================================================================================ ================================================================================ == == == Fix pack 2 for IBM Document Connect for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino for == == Multiplatforms V2.0 == == == == Date: 2003-05-27 == == Version: (Build: 450, 2003-05-27) == == == == Find the newest information and updates at the Document Connect home page: == == == == http://www.ibm.com/software/applications/office/connect/index.html == == == ================================================================================ ================================================================================ 0 Contents ================================================================================ This file includes the following information: 1 Installation 1.1 Installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 1.2 Installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Domino V2 (Windows only) 1.3 Installing the listener update 2 Updating the configuration files 2.1 Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 2.2 Document Connect for Lotus Domino V2 3 Updating the databases 3.1 Updating a template database 3.1.1 Updating a template database without having installed fix pack 1 3.1.2 Updating a template database from fix pack 1 to fix pack 2 3.2 Updating an element definition database 3.3 Updating a field definition database 4 Trademarks 1 Installation ================================================================================ IBM Document Connect must be installed on the system where you want to install this fix pack. If you do not follow the necessary steps you may lose program elements from your source code repository or it will not function properly. 1.1 Installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Download the appropriate client fix pack (according to the installed language of Document Connect) to the Notes directory (preferred), for example C:\Notes, or to a temporary directory, for example C:\Temp. The fix pack is a self-extracting archive. Its file name depends on the language you have selected on the download page: - ibm-dc4notes-da-20100450-w32.exe (Danish) - ibm-dc4notes-nl-20100450-w32.exe (Dutch) - ibm-dc4notes-en-20100450-w32.exe (English) - ibm-dc4notes-fr-20100450-w32.exe (French) - ibm-dc4notes-de-20100450-w32.exe (German) - ibm-dc4notes-it-20100450-w32.exe (Italian) - ibm-dc4notes-no-20100450-w32.exe (Norwegian) - ibm-dc4notes-es-20100450-w32.exe (Spanish) Close Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino Designer and Lotus Domino Administrator and then run the self-extracting archive. If you have NOT downloaded the fix pack to the Notes directory, change the unzip folder to the Notes directory. Ensure the "Overwrite Files Without Prompting" check box is checked and click Unzip. After 21 files are extracted successfully, close the self-extracting archive. The downloaded file ibm-dc4notes-xx-20100450-w32.exe can be deleted now. Attention! If the data directory is not located in the Notes directory, a directory named 'data' is created in the Notes directory. While extracting, the following three files are written to this directory: - cdtmplxx.ntf - cdedefxx.ntf - cdfdefxx.ntf where xx is your language identifier. Copy these three files to your Notes data directory. When you are prompted to replace existing files while copying, select yes. Additionally, a directory structure data\domino\java is created in the Notes directory. While extracting, the file doc.jar is written to this directory. Copy this file to your Notes data\domino\java directory. When you are prompted to replace existing files while copying, select yes. You can verify successful installation by starting Lotus Notes. Select the menu Actions -> Document Connect Information. Check the Document Connect Version: (Build: 450, 2003-05-27). 1.2 Installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Domino V2 (Windows ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- only) ----- Download the appropriate server fix pack (according to the installed language of Document Connect) to the Domino directory (preferred), for example C:\Domino or to a temporary directory, for example C:\Temp. The fix pack is a self-extracting archive. Its file name depends on the language you have selected on the download page: - ibm-dc4domino-da-20100450-w32.exe (Danish) - ibm-dc4domino-nl-20100450-w32.exe (Dutch) - ibm-dc4domino-en-20100450-w32.exe (English) - ibm-dc4domino-fr-20100450-w32.exe (French) - ibm-dc4domino-de-20100450-w32.exe (German) - ibm-dc4domino-it-20100450-w32.exe (Italian) - ibm-dc4domino-no-20100450-w32.exe (Norwegian) - ibm-dc4domino-es-20100450-w32.exe (Spanish) Stop the Domino server and all Document Connect servers and then run the self-extracting archive. If you have NOT downloaded the fix pack to the Domino directory, change the unzip folder to the Domino directory. Ensure the "Overwrite Files Without Prompting" check box is checked and click Unzip. After 19 files are extracted successfully, close the self-extracting archive. The downloaded file ibm-dc4domino-xx-20100450-w32.exe can be deleted now. Attention! If the data directory is not located in the Domino directory, a directory structure data\domino\java is created in the Domino directory. While extracting, the file doc.jar is written to this directory. Copy this file to your Domino data\domino\java directory. When you are prompted to replace existing files while copying, select yes. You can verify successful installation by starting one of the Document Connect Servers (i.e. CMS Server). Check for version in the header. 1.3 Installing the listener update ---------------------------------- Download the Listener fix pack ibm-listener-ml-1005725-w32.exe to the Listener directory (preferred), for example C:\Listener or to a temporary directory, for example C:\Temp. The fix pack is a self-extracting archive. Stop the Listener and then run the self-extracting archive. If you have NOT downloaded the fix pack to the Listener directory, change the unzip folder to the Listener directory. Ensure the "Overwrite Files Without Prompting" check box is checked and click Unzip. After 9 files are extracted successfully, close the self-extracting archive. The downloaded file ibm-listener-ml-1005725-w32.exe can be deleted now. You can verify successful installation by starting the Listener (an active emulator session is needed). Select the menu Help -> About the 3270 Listener.... Check for version 2 Updating the configuration files ================================================================================ 2.1 Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 --------------------------------------- After installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 into the appropriate directories, you must adapt the configuration file located in the Notes directory. For Document Connect for Lotus Notes V2 this is: docJvms.ini In docJvms.ini, remove the following entry: MaxConcurrentUsers=XXX In docJvms.ini, add the following 2 lines: Trace=off Logfile=off Valid values for the trace and logfile entries are "on" or "off". 2.2 Document Connect for Lotus Domino V2 ---------------------------------------- After installing the fix pack for Document Connect for Lotus Domino V2 into the appropriate directories, you must adapt the configuration file located in the Domino directory. For Document Connect for Lotus Domino these are: docCms0.ini (also docCms1.ini, docCms2.ini, docCms3.ini, if used) docJvms.ini docPs.ini docPsa.ini In each of the above files, remove the following entry: MaxConcurrentUsers=XXX In each of the above files, add the following 2 lines (in docPsa.ini in the [Java Print Server Agent Settings] section): Trace=off Logfile=off Valid values for the trace and logfile entries are "on" or "off". Additionally, you must adapt the servlet configuration file docCmsServlet.ini located in the Domino directory. In the [Composition Management Servlet Settings] section, add the following line: DoubleClickDelay=1 Valid values for the DoubleClickDelay are whole numbers greater than zero and are specified in seconds. 3 Updating the databases ================================================================================ 3.1 Updating a template database -------------------------------- Document Connect template databases are Notes databases (.nsf files) created by you to contain your document templates and elements. For example, the sample database shipped with Document Connect (docsampledben.nsf) is a template database. To update the design of each of your Document Connect template databases, use the Document Connect Refresh Design option. Do NOT use the Refresh Design option of Notes! Perform the following steps: 1. If your Notes data directory is not located in the Notes directory, please ensure you have copied the new .ntf files to your data directory (see topic 1.1 above). 2. Open Lotus Notes where the fix pack and the Document Connect template database is installed locally. 3. Open the workspace and then the workspace page where the database icon of the template database you want to update is located. Alternatively you can open the bookmarks pane if you have a bookmark for the database. 4. It is recommended that you create a backup of your database before refreshing the design. For this you can use the Database -> New Copy... function of Lotus Notes or you can create a backup copy of the database file using Windows Explorer. 5. Keep in mind that while refreshing the design, all design elements found in the updated template cdtmplxx.ntf are copied to your Document Connect template database. Be sure that you do not overwrite changes you made to the design elements in your Document Connect template database. Keep in mind that it is recommended you make no changes to these design elements. It is recommended that you create a copy of the default Document Connect design element and then make your changes in the copy. 6. Open the database and then close it again. In the menu bar select Actions -> Document Connect Refresh Design. If the database contains a lot of design elements, this operation can take some time. When the database opens the operation has finished successfully. Because only the design elements shipped with Document Connect are copied to your Document Connect template database you need to manually update any copies you've made of these elements. If you have not installed fix pack 1 (Version:, Build: 381, 2002-07-29), proceed with 3.1.1 to first apply the fix pack 1 changes your template database. Then proceed with 3.1.2 to apply the fix pack 2 changes. If you have already installed fix pack 1, you should already have applied the fix pack 1 changes to your copies of the default Document Connect design elements. Proceed with 3.1.2 to update your template database to fix pack 2. 3.1.1 Updating a template database without having installed fix pack 1 The following list contains all changed elements, a description of what has been changed in each, and which manual actions are needed to update your copies to fix pack 1: - Form CDTemplate (Web). This form is used when creating a new template in the database (Actions -> Document Connect Create new template...). When this action is selected one document is created in the database (the entry you see in the view), and three forms are created. If you, for example, create a template with the template name "SimpleLetter", the forms SimpleLetter (Notes), SimpleLetter (Web), and .SimpleLetter are created. The form SimpleLetter (Web) is created by copying the form CDTemplate (Web). So you need to update all forms ending with (Web). What must be updated: In your templates, find the function getName() with the statement: _cdBrowser = n.appName + " " + n.appVersion + " on " + n.platform; After this add the statement: _cdBrowser = _cdBrowser.replace (/\s/g,"%20"); You can compare with form CDTemplate (Web) to make sure your changes are correct. - Form .cdBasicEventsAndActions. In this form, the action Archive (pos. 3, client action), the action Save as Draft (pos. 4, client action) and the action Send as E-mail (pos. 21, web action) have been changed. If you have not made changes to them you can copy the whole action from the form .cdBasicEventsAndActions to your copies of this form. Otherwise you must go into the code and look for the change code @06a for actions Archive and Save as Draft and update the statements in your copies equally. In Archive this is line 65 and in Save as Draft line 25. For action Send as E-Mail, the Hide When formula has changed. - All agents. The Run Agent as Web user setting in the agents properties at the Design pane has been disabled. - Agent ArchiveAgent. See change code @03 in line 28 in the Initialize event. 3.1.2 Updating a template database from fix pack 1 to fix pack 2 The following list contains all changed elements, a description what has been changed in each, and which manual actions are needed to update your copies from fix pack 1 to fix pack 2: - Form .cdBasicEventsAndActions - Action Preview (client): -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @03. Documents created by Document Connect are now signed by the current user. Check your Notes client security settings in the ECL. - Action Print (client): -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @02. -> Update path to start database, see change code @03. If the Notes data directory was different between client users, the draft documents from one user could not be printed from another user. - Action Archive (client): -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @03. - Action Save as Draft (client): -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @03. -> Save as Draft does not work when DB is on server, see change code @04. Composing documents with Document Connect for Lotus Notes is possible too, if the database is on a Domino server. In this case Save as Draft did not work properly. - Action Send as E-Mail (client): -> Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @01. All language resources now can be found in the new script library docResources. -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @02. - Action Export to Editor (client): -> Avoid document to be signed by - No Signature -, see change code @01. - Action Close Without Saving (client): -> Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @01. - Action Back (client): -> Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @01. - Two empty and hidden Actions added between client actions, default actions and web actions. - Action Submit & View (web): -> Modified hide when settings. Action is now hidden in draft documents. - Action Edit Document (web): -> Modified click formula. When working with draft documents, changes are saved when previewing the document. A backup document is created when this button is clicked. -> Modified hide when settings. - Action Save (web): -> New action Update the backup document. - Action Save & Close (web): -> New action. Delete the backup document. - Action Send as E-Mail (web): -> Modified click formula. Update the backup document. - Action Close (web): -> Add Listener support. -> Modified hide when settings. Action only visible in read mode. - Action Close Without Save (web): -> New action. Close the document when in edit mode. Restore the backup document. - Action Back To Templates (web): -> Add Listener support. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. Composing documents with the Web browser allowed to double or multi click the web action buttons which leads to HTTP error messages at the Domino server console, multiple saved documents in the draft database and so on. With this modification, it is now possible to perform input validation checks in JavaScript. See JS Header. - Form .cdDialogPrinterSettingsWeb. - Form completely reworked. - Add support for print driver list. - Add support for local print. - Add support for Listener. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Form .cdDialogWebMessage. - Field _cdListener: -> New field. - Action Back To Templates (web): -> Add Listener support. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Form .cdEditInIE. - Form event JS Header: -> Modified some functions. - Form event cdCompositionLogic -> Add Listener support. - Modified webEditor.doInit() statement in form -> Parameter for method 'webEditor.mapFontSize()' must be a positive value. - Form .cdPromptDataKeyTemplate. - Field _cdListener: -> New field. - Action Cancel (web): -> Add Listener support. - Action Back (web): -> Add Listener support. - Reorder actions: -> Client actions moved up, web actions down. Order is now the same as in .cdBasicEventsAndActions. Two empty and hidden Actions added. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Form .cdPromptEditDataTemplate. - Field _cdListener: -> New field. - Action Cancel (web): -> Add Listener support. - Action Back (web): -> Add Listener support. - Reorder actions: -> Client actions moved up, web actions down. Order is now the same as in .cdBasicEventsAndActions. Two empty and hidden Actions added. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Form .cdPromptNewDataTemplate. - Field _cdListener: -> New field. - Action Cancel (web): -> Add Listener support. - Action Back (web): -> Add Listener support. - Reorder actions: -> Client actions moved up, web actions down. Order is now the same as in .cdBasicEventsAndActions. Two empty and hidden Actions added. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Form .cdPromptShowDataTemplate. - Field _cdListener: -> New field. - Action Cancel (web): -> Add Listener support. - Action Back (web): -> Add Listener support. - Reorder actions: -> Client actions moved up, web actions down. Order is now the same as in .cdBasicEventsAndActions. Two empty and hidden Actions added. - Form events JS Header and onLoad: -> New events. - Agent ArchiveAgent. - Add support for the backup document, see change code @04. - Add support for Listener, see change code @05. - Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @06. - Agent PrintAgent. - Add support for print driver list, see change code @02. - Add support for the backup document, remove field Form see change code @03. - Add support for Listener, see change code @04. - Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @05. - Agent RemoveTmpDocsAgent. - Agent completely reworked with Lotus Script. - Agent SaveAsDraftAgent. - Add support for Listener, see change code @03. - Remove all language dependent stuff, see change code @04. 3.2 Updating an element definition database ------------------------------------------- The Document Connect element definition database is named cdEDefxx.nsf, where xx is your language identifier. In most cases, you should only have one unique copy of this database with multiple replicas (one for each administrator, for example.) To update the design of the Document Connect element definition database, use the Refresh Design option of Notes. Perform the following steps: 1. If your Notes data directory is not located in the Notes directory, please ensure you have copied the new .ntf file to your data directory (see topic 1.1 above). 2. Open Lotus Notes where the fix pack and a local replica of the element definition database are installed. 3. Open the workspace and then the workspace page where the database icon of the element database you want to update is located. Alternatively you can open the bookmarks pane if you have a bookmark for the database. 4. It is recommended that you create a backup of your database before refreshing the design. For this you can use the Database -> New Copy... function of Lotus Notes or you can create a backup copy of the database file using Windows Explorer. 5. Right click the database icon / bookmark and select Database -> Refresh Design... 6. Select Local as Server and click OK. 7. When you are asked to proceed with the refresh click Yes. 3.3 Updating a field definition database ---------------------------------------- The Document Connect field definition database is named cdFDefxx.nsf, where xx is your language identifier. In most cases, you should only have one unique copy of this database with multiple replicas (one for each administrator, for example.) To update the design of the Document Connect field definition database use the Refresh Design option of Notes. The necessary steps are the same as described in 2.3. Ensure you select the database icon / bookmark of your field definition database. 4 Trademarks ================================================================================ The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both: Lotus Notes is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ == == == E N D O F D O C U M E N T == == == ================================================================================ ================================================================================