
The @PARENTVAL() function returns the parent values of the member being calculated in the specified dimension.


@PARENTVAL (dimName [, mbrName])

dimNameSingle dimension name specification that defines the focus dimension of parent values.
mbrNameOptional. Any valid single member name or member combination, or a function that returns a single member or member combination.


This example is based on the Sample Basic database. The formula calculates Market Share for each state by taking each state's Sales value as a percentage of Sales for East (its parent) as a whole. Market Share->East is calculated as East's percentage of its parent, Market.

"Market Share" = Sales % @PARENTVAL(Market,Sales);

This example produces the following report:

                  Cola     Actual    Jan	
                  Sales     Market Share
                  =====     ============
New York           678         37.42
Massachusetts      494         27.26
Florida            210         11.59
Connecticut        310         17.11
New Hampshire      120          6.62
  East            1812         37.29

Market            4860        100

See Also


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