Statistical Support - Macro Library
SPSS Macros
Gives adjusted means and post-hoc tests for ANCOVA models with a single factor.
Gives large sample normal theory 95% confidence interval for a proportion
Gives the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test for a binary logistic regression model on case by case data.
Gives intraclass correlations for reliability of a single rater, mean of raters and test of null population values for all three models discussed by Shrout and Fleiss.
Gives estimates of common odds ratio for a 2x2xK table and Mantel-Haenszel test for value of 1 for this value.
Gives the multi-rater Kappa statistic and associated error estimate discussed by Siegel and Castellan.
Gives Cohen's Kappa and associated error estimates for non-square two way tables.
Gives post-hoc tests for a one way repeated measures or within subjects analysis of variance model
Gives the large sample normal theory test of equality of two independent proportions, along with 95% confidence interval on difference in proportions.