The FORMATCOLUMNS command expands the number of data columns when processed.
number | Expected number of columns that are encountered for formatting purposes. |
This command expands the number of data columns when processed. Before any data column members are added, the report assumes only one data column. FORMATCOLUMNS and other commands that refer to column numbers automatically expand the number of data columns when processed. FORMATCOLUMNS formats the report page set-up for a predetermined number of data columns for text and heading set-up.
This command does not actually limit the number of output columns as FIXCOLUMNS does. For example, a TEXT command used to center text can be issued before the addition of members that define the data columns, so centering would be off unless FORMATCOLUMNS is used to indicate the expected number of columns.
{ FORMATCOLUMNS 10 } sets up an expected report size of 10 columns for formatting purposes.
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