********************************************************************************************** Content Manager V6.1.1 fixpack1 for AIX March 17th, 2000 This is an interim fixpack between Formal Corrective Service Deliverables (CSDs). Table of Contents 1. Installation Requirements 2. Installation Instructions 3. APAR Descriptions ********************************************************************************************** ********************************************* 1. Installation Requirements ********************************************* This fixpack is for AIX. In order to install this fixpack, you must be at this minimum product base level: a) Content Manager for AIX V6.1.1 (syslevel ********************************************* 2. Installation Instructions ********************************************* 1. Download the cm611fp1.tar.gz file in binary mode to a temporary subdirectory on your workstation. You will need at least 13MB of free space in your temporary directory. 2. To unpack the GZIP compression, enter: gzip -d cm611fp1.tar.gz If you don't have GZIP, you can obtain this freeware tool from: http://aixpdslib.seas.ucla.edu/aixpdslib.html 3. Unpack the cm611fp1.tar file into your temporary subdirectory using the AIX tar utility. For example: tar -xvf cm611fp1.tar 4. Log in as root. 5. Start the Installation wizard by entering ./frnxupdate.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. APAR Fixes with Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Fixpack 1 ***** APAR NUMBER: IR40698 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: 94489 SYSTEM INFORMATION: APAR DESCRIPTION: Problem with object server. Document isn't available after a time and return c ode 2041 is logged in frndiag.log. Also problem with performance because Object Server sessions with ADSM are blocked. FIX DESCRIPTION: Cleaned up ADSM API session management within Object Server ***** APAR NUMBER: IR41543 COMPONENT: Library Server PMR NUMBER: n/a APAR DESCRIPTION: Various VI library server error msgs return only the first 15 characters of the itemid. Per MS, there is an error in how we format some string values. An example of such an error msg is: " FRN7295A: Item Z6VKDX7UVU47SJP is checked out " FIX DESCRIPTION: Increased the sting buffer size from 15 to 44. ***** APAR NUMBER: IR41875 COMPONENT: Toolkit PMR NUMBER: 99999,999,000 APAR DESCRIPTION: When running some Java client programs (in AIX) using Java OO API to connect to Content Manager, if users turn on just-in-time (JIT) compiler, sometimes the program gets trapped by signal SIGTRAP and users see something like: Trace/BPT trap(coredump) If users turn off JIT compiler, then the program runs Ok. FIX DESCRIPTION: JIT compiler signal handler for SIGTRAP was overridden by the native method in Java OO API. Change has been made to not override the handler of JIT compiler. _________________________________________________________________________ TRADEMARKS __________________________________________________________________________ IBM Enterprise Information Portal for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D03) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 1999. IBM Content Manager for Multiplatforms V6.1 (program number 5648-D04) (c ) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1999. Licensed Materials - Property of IBM All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation