The CURRENCY command performs on-the-fly currency conversions in a report.
<CURRENCY targetCurrency
targetCurrency | Currency and currency type to display in the report. Currency type
is optional. Up to four members (at most one from each currency database
dimension) in a cross-dimensional member (->)
For example: US$, or FFrancs->Actual->Jun99 |
This command converts the data values in the report to the targetCurrency and causes the currency heading to be displayed in the final report with the page heading. This does not convert the data in the database, only in the report.
If the <CURRENCY command is not used, the data is reported as it is currently stored in the database. Typically, the Database is set up with currency conversions performed, so no additional conversion is required. The <CURRENCY command is primarily for ad hoc currency translations.
<PAGE (Market, Measures, Scenario) Illinois Sales Budget <COLUMN (Year) <CHILDREN Qtr1 <CURRENCY US$ <ICHILDREN Colas !This example produces the following report:
Currency: US$ Illinois Sales Budget Jan Feb Mar ======== ======== ======== 100-10 360 370 380 100-20 240 260 280 100-30 #Missing #Missing #Missing 100 600 630 660
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