================================================================================ Handling of Customization Files (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved Licensed Materials - Property of IBM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ================================================================================ (A) Customization files are files where a customer can change / customize IBM programs based on the documentations for his/her own purposes. These files are called IBM customization files which become CUSTOMIZED customization files when the customer did changes. (B) IBM provides IBM customization files in the subdirectory "custom" For the INITIAL installation the subdirectory contains the following files doccustomer.js doccustom1.xsl doccustom2.xsl doccustom.css docresume1.xsl Customer must backup this files for example with suffix 0000 Customer can then change the files according to his/her needs in compilance with the description made in the files by IBM. So the files become CUSTOMIZED customization files. (C) For a PTF installation the subdirectory "custom" contains the following files doccustomer.js.mmmm doccustom1.xsl.mmmm doccustom2.xsl.mmmm doccustom.css.mmmm docresume1.xsl.mmmm where mmmm is a unique 4-digit number. Customer must compare new IBM customization files (with suffix mmmm) with previously saved IBM customization files. If there are changes between new and saved customized files, customer must use new IBM customization files. If applicable, customer must follow-up / reimplement the changes which he/she did previously in the new customization files Thus he/she updates CUSTOMIZED customization files