The BOTTOM command returns rows with the lowest values of a specified data column.
BOTTOM ([<rowgroupDimension>,]<rows>, <column>)
(<rowgroupDimension> | Optional row grouping dimension that determines the rows to sort as a set. |
<rows> | Positive integer number of rows to be returned; must be greater than 0. |
<column> | @DATACOL (<colnumber>) | @DATACOLUMN (<colnumber>)
where <colnumber> is the target column number; must be between 1 and the maximum number of columns in the report. |
The row grouping dimension has a default of the inner row.
This command sorts the result set by the value of the specified data column in descending order.
Rows containing #MISSING values in the sort column are discarded from the result set before BOTTOM is applied.
You can use TOP and BOTTOM, ORDERBY and RESTRICT in the same report script, but you can use each command only once per report. If you repeat the same command in a second report in the same report script, the second command overwrites the first. Place global script formatting commands before a PAGE, COLUMN command or associated member (for example, <ICHILDREN or <IDESCENDANTS). Avoid using row formatting commands with BOTTOM.
If any of the ORDERBY, TOP, BOTTOM, or RESTRICT commands exist together in a report script, the row group dimension <rowgroupDimension> should be the same. This prevents confusion about the sorting and ordering of rows within a row group. Otherwise, an error is issued.
The ORDERBY, TOP, and BOTTOM commands sort a report output by its data values. The RESTRICT command restricts the number of valid rows for the report output. Their order of execution is:
You can use configurable variables to specify the size of the internal server buffers used for storing and sorting the extracted data. The ReptKByteBuf, ReptKByteSortBuf, and NumericPrecision variables affect the way the RESTRICT, TOP, and BOTTOM commands work. For more information on configurable variables, see the Database Administrator's Guide.
<Page (Market, Accounts, Scenario) Chicago Sales Actual <Bottom (5, @DataCol(4)) <Column(Year) <Ichildren Year <Row(Product) <Idescendants Product ! <Bottom (3, @DataCol(1)) {Indentgen 3} Boston Sales Actual <Ichildren Year <Idescendants Product !Which produces the following report based on the Demo Basic sample database:
Chicago Sales Actual Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Year ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Television 4,410 4,001 4,934 6,261 19,606 VCR 3,879 3,579 4,276 4,877 16,611 Compact_Disc 3,150 3,021 3,032 3,974 13,177 Camera 2,506 2,522 2,602 3,227 10,857 Stereo 2,591 2,476 2,567 3,035 10,669
Boston Sales Actual Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Year ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Compact_Disc 3,290 3,034 3,132 3,571 13,027 Stereo 2,450 2,341 2,377 2,917 10,085 Camera 2,230 2,255 2,266 3,162 9,913
The following example uses the ORDERBY, TOP, BOTTOM, and RESTRICT functions:
<TOP ("Year", 10, @Datacol(2)) {Width 15} {Decimal 2} {OutAltNames} <BOTTOM ("Year", 5, @DataCol(2)) <OutMBrAlt <Column(Scenario) {SupBrackets} Actual Budget "Variance %" <RESTRICT (@DataCol(2) > 3000 and @DataCol(1) < 3500) <Row(Year, Product) <Idescendants Product <Children Year <OrderBy ( "Year",@DataCol(1), @DataCol(2) Desc) !Which produces the following report based on the Sample Basic sample database:
Measures Market Actual Budget Variance % ============== ============== ============== Qtr2 100-20 Diet Cola 1,534.00 21,010.00 -38.15 100-20 Diet Cola 1,534.00 21,010.00 -38.15 300-30 Diet Cream 2,723.00 3,100.00 -12.16 300-30 Diet Cream 2,723.00 3,100.00 -12.16 Qtr4 300-30 Diet Cream 2,820.00 3,080.00 -8.44 300-30 Diet Cream 2,820.00 3,080.00 -8.44 200-20 Diet Root 2,834.00 3,790.00 -25.22 200-20 Diet Root 2,834.00 3,790.00 -25.22 Qtr1 200-20 Diet Root 2,963.00 3,600.00 -17.69 Qtr2 200-20 Diet Root 3,079.00 3,640.00 -15.41 200-20 Diet Root 3,079.00 3,640.00 -15.41 Qtr3 200-20 Diet Root 3,149.00 3,700.00 -14.89 200-20 Diet Root 3,149.00 3,700.00 -14.89 400-10 Grape 3,201.00 3,090.00 3.59 300-10 Dark Cream 3,355.00 3,730.00 -10.05
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