IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 is
available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started
issues are addressed.
IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 updates
a suite of applications that support the creation, authoring, and
editing of surveys that are used for conducting phone interviews,
web interviews, and face-to-face interviews. IBM SPSS Data Collection
Server 6 Patch 1 updates the following products:
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration — used for running a variety of Data Collection Web activities
on a project of your choice. It provides management and maintenance
facilities for editing projects, user administration, generating usage
reports, and managing logs.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Web Interviews — a collection
of associated applications and activities that are used to build and
run Web-based interviewing questionnaires.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Phone Interviews — a collection
of associated applications and activities that are used to build and
run phone-based interviewing questionnaires.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Author Server Edition —
used for creating and previewing surveys for use in a variety of output
formats. Author Server Edition is deployed from the Interviewer Server.
When you have created your survey, you can activate it to an Interviewer
Server or open it in Paper to format it and add scanning control information.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Server Edition — a survey and market research analysis tool that provides
options for creating tables and analyzing the data collected from
surveys. Survey Reporter Server Edition is deployed from the Interviewer
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit —
provides a server installation of the components needed to automate
the processing of data management and analysis scripts. This enables
organizations to benefit from the additional processing power of a
server when running large numbers of scripts.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Tabulation — a browser-based
survey and market research analysis tool. Web Reports for Surveys
provides options for creating tables and analyzing the data collected
from surveys.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Dialer Connection — provides
a connection to Dialer, an autodialer for Computer Assisted Telephone
Interviewing (CATI).
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Remote Administration —
an Interviewer Server activity allows you to monitor the remote interviewers
working on a given project. Remote Administration is the server component
of IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer, which remote interviewers
use to conduct interviews and synchronize their data. The activity
provides status information on each remote interviewer, including
the number of interviews completed, the number of suspended interviews,
and the last time the interviewer synchronized.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Data Model — acts as a
data access framework that sits between applications and data stored
in various formats or database schemas. You can consider the Data
Model to be an interpreting or translation service that enables an
application to understand the data. This capacity of the Data Model,
together with its open architecture, removes the data storage and
access restrictions of older, proprietary architectures.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection Developer Library (DDL) —
an information-rich resource for anyone learning about and working
with Data Collection products. The DDL comes with a number of samples,
including scripts, tools, example data, and source code.
New features
IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch
1 provides the following new features:
Refer to Readme.txt in the root installation directory
for information pertaining to the IBM SPSS Data Collection license
Compatibility issues with earlier versions
with The IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6, the following features
are no longer supported:
Patch 1
Author role-based access
IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 provides new activity
features to support role-based access to the Author application. Role-based
access allows you to customize and manage permissible tasks assigned
to Author users. Role-based limitations restrict users from viewing,
editing, and adding components in a survey without the proper privileges.
Role-based access applies to both the desktop and web-deployed versions
of Author when the application accesses projects that are located
in IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration.
The new activity features require an Interviewer Server Administration
administrator to manually add the features to the appropriate users
and roles. Refer to the Assigning users or roles to activity features topic in the IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration
User's Guide for more information.
Version 6 GA
Server activities
System requirements and installation
When you run the
IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 installer on your machine,
it will verify which applications are installed, and install only
the required files for the applications currently installed. If no
applications are installed, you must first install the appropriate
applications from the IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 installation
- Ensure that you backup all customizable files prior to installing
the patch. For example, many of the application configuration files
can be customized to meet your business requirements. The patch will
overwrite these files.
- The patch updates the Users and Roles table schema. As such, you
should manually backup your mrUserData database before installing
the patch.
- The patch updates user management SQL. If user management SQL
has ever been configured in the Windows registry, you should manually
backup your user management SQL.
- Ensure all applications are closed before starting the patch installation.
The IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 installer may initiate
a system reboot to complete the installation procedure.
Do not attempt to install IBM
SPSS Data Collection Server 6 Patch 1 over the following products:
- Release 5.6 or earlier Data Collection products.
Installing the patch
Copy the IBM SPSS Data Collection
Server 6.00.010.exe file to your computer, and double click the
file. You will need to have administrative privileges, and if you
installed the products using a specific user, you should log on to
the machine as that user to install the patch.
Install patch
updates for Survey Tabulation Export Components
On each Survey
Tabulation client computer that requires the patch updates, double
click the appropriate language file (for example, SurveyTabulationExports_en.msi for the English language version). Before continuing, the exports
installer will ask if you want to proceed with the installation. Note
that you need to install the patch updates for Survey Tabulation Export
Components only if the client computer’s browser settings do
not allow Survey Tabulation to download the export components from
the Survey Tabulation server.
Post-installation steps
- If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x or above, you
may experience various issues when using the Data Collection Server
applications. You can avoid these issues by adding the appropriate
Data Collection Server application URLs to the Internet Explorer 8.x
Compatibility View list. Refer to the Compatibility View topic on the Microsoft Internet Explorer 8: Features website for more information.
- If you install the Data Collection Server patch onto a machine
that is running Survey Tabulation, and you have set up Survey Tabulation
to use SSL accelerators, you must recreate the Webservice.wsdl file
by following the instructions in topic Setting up Survey Tabulation
to use SSL Accelerators in the IBM SPSS Data Collection Server
6 Installation Instructions (available in the Data Collection Developer
Library or from the IBM Support site).
- When using multiple web servers, change the registry settings
and VariableCacheDir
to point
to a single location for all running servers, in the form
- When running Survey Tabulation Front End server and the web service
on different machines, if the host in the URL used to launch Survey
Tabulation is different from the host of the web service, change the
security settings for Internet Explorer. Open Internet Options | Security,
and check that Access data sources across domains is enabled
for the zone (even if the GUI and the Web Service are on the same
- After the Data Collection Server patch has been installed, all
users who connect to Interviewer Server Administration using Internet
Explorer must clear the Internet Explorer cache before running the
Survey Tabulation activity.
- If you install the Data Collection Server patch onto a machine
that has Interviewer Server Administration installed, you will need
to reset IIS on that machine. The installation procedure will tell
you if this is necessary and will give you the opportunity to cancel
the installation if this is not an appropriate time to reset IIS.
- If you install the Data Collection Server patch onto machines
running the Interview Engine, or the
or mrPerfMonitoring
services, you are advised either to stop
and restart these services or to reboot the machine once the installation
is complete. If a reboot is necessary the installation procedure will
tell you.
- After installing the patch, Internet Information Services (IIS)
must be reset. Refer to the Resetting IIS topic in the Data
Collection Developer Library for more information.
Uninstalling the patch
You cannot use the Windows
Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs feature to uninstall
the patch. If you need to uninstall the patched applications, you
can do so by running the patch executable file.
- IBM SPSS Data Collection does not support products patched at
different levels. When the patch installer prompts you to select which
products to upgrade, any products currently installed on your system
are selected by default. If you elect not to patch a product installed
on your system, the patch installer removes that product.
- When you install the patch, it will add an entry to the Windows
Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs list, indicating that
it is present.
- If Windows automatically repairs an IBM SPSS Data Collection Server
6 product after the patch has been installed, you will need to uninstall
and install the patch again in order to restore the patched files
for the repaired product. A repair will typically occur only after
one or more product files have been deleted. When a repair takes place,
the product installation dialog may appear after you start an IBM
SPSS Data Collection product, and details of the repair may also be
logged in the Windows event log.
- If you uninstall the patch, it will delete all the new files that
it installed but it cannot restore the original versions of files
that it updated. Therefore, uninstalling the patch can result in IBM
SPSS Data Collection products that do not work correctly.
For information on system requirements, see the IBM SPSS
Data Collection Server 6 Installation Guide. The guide is located
on the IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 installation DVD at: DVD:/Documentation/<language>/Server_Installation_Guide.pdf
At time of publication, the following
issues were known:
- Focus is lost when selecting or inputting the FMROOT location,
on the File Management Folder installation step, when performing a
cluster installation.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00138069.
- Customize instances are removed after upgrading the software.
Instances were introduced in DPM for the purpose of load balancing
in version 5.6. When upgrading from version 5.6 to 6, the installation
process removes the 5.6 installation, resulting in the removal of
all installed instances (including custom instances) from each server
in the cluster. You will need to recreate any custom instances on
each server in the cluster after upgrading to IBM SPSS Data Collection
Server 6.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00145325.
- The Running and DPMAdmin user passwords are stored in plain text
in the DataCollectionSitePrep.ini file. You can prevent this
by running the UpgradeInstallMSIFile.exe utility prior to installing
the server applications:
Note: The following instructions
must be performed prior to installing IBM SPSS Data Collection Server
6. If you have already installed IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6,
you can manually delete the passwords from the DataCollectionSitePrep.ini file.
- Copy the contents of the IBM SPSS Data Collection Server 6 DVD
to a local directory.
- Run the UpgradeInstallMSIFile.exe utility (located in the
root patch directory). The utility updates the IBM SPSS Data Collection
Server 6.msi file that you copied to a local directory. For example:
UpgradeInstallMSIFile.exe -FileName "C:\CD\Server\IBM
SPSS Data Collection Server 6.msi" -LogPath "C:\Installog"
- -FileName Specifies the MSI file to be updated. Provide
the path to the MSI file that you copied to a local directory.
- -LogPath Specifies the log file path (optional). The default
log path is current directory. The log file name is UpgradeInstallMSIFile.log.
- After running the UpgradeInstallMSIFile.exe utility, install
the server applications by running the local IBM SPSS Data Collection
Server 6.msi file.
During installation, the server installer will decrypt/encrypt
passwords and update the DataCollectionSitePre.ini file. When
you install the server applications on a non-primary server from a
UNC path, you must ensure that the running user has write permission
for the DataCollectionSitePre.ini in the UNC path.
more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00153045.
Interviewer Server Administration
Project management
Interviewer Server
E-mail activity
Interview scripting
- If your interview templates are not being applied in Base Professional,
look for an error message in the log file created in the C:\Documents
and Settings\your Windows user name\Application Data\SPSS\DimensionNet\Logs
folder. You can also use the HTML Tidy menu option to ensure that
your templates contain well-formed XML.
- Questions do not appear in the interview if they are asked in
a function. This problem may occur if you attempt to present a repeated
set of questions on separate pages by using the
syntax. Only the last iteration of the loop appears in the interview.
Future versions of the interview scripting language may not support
the use of Ask()
and Show()
in a function,
so we recommend that you restructure the script so that these methods
do not appear inside a function.For more information, refer to
ClearQuest defect # ECM00069750.
- The contents of arrays disappear when navigating to a previous
question or restarting the interview, either after stopping the interview
or after timing out.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00045439.
Phone Participants activity
- When dialing predictively, Phone Participants can start working
in an unexpected manner if the interviewing engine fails when the
interview is on the last page and then completes. Attempting to reconnect
to the participant results in runtime error messages or instructions
to contact the interviewing supervisor.
For more information, refer
to ClearQuest defect # ECM00071225.
- Selecting the Transfer to Web call outcome after an engine
failover results in an error.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00138536.
General issues
- If the first row of a filtered grid does not contain all columns
then the column headings do not appear.
For more information, refer
to ClearQuest defect # ECM00046662 .
- In Web interviews, you are unable to use
even after adding key InterviewReview
. For more
information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00137341.
- You cannot use the relative reference symbol ^ when displaying
answers, to other questions, in the text or banner of another question.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00138326.
- The application pool may crash with the message Faulting application
w3wp.exe, version 6.0.3790.1830, faulting module mrIEngWS.dll, version, fault address 0x000153d0.
For more information,
refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00144243.
- Version 6 predict scripts are experiencing increased wait times
when run in a Data Collection 5.6 patch 3 production environment.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00146633.
- Some strings are not currently translated in the Interviewer Server
Administration and Interviewer Server activities.
For more information,
refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00149604.
Survey Tabulation
Load balancing
- A number of problems have been found when using Interviewer Server
Administration load balancing with Survey Tabulation. It is therefore
recommended that you do not use Interviewer Server Administration
load balancing with Survey Tabulation. Load balancing using other
methods, for example, IIS load balancing or hardware accelerators,
works correctly.
Exporting charts to Microsoft Word
General issues
- When text-only elements are used on the top axis of a table,
they are displayed as an empty column. You can work around this problem
by not using text-only elements on the top of the table. When variables
have these elements built in, you can remove them using the Edit Axis
dialog box when necessary.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00037702.
- A “RegisterAppWithDPM” error message is encountered
when re-installing Survey Tabulation via the Repair option.
more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00071374.
Author Server Edition
Note: Most of the known
problems in this section also apply to Author Desktop Edition
Questions pane
Shared Lists pane
- The context menu is missing for shared lists in the Shared Lists
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00029383.
- If the name of the shared list is the same as one of its responses'
names, the shared list cannot be attached to a question.
For more
information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00071286.
Question Repository
- The Question Repository features are only applicable when the
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services - Server Adapter for
Data Collection is installed on the appropriate IBM SPSS Collaboration
and Deployment Services server.
Refer to the topic “IBM
SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services - Server Adapter”
in the Data Collection Developer Library for more information.
- When inserting a question item with multiple routings, only the
first routing is inserted.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00029452.
- A misleading “not authorized” error message is displayed
when you fail to access a repository due to a problem with its configuration.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00103674.
- Question icons in the Routing or Question panes do not match the
icons in the Insert Questions drop-down box.
For more information,
refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00141755.
General issues
- After modifying a routing name, section name, or page name, you
cannot undo/redo the modification.
For more information, refer
to ClearQuest defect # ECM00071419.
- It is not possible to base an If..Goto on special responses.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00052020.
- A CATI routing activated through Author can change the question
order when imported into Interviewer Server - mrInterview.
more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00029392.
- Validating a document does not catch duplicate label declarations.
This can cause Interview Preview and Activate to Interviewer Server
- mrInterview to fail.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00052022.
- It is not currently possible to use numeric grids for If..Goto
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00052024.
- When performing an Edit | Replace, all instances are replaced,
instead of prompting to replace each found instance.
For more information,
refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00029402.
- The Questions pane is not correctly updated when copying questions
between Author instances.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00052241.
- Cannot display the correct page after using the script "LoopName.Ask()"
in the Routing Section.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00030673.
Survey Reporter Server Edition
Note: Most of
the known problems in this section also apply to the Survey Reporter
Desktop Edition
- You will occasionally encounter an error when populating results
using "Sort by Column Significance."
For more information, refer
to ClearQuest defect # ECM00029492.
- You cannot change a variable name, and then change the name back
to its original value.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest
defect # ECM00029499.
- When running table results from a .pkd file, Survey Reporter
ignores calculations done with the Keep and OP= options applied in
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00103423.
Data Model
- The Quantum DSC does not recognize { as a valid punch character.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect # ECM00025717.
- It is not possible to call web-service methods via the MSSoapClient
from mrScriptBasic.
For more information, refer to ClearQuest defect
# ECM00150207.
- There is currently no support for unbounded level variables that
exist under bounded level variables.
For more information, refer
to ClearQuest defect # ECM00135726.
Related information Technical Support is available to maintenance customers.
Customers may contact Technical Support for assistance in using products
or for installation help for one of the supported hardware environments.
To reach Technical Support, see the SPSS web site at
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IBM. 2000, 2011