library server could not generate a unique userid, when defining a large number of users to the system. FIX DESCRIPTION: Previous logic to generate a random userid was not adequate. Changed to use the system random number generation lrand48_r(). ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43169 COMPONENT: Common Services / 5648D0432 APAR DESCRIPTION: Client using unsupported codepage hangs the library server during logon. FIX DESCRIPTION: Library Server will test the codepage combination and reject invalid combinations. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43332 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Remote object server migration fails with message FRN9792A RC0 when the file to be moved resides in ADSM. If a copy of the file exists in Staging (ubosstg), the remote migration works fine. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remote object server migration from ADSM now works. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43479 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: The LLsInitializeJobber function does a CreatThread call for the LLsTableRefresh function and passes it the address of pAnchor in a local, automatic storage variable. The next thing LLsInitializeJobber does after the CreateThread is return (thereby popping the automatic variable stack). The first thing LLsTableRefresh does on entry is retrieve the pAnchor address and put it into a local variable. But the race is on between LLsTableRefresh picking up the passed in argument and the caller's stack area getting freed and reused. FIX DESCRIPTION: Change LLsInitializeJobber function to malloc a four byte area to pass the argument through not using the caller's stack area. Change LLsTableRefresh to free this area once it has picked up the argument. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43485 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: Warning errors from DB2 during a PREPARE for a dynamic query when retrieving an object resulted in a failure of the retrieve. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the case of receiving a warning code during a PREPARE, log the SQLCODE but attempt to continue the processing. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44109 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: No trace output from FRNCMD if the utility encounters an error. To trace the execution of the frncmd utility, the batch file that starts the utility ( frnnstcu.bat ) needs to be updated. Once the updates are made and the batch file is executed, the trace starts as expected. But if the utility ends with an errorlevel of '1', the statements in the batch file to format and turn off the trace are bypassed, and the trace is lost. FIX DESCRIPTION: Moved the code to format and stop the trace to cmnexit function. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44446 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: Running Content Manager servers on a Windows NT system with more than 512 MB of RAM may result in the servers failing to start with the following message displayed: FRN9255A: Cp=14; Fc=FrnSysInitSharedMem; Tr=5; MC=9256; Fi=slpglint.cpp; Ln=1103; LA=(null); RC=-2538; FIX DESCRIPTION: Shared memory conflict between CM and Java runtime has been corrected. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44458 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: When calling simlibsearch with the null (0 Length) search string client receives FRN6772A error message. FIX DESCRIPTION: In LibPackageHostVarValue function (in frnpllrs.c) set string length to 1 when host var's attrType is varchar and host var string is null and the usOperator is relational. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44486 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: Apparent Library Server hang; frndiag.log has the following message: FRN7474A: An internal system problem occurred. The FRN7474A is issued by frnpllch at this point because there is an error in receiving an order from the isolator api that we call. This APAR is created because the error code that is returned is not captured in the FRN7474 message. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the log statement to log the IsoReceive error message. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44489 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: Expired time is locked by the last person/userid who logged onto sys admin. The customer has to log onto sys admin, then log off and log on again to have the rights to update/change expired time. Expired time is supposed to be locked by the last person who updated, not the last userid/person who logged onto sys admin. Side note: expired time, once enabled can't be disabled. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the error in assignement of the scheduler id. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44519 COMPONENT: SysAdmin / 5648D04B2 APAR DESCRIPTION: While entering the DLL name for a user exit in an index class, a file name greater than eight characters is used. The library server reports FRN7397A and sysadmin reports FRN6056A, library function 7397, sqlcode 26. FIX DESCRIPTION: Names for DLLs and functions are restricted to 8 characters for DLL names and 32 characters for function names. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44921 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: FRN8635A - Timeout occured waiting for the Library Server to respond to a request. The program times out at the retreive step (ExtRC=8635). DB2 traces show that the update and retrieve are sent to DB2 as two different units of work, so the retrieve ends up waiting for the update to finish, which won't happen until the retrieve finishes. A classic deadlock / timeout situation. FIX DESCRIPTION: Depending whether we are in a transaction or not, derive the proper Library Client session handle to be used within SimLibqueryPartExtSrch. This APAR also fixes a login problem where ProcessACLRows causes an access violation during logon. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44943 COMPONENT: SysAdmin / 5648D04B2 APAR DESCRIPTION: When customer selects userid properties to reset password, they would highlight the password field, type the new password, then choose ok. The 1st character of the password is lost. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45048 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Library Server does not issue an error message if the wrong userid is used to start it. If the wrong userid is used to start the Library Server, it initializes and presents the user with the "Accepting Requests" message. However, users get error message " FRN6740A: The logon was not successful because of error 6056 " when they try to log on. The system admin client gets a " FRN8571A: =6056 " message. The frndiag.log shows -204 SQL return codes (undefined name). FIX DESCRIPTION: Added a dymamic sql query that will fail under the wrong id. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45219 COMPONENT: Library Server / 5648D0422 APAR DESCRIPTION: If the NT user name that the system is running under is more then 15 characters long, the allocation of shared memory fails. This is displayed in the client application by the logon panel failing to show any servers in the listbox. If the Isolator (FRNNLIIS.exe) is started in the foreground it immediately ends. FIX DESCRIPTION: Increase the internal buffer that holds NT user name to accept the maximum length (20 char) of this user name. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45224 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer deleted frnadmin userid and they loged on to sys admin with another userid w/ maxprivs and created a new userid called "frnadmin". The customer then logs on with the userid "frnadmin" and receives a msg saying "the password doesn't match the userid for the patron..." frndiag.log on lib srvr: Type: ERRLOG file: frnpllcn.c Line 5528 RC: 7051 Msg Code: 7051 FRN7051A: The password specified for patron FRNADMIN is not valid. FIX DESCRIPTION: LibDefinePatron() in lcporder.c module the encrypted password was set to "FED0F6C9018BCF4A". It should be "B59CC182B7BDCD01". ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45268 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0411 APAR DESCRIPTION: When performing remote object server migration from a VisualInfo or Digital Library Object Server to a Content Manager Object server, objects are migrated and placed into STAGING on the target Object Server, but no rows are created in base_objects for these objects on the target Object Server. The objects can be retrieved, but they will not be migrated to LBOSDATA due to the lack of rows for the objects in base_objects. There are no error messages issued by either the source or target OS. Remote data migration from OS/2, WinN, or AIX v241 to CM 61 or later leaves files on the Target Object Server's "staging" volume without DB entries due to a design change in transaction logic in CM61. These HOMELESS files reside on the "staging" volume and are not destaged/archived to other volumes. The customer subsequently has their "staging" volume fill up. This problem exists when the source Object Server is any release or platform (OS/2, Windows, AIX) of VisualInfo or Digital Library, and the target Object Server is on any platform with either Content Manager 6.1 with CSD1 (or later) installed, or Content Manager 7.1. CM 6.1.0 base level (without any maintenance) does not have this problem. FIX DESCRIPTION: Remote migration cleanup on CM61/71 destages/archives the HOMELESS files to other volumes and the "staging" volume then reclaims space. On the Object Server, the environment variable FRN_DESTAGEALL=1 must be set for the destager to handle these unique files. To verify if there are objects in staging that do not have a corresponding row in base_objects, do the following: - Shut down the source Object Server (if the Migrator is active, disable it, and if it's running, wait for it to complete it's cycle before issuing the shut down for the Object Sever). - Shut down the Library Server. - On the target Object Server, enable the Destager and wait for it to complete ('enabled' status) before proceeding. - On the target Object Server, determine how many read-only objects there are in staging - Run the following query to determine how many 'staging-only' files are in base_objects: select * from base_objects where OBJ_STATUS='S' - The number of objects with the read-only attribute should match the number of objects in 'S' status. If there are less objects in 'S' status than there are read-only files, then you most likely have the problem reported by this APAR. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45362 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Object server reports FRN9919A, FRN9883A on retrieval of an object, followed by an abnormal termination of the FRNXLBPR process, FRNsysSignalHandler, this process received a signal 4. FIX DESCRIPTION: Handling of the SIG4 corrected. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45512 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Utilization of the supported ip2toccount api (as used by the Content Management client application) to determine the count of items in a workbasket results in a lenghthy response time when the number of items and workbaskets is large. While the same values to determine the same results is contained in the FRNWIPITEMS table, the values are not kept in sync with the FRNITEMS table. Subsequently, any attempts to bypass the performance issues of the api by issuing a direct sql against the FRNWIPTEMS table results in possibly incorrect information. FIX DESCRIPTION: Check if all search filters are set to ALL in MakeQueryTOCEntries function (in fipquery.c). If so, issue dynamic SQL search selection only from SBTWIPITEMS. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45627 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: After loading one or more objects into CM, either SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject is called to update the content of the objects. If the size of any object is greater than 67000 bytes, SimLibUpdatePartExtSrch or SimLibUpdateObject will fail on AIX with return code = 6256, or SIM_RC_RESIZE_FAILED, and returned hErrLog = 6395, or SIM_RC_WRITEOBJECT_FAILED. If Folder Manager trace is turned on, it will report a return code of 6256 by SimLibWriteObject. As a result, the update activity fails. FIX DESCRIPTION: Function CmnRetrieveFileData called fread() incorrectly. The third parameter of fread() function call should be 1, not the size of the file. Only the second parameter should be the size of the file, but not both the second and third parameters. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45951 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: The 16-byte itemID's currently are generated by clients randomly. This may cause performance problems for customers if the number of itemId's is huge. To solve that performance problem, a Library Client user exit is created to allow users to use their own algorithms to generate new itemID's in a more sequential manner. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default userexit is a no-op function and simply returns 0 to the caller. A sample userexit (commented out) is provided in this userexit. To use the sample method, users can simply un-comment it and modify it anyway desirable by the users, and build the userexit again. So the default behavior of this userexit is business as usual, that means no impact to existing customers, unless the userexit is modified and rebuilt by the customers. User exit: LibCreateItemID (generate item ID user exit) Format: LibCreateItemId (pszItemID, pszWorkStationID, sIndexClassID, pszUserID, sSemType) PURPOSE: When an application creates an item, Content Manager assigns the item several system-defined attributes. One of those system-defined attributes is an item identifier (item ID), which is randomly created by the Library Server Client. This user exit allows you to change the way the Library Server client generates item IDs. You can use the sample in this user exit to have the library client create sequential item IDs. To use the sample, remove the comments tags in the code and recompile. You can also modify the sample code and add your own algorithms. The library client encrypts the password that is associated with the user before it is transmitted to the library server. Use LibEncryptPassword if you want to provide your own encryption algorithm or eliminate the password encryption. Note: If you don't "uncomment" the sample code, the CM library server client will create item IDs as it is originally designed to do; random ID generation. PARAMETERS: pszItemID: CHAR - input and output A parameter passed in by the internal code. pszWorkStationID: CHAR - input The character string of the host name. The maximum length for this string is 18 bytes, which includes the null terminator. sIndexClassID: SHORT - input The index class identifier. pszUserID: CHAR - input The NULL-terminated character string that specifies the password for the user ID. This parameter is not case sensitive. sSemType: SHORT - input The semantic type of the item to store. The semantic type of an item indicates its general classification. Use a 2-byte integer. The predefined semantic types are: SEMTYPE_ACL Indicates that the item is an access list. SEMTYPE_ANNOTATION Indicates that the item is an annotation. SEMTYPE_DOCUMENT Indicates that the item is a document. SEMTYPE_FOLDER Indicates that the item is a folder. SEMTYPE_HISTORY Indicates that the item contains history events. SEMTYPE_MGDS Indicates that the item contains MGDS data. SEMTYPE_NOTE Indicates that the item is a note. SEMTYPE_USER Indicates that the item is a user item. SEMTYPE_WORKBASKET Indicates that the item is a workbasket. SEMTYPE_WORKFLOW Indicates that the item is a workflow. SEMTYPE_NONE Indicates that the item has no semantic type. All other values are for use by applications. The library server does not interpret them, so they can be used by the application in any way you want to. RETURN VALUES: The function returns a value of SHORT with zero for SUCCESS and -1 for FAILURE. COMMENTS: The function is located in the FRNPLCPW.C module. In the Windows environment, the sample source code for this user exit routine is located in the \USEREXIT subdirectory of your install root directory. The LibCreateItemID function is a single function in FRNWLCPW.DLL. You can replace FRNWLCPW.DLL with your own FRNWLCPW.DLL. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46025 COMPONENT: Toolkit / 5648D0452 APAR DESCRIPTION: Custom written user application terminates with a Dr. Watson error message indicating module frnndamn.exe, and text of: 'Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)'. The application is used to load data into CM. Increasing FRNHEAPSIZE delays the access violation, setting it very small causes it to happen almost immediately. Tracing the application revealed that the access violation is actually in frnnslap.dll (which is a part of frnndamn.exe). This appears to be a memory leak in folder manager. FIX DESCRIPTION: 1. Daemon has been changed to handle the error correctly when no more memory is available, instead of continuing and thus causing a crash. 2. Folder Manager API, SimLibAddFolderItem, and several other API's, have been changed to always free the response block regardless of whether the return code is good or bad. This will avoid a memory leak when an error occurs. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46219 COMPONENT: Object Server / 5648D0412 APAR DESCRIPTION: Object Server Recovery deletes files not found in the database. Normally this is recommended, but in the case of APARS IR45028 and IR45268, these files will unintentionally be left in an abnormal state and are not in the database. So deleting these files before IR45268 is applied and run will permanently remove these files. FIX DESCRIPTION: The default behavior of Object Server recovery NO LONGER deletes files not found in the database. If you wish this behavior to happen, then you must set the Environment variable FRNRECDELETE=1 and run recovery to delete the files. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR40657 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to display WMF files correctly - parts of the image may be missing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The new version of the view.dll corrects the problem ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43153 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The number of characters allowed in fields was being unnecessarily restricted on DBCS Clients. FIX DESCRIPTION: Users are now allowed to type the full count of characters into fields on DBCS machines. Note that if the full count of bytes is entered and the host is MVS, the conversion to EBCDIC will cause problems and an error could be shown. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43426 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customers trying to view files compressed with the LZW compression algorithm received permissions errors. FIX DESCRIPTION: The permissions file has been updated to allow viewing of LZW-compressed files. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43545 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Various settings, including defaults for the printer dialog, were being saved in one location for all users. This caused a problem for multi-user machines, such as NT Terminal Server Edition systems. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, these settings are saved on a per-user basis. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43554 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The order in which TOCs were printed was the order in which the items were returned from the server. FIX DESCRIPTION: The order in which TOCs are printed now matches the sort order that the user has chosen via the GUI. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43804 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: A non-admin user cannot see the TocCount for system-assigned Workbaskets. FIX DESCRIPTION: Corrected. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR43805 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When minimized, the notelog window cannot be restored to normal size; it can only be maximized to full-screen. FIX DESCRIPTION: The notelog window can now be restored to original size. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44010 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Intermittently the OLE interface returns return code zero for an ongoing print operation which then fails. The CM client then puts up a message box displaying message FRN6855A. The client cannot process further requests until this msgbox is responded to. Meanwhile the calling VB application continues processing, not being aware of the error and makes another print request using the OLE interface. At this point the whole thing locks-up because the CM Client cannot respond because it has a message box open. The VB application locks because it is waiting for the client to respond. It is physically not possible to select OK on the message box because it will not and cannot get focus. FIX DESCRIPTION: Custom code can now check the new PrintStatus property to avoid sending a print request when a previous request has failed or is in progress. The property is of type "long" and its values are: 0 -- printing is available. 1 -- printing is busy. other -- an error code. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44011 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The OLE interface returns control while the print request is still underway. The calling VB application can then print it's seperator for the next document. Because this file is small it sometimes gets spooled before the CM document has finished spooling. FIX DESCRIPTION: Custom code can now check the new PrintStatus property to avoid sending a print request when a previous request has failed or is in progress. The property is of type "long" and its values are: 0 -- printing is available. 1 -- printing is busy. other -- an error code. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44064 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The fourth parameter to Item.PrintItem is documented as "NumPages" and is described as the number of pages to print. In actuality, it should be "EndPage" since it is the ending page to be printed. FIX DESCRIPTION: The vic.tlb file has been modified to contain the correct parameter name. Documentation now reads: "StartPage (optional) and EndPage (optional) specify the desired base part page ranges to print. The pages are numbered starting from 1. Examples: To print the middle three pages of a five-page document, set StartPage to 2 and EndPage to 4. To print an entire document, set StartPage to 1 and EndPage to 10000 or some other sufficiently-large number." ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44099 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Sometimes a General Protection Fault occurs after an FRN6548 ("The system cannot open the folder for display") or FRN6772 ("The system cannot complete the search.") error message. This happens when opening a folder, workbasket or the search result contains a protected document. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client no longer crashes under these circumstances. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44111 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When a read-only user opened a document, by either selecting File->Open or by double-clicking on the item, other users with write access could only view the document in browse mode because the item was locked. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, File->Open and Open on the popup menus are disabled (grayed out) when an item is selected for which the user has read-only access. In this case a double-click on a document results in a Browse instead of an Open. So now when read-only users are browsing (viewing only) a document, read-write users can open it for writing. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44195 COMPONENT: Viewer / 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: Parts of characters in MO:DCA documents do not always appear, even when "Enhance" mode is turned on for viewing. FIX DESCRIPTION: The "Enhance" option now noticably improves the display of some MO:DCA documents. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44207 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Unable to print Legal size documents. FIX DESCRIPTION: Modified the code to enable printing of Legal size documents. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44396 COMPONENT: Viewer / 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: Czech, Greek, Russian etc. characters are not correctly displayed for text documents or properly printed for indexing info and notes. FIX DESCRIPTION: These characters are now handled properly. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44479 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When using the Ole Automation methods, getting the TocCount Item Property is slow when there is a large number of Item in the Table of Contents, and becomes slower as the number of Item increases. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new Api method, GetFastTocCount(), has been added. Use this method to get the number of items in a Workbasket or Folder, only if you do not need to or have not already retrieved the Table of Contents for that Workbasket or Folder. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44614 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: Under some circumstances, the width of the keyfield columns in a table of contents view were not saved properly. FIX DESCRIPTION: Widths are now saved in all cases. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45033 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When calling an OverloadtriggerUserExit and the item is already in the WB it sends a FRN8472 error message to the user. When the client does an Ip2RouteWipItem with the overload parameter set to FALSE it gets a RC 8472. Next the client issues a second Ip2RoutWIPItem with the overload parameter set to TRUE it gets RC = 0 but the client sends a 8472 error message to the user. This does not happen when calling Ip2AddWorkbasketItem with the same parameters. FIX DESCRIPTION: This error has been corrected. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45040 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The "Add to new folder" function creates a new folder in the NOINDEX index class and the user is expected to immediately re-index this new folder to a more appropriate class. However, for this to work, users must be able to create items in the NOINDEX index class and must be able to re-index them. This is a problem where access to the NOINDEX index class is restricted. FIX DESCRIPTION: Now, when a user without access to the "NOINDEX" index class performs "Add to new folder", the Default Index Class from the Preferences dialog is used for the new folder if this option is enabled and if this class does not contain any required key fields. Users without access to the "NOINDEX" index class can enable this option to set an alternative index class in which the new folder will be created. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45095 COMPONENT: Viewer / 5648D0462 APAR DESCRIPTION: Frnwview.exe crashes when opening a tiff document that contains a blank page. FIX DESCRIPTION: Fixed the problem. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45316 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: When Opening or Browsing a large number of selected documents from a Table of Contents an error message appears: "Can't open empty document" and after selecting OK, a General Protection Fault occurs. FIX DESCRIPTION: There is a maximum number of items that can be opened at one time depending on the available resources of your PC. With this fix if the user gets the error message, the application stops loading documents but does not crash. To open more documents some others need to be closed first to free up additional resources. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45594 COMPONENT: Client / 5648D0442 APAR DESCRIPTION: The Item.GetPartFile method correctly returns a 6265 (SIM_RC_OBJECT_BEINGPROMOTED) exception when a part is off-line. However, there is no current way to get the part staged via OLE. FIX DESCRIPTION: A new Item.PreStage method was added as follows: PreStage: Use this method to to stage an off-line part for future retrieval. Call this method if Item.GetPartFile returns a 6265 (SIM_RC_OBJECT_BEINGPROMOTED) exception, which indicates that the part object is on an off-line storage device. Parameters: Index as VT_I4 Returns: None **************************************** Fixpack 612.1 **************************************** APAR NUMBER: IR43178 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0422 PMR NUMBER: 42142 APAR DESCRIPTION: If a document is viewed with an alternate viewer via OLE linking and the document is edited, the client should ask the user if he/she wants to save changes. FIX DESCRIPTION: The client now allows changes to be saved. ********************* APAR NUMBER: IR43181 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 09514 APAR DESCRIPTION: The client was unnecessarily calling the Ip2TOCCount API when WB counts were turned off. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Ip2TOCCount API is now only called when needed. ********************* APAR NUMBER: IR43553 COMPONENT: CL / 5648D0442 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: Occasionally, the client would be trap when attempting to open a Basic Search dialog. FIX DESCRIPTION: The Client is no longer trapped when opening a Basic Search dialog. ********************* APAR NUMBER: IR43621 COMPONENT: TK / 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 84091,500,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: Customers can not easily create a "readonly" privilege set using the SysAdmin tool because the default "all user's" privilege bits includes the "DiscardBlobs" privilege Group. FIX DESCRIPTION: Removed "DiscardBlobs" privilege group from the default "all user's" privilege set. Added additional DiscardBlob privilege bits to three other sets used by the SysAdmin to grant authorizations to users. Those three assumed the required bits would already be set by the "all user's" defaults. ********************* APAR NUMBER: IR43978 COMPONENT: TK / 5648D0452 PMR NUMBER: 99999 APAR DESCRIPTION: If MVS is the Library Server platform and the Ip2ListUser API is called from AIX or Windows platform, the password field returned is different from information saved in the SBTPATRONS table.This will make QBIC users not be able to logon. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the SimLibListUser API, once the user information is returned from the Library Server and put into the USERINFOSTRUCT data structure, we added a new step for the password field of this data structure. If the Library Server is not MVS, then no more processing is done. Otherwise, the internal function IsoPutFixChar is called for the password field to convert it back to the way it is stored in the SBTPATRONS table in Library Server. ********************************************** 4. Documentation APAR Fixes with Descriptions ********************************************** ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47444 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: The CM 7.1 System Administration Guide indicates that the CM command utility, FRNCMD, with the parameters PAUSE and RESUME can be used to control user access to the library. These options are not available in CM71 or any of the earlier releases of CM. This was a carryover from the OS/2 library server and should not have been included in the documentation. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide V6.1, the following information is incorrect. The PAUSE and RESUME parameters are not available with the FRNCMD utility: Chapter 6, Stopping the servers, page 43: If transactions are being processed, you can use the command utility with the pause command to stop the server from receiving new transactions. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR47499 COMPONENT: APAR DESCRIPTION: In the CM for Multiplatforms V6.1 manual, "Application Programmer's Guide": Chapter 6: "User rights management", the section "Using the generic marking APIs" it describes APIs and samples for watermarking. These samples and function code are not shipped with CM for Multiplatforms. It is shipped with EIP. This documentation should be removed from the CM docs and moved (with the appropriate directory references for EIP) to the EIP books. The known documents with this error are: SC26-9840-00 Application Programmer's Guide for Windows V6.1 SC26-9841-00 Application Programmer's Guide for AIX V6.1 SC27-0866-00 Application Programmer's Guide for Widows V7.1 SC27-0867-00 Application Programmer's Guide for AIX V7.1 The V7.1 Books have the "User rights management" chapter as chapter 8 instead of 6. FIX DESCRIPTION: The section "Using the generic marking APIs" should be ignored in the Content Manager books. This function is shipped with Enterprise Information Portal. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR45737 COMPONENT: Admin APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer reports that the System Admin Client does not show correct data on the Staging area as system is running. They have to shut down and reboot to show correct data. The SysAdmin Client is working as designed in this case, and the customer needs to use the command interface (frncmd) to obtain this information. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 6 Release 1, the following information is added: Chapter 6, Server Control, "Monitoring and controlling the servers" For AIX, or Windows NT: To monitor the current status of the staging area, use the command utility with the status command (see Command utility on page 44). For example, to monitor current status on the object server named LDVOSAIX, enter: frncmd ldvosaix status ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR42268 COMPONENT: Admin APAR DESCRIPTION: System Administration client would no longer come up after changing SysAdmin machine name to bib-nt. Changed the machine name of a Sys Admin machine ( it was dladmin; we changed it to bib-nt). After doing this, the System Administration Client would no longer come up. Found a reference to the old name in a frnntmcl.jar.lnk file which was in the \winnt\profiles\dluser\recent directory (dluser is the user id under which system admin was installed and run ). To fix the problem with System Administration, Dev had to completely uninstall it ( including the Text Miner client ) and reinstall. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 6 Release 1, the following information is added: Chapter 7, System setup and system maintenance "Adjusting system administration to network or host name changes" Text: Changing the host name If you change the host name of the system on which the system administration gateway is installed, you might receive the message: could not communicate with gateway when trying to access the system administration program, using the system administration client. You must modify the host name set in the system administration client. To change the host name for the system administration client: 1. Click the right mouse button on the Start push button on the Windows taskbar to display the pop-up menu. 2. Select Explore All Users to open the Exploring Programs window with the contents of the All Users folder expanded. 3. In the contents pane, click the Programs folder to display the contents of the folder. 4. Click the Content Manager folder to display the contents of the folder. 5. Click the right mouse button on the System Admin Client icon to open the pop-up menu. 6. Select Properties in the pop-up menu to open the properties notebook. 7. Click the Shortcut tab to open the Shortcut page. 8. Enter the new host name in the Targetfield after sa.client.SajcAdmin. 9. Click OK. ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR42892 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: The message FRN9020A is used to reflect an error received from the protocol that is in use. This can TCP/IP as well as APPC. The message text needs to be changed to reflect this usage. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Version 6 Release 1 Messages and Codes manual, the following message is updated with TCP/IP information: FRN9020A Communications Manager/2 or SNA Server/6000 returned an advanced program-to-program communications (APPC) error or transmission control protocol/internet protocal (TPC/IP) error. Explanation: Communications Manager/2 or SNA Server/6000 issued an APPC or TPC/IP error, which caused the client or server program to stop processing. Component: Communications Isolator #Define: ISOERR_APPC_ERROR Action: Check the error logging facility to see which APPC or TCP/IP error code was issued. See the error codes in the Communications Manager/2 APPC publication or TCP/IP publication and correct the problem. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44499 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: OBJECT SERVER WITH A LARGE STAGING DIRECTORY BUT NOT ON A DEDICATED SPACE WILL ENCOUNTER EXTENDED STARTUP AND RECOVERY If a large staging area is to be used, it is recommended to utilize a dedicated staging area. If the area is not a dedicated partition, the object server recovery and startup, which performs an automatic recovery, will be extended due to the large number of files that will be reviewed. Installations migrating from previous versions of Visualinfo should strongly consider implementing this option. In addition to setting STA_DEDICATED='Y' in the BASE_STAGING table, modify the value of STA_PATH to the newly defined dedicated partition. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Planning and Installation Guide Version 6 Release 1, the following information is added: Page 48, Step 4 Installing the Object Server on Windows, Fast object server recovery is now Fast object server startup Page 52, Step 4 Installing the Object Server on AIX, add the following information: Fast object server startup The object server should be started and shutdown once after installation. If the staging area is a dedicated space, you see that a column added to the object server table BASE_STAGING called STA_DEDICATED. This column is "dedicated" because it is only used by the object server, and only staged blobs are stored in it. To update the server: 1. Log on to object server admin user ID Example: su - osadmin 2. Connect to the object server database Example: db2 connect to objsrvrx 3. Update the BASE_STAGING database table, column STA_DEDICATED, using the following query: Example: db2 UPDATE BASE_STAGING SET STA_DEDICATED = 'Y' This command queries the file system to find out how much space is being used on the file system. This avoid a time consuming filter of the files in staging. The result is a close to constant startup time independent of the number of files in the staging area. If STA_DEDICATED is set to ’N’ then the startup time depends on how many files are in the staging area. Never set STA_DEDICATE to yes if the file system or partition holds files other than object server blobs. In the system administration program, do not allocate the staging space to be the size of the entire partition. Allow for some level of error as file systems report of space is not always completely usable due to overhead in the file systems. For most file systems the error is less than 10%. A good starting point for a 10,000 MB partition would be to set staging space to 9,000 MB with a purge start of 90% and a stop of 80%. These are only guidelines -- you should monitor the staging area as it approaches its full state and during periods of intense activity be able to ensure the staging file system does not get completely full at any time. If the file system is never close to being full, then the values can be increased. Destaging and purging problems might result if the values are set incorrectly. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46023 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: Customer reports that Object Server start up time is 5.5 hours. The Object Server appears to be looking at every file in the staging area (ubosstg) which has approximately 190,000 files. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Planning and Installation Guide Version 6 Release 1 Page 52, Step 4 Installing the Object Server on AIX, add the following information: Fast object server startup The object server should be started and shutdown once after installation. If the staging area is a dedicated space, you see that a column added to the object server table BASE_STAGING called STA_DEDICATED. This column is "dedicated" because it is only used by the object server, and only staged blobs are stored in it. To update the server: 1. Log on to object server admin user ID Example: su - osadmin 2. Connect to the object server database Example: db2 connect to objsrvrx 3. Update the BASE_STAGING database table, column STA_DEDICATED, using the following query: Example: db2 UPDATE BASE_STAGING SET STA_DEDICATED = 'Y' This command queries the file system to find out how much space is being used on the file system. This avoid a time consuming filter of the files in staging. The result is a close to constant startup time independent of the number of files in the staging area. If STA_DEDICATED is set to ’N’ then the startup time depends on how many files are in the staging area. Never set STA_DEDICATE to yes if the file system or partition holds files other than object server blobs. In the system administration program, do not allocate the staging space to be the size of the entire partition. Allow for some level of error as file systems report of space is not always completely usable due to overhead in the file systems. For most file systems the error is less than 10%. A good starting point for a 10,000 MB partition would be to set staging space to 9,000 MB with a purge start of 90% and a stop of 80%. These are only guidelines -- you should monitor the staging area as it approaches its full state and during periods of intense activity be able to ensure the staging file system does not get completely full at any time. If the file system is never close to being full, then the values can be increased. Destaging and purging problems might result if the values are set incorrectly. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44174 COMPONENT: Object Server APAR DESCRIPTION: The Planning and Installation Guide, GC26-9831-00, Chapter 4, Installing Content Manager components on AIX, Step 4.Installing the object server on AIX, states the frnbind.obj should be run in #7. under the Oracle set of instructions. Development states this is not true FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Planning and Installation Guide Version 6 Release 1 Pages 50 - 52, Step 4. Installing the object server on AIX Page 52, under Table 40, delete the following item (because you do not need to bind the database for Oracle): 7. If you did not create a database while using the wizard, bind your existing database. Enter: frnbind.obj ************************ APAR NUMBER: IR38764 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: VisualInfo - Digital Library - trace - FRNTRC - FRNTRACE The discussion contained in Messages and Codes Chapter 3 Tracing Facility does not clearly identify the relationship of the controls (and variables) to the effect on the trace. For example, the variable FRNTRACELEV and those that follow almost seem to be unrelated to the FRNTRACE function by the way it is worded. The file 'frntrace.ctl' does not exist on NT. How does FRNLOGMAXMB relate to the -l parm for FRNTRC, and if there is no connection, what does FRNLOGMAXMB really do? OS2 is referred to repeatedly in the discussion for FRNTRACE but it is not functional on the OS2 platform for VI. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Messages and Codes Version 6 Release 1 manual, the following information is deleted: Page 6, Chapter 2. Tracing facility Deleted text: Tracing on AIX and Windows NT: Digital Library also provides additional features through its Independent Trace Facility (ITF) for collecting trace information. Pages 6 through 19: all information describing the following options is not valid and is deleted: * [-m mask] mask= products. event-types. components. functions * [-e maxSysErrors] Stop tracing after maxSysErrors have been recorded * [-r maxRecordSize] Truncate trace records at maxRecordSizebytes * [-rc return-code] Suspend tracing when return-code is encountered * [-p processId[. threadId]] Process ID and thread ID to trace. Thread ID does not apply to AIX. * [-c companion-id] The companion ID to trace in a server environment * [-s | -n | -mmio | -f fileName] Send trace records to shared memory, native trace facility, performance monitoring hardware, or a file * [-crash crash-mask] crash-mask = product-id. event-types. components. functions. trace-point Cause the program to exit when a specific trace point is reached ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44974 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: There is a need to document the limits of what the Optimization utility can be expected to do for the customer. For medium to large installations to get the best performance from the VI databases the customers' DBA will need to manage the database through the database utility functions that come with the database product FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 6 Release 1, the following information is added: Page 72, Chapter 9, Database installation and maintenance The optimization utility The optimization utility that is provided with VisualInfo is intended to be used for a small to a moderately sized database. This utility performs the basic optimization functions necessary to keep your server database performing optimally. As your system grows and becomes more complex, it is recommended that optimization of the server database be performed by a qualified database administrator using the tools provided by your database product. As a rule of thumb you may use the following guidelines to determine when your system has gotten to complex for the optimization tool of VisualInfo: System with more than 100K items System with more than 20 index classes System containing multiple database indexes on an index class ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR42533 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: For the RELCRITERIASTRUCT used by Ip2SuspendItem, the doc says that itemDeadlineWB is ignored if the tsExpDateTime is NULL. TL says this isn't true and that an itemid needs to be filled in anyway (a copy of what's in itemidReadyWB should do). The doc should be modified to reflect this. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms C Application Programming Reference for Workstation Vol 2 Version 6 Release 1 Page 894, RELCRITERIASTRUCT (Release Criteria Data Structure) RELCRITERIASTRUCT description of itemidDeadlineWB has changed to: ITEMID - input The item ID of the workbasket to send the suspended item to if the expiration time criteria are satisfied. Add the following text: This field cannot be NULL. If you want to release the suspended item due to other criteria (e.g., not deadline), then you need to copy the item ID from the itemidReadyWB or pitemidReadyWBArray to itemidDeadlineWB parameter. Delete the following text: This field is required if the usReleaseType field contains the value OIM_SUSP_ANY_CLASS or OIM_SUSP_ALL_CLASS, and if pitemidReadyWBArray has not been specified. Otherwise, this field is ignored. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44446 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: Running Content Manager servers on a Windows NT system with more than 512 MB of RAM may result in the servers failing to start with the following message displayed: FRN9255A: Cp=14; Fc=FrnSysInitSharedMem; Tr=5; MC=9256; Fi=slpglint.cpp; Ln=1103; LA=(null); RC=-2538; Or the servers may start and run, but the frncmd utility (frnnutsc.exe ) may not run. The command utility window opens and displays the copyright information, but the command prompt never appears. After a few minutes the following message is issued: FRN9254A : CMDUTIL component program frnnutsc.exe terminated with a problem return code FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Application Programming Reference for Workstation Version 6 Release 1 When you try to bring up Library Server or Object Server, if the Server GUI hangs and the correspond DOS window displays the message: FRN9255A: Cp=14; Fc=FrnSysInitSharedMem; Tr=5; MC=9256; Fi=slpglint.cpp; Ln=1103; LA=(null); RC=-2538; Try the following: For Library Server: Open the file frnnstls.bat located in the %FRNROOT% directory, and add the following line after the line SET TRACELEV=0: SET FRNADDRON=YES For Object Server: Open the file frnnstos.bat located in the %FRNROOT% directory, and add this following line after the line SET TRACELEV=0: SET FRNADDRON=YES Note: do not set FRNADDRON as a global environment variable. Otherwise, other programs (command utility, network verification) might fail to start. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR42479 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: For both the C version (COMPID 569725044) and the Java Sysadmin, if the library server configuration is set for a single logon per user, the utilities that can be scheduled such (as expired time) will post FRN7213A. The utility requires the ability to make a second connection when the utility starts. The chapter in System Administration Guide ' System setup and system maintenance' fails to mention that library server configuration must be set for multiple sessions if you want to use the system admin. GUI server utilities. FIX DESCRIPTION: Ensure the library server configuration is not set for 'single session' in the 'Active sessions(Per UserID)' section on the 'Access' page of the library server configuration. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR46134 COMPONENT: Library Server APAR DESCRIPTION: Static generation of an expression that includes the NOTIN operator successfully generates a dll, but does not include the sql with the NOTIN expression. Each subsequent submission of the same expression will generate a new static dll, each time excluding the expression. No errors are reported in the frndiag.log FIX DESCRIPTION: In the the Content Manager for Multiplatforms Application Programming Guide and Application Programming Reference, the following information is added: Because of the complex nature of the query searches involving IN or NOT IN, search conditions will not be optimized to static search dlls. ************************* APAR NUMBER: IR44403 COMPONENT: Client APAR DESCRIPTION: When customer select userid properties to reset password. They would highlight the password field, type the new password, then choose ok. The 1st character of the password would get lost. The on-line documentation states that a keyfield with characters defined as alphanumeric recognizes spaces. This is incorrect. Only extended alphanumeric characters allow spaces. To locate the text login to the AdminClient and open Fileroom. Select keyfield. From the right pane left click on any keyfield and choose properties. Click on the Help button in the lower right corner. In the help screen select Character Type. You will see the explanations on the left side of the screen. FIX DESCRIPTION: In the Content Manager for Multiplatforms System Administration Guide Version 7 Release 1, the following information is incomplete in the online help for the New Key Field panel in Fileroom: Character type Alphanumeric A-Z, a-z, 0-9 The following sentence will be added for future updates to this online help: "Restriction: The user's client application might prevent the use of blank spaces in certain keyfields." ************************* ************************* END OF README *************************