The current release of the Essbase API supports the following compilers:
Windows 95/98 (32-bit) | Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 or later |
Windows NT on Intel |
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler for Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 or later and Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 |
HP-UX | Hewlett Packard C compiler for HP-UX Version 10.01 or later |
AIX | IBM C compiler for AIX Version 3.1.2 or later |
Solaris | Solaris C/C++ compiler Version 3.0.1 or later |
The current release of the Essbase API supports the following platforms:
Windows 32-bit | Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or later |
HP-UX | Version 11.0 or later |
AIX | Version 4.3.3 or later |
Solaris | Version 2.6, 2.7 |
The Essbase API uses its own naming conventions for functions, constants, and data types. To ensure compatibility with future releases of the API, use these constants and data type declarations in your program.
An Essbase API function name describes the action the function performs. A name is made of a prefix that represents the interface, followed by one or more words or fragments that describes the action and its object. The parts of the name are not separated by spaces but are capitalized for easier interpretation. Names follow this format:
Format and Parts of Name | Example |
InterfaceVerbObject | Interface |
Programming interface | EssCreateGroup |
Ess = C API | EssUpdate = C API |
Esb = Visual Basic API | EsbUpdate = Visual Basic API |
EssOtl = C Outline API | EssOtlOpenOutline = C Outline API |
EsbOtl = Visual Basic Outline API | EsbOtlOpenOutline = Visual Basic Outline API |
EssG = C Grid API | EssGSetGridOption = C Grid API |
Verb Action to perform, such as "Report" | EssReportFile (no verb) sends the report |
Object Object of action, such as "Group" | EssUpdate (no Object) acts on the current object |
An Essbase API data structure name begins with a prefix that represents the interface, includes a word or fragment that describes the structure, and ends with a suffix indicating either typedef definition or macro. Underscore characters separate the parts of the name. Names follow this format:
Format and Parts of Name | Example |
Interface_Name_Type | Interface |
Programming interface, either ESS or ESB | EssCreateGroup |
Verb Data type, such as STR (string) | ESB_BOOL_T = Visual Basic typdef for Boolean |
Type Type of structure, either T (typedef definition) or M (macro) |
ESS_STR_T = C language typedef for String |
An Essbase C API constant name begins with the prefix ESS that represents the C interface, includes a word that describes the constant, and has no suffix. Underscore characters separate the parts of the name. Names follow this format:
Format and Parts of | Example |
Structure Data type or structure field, such as "Boolean" |
ESS_Structure_Value |
Value Type of value the constant stores | ESS_STS_NOERROR could store a value for the ESS_STS_T data type |
To use the Essbase API in your program, you must include the file that contains API definitions. This section describes the files you need for the C or Visual Basic API.
Note: See API Libraries for information on the Essbase files you need to distribute with your completed applications.
To use the Essbase API in a C program, you must include the API header definitions file (ESSAPI.H) in the appropriate source modules. Always include this file after any C run-time library header files. If you are programming in the Windows environment, place ESSAPI.H after the Windows include file WINDOWS.H.
If you are using an encapsulated C development environment, such as Microsoft Visual C++, you should check the compiler and linker options carefully to ensure that the Essbase API will work correctly. In particular, you must ensure that structure fields are byte-aligned, and that the correct libraries are used (using the large memory model on Intel X86 platforms). In addition, don't forget to include the appropriate Essbase API library in your link process.
To use the Essbase API in a Visual Basic program, you must include the ESB32.BAS file for 32-bit programs. This file contains the constant definitions and declarations for all Essbase functions. You can use the file as shipped, or customize it to meet the needs of your application.
To use ESB32.BAS,
The Essbase API is supported on the HP-UX, AIX, and Solaris platforms. This section provides the following information needed to compile an application program using the Essbase API on UNIX:
The Essbase API for UNIX uses the standard C library memory allocation functions, malloc(), realloc(), and free(), as the default memory functions. You use the default memory functions if you pass NULLs in the AllocFunc, ReallocFunc, and FreeFuncfields of the ESS_INIT_T initialization structure. See Using Memory in C Programs for more information.
EssAutoLogin() is not supported in the UNIX versions of the Essbase API.
Be sure to follow UNIX file-naming conventions when using UNIX versions of the Essbase API.
This section provides information specific to HP-UX.
For a listing of files supplied with Essbase API for HP-UX, see API Libraries.
All .sl files should be located in a directory specified in the LPATH search path. For example, the LPATH variable can be set to: .:/lib:/usr/lib:$ARBORPATH/lib
Alternatively, you can use the -L flag to tell the linker where to locate the shared library:
$(CC) file1.o file2.o -L /essbase/lib -lessapi \ $(LIBS) -o
All libess*.sl files are linked with the +s flag which allows you to use the SHLIB_PATH search path to locate the shared library when the linked program is run. For further information about LPATH and SHLIB_PATH, please check HP-UX programming documentation.
With the Hyperion Essbase 6.0 release, you must use aCC to link your program to maintain compatibility with the third party libraries used with Essbase. If you are using Hyperion Essbase 5.0.2 as the server version, you should continue to use the ld compiler for linking.
With HP-UX, you can run Essbase using dynamic or static libraries. This section provides sample make files for both.
The LPATH environment variable must be properly set before you execute a make file. For information on setting the LPATH variable, see the Hyperion Essbase Installation Guide.
The following sample shows a make file for HP-UX if you are using dynamic libraries. This example compiles and links the first sample program.
# Include File Paths INCS='-I/home/hyperion/essbase/api/include -I/usr/include' # Compiler Flags CFLAGS='-g -Ae -D_REENTRANT' # Library files LIBS='-lpthread -lndbm -ldld -lm -L/home/hyperion/essbase/api/lib -lessapi -lglobalc -lesssm -lesssd' # Compile and link commands cc ${INCS} ${CFLAGS} -c cs1.c aCC -Wl,+s cs1.o ${LIBS} -ocs1 $@
The library automatically includes,,, and, so you need to specify only (or -lessapi) when linking. However, all .sl files must be available at run time.
The following sample shows a make file for HP-UX if you are using static libraries. This example compiles and links the first sample program.
# Include File Paths INCS='-I/home/hyperion/essbase/api/include -I/usr/include' # Compiler Flags CFLAGS='-g -Ae -D_REENTRANT' # Library files LIBS='-lpthread -lndbm -lrt -lm -L/home/hyperion/essbase/api/lib -l:libessapi.a -l:libessnet.a -l:libesssd.a -l:libessshr.a -l:libessutl.a -l:libessotl.a -l:libglobalc.a' # Compile and link commands cc ${INCS} ${CFLAGS} -c cs1.c aCC -Wl,+s cs1.o ${LIBS} -ocs1 $@
The .a libraries are static. You need to specify all of them when linking. However, they don't need to be available at run time.
Note: Use the -Wl and -aarchive parameters only if your dynamic and static libraries are stored in the same directory.
This section provides AIX-specific information.
For a listing of files supplied with Essbase API for AIX, see API Libraries.
This section provides Solaris-specific information.
For a listing of files supplied with Essbase API for Solaris, see API Libraries.
Note: The dynamic libraries for the Solaris API are delivered with names of the form *.so.1. When compiling, Solaris looks for filenames of the form *.so. You can rename the *.so.1 files to *.so, or establish symbolic links with names of the form *.so and link them to the *.so.1 library files.
You can link Solaris API programs using dynamic or shared libraries.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/lib:$ARBORPATH"
The following sample shows a command line to compile and link a Solaris API program:
cc sample.c -D_REENTRANT -o sample -lm -ldl -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread \ -L/home/hyperion/essbase/api/lib \ -lessapi -lessnet -lessotl -lessshr -lesssql -lessutl
By default, the linking program uses shared libraries. If you want to link static libraries, use the -B static flag on the cc command. For example:
cc -B static sample.c -D_REENTRANT -o sample -lm -ldl -lsocket -lnsl -lpthread \ -L/home/hyperion/essbase/api/lib \ -lessapi -lessnet -lessotl -lessshr -lessutl
Although shared libraries are used by default, the cc command also accepts -B dynamic as a parameter to specify dynamic libraries.