=============================================================================== IBM WebSphere Business Integrator Version 2.1 CSD1 Product Release Notes Last Updated: 19 June 2001 (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001. All rights reserved. =============================================================================== This file contains instructions that will ensure proper solution development and deployment from Solution Studio and the Deployment Framework. =============================================================================== I. CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. CONTENTS II. ACCESSING THE PRODUCT WEB SITE III. TRADEMARKS 1. DOCUMENTATION 2. INSTALLING THE CSD 3. WORKING IN SOLUTION STUDIO 4. USER REGISTRATION SAMPLE SOLUTION BEFORE PUBLISHING 5. USER REGISTRATION SAMPLE SOLUTION AFTER DEPLOYMENT 6. PURCHASE ORDER SAMPLE SOLUTION AFTER DEPLOYMENT 7. PROCESS BROKER SERVICES AFTER DEPLOYMENT 8. CSD UNINSTALL CLEAN UP =============================================================================== II. ACCESSING THE PRODUCT WEB SITE =============================================================================== Please visit the WebSphere Business Integrator Web site for the most recent product information: http://www.ibm.com/software/websphere/btobintegrator =============================================================================== III. TRADEMARKS =============================================================================== The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: DB2 IBM MQSeries WebSphere Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. =============================================================================== 1. DOCUMENTATION =============================================================================== IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INSTALLATION GUIDE ARE READ IN FULL BEFORE COMMENCING THE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF THE PRODUCT. YOU SHOULD ALSO CHECK THE PRODUCT WEB SITE FOR UPDATES TO THIS INFORMATION: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/btobintegrator/ support.html#Technical notes FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PROBLEMS THAT REQUIRE EITHER A FULL OR PARTIAL REINSTALLATION AND/OR RECONFIGURATION OF THE PRODUCT. =============================================================================== 2. INSTALLING SOLUTION STUDIO CSD1 =============================================================================== To install the CSDs for WebSphere Business Integrator Solution Studio, follow these instructions: 1. Download the release notes (url here please) and read them. 2. Download the package "SolutionStudioCSD01_0618.zip". And then on each machine in your topology, follow these instructions: 1. Before installing the CSDs, you should be sure Websphere Studio is not active. 2. Unzip "SolutionStudioCSD01_0618.zip" to a temporary directory. 3. Run "setup.exe" to install the WebSphere Business Integrator Solution Studio CSD. 4. Reboot the machine. Solution Studio should be ready to reuse with the CSD updates. To uninstall the WebShere Business Integrator Solution Studio base CSD, go to the ADD/Remove Program folder and select "WSBI Corrective Support Diskette" and click the uninstall button, which will give you the option of uninstalling the CSD. Another option is to go to the Websphere Studio Start menu folder and select 'Remove latest CSD'. This version of CSD will install fixes of Solution Studio as well as fixes for Websphere BtoBi Gateway Tooling. This version of CSD can only be used to update Solution Studio Ver 2.1. If the current version of Solution Studio is not present on the system, the CSD will not allow the installation to continue. If Gateway Tooling ver 1.0 is installed on the system, CSD will update it with the fixes. If not it will not install anything related to Gateway Tooling. No warning about Gateway tooling will be issued if Gateway Tooling is not installed on the system. =============================================================================== 3. WORKING IN SOLUTION STUDIO =============================================================================== 3.1 QUEUE MANAGER SUBSTITUTION STRINGS CASE SENSITIVE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: All. SYMPTOM: There may be a case mismatch when trying to create a Queue using Queue Manager names derived from hostnames. The Solution Studio Wizards provide a means to allow for substitution strings to be used to resolve to installed Queue Manager names. If an error occurs during deployment that indicates that the Queue Manager is not found, there is probably a case mismatch. It will be necessary to update the case keyword in the instruction XML. An example is included below; the XML contains an instruction to create a MQSeries queue using a file in studio named "JMSErrorQueue.mqsc". This file will contain queue creation instruction. The Queue Manager used to create this queue is derived from the WSBI installation and is resolved using the HOSTNAME and the MQCLUSTERNAME. RESOLUTION: Probably, the hostname was created in upper case and therefore the Queue Manager will have an upper case name. Occasionally this may not be true, and the keyword case=upper should be changed to case=lower. MQ runMQSCScript =============================================================================== 4. USER REGISTRATION SAMPLE SOLUTION BEFORE PUBLISHING =============================================================================== The following changes should be made to the Solution Studio. 4.1 QUEUE MANGER NAME IN THE USER REGISTRATION PACKAGE MAY NOT MATCH RUN TIME PLATFORM TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: All. SYMPTOM: User Registration may fail if the Queue Manager name in the deployable package does not match the Queue Manager name specified when the MQSeries Workflow machine was installed. RESOLUTION: Edit the B2BITemplatesUserReg.fdl to use the Queue Manager name installed with MQSeries Workflow. DETAILS: Before publishing User Registration: 1. Edit the B2BiTemplatesUserReg.fdl file in the BusinessProcess folder of the User Registration Project. 2. Search the FDL for "QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME". 3. Change the value that follows to the actual Queue Manager Name used for MQSeries Workflow in the run-time environment. 4. Continue searching until all occurrences of QUEUE_MANAGER_NAME have been found and changed. 5. Save the file and check it into the Studio project. 4.2 BtoBiTemplates CASE INVALID TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: All. SYMPTOM: User Registration execution will fail with a null pointer exception. RESOLUTION: Edit the B2BITemplates.xml file in the Roles folder to change the case of the Solution name. DETAILS: The B2Bitemplates.xml file must be updated to make the "T" in templates upper case. See the following example: Change from <-- should be cn=BtoBiTemplates User Registration update in LDAP Solution /BtoBi/ /ePortal/jsp/B2BIDesktop.jsp ... to User Registration update in LDAP Solution /BtoBi/ /ePortal/jsp/B2BIDesktop.jsp =============================================================================== 5. USER REGISTRATION SAMPLE SOLUTION AFTER DEPLOYMENT =============================================================================== The following changes should be made for the User Registration sample after it has been deployed using the deployment framework. 5.1 USER REGISTRATION DATABASE TABLES MUST BE DEFINED TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The User Registration sample will not run without the database tables. RESOLUTION: After deploying User Registration on the Business Flow Manager machine, from a DB2 command window, enter: db2 -f wsbi_install_path\solution\SQL\registration.ddl 5.2 USER REGISTRATION REGISTRATION.DDL FILE NEEDS SPECIAL CARE TO CREATE DATABASE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: In a client/server environment the registration.ddl may not create the database. RESOLUTION: Create the database using the DB2 Control Center. DETAILS: From a DB2 command prompt enter: db2 -f wsbi_install_path\solution\SQL\registration.ddl This will attempt to create the B2BITMPL database, connect to it, and (re-)create the REGISTRATIONBDO table. Typically, the ddl is executed on the DB2 server node. If running from a DB2 client node, the database may not be created. In such cases, you may use the DB2 control center database creation wizard first and create the database, and after that run the db2 command against the ddl as shown above. 5.3 USER REGISTRATION REQUIRES A JTA ENABLED DRIVER TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The User Registration sample will not run without the proper database driver. RESOLUTION: After deploying, use the WebSphere Administration Console to update the JTA-enabled driver. DETAILS: After deploying User Registration, use the WebSphere Administration Console to: 1. Select the WSBIDeploy application server. 2. Stop the WSBIDeploy application server. 3. Modify the database driver used by the BtoBiTemplatesDS and set it to "JTA enabled". 4. Apply the change. 5. Start the WSBIDeploy application server. 5.4 USER REGISTRATION REQUIRES SPECIAL DAEMON ON WORKFLOW SERVER TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager Workflow Server. SYMPTOM: The User Registration requires that the WFUserRegAgent.bat is running. RESOLUTION: On the Business Flow Manager Workflow Server, at a command prompt, invoke WFUserRegAgent.bat which will be found in: wsbi_install_path\solution\utils\WFUserRegAgent.bat 5.5 WEBSEAL CONFIGURATION FOR USER REGISTRATION TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: WebSeal Proxy Machine SYMPTOM: The following instructions are used to configure WebSeal to use a custom challenge page for User Registration sample. These instructions assume that a custom challenge page has already been configured as described in the base install. RESOLUTION: After deploying User Registration using the Solution Studio and Deployment framework there will be two files under the default hosts directory of Websphere Application Server as: AppServer\hosts\default_host\web\webseal\ The files will be RegistrationForm.html and MenuFrame.html and they must be manually copied to the WebSeal Proxy Server. DETAILS: The manual steps required at this point to deploy to WebSeal are: 1. Copy the files from …AppServer\hosts\default_host\web\webseal\ directory on the IM machine to the following directory on the WebSeal Machine: [x]:\\www\docs\RegistrationForm.html [x]:\\www\docs\MenuFrame.html 2. The RegistrationForm.html must be edited to correspond to the WebSeal junction name.
The junctionName should be changed to the name of the WebSeal junction name created during the base install and configuration. 3. Start Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: https://webseal_host The custom challenge page should be displayed. =============================================================================== 6. PURCHASE ORDER SAMPLE SOLUTION AFTER DEPLOYMENT =============================================================================== The following changes should be made for the Purchase Order sample after it has been deployed using the deployment framework. 6.1 PURCHASE ORDER DATABASE TABLES MUST BE DEFINED TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Purchase Order sample will not run without the database tables. RESOLUTION: After deploying Purchase Order, on the Business Flow Manager machine, from a DB2 command window, enter: db2 -f wsbi_install_path\solution\SQL\B2BiTemplatesPOMgmt.ddl 6.2 PURCHASE ORDER B2BITEMPLATESPOMGMT.DDL FILE NEEDS SPECIAL CARE TO CREATE DATABASE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: In a client/server environment the registration.ddl may not create the database. RESOLUTION: Create the database using the DB2 Control Center. DETAILS: From a DB2 command prompt enter: db2 -f wsbi_install_path\solution\SQL\B2BiTemplatesPOMgmt.ddl This will attempt to create the B2BITMPL database, connect to it, and (re-)create the BackorderedItem, CatalogItem, InventoryItem, PO, and POLineItem tables. Typically, the ddl is executed on the DB2 server node. If running from a DB2 client node, the database may not be created. In such cases, you may use the DB2 control center database creation wizard first and create the database, and after that run the db2 command against the ddl as shown above. 6.3 PURCHASE ORDER REQUIRES A JTA-ENABLED DRIVER TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Purchase Order sample will not run without the proper database driver. RESOLUTION: After deploying, use the WebSphere Administration Console to update the JTA-enabled driver. DETAILS: After deploying User Registration, use the WebSphere Administration console to: 1. Select the WSBIDeploy application server. 2. Stop the WSBIDeploy application server. 3. Modify the database driver used by the PODataSource and set it to "JTA enabled". 4. Apply the change. 5. Start the WSBIDeploy application server. =============================================================================== 7. PROCESS BROKER SERVICES AFTER DEPLOYMENT =============================================================================== 7.1 VERIFY ENVIRONMENT DIRECTORIES TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Process Broker Services use a batch file to set the environment required to execute services and batch functions. This environment file must be verified after deployment. RESOLUTION: After deploying, edit the Process Broker Services Set Environment batch file insuring that all directory names are set correctly as you have installed the products. The batch file will be found in: wsbi_install_path\solution\bin\pbssetenv.bat 7.2 PROCESS BROKER SERVICE TIMER SERVICE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Process Broker Services intends to have a Timer Service running as and NT Service but Deployment not able to create NT Services. RESOLUTION: After deploying, add the Process Broker Services Timer Service start command to B2BStart.bat, which will be found in: wsbi_install_path\bin\B2BStart.bat DETAILS: After deployment runPBSTimerDispatcher.bat can be found in the \solution\utils directory. Edit the B2BStart.bat adding the Start command shown at the bottom of the following example. (The example assumes that WSBI is installed on the D Drive with a root install name of WSBI. Make necessary adjustments for your system.) @rem /* @rem * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM @rem * @rem * 5799-RNK @rem * @rem * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 All Rights Reserved. @rem * @rem * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or @rem * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. @rem */ @echo on echo Executing B2Bstart.bat rem Start trace and log servers call D:\WSBI\bin\bizAdminSvr call D:\WSBI\bin\bizServSvr Start D:\WSBI\solution\utils\runPBSTimerDispatcher.bat 7.3 PROCESS BROKER SERVICES REQUIRES A JTA-ENABLED DRIVER and UPDATE POOL SIZE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Process Broker Services not run without the proper database driver and the connection pool size must be increased. RESOLUTION: After deploying, use the WebSphere Administration Console to update the JTA-enabled driver and the connection pool size DETAILS: After deploying User Registration, use the WebSphere Administration console to: 1. Select the WSBIDeploy application server. 2. Stop the WSBIDeploy application server. 3. Under the Gerneral tab, modify the database driver used by the BFMDataSoruce and set it to "JTA enabled". 4. Under the Advanced tab, modify the Maximum Connection Pool Size to be 30 (by default it is set to 10). 5. Apply the change. 6. Start the WSBIDeploy application server. 7.4 UPDATE BFM.PROPERTIES FILE TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: Business Flow Manager WebSphere Application Server. SYMPTOM: The Process Broker Services properties file will have mismatched forward and backward slashes. RESOLUTION: After deploying, edit the Process Broker Services Properties file to change backward slashes to forward slashes: wsbi_install_path\solution\properties\bfm.properties DETAILS: After deployment bfm.properties can be found in the \solution\properites directory. Edit the file searching for ":\" modifying it to ":/". See the the following example. (The example assumes that WSBI is installed on the D Drive with a root install name of WSBI. Make necessary adjustments for your system.) Change ... epicdefaulttaskcontrollerxmlfilename = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/defaultActivityController.xml epiccommandgroupxmlfilename = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/commandGroup.xml epiccommandxmlfilename = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/command.xml epicreceiverxmlfilename = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/receiver.xml TestAdocControllerXML = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/testAdocController.xml AutoActivityControllerXML = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/autoActivityController.xml NormalActivity1ActivityControllerXML = d:\wsbi/Solution/xml/normalActivity1ActivityController.xml ... To ... epicdefaulttaskcontrollerxmlfilename = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/defaultActivityController.xml epiccommandgroupxmlfilename = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/commandGroup.xml epiccommandxmlfilename = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/command.xml epicreceiverxmlfilename = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/receiver.xml TestAdocControllerXML = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/testAdocController.xml AutoActivityControllerXML = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/autoActivityController.xml NormalActivity1ActivityControllerXML = d:/wsbi/Solution/xml/normalActivity1ActivityController.xml ... =============================================================================== 8. CSD UNINSTALL CLEANUP =============================================================================== TOPOLOGIES: All. MACHINES: All Solution Studio Machines SYMPTOM: Only CWZ files created by Solution Studio will be removed during CSD uninstall. CWZ files created by the Wizard Registration wizard will not be removed by the Solution Studio uninstall program RESOLUTION: After uninstall of the CSD, check the \bin directory for any unwanted .cwz files and delete them by hand. The names will still show in the WebSphere Studio Wizard's menu. These names can be verified in the .cwz before deletion.